For some reason, Tiantian's evolutionary ability was significantly improved in a short period of time, and even she was hit without knowing it, and she lost consciousness at some point.

After regaining consciousness, I don't know how long it has passed.

No matter how rough Yin Yiliu was, she couldn't help being vigilant at this time. She stretched out her hand and touched her back waist, and found that the red rabbit that was tied behind her waist with a dark belt was still there. She was not found, and she felt relieved. Sighed.

With the sword in her body, her confidence in her heart is much stronger, at least not alone.

In this suffocating honeycomb structure, she saw a huge open space with light outside the cave entrance, and there was no sound around it, as if there were no other creatures except the humans in these cave entrances.

In this extreme silence, there was a dull sound suddenly. The sound was not loud, as if something was hitting the wall, but Yin Yiliu's ears were sharp enough to catch it.

With a sudden heartbeat, she immediately pressed against the wall behind her and closed her eyes to pretend to be dead. At the same time, one hand slowly touched her waist. As long as there was any movement, she would pull out the double-edged sword from her waist and cut the enemy's throat.

After waiting for a long while, the surroundings fell silent again after the two dull clashes. She waited for a long time with holding her breath, but no one or creature appeared in her vision.

At this moment, she touched a small strip from her pocket. She froze it out in her heart and placed it in her palm. It turned out to be Jin Yang's self-defense dagger, which she held close to her body. In your own pocket.

Suddenly, her heart warmed, and a strong warm current immediately calmed her panic. She firmly held the dagger in her hand, knowing that she had been passively waiting here and couldn't find a clue.

She pulled out the dagger and looked around outside the hole.

The structure of this honeycomb is a circular ellipse, and the outer support is entirely composed of this kind of vines and the kind of extremely shaped slime. There are invisible luminous bodies inlaid around, so that the light in the nest is not dim.

On the opposite side of her sight, in addition to the holes inlaid with human beings, the vines supporting the cave were clinging to the mud walls outside.

Yin Yiliu used her eyes to measure the distance between herself and the opposite, took a deep breath, and decided to take a gamble. She looked towards the opposite wall at the top right of her gaze, and slammed it at the entrenched vines.

The sharp dagger was spinning fast in the air, passing through hundreds of

At a distance of meters, it was deeply nailed to the opposite wall, and the sharp blade cut the vines above it, inserting it into the soft soil barrier.

After the cutting, her heart beats very fast. In the quiet environment, she can only hear her heartbeat "banging". After waiting for a long time, the surrounding vines did not run wild, and no one rushed in because of this. She was holding her heart. Then gradually let go.

Looking at the vines on her neck again, she gritted her teeth, with sharp nails sticking out of the tips of her palms, and cut the green "yoke" on her neck.

The vine is not very hard, but it is tough enough, like cutting a soft rubber glue, and it feels very disgusting.

Until she broke free, Yin Yiliu still felt a little weird. She tentatively walked forward two steps, pressed her body against the wall inside the hole, and slowly stretched her head out and looked out.

Seeing all the structures of this underground lair, she couldn't help but gasp.

Not far from her feet is a flat ground, extending into the darkness, like the entrance of this underground palace, and above her head is a tall and wide circular dome, underneath the dome is a densely packed hole, most of which are Human beings trapped in fantasy.

Maybe they guessed less, there are more than a thousand human beings who have been fooled by Wu Weirong.

In addition to the countless openings, there were several things on the wide open ground that attracted Yin Yiliu's attention.

Seeing that there was only one conscious living person around her, she felt that she had to find out. Perhaps this was the reason why Wu Weirong took the fallen people away from the center and caught a lot of ordinary people.

She stepped very lightly, jumped down from the hole, barely making a sound when she landed, and moved slowly in that direction against the wall.

The closer she got, the clearer she could see.

They were several huge glass jars. The materials seemed to be similar to those seen at the Scientific Research Institute of City B. They were filled with crimson liquid and seemed to be soaked in something.

There was a guess in her heart, and she couldn't help but slowly move forward until she saw the contents of the glass jar, and she was shocked to take a step back.

Each glass jar contains a human being, sealed in crimson liquid. What is this liquid? Yin Yiliu knows very well that she has seen a huge heart-shaped crimson water under the giant tree pit. Bao, completely wrapped her and Jin Yang in it.

This is the derived liquid of the source stone, or the liquid diluted by the mysterious substance in the source stone, which can promote the evolution of human abilities

Huge improvements.

Each of the people in these glass covers is not a complete human being. They are like alien failures. In some places, they are human bodies, and in other places, they are bizarre creatures, like being enclosed in dust. Devilish.

Everyone’s face is full of pain, and no one is peacefully asleep.

From the surviving clothes on them, Yin Yiliu could see that these people before this time seemed to be ordinary people from nearby bases. Even though they were alien, they still looked thin and out of place as part of the human torso.

She finally understood what Wu Weirong wanted to deceive so many human beings for. He wanted to create aliens in batches for his use.

But she still didn't understand why Wu Weirong had to soak the evolved people who had been successful in alien species in these glass jars. Is it simply to strengthen their abilities?

It can't be so, there must be some conspiracy.

Yin Yiliu's mind was in confusion. She checked the button camera on her chest and found that although the transmission function had failed, the most basic video recording function could still work.

She fiddled with it twice to open the video, facing each alien being soaked in the glass jar, and filming all of them. These are precious materials for future research.

She looked more and more frightened, because these people's muscles were not only in a high degree of saturation and expansion, but also seemed willing to be in a kind of intense pain because of something.

Suddenly, there was another sound of tapping the glass jar, which scared her almost flying out.

She turned around abruptly and found that the evolved person in one of the glass covers was awake, and hit the glass jar in front of her intermittently. The dull knocking sound she had heard before was also from this person.

Yin Yiliu fumbled for the empty dagger and sword sleeve in his hand, and boldly moved herself to the side of the jar.

The one in the jar is a man, his clothes have been broken into strips wrapped in muscles. His upper body is a human body, which has become very strong under the catalysis of the source stone's liquid. strong.

When Yin Yiliu's gaze fell on his lower body, he saw that the man had two beast legs from his belly. The thighs were connected to the extremely strong hip bones, covered by gray-black fluff, and the calves were extremely slim down to the bottom. Feet-feet like horseshoes.

On top of his head are a pair of curved gray-black horns, no matter what Yin Yiliu does

Looking back, I couldn't think of what kind of creatures were alien to him.

His body bumped into the glass jar from time to time, and his half-open eyes were filled with pain and pleading. At this moment, he looked at Yin Yiliu through the glass, his lips slightly opened to say something.

Yin Yiliu discerned it for a long time before faintly heard two vague words: "Save"

She couldn't bear it, and touched the red rabbit behind her. If she rushed forward, she would have alarmed the defenders in the underground palace, but seeing this poor alien being tortured in a glass jar, she couldn't turn her head. Just go.

At this moment, she suddenly heard something. The ears wrapped in the hat moved. Before she could tell her body, she moved first. She grabbed the surrounding walls and moved upwards with her arms, crawling through the holes. Fast.

When the voice approached, she was also far away from the glass jar, and flashed into a hole nearby.

There was a little boy with a quilted neck at the entrance of the cave, who should have come in with her today.

The voice grew louder in two minutes. In addition to the sound of people's footsteps, there was also a "babble" rubbing sound. She held her breath and stretched out her head, looking outside silently with one eye.

I saw two people walk in one after the other from the tunnel. The one in front was a man with solidified blood on his face. At this moment, he was holding a black hairy paw in his hand. Something huge was caught by him. Grab and drag forward.

When both of them came to the glass jar, Yin Yiliu could see the whole picture.

The one she knew behind was the woman in black who had picked them up. At this time, she left the illusion and looked at this person again. She found something different.

This woman is black-clothed and dark-haired, with a layer of things covering her eyes. Her eyes cannot be seen clearly, and black feathers like wings extend from her eyes to both sides of her cheeks. In addition, there is a thin strip on her forehead. Gap.

Sure enough, the holy image just now was due to the illusion.

The other was a man Yin Yiliu had never seen before. He looked **** and terrifying, like a villain who had just returned from a slaughter. When he turned his head, Yin Yiliu could see that his eyes were pure white. , No black eyes.

These two weird men and women are not like human beings at all. Yin Yiliu guessed that these should be the fallen men Wu Weirong had brought from all over. There seemed to be a special feeling between them.

The male fallen man is holding the paw of a mutant bat. The bat is so big that there is almost one person.

It's so big, it's definitely a big Mac.

At this time, the mutant bat was lying quietly on the ground, not knowing life or death.

"This time there is very little time to toss. If you succeed in a different species so quickly, is it that human cubs are more likely to be different." The man with white eyes has a calm tone, and the muscles on his face have no ups and downs.

Suddenly, in the glass jar in front of him, the half-human half-beast man slammed into it again, shouting "Help me". This strange behavior made the man suspicious.

He straightened up, slowly looking around the surrounding caves with some horrible eyes, Yin Yiliu held his mouth and shrank into the cave, his heart beating fast.

She didn't know if the two people would doubt because of the man's actions, and would find her, but she was really scared now.

After a while, the voices of the two of them sounded again, and she gradually felt relieved.

From the conversation between the two, she learned some of the secrets of Bliss Sect, and the more she listened, the more shocked and creepy she became.

Each glass jar is filled with a different species of successful evolved people, but for the fallen, aliens with human consciousness are not their kind. Wu Weirong’s real intention is not to create aliens, but to create fallen ones. .

He seems to have some ability to cooperate with the derived liquid of the source stone to wipe out the consciousness of the human in the body of the alien, and mature the consciousness of the mutant creature in the body.

And this kind of work often requires a lot of human experiments.

Because not everyone is so lucky to be killed by a mutant creature or eaten by a heterogeneous creature. A heterogeneous person is often created. There are dozens or hundreds of people who die in the mouth of a mutant beast. Cruel fighting takes several days to succeed. One.

So far they have successfully created only a few aliens in the glass jar, and two exploded to death, and no fallen person has been successfully artificially produced.

It was the mutant bat in front of me that had bitten nearly 20 young lives before the alien was successful. Now it is about to replace the alien who died in the explosion. It was put into an empty glass jar, and the source stone was poured into the liquid. Human consciousness.

After the giant mutant bat was filled with crimson liquid, it gradually turned into a childish image in the glass jar. He looked thirteen or fourteen years old at most, and there were still unhealed tears on his neck.

Yin Yiliu listened and watched, and there was a huge wave in her heart. She didn't know how to describe the emotions in her heart at the moment, and she felt angry and sad.

Whether it is Wu Weirong or the Scientific Research Institute of City B, these people have killed so many innocent lives for their own personal gain.

Her chest was violently up and down, and her body trembled slightly while biting her lip.

At this moment, a deep and vicious voice suddenly sounded not far from her side.

"Mouse, found it."