On the street, four and a half year old children ran for their lives, followed by a group of strong men who copied guys.

But pedestrians are not surprised - local ruffians and hooligans fight fiercely. From time to time, there are scenes of fighting and killing. The shops on both sides were also common. They continued to do business without changing their face. No one cared about the four children.

There are several garbage cans at the entrance of the alley.

A group of strong men came to us in a murderous way, and flashed past the entrance of the alley, with a sound of messy and fierce footsteps. After a while, the strong men came back and stood at the entrance of the alley looking around.

"Damn it! Where the hell are those kids hiding A strong man swearing, one hand akimbo, one hand holding a machete, kick in the garbage can next to.

The garbage can was kicked to the ground, and all the garbage was poured out.


There was a scream, but it was very short and disappeared.

A strong man frowned and asked, "did you hear anything?"

"No..." The rest shook their heads.

The strong man looked at the garbage can lying on the ground and took a step forward with misgivings. But when he saw the dirty garbage scattered all over the ground, he turned back and said, "look for it separately! I don't believe I can't catch them! "

A group of men scattered away, and the murderous spirit of the alley disappeared.

After a while, the lids of the standing garbage cans were pushed open, and Shen Yan, Du ting and Mingyuan jumped out.

Shen Yan swept a circle, panicked: "where's my sister?"?!! Where's my sister? "

Du Ting's face turned white.

Mingyuan's face is bloodless.

"I am Here... "

The weak little milk came from the ground.

Shen Yan noticed the garbage can lying on the ground.

Wenya crawled out of the garbage can slowly, her face turned into a dish, and murmured in a trance: "I fell dead I'm going to be a fool... "

Mingyuan picked up the little girl and said with a red smile: "you scared me to death!"

Holding his head in a trance, he murmured, "do I stink? I'm not a famous lady any more... "

Shen Yan can't laugh or cry. Is the burden of his sister's face too heavy?!

"I'm dying. Who cares if you stink?" Du Ting laughingly said, "your face is dirty all the time. What kind of lady do you care about?"

Wenya nest in the arms of Mingyuan, dull eyes instantly restored Qingming, milk fierce milk fierce tunnel: "I that is self-protection! My brother has said that I look so good. If I don't make my face dirty, some villains will covet me! "

"Poof..." But it was so fragile that she couldn't hold back her smile.

Wen Ya didn't speak. I don't know whether I just fell too hard or hurt my face. Anyway, with a bulging face and a pursed mouth, I just didn't say a word.

The broken temple can't be returned.

Shen Yan said sadly, "where else can I live here?"

"How about Shall we rent a house? " Du Ting suggested.

"Four of us, at least have to rent a house of 20 square meters. We can't afford it!" Shen Yan shook his head.

The land of Xiangjiang is narrow and densely populated. The rent is charged per square foot. 20 square meters is about 190 square feet, which is not a small sum of money.