Diffuse yellow smoke filled the entire pit in an instant, and the dense darkeners had no time to escape. After a large number of low-level darkeners inhaled this special gas, the genetic chain and nerves in the body began to mutate and twist, and roar in pain. One after another sounded, the heart of the listener trembled.

This kind of yellow smoke is the result of long-term research by the scientific research institute. At the beginning, it only had a vague concept, and has not found a key breakthrough.

It was not until the death of Li Jun that the laboratory of him and his staff was taken over by the people of the scientific research institute again, and they found some encrypted information in some hidden files. After deciphering, they learned of a huge conspiracy.

In the past few years, Li Jun and his behind-the-scenes inhumane experiments have performed far more inhumane experiments than they thought. Every day after the end of the world, people die silently, and the Li Jun group has taken advantage of the current order to collapse. Human supervision secretly conducted a large number of human experiments, and even misappropriated the detained mutant beasts and darkeners from within the scientific research institute, forming a huge chain with one hand covering the sky, using biological blood and tears to make huge profits.

Now these conspiracies hidden in the dark have slowly surfaced above the water because of the death of Li Jun, and at the same time they have also involved many behind the military, political and scientific research circles.

b. The people and leaders in the city made a decisive decision and decided to take this opportunity to thoroughly eliminate the Li Jun party members and those who are deeply rooted in the high-level of mankind, but use cruel methods to make profits.

Wars broke out outside city b, and gunpowder was filled with blood and blood; inside city b, a silent sweep was also rapidly unfolding.

After taking over Li Jun's research results, people from the research institute conducted a second study. They once again felt that although this lunatic was cruel and inhumane, some crazy ideas made them stun them.

These cruel and **** experiments are not so much for scientific research, as for the self-interest of some people. Now the research institute has re-launched research based on the experimental results inside. It took several months to finally develop a kind of suppression similar to the earth consciousness. Special substances.

This kind of "string" that can destroy the invasion that is not a human being in the body of the low-medium darkened people will completely collapse their existing genetic chain, and eventually distort their death.

Today, 70% of the darkeners have fallen into madness in this artificial substance. Some of them have transformed limbs that swell and curl up for a while, and some of them have a **** and pale head that slowly shrinks and half is exposed. The painful and distorted face of human beings.

Behind Yin Yiliu sits on the body of a different species of bird, two evolved people from city b. They are carrying the most important equipment in this rescue operation. The yellow gas bombs were their handwriting.

At this time, the two men firmly held the barrel with the thickness of the bowl and pulled the bolt again, and the fist-sized yellow marble "banged" and exploded into the pit below.

While the smoke was rolling, Yin Yiliu could see the darkening people inside. Their appearance and limbs were changed again and again because of the destruction of their genetic chain. Some of them even emerged from the assimilation of heterogeneous humans for a short time. Look.

Those humanized faces are very painful, but each of them knows in their hearts that these monsters are no longer their compatriots.

Yin Yiliu’s eyes gradually dimmed, and most of the lower and middle races in the dense smoke had been tortured by the collapsed gene chain and system and exploded to death. The fragmented limbs could still see the human limbs. shape.

It is precisely because these monsters occupy the human body and eliminate the consciousness of the body owner, that they are like pests on the earth and need to be cleared and destroyed.

Taking advantage of this dense fog-shrouded gap, the intelligent beast mutant turtle in Noah's base erected a huge body and blocked the crack in the base wall with a hard back shell.

A gust of breeze slowly blows the yellow smoke in the air, gradually revealing the original appearance of the battlefield. The underground pit, which was still crowded and chaotic, has now been filled with the corpses of the darker, and thick blood scabs have accumulated on the surface.

In the mud, a small number of medium-to-high-level darkening people who survived the yellow smoke with a fierce appearance were also hurt by the substance that disrupted the gene chain. All kinds of chaotic and disgusting forms were exposed, and the pitted skin was covered with pits. Blood holes and limbs also have all kinds of strange shapes because of genetic changes.

These guys gathered in the pit in order to tear apart the humans in the dungeon. They were tricky but at the same time the targets were very dense, and they were easily hit by weapons with a large damage range.

Just like this time, the strong humans used infrared induction to first lock this densely packed area with red dots, and then dropped a large number of explosive gas pellets, and all of a sudden, more than 60% of the darkeners were eliminated.

The remaining darkeners of about 70 or 80 should not be underestimated, because the scientific research institute has not been able to study the real artificial earth consciousness. These yellow smoke marbles are just a test product and are almost ineffective for higher races.

More than a dozen alien species of birds landed slowly, and the rescued evolutionary team jumped off the broad bird backs. The weapons never left their palms. Everyone stared vigilantly at the horrible and distorted faces that were still alive. Darker.

The blood of the deceased darkeners continued to flood the land in all directions, quickly eroding the land of the eastern base.

Yin Yiliu's gaze was not placed on the dirty monsters not far away, but slightly raised her head and stared at a conspicuous slender figure on a tall building not far away.

The figure looked like a beautiful human girl, and her fluttering lake-blue gauze dress added a touch of mystery. Everyone knew that she was a very dangerous darkener in front of her. It has reached the eighth level, which is the concomitant darkening person that the research institute has been looking for that can specifically put forward the "string".

Studies have shown that these associated darkeners with strings in their bodies and a source stone inlaid in a certain part of their bodies have a higher status among their peers, and they have some superpowers that are not imaginable by humans, which is very tricky. It's hard to deal with.

The woman in front of her disguised as a human, the translucent and creamy ugly mouthparts under her face was displayed in everyone’s eyes without concealment, but Yin Yiliu had to admit that this companion darkening was in her The eyes are still beautiful.

It's not that it looks beautiful, but it has a special attractive temperament on its body, which makes people's eyes unable to resist sinking with its figure.

She knew in her heart that this was a very dangerous signal, and this companion darkener might have some special ability that could allow humans to approach her involuntarily, and let her guard down to indulge her.

They heard the ethereal voice of the darker, and evolutionary people who were not firm enough in their minds were briefly bewildered, with a trace of confusion and obsessiveness in their sights, and they stared up blankly.

At this moment, a long arrow suddenly pierced the sky, and flew straight towards the door of the companion darkening above the attic with a shrill whistle.

The advanced darker who was disturbed by the special material around Chang Lin, who could not hold back to its original shape, slammed forward. His sticky and fat body slammed Chang Lin's head back, but it was still a bit late, it was fast and sharp. The tip of his arrow pierced Chang Lin's cheek instantly, red and black blood leaked from the wound, and the surrounding skin instantly rolled up.

The humanoid woman's complexion changed drastically, and she covered her face, her haughty pupils were instantly flooded with hatred and tyrannical bloodthirsty, and she coldly looked at the distant crowd.

There was a man and a woman standing upright there, and the man who pulled the bow and shot the arrow was the man who had captured it and made it very jealous.

In order to break this weird illusion, Jin Yang directly grabbed the weapon of an evolutionary man who used a bow and arrow behind him. The moment the arrow came out of the bow, the howling wind broke the weird illusion.

He seemed to be a little worried about Yin Yiliu's state, frowning and watching carefully for a moment, or Yin Yiliu first made a voice to calm down and said: "It seems nothing, there was an illusion just a moment..."

There is an illusion of wanting to surrender the companion darkening person, and I can't lift my hands.

Jin Yang glanced at the companion obscurator who was holding his cheeks in the distance, and said sarcastically; "You are confused and you can't see it, but it's just an ugly thing in human skin."

He paused, after all he didn't describe the companion darkening in his eyes. He just added a little disgustingly: "It's disgusting."

Chang Lin attaches great importance to his appearance, and its body is extremely ugly, so it has been capturing the skins of beautiful creatures on its home planet to wrap itself, and after being born on the earth, it would **** the skins of human beauties.

It's a pity that Jin Yang is a ninth-level darker. In his eyes, all the falsehoods are like a piece of obscure paper, which can be broken with a single poke.

In the eyes of others, a beautiful and mysterious creature, he can see the filth and ugliness hidden underneath through the patchwork skin.

Because of this, "ugliness" is an absolutely untouchable scale for Chang Lin.

The hem of its lake-blue skirt was stained with sticky throat, which was contaminated by the seventh-level darkener around him in order to save it. It coldly glanced at the shivering ugly kind beside him, and its slender palm suddenly Slowly lifted up, tightening his five fingers in the void, as if grabbing the air.

The darkener next to it twitched suddenly, and his throat made an unexplained hoarse cry. A few seconds later, the darkener's heart suddenly exploded, and the blood of Datan Datan splashed all over, and his body fell soft to the ground. Do not look down.

This is the ability of Chang Lin as the Eighth Throne of the Alliance, able to detect the lively beating heart in the biological chest and crush it.

It licked the blood splashed on its face, and the skin of the wound on its cheeks was also dry and cracked, revealing the black crusty skin underneath. It stared at the female evolutionaries in the human team with gloomy eyes, including Yin Yiliu slowly raised his hand again.

At this moment, a shallow light shone from Jin Yang's body, his skin was suddenly wrapped in a layer of pale golden scales, and the moment his body burst out, his eyes were golden.


The setting sun in the eastern base was **** in the evening, and there was a strong smell of blood and rotten odor everywhere. The sunken pit had been soaked into a pool of mud by blood and rotten meat, holding on to the last layer of rift that did not let go At this time, it was wide open, some survivors were drilling out of the gap, and some evolutionary people were responding outside.

The huge mutant beast got stuck in the gap, but the evolutionary man managed to carefully enlarge the gap to get them out. Duan Ke was the last human to walk out of Noah's base.

The moment he came out, those tired eyes looked deeply at the dead east base. The once lively towns and neighborhoods were dead silent at this time. The buildings and mutant flowers and plants in the base were covered in mud and blood, dirty and messy.

This is the base under his jurisdiction. It used to be a refuge for mankind, but now it is in ruins.

Duan Ke's eyes were red, and he and the oncoming Sun Wencheng hugged tightly, and the two patted each other on the shoulders, each feeling sour.

Sun Wencheng said with emotion: "Brother, you guard the Eastern Base very well, really well."

There are really not many lords who can still work for the people of the base at the moment of life and death.

Duan Ke smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Don't talk about this, if it weren't for you to come in time, all of us would not be able to survive. It is estimated that we will feed the mouths of these darkeners. It is better to kill me Happy. So thank you all this time!"

"What are you talking about? They are all brothers." Sun Wencheng raised his head.