The car drove to the suburbs, past a cemetery, behind which was a three story villa. It's quiet everywhere. The villa is surrounded by tombstones. Even in broad daylight, it looks gloomy, as if the owner of the house is a hell devil.

The door was opened from the outside, and the servant said respectfully, "Mr. Gu, please."

Shen Yan was cold in his heart. How could he pretend to be qualified? This does not hide the fact that he was bound.

He didn't move. He hit a gun at the back of his waist.

"Mr. Gu, please get out of the car." The driver is in the back lane.

Shen Yan got out of the car, and someone behind him pushed him forward with a gun against his back. A servant in front of him showed him the way respectfully.

Villa interior is very simple, all kinds of furniture decoration looks very dignified atmosphere.

However, as soon as you enter the hall, you can see a large painting of the floating world of hell hanging on the wall. It shows a group of hell ghosts with blue faces and fangs guarding in front of a big pot with steel forks. Under the big pot, there is a raging fire. The red flame licks the edge of the pot like the tongue of scarlet ghosts.

Inside the pot are a group of people struggling in the boiling hot oil. Some can see the head with open mouth calling for help, and some can only see a hand stretching up to try to catch something.

The whole painting is distorted and weird. Every character is distorted, which makes people feel cold behind.

Shen Yan coldly glanced at the painting, followed the servant upstairs, and the painting was also hanging on the corridor wall, which was also the painting of hell.

Every picture is eerie and terrifying, every evil spirit is dark blue and ferocious, and the people on it are suffering.

The stairs were covered with red blankets, and there was no sound of footsteps when walking on them. The sense of gloom grew stronger and stronger.

On the third floor, a long corridor leads straight to the front, as if you can't see your head. There is no longer a picture of hell on the wall, but the copper lamps burning on both sides reveal more sinister than the picture of hell.

Finally, at the end, the dark red heavy wooden door stood in front of us. The servant knocked for a few seconds, then stopped for three seconds.

At this time, the wooden door was pushed from both sides from the inside.

The room is bright. First of all, there is a huge and luxurious gambling table. Then there is the French window behind the table. Standing in front of the French window, the man's back is facing the door. Just his back gives people a strong sense of oppression. It's not only the oppression of the superior, but also the suffocation from hell.

Shen Yan suddenly has a feeling that this person has a connection with the ghost world, and is likely to be the incarnation of a big guy in the ghost world.

The man turned around. His handsome and evil face made people feel excited and palpitating. He said: "how can I point a gun at my distinguished guest?"

Shen Yan obviously felt the gun trembling slightly at his back. Then the man took back the gun and stepped back.

"Miss Gu, oh, it should be Mr. Gu. I said we would meet again soon." The man said with an evil smile.

Shen Yanzhen didn't expect that Gu Cheng would be the one who kidnapped him. He went to the gambling table and sat down. He raised his legs leisurely and said with a smile, "I don't know why Gu Shao invited me here?" He stretched out his slender finger and pointed to the table. "Is it because I lost last time and I'm not convinced that I want to gamble again?"

Gu Cheng did not answer this question, but said with a smile: "have you seen the specimen in my room?"