After hanging up, Shen Yan rushed out of the hotel and stood on the street to stop a taxi. But the more anxious he was, the more he couldn't get a taxi. Shen Yan made a rude remark, grabbed the motorcycle of a man next to him, rode it, put a handful of money in the man's hand, and gave him his business card.

"Borrow your car!! I'll pay you back then! "

The motorcycle roared away, leaving only words floating in the air.

He rushed to Du's residence in a hurry. Shen Yan looked at his watch. It was 10:35.

Fortunately, I caught up.

"Mr. Wen, Du Shao is still in a meeting. Please sit down for a while." It's humane.

His attitude was gentle and respectful. Shen Yan couldn't pick out any mistakes, but he was anxious. He wanted to find out Du Ting now.

"This is what Du Shao brought back from abroad a few days ago. Have a try." The servant brought a box of chocolates.

Pierre marcolini, known as the aristocratic fighting power in chocolate. Every piece of chocolate is exquisitely packed and its shape is very pleasing.

Shen Yan recognized the brand at a glance, because Mingyuan only sent Pierre marcolini's chocolate to Wenya on Valentine's day last year. Those chocolates are all heart-shaped, wrapped in red, looking particularly beautiful.

Unfortunately, in the end, it all went into his stomach, and he didn't eat a mouthful of gentleness - because he was the one who liked sweets, and his sister didn't like sweets at all, especially chocolate.

Shen Yan can't help but sigh: Mingyuan wants to chase his sister. At least he needs to know his sister's preferences. Every time he sends something, he can't get to the point. No wonder his sister doesn't call Mingyuan at all.

I don't pay attention to food because I have something in mind.

Shen Yan took off a piece of chocolate and threw it into his mouth. He ate two pieces of chocolate and didn't taste anything, but he felt bored.

The servant brought a cup of hot tea at the right time. It was green and fragrant.

Shen Yan was worried, and no matter whether the tea was hot or not, he took it up with a dull mouthful. The tea has a slight bitter taste, but it stimulates the sweet taste of chocolate just now. It's really novel and delicious.

"It's Yulu tea. It came back by air from Toyo yesterday." It's humane.

Shen Yan was stunned. Suddenly, he had an illusion: did Du Ting prepare the food for him?

In my heart, I remember the safety of gentleness. No matter how sweet the chocolate is, I can't eat it. Yulu tea doesn't have the heart to taste. Shen Yan sat on the chair and looked at his watch frequently.

"Don't you like any of these desserts, Mr. Wen?" When the servant saw that he would not move the food any more, he asked cautiously.

It's not that I don't like it, it's that I'm not in the mood to eat at all!

Shen Yan stood up, walked back and forth, and looked at his watch. "It's ten fifty-five. What time do you usually finish the meeting?"

"Coincidentally, it's ten fifty-five." It's humane.

Shen Yan was slightly relieved, but suddenly nervous again. I'm going to see Du Ting soon. How can he say hello? What would Du Ting say?

The more I think about it, the more nervous I am, the sweat oozes from my palms.

"Mr. Wen, please follow me." A valet came by.

Shen Yan looks at his watch. It's exactly eleven o'clock.

Oh, this man is so punctual.

The corner of Shen Yan's mouth hooked down, followed the entourage up the stairs and entered the study.

"Du Shao, Mr. Wen is here."

"Go down."

The retinue retired respectfully.

But when he heard the voice of Du Ting, he couldn't see it.