Ling Huan looked up with some difficulty.

His lips were blocked, the tip of his dodged tongue was sucked and he was even bitten because of Lu Jinbei's uncontrollable force. The hug against his ear was hard and hot, as if he wanted to embed him tightly in his body. Similarly, the turbulent pheromone enveloped him layer by layer.

He thought he was held down by a beast that had just been released from the cage.

The dark black pheromone resembled a soft chain, spreading upwards silently along Ling Huan's hand resting on the ground, and wrapped it back and forth against his white wrist.

Ling Huan swallowed unbearably, and snorted uncomfortably.

Lu Jinbei's words seemed to have some weird power. As soon as his voice fell, the faint heat on the back of his neck was suddenly restless, as if it was about to burn.

Inside the body, there was an emptiness of enthusiasm.

It was even worse than the pre-combination fever state caused by mental stress disorder last time. Ling Huan's chest was violently ups and downs, and he reached out to touch his tight abdomen, and his cheeks flushed suddenly.

Every time Lu Jinbei's canines kissed deeply, he couldn't help but shudder with a very gentle force. The stronger the alcoholic pheromone, the more it looked like a layer of addictive candy.

The feeling behind him became stronger and stronger, and Ling Huan pulled his legs together and shrank back, using the little remaining consciousness to move a muddy brain with difficulty.

This is not right.

He obviously used a pheromone inhibitor last week, and later used the mental power inhibitor that the main system fixed the bug for him. He has completely cut off all contact with Lu Jinbei, and there will be no more estrus. The trouble is right, why is the gland starting to fever again now?

It shouldn't be!

Lu Jinbei's susceptibility period, why should he come to comfort him! The system didn't say such a thing when trading with him!

He is inexperienced, and the other is not Luo Sheng's kind of little softness that will shed tears when he knocks. It may be very different from the general standard for choosing a mate. After Lu Jinbei becomes conscious, will he be ashamed and angry and kill him?

The man originally held the palm of his head and touched it down to his waist. Ling Huan, who was hot when he touched, was dizzy. He closed his eyes and bit the tongue that was raging on his lips, and suddenly tasted blood.

Pushing Lu Jinbei's chest abruptly, Ling Huan leaned against the cold mirror and gasped for breath.

"Lu Jinbei, I originally wanted to give you face and don't want to make things worse, now I have to call the police..." He frowned and wiped the blood from his lips with his fingertips, quickly turning on Guangbra and pressing very justice. The red button that signifies hope is down.

Although the unreliable 009 hasn't given any reply now, Ling Huan doesn't need to think about it to know that he may be in estrus now.

It was induced by this **** guy Lu Jinbei.

The floating light screen trembled nervously in the deep sight of the man opposite, and the phone dialing interface that Ling Huan expected did not appear for a long time.

On the contrary, the lag is a bit fierce.

Nothing can be played.

Justice ended in failure.

Lu Jinbei's bitten sore tongue touched his teeth. He looked down at his hand. The delicate and beautiful feeling he had just touched was like melting ice water. He whispered, "Now this is a completely enclosed space. It can not only isolate pheromones, but also isolate signals. Only when the state of the room is lifted can we communicate with the outside world."

Ling Huan bit her lower lip and looked up just to see herself in the opposite mirror. His eyes were red as if he was about to cry after just kissing Lu Jinbei.

He clenched his fists irritably, and passed Lu Jinbei without a trace of his sight, and landed on the blinking close button not far away.

"There is no memory loss during the susceptible period."

Ling Huan turned his head to meet the man's completely golden eyes, and found that his voice was hoarse. He coughed and tried to negotiate with Lu Jinbei in a normal voice, so that the giant cat who was still stubbornly dragging his clothes knew that he was looking for something wrong People.

"When you wake up and think of everything now, you will regret it. The kiss just now is regarded as an accident. I will not chase you to be responsible. You are now..." Ling Huan reluctantly stood up on the wall. While Lu Jin Bei was staring at him blankly, he wanted to touch the release button.

There was more force on his waist to pull back, his legs softened, and he was swept by the man's powerful arm. He fell and sat down a little embarrassedly, and directly sat on the man's lap.

Compared with the extremely domineering palms on his back, what made Ling Huan's scalp numb was that after changing his posture at this moment, he directly pressed against his hot legs.

With a strong possessiveness with the strength of the man's holding on to him, he leaned his chin against his shoulder.

"Why do you always want to run, why do you always leave me alone, I can't find you at all..."

Ling Huan's cheeks to the side were rubbed against the soft and hot fur ears several times, and his clenched fists couldn't help letting go, and his neck was repeatedly sucked and bitten.

The man’s muffled voice didn’t come out in a sober state. Even he himself didn’t know why he said it. His vision became blurred due to unconsciousness during the susceptible period. He just locked it tightly. Huan, as if trying to infuse the cool and good-smelling citrus scent into his body,

"Ling Huan, when you are away, every day, you are dying."

The pupils contracted suddenly, Ling Huan's shoulders that had been stiff and wanted to fight against Lu Jinbei's strength suddenly relaxed, and a strange thought came up in his heart.

You should touch Lu Jinbei's head.

Tell Lu Jinbei that he will not leave.

Subconsciously rubbed his ears that felt good, Ling Huan's eyes were a little dazed. He came through a book. He hadn't known Lu Jinbei before, nor had he been with Lu Jinbei before, let alone leave.

Why is there such an idea now.

There was a tingling pain from the temples, and Ling Huan’s painful back was sweating cold, and pressing his head with his palms forcefully couldn’t relieve the pain. The scattered mental power entered Lu Jinbei’s spiritual realm uncontrollably, and the other party completely Without defense, he even opened the deepest layer directly to him.

Ling Huan closed his eyes, every inch of his mind could clearly perceive Lu Jinbei's mixed emotions, anxiety, irritability, gloom and pain.

He kept seeing Lu Jinbei's chaotic spiritual realm in the deepest part of the fog.


A cold and violent rain.

The master of the spiritual realm is wronged.

The alpha in the susceptible period is sensitive to love and is extremely easy to lose control of emotions. He needs the oemga he likes to accompany him to comfort him. Unexpectedly, the susceptible period makes people like Lu Jinbei who usually seem indifferent and powerful also temporarily change their personality.

Roughly helped Lu Jinbei clean up his spiritual realm, and when his spiritual power was drawn out, he was still entangled in Jinbei's.

Ling Huan gritted his teeth and thought, anyway, the same alpha mental domain can be entered three times, and the main system also has a blocking agent, which is a big deal when he goes back and uses it again.

Next time he must turn the main task back.

When Ling Huan was stunned, the back of his neck suddenly became hot, and he was bent down by the irritation, and the feeling of being licked gave bursts of tiny electric currents.

"Your estrus is coming, let me take a bite." Lu Jinbei said, "You don't smell like me, and others will see you."


The sensation of glands being punctured spread all the way down the spine. He gasped and resisted the sound coming out, his hand pressed on the ground was held by someone, and he placed it in a hot position through a layer of cloth.

Ling Huan's waist was half-wrapped by the man. After the temporary mark was over, all of his strength seemed to have been emptied, and the man's low voice sounded in his ears.

"It won't go down, I made a temporary mark for you, you have to help me."


Behind the banquet hall, there is a place for aircraft to park, and three men in full military uniforms guard the door.

The three of them were frowning and raising their hands to block a short boy who wore a black robe and drilled into it.

"Show me your pass."

The young man raised his head, pulled down the hat covering his face, only showing his pointed chin and pursing his lips with anger, snapped his fingers at the man who shouted at him with the highest voice, in the dark night. A strange light appeared on the man's cheek.

The young man raised his empty hand and said to the three guards who looked a little dull, "I have a pass."

One of them seemed to have actually seen something from his hand, and immediately took the hand that was about to take the gun, bent slightly and pointed the way to the boy, "Please follow me."

The young man followed behind the man, looked back and forth at the dazzling aircraft parked in front of him while pulling his robe with some anxiety, stomping his feet, "Which aircraft is the land general's aircraft?"

The guard looked back at him and shook his head blankly, "You need the land general's pass number to know which ship is the land general."

The street lamp flickering above the head suddenly lit up with a tink, showing half of the boy's face under the hat.

It was Luo Sheng who had been pushed down the pool in front of the banquet hall just now and was very embarrassed.

There was still a long watermark on the ground behind Luo Sheng, but it did not attract anyone's attention. He was wearing uncomfortable clothes that were completely soaked in water, and finally found the place where Lu Jinbei should appear. Now I can't find Lu Jinbei's aircraft!

He can't even find anyone from Lu Jinbei now!

Ling Huan’s hands were about to be rubbed off, and I don’t know how long it took to finally get through the long process. He finally stood up with difficulty scratching the wall while Lu Jin Bei was distracted. With a beep, I pressed the coveted button to release the fully enclosed state.

A clear and safe electronic sound came from my ears.

"Status is closed."

Ling Huan breathed a sigh of relief. The man behind him stood up and quickly sorted out his movements, walked to his side and stood close to him.

Although Lu Jinbei was still a little unconscious, he patiently helped Ling Huan to tie the heavy shawl, and then hugged him up.

"You can't stand still, I will hold you out."

The author has something to say

[Ling Ling:? Please stop talking to yourself. 】

There will definitely be a car next week! Running under the lid_(:_」∠)_

The drop time of the powder bag tomorrow is 7:15 in the evening