When he got to the company, Du Ting got out of the car and went directly under the escort of the bodyguard.

Shen Yan doesn't feel left behind. Instead, he parks his car leisurely, and then goes to the front desk of the company to ask about the formalities.

"Sir, you go up the front passage and go straight to the third floor..." The front desk took notes and gave him a pass.

Shen Yan thought that the entry procedures would be completed soon, but he didn't expect that it would be so time-consuming. The Secretary said that the person in charge had something to do and asked him to wait on the sofa outside.

This wait is more than two hours.

Shen Yan didn't have breakfast. He was hungry. He glanced at the wall clock. It was almost eleven o'clock. It was almost lunch time.

"Wu ah Gu..."

The stomach screamed.

Shen Yan has a bad stomach. When he's hungry, his stomach sounds terrible. It's not the normal "Goo Goo" sound, but a strange bowel sound. It sounds like a ghost.

Shen Yan touched his stomach and couldn't wait. Seeing the Secretary coming out, he went to ask, "Miss, may I go in?"

The secretary looked at him and said with a smile, "director Yang is very busy. You have to wait a little longer." Step out, she fell back and whispered in Shen Yan's ear, "shall I buy you a cup of afternoon tea?"

"No more." Shen Yan is very helpless, because his skin looks pretty good, and he is accosted by beautiful women from time to time.

"I can help you." The Secretary said in a low voice, "director Yang has nothing to do, but he has been hanging on you all the time. Can't you understand?"

Shen Yan was stunned and said with a forced smile, "no need."

The first day he came to the company, he had no reason to say that he had a grudge with the "director Yang". It was obvious that Du Ting was not satisfied with him, so he informed director Yang in advance.

Ah, I should have tripped him up like this.

Is Du Ting too childish?

Shen Yan shook his head and went straight to the elevator. Let's go through the formalities in the afternoon. Let's eat the meal first.

The elevator numbers jump very slowly.

Shen Yan was a little impatient waiting.

At this time, the secretary came after him and said, "Mr. Wen, Du Shao asked you to go to the 13th floor."

He said that he was depressed and laughed. Du Ting was tossing him in a different way


With a smile and a sigh, Shen Yan took the special elevator to the 13th floor. As a result, he was blocked out of the door.

Each floor has a gate, and you need to swipe the employee card in. Shen Yan is not a regular employee, but he has a pass card in his hand, so he can brush it in.

But he couldn't get in the 13th floor.

After living for a long time, Shen Yan had no choice but to run to the 11th floor to find the security guard.

"My card may have been degaussed. Could you please open the door on the 13th floor for me?" Shen Yan said.

It has to be said that the image of employees in the company is quite good, and the quality is also very high.

The key is that they usually look very serious, but once the company's internal staff come to inquire about matters, these handsome security guards will smile on their faces.

Oh, this smile is like ice melting by the warm sun.

Good looking thief!

After appreciating it for a long time, Shen Yan suddenly thought of gentle teasing him. Brother, you don't like to see beautiful girls. This is abnormal. Don't you like men more?

Shen Yan didn't pay attention to this problem before, but now he suddenly finds out that he really doesn't like to see women, but he really likes to appreciate men who are beautiful and smooth.

Is it difficult to

Do you really like men?

Shen Yan shivered with surprise.