To build a standard war shrine in garmi, the materials alone need to be prepared for many years. Coupled with the construction and decoration work, even if it is to accelerate the construction, it will not be completed in 10 years.

That is to say, the space war Temple needs to be stationed in garmi for at least 10 years. In this decade, the space war Temple needs to be managed and maintained. In addition, this is Lord Arthur's territory. Although occupied, it should be ready to accept Lord Arthur's counterattack at any time. Therefore, it is necessary to reserve personnel to protect it.

In the end, the war shrine stationed 4000 ascetics in garmi, and sent an experienced fourth level sacrifice and a hundred deities and sacrificial rites to manage the work.

Archbishop jotter would like to leave Gami immediately, but he needed to appease the remaining deities and priests and make them work as hard as possible.

It is not only Archbishop jotter who knows that gamis is dangerous. Besides the ascetics, the rest of the gods and sacrificial rites also understand this.

Archbishop jotter met with the deities and sacrificial rites of garmi, and after making some promises, he finally calmed the hearts of the people.

Using Archbishop jotter's time in business, war Temple professionals rebuilt a planetary portal on garmi.

Of course, all the components of the star gate are made long ago, only need to be assembled and connected to the transmission network.

After finishing his affairs, Archbishop jotter did not leave with the two space war temples, but returned directly to the main temple through the star level portal.

David is at his other leading star dunl at this time. It is extremely secret that he returns to dunl. Even he did not use the star level portal, but directly used the "void" talent ability.

Dunl is different from garmi. David always has a sense of urgency. He has many secrets. It will be sooner or later to break with the temple.

It was for this reason that David himself lived alone in garmi, and let the world know that he always lived in garmi.

If the temple wants to attack him, it can only go to garmi, which will not cause additional damage to his other lords.

When he came to dunl, he still felt a little uneasy about the leading star. He was worried about whether Archbishop jotter of the war shrine would attack dunl at the same time.

You should know that the temple's means against hostile forces is very terrible. There are traces of evil gods on a certain planet. After killing the evil gods, the temple is likely to clean the planet.

The conflict of beliefs is cruel, and it is under such high pressure that the number of believers of evil gods has been reduced to a very small range.

David saw that dunl did not have any influence, even if his Lord and the war shrine had a huge conflict, and they were all at odds with each other, which had no impact on the status of dunl.

In any case, Lord Arthur is a strong man who can fight with the war temple. For ordinary people and most nobles, the contradiction between Lord Arthur and the war temple is not something they can participate in.

Lord Arthur and the war shrine are both unattainable and powerful for them. Even if Lord Arthur is at a disadvantage, other forces can not underestimate it.

When David returned to dunl, he only informed Butler Dickens, and no one else.

He did not want the war temple to know that he was in dunl, nor did he want to have a fight with the war temple in dunl. Even he did not open his lord level contact array, for fear that the war temple would use the Lord level contact array to track him to his position.

In the past, David was in garmi normally, and when he used the Lord level contact array, he didn't have to worry about being tracked to the location.

He took out a contact phalanx, connected it to the star portal of dunl, and then connected to Annabella's legendary contact array.

Through the transfer of star level portal, this ordinary contact array can be connected with ultra long-range contact array.

"My Lord, all is well with you." Obviously, Annabella was worried about him. She was relieved after receiving his active contact.

Just now, an old friend of Annabella legend in the war Temple sent a message that the war Temple successfully occupied garmi, and there was no specific information about Lord Arthur.

This makes Annabella legend nervous, she is aware of the war Temple out of war class weapons terror.

"It's OK, but it didn't stop the war shrine from attacking garmi!" David said sadly.

"Lord, if you lose garmi star, you will lose it. As long as you are safe!" The legend of Annabella comforts Davidson.

"By the way, I've moved you and my castle, and we'll relocate when we find a suitable place." David said with a smile.

For him who has the talent of "underground sneak", it is extremely easy to separate the castle from the earth, so that the spirit can put the castle into the space pendant.

Of course, this seemingly easy thing is extremely difficult for others.

If you want to put a huge object like a castle into a space object, you need not only a space object of enough size, but also isolate the huge object from the surrounding area, and there is no place to connect it."Is garmi a shell occupied by the war shrine?" The legend of Annabella heard David say that even the castle had been removed. You can imagine that there should be nothing left on garmi.

"It's almost like this. It's a pity that the crops will be harvested soon. I wonder if the war shrine has destroyed them!" David answered.

"Lord, this is the latest information I have received. Can you see if it is useful?" Annabella legend sent a message out.

In order to complete the task of collecting intelligence that David told us, Annabella legend took the initiative to contact some friends in the war shrine.

Although most of these friends did not want to be related to her due to their different positions, two friends chose to help her and provide her with some information.

This information is collected from two friends of Annabella legend in the war shrine, who are not fighters but have direct access to information.

David opened the information and saw Archbishop jotter's war report and the plan for his successor.

David shook his head when he saw Archbishop jotter's war report.

He never thought that gamy's perfect defense system would be easily cracked by the timid Archbishop jotter.

The Archbishop of jotter was perfunctory about the task of arresting him.

This is not what David felt, but what was written in the intelligence. This is what the two friends in Annabella legend think, or most people in the war shrine think.

David also saw Archbishop jotter's successor plan. When he saw that he was preparing to leave the space war temple on garmi and to build a temple in garmi, he was moved.

Garmi is different from other planets. It is the space coordinate of David's "God belongs to the big world safety point".

He can return to garmi at any time without going through the portal.

A space war shrine is left in garmi, and it is only presided over by a fourth level sacrifice. Although 4000 ascetics assist in defense, the 4000 ascetics will not take part in any action and will only attack after being attacked.

In other words, a fourth level sacrifice will control the space war temple. As long as David is fast enough, he can solve the problem before the fourth level sacrifice finds out the danger.

Even if it is found, it will expose the existence of Alexis the black dragon.

David has seen that the two God level souls in the shadow body can be completely purified in a few months to become controllable God level souls.

His strength has reached the semi divine level. As long as the shadow servant completely purifies the two spirit levels, he can try to revive the two Zerg gods. By then, there will be three of his divine level subordinates.

In case the gods of war catch up too fast, David is ready to go to the interstellar Federation for a while. After resurrecting the two Zerg gods, he doesn't believe that the three gods can't compete with the gods of war.

David activated the "God belongs to the big world security point" of "spatial coordinates", and the space wormhole appeared in front of him.

He stepped into the wormhole of space. He didn't have to worry about the "God belongs to the big world safety point". First, the safety point was 500 meters underground. Second, he left a fifth level bishop in the safety point, so that he could know the situation of the safety point at any time.

500 meters underground is the depth that the scanning array can't scan. Unless the planet is destroyed, it is difficult to find the underground safety point without accurate positioning.

When David came to safety, he had an artifact "creeping head crown" on top of his head to lock his own breath.

He did not know whether the artifact "creeping head crown" could hide the scanning of the war shrine. He had not tried it before, but he had to try it this time.

Because this space war temple is just above his "God belongs to the big world security point", which is too dangerous.

If he does not take advantage of the fact that the management of the space war temple has just taken over and has not yet been skilled in cooperation, he will take this opportunity to destroy the space war shrine. Then he will have to be very careful every time he uses the "God belongs to the big world security point".

Besides, garmi was occupied by the war shrine. This is his leading star. How can outsiders be stationed here.

David did not dare to use the spirit scan. He was afraid that his spirit would be detected by the scanning array of the space war temple.

He didn't even use the "breaking the void" talent, but used the more hidden "underground stealth" ability to travel from the underground to the surface.

As he approached the ground, David's head poked out of the earth's surface, and he saw the surface of garmi.

Although only a limited area, but also let him feel extreme anger.

The destruction of garmi was beyond David's imagination. He thought that the war shrine would only attack key areas at most. However, the scene before him showed that the war shrine was a covering attack on garmi.

The residual energy fluctuations of the terrible "punishment divinity" made the area David saw lifeless.

Some of the residual energy after the "punishment magic" attack is like the radiation after the explosion of David's nuclear weapons in his previous life. If this radiation does not disappear, the whole area will become a dead end.Garmi star is David's home in God's big world. He built a comfortable residence here. All the flowers and grasses on the planet were planted by him after he came. He has a special feeling for garmi.

David's heart ached after seeing how badly garmi had been destroyed.

If he had known that garmi would be so badly damaged, he would have blocked the temple of space war with Alexis the black dragon.

David was sneaking about a meter below the surface of the earth. From time to time, he looked up to see what was going on outside. All the places he passed were caused by the "discipline magic.".

He sneaked to a mountain, saw the situation of the mountain, and found that the overall structure of the mountain was not damaged.

This mountain is where the backup intelligence system is. David enters the interior of the mountain and sees the standby intelligent system.

On the screen of the standby intelligent system, a series of red messages remain on it. These are damage reports.

Through the information on the light screen, David can know that all the facilities on the surface of garmi were destroyed in a short time, and only the space war temple can have such power.

He tapped on the light screen and began to examine the damage to the defense system.

One hundred percent of the defense facilities in the sky and the earth's surface have been destroyed, 80 percent of the facilities under the earth's surface have been destroyed, and the remaining 20 percent can still support the existence of small sky nets.

It is a pity that we have lost the equipment support in the sky. Skynet can only cover about 10 meters above the ground, and can not bring all garmi stars into the scope of Skynet.

Because the knowledge of the interstellar Federation and the knowledge of God belong to the big world are two completely different systems. The war shrine has no scanning array for the equipment of the interstellar Federation. Therefore, when 20% of the facilities under the surface are working again, they are not detected by the war temple.

In front of David, a broken map of Gami appears above the screen of light.

David looked at the real-time map of garmi in silence. He saw a broken planet.

Although he had long been prepared for this situation, he still felt uncomfortable after confirming the situation.

Now all the green plants in the continent he transformed have been destroyed. With the residual energy left by the "punishment magic", those continents will soon return to the desert. In addition, all the lakes and rivers on the continent have disappeared, and the ecosystem has lost the important foundation of water.

"Garmi is over!" David said in a deep voice.

David's eyes turned to another spot on the map, where there was a space war shrine on the ground and a star class portal not far away.

His fingers gently pull on the map, and the space war temple on the map zooms in quickly, revealing the full picture of the space war temple.

The space war temple is much larger than the ordinary standard war temple. There are many complex divine patterns on the outer wall, and there is a palpitating energy flowing in the divine veins. , the fastest update of the webnovel!