Many level 4 alchemy weapons have been passed down for hundreds of years or even thousands of years. This is because every level 4 alchemy weapon that flows from the divine world to the interstellar Federation has been obtained at a huge cost by the Federation.

And God belongs to the big world, the fourth grade materials can not meet their own needs, the probability of outflow is very low.

"My God, every level 4 alchemy pattern weapon here can be used as an inheritance weapon!" Someone exclaimed.

Most clients go to the staff and want more explanation about the weapons.

Matthew took a look at the window on the second floor. Judging from his rich experience in robbery, the window here can't block the attack of class III weapons. It can be broken in two minutes at most.

From being robbed here to the police and the military, the time is about three minutes. Even if it is general David's identity, moving this time forward by one minute, that is, two minutes, is the limit in Matthew's view.

At six extraordinary speed, two minutes is enough for them to escape.

As long as you arrive at the safe house, change your fake identity into your real identity, and then use the spaceship to leave, the police and the military can't react at all.

Matthew made a gesture. He was asking for the opinions of the other five extraordinary people. The five extraordinary people also made a gesture.

"Nobody move, get down!" Matthew's extraordinary drink, he thought of "extraordinary armor" to cover his whole body.

The reason why let everyone down, Matthew extraordinary also do not want to make things big.

He knows some clients here. They are all common characters in federal news. These people usually follow bodyguards behind them.

Today, this is the place of General David. These people don't bring any bodyguards. Even if they have bodyguards, they will give priority to protecting their boss and will not interfere in the security affairs of erto's ammunition exhibition hall.

Matthew does not want to hurt these people at all. The influence of all the people adds up, and he also needs to consider the consequences.

Six extraordinary Qi Qi Qi Jia, hand also appeared in the hands of three grade weapons, they cooperated many times, did not first time to grab those dazzling level 4 alchemy pattern weapons, but first solved the security personnel.

The two security personnel did not make any statement, even did not have weapons in their hands, so they looked at the six extraordinary.

Matthew extraordinary to see the eyes of two security personnel, the heart can not help is a sink, the two pairs of eyes are like looking at dead things, looking at them, without a trace of panic.

But at this time, there was no way out. He had to form a battle line with the five extraordinary men and rush to the two security personnel.

Although the guests on the second floor were lying down, they were all secretly looking at the situation in front of them.

They were also curious about who had the courage to rob General David's estate on Genesis.

Are these six extraordinary people not aware of the consequences of offending General David, or are they not afraid of General David?

All kinds of speculation rose in the hearts of the people. They were also worried about the consequences of being robbed here. How many forces would the anger of General David affect!

When the six extraordinary momentum rushed to the front of a security officer five meters, a light of lavender appeared and disappeared in an instant.

While people were still waiting for the start of the battle, the battle was over, and six bodies were not completely fallen down, they were followed by a security officer with a body bag.

Six extraordinary deaths, even the blood from the broken body, did not come and pollute the ground.

The most powerful fighting power of the interstellar Federation, the six extraordinary corpses were packed like garbage in the hands of two security personnel, and then the staff came to collect them.

From Matthew to the end of the battle, it's just time to count the rest.

The customers on the second floor felt cold. What kind of fighting power can we regard the extraordinary as nothing, and six extraordinary people are killed by one sword.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I'm sorry for a little accident." Manager Darrell came down from upstairs in a hurry and said sorry to the customers.

No one paid attention to manager Darrell's words, and their eyes swept to the two security personnel.

They thought that there seemed to be two security personnel in the same uniform on the first floor, and then they realized how tight the security was.

There are four strong men of this strength at a time. Even if they come to a hundred and ten, they can't kill them.

Customers on the first floor also heard about what happened on the second floor, and the six body bags also showed the truth.

Originally, there were some people with small thoughts, some people who were dazzled by the wealth in front of them. At this time, the idea of unexpected wealth disappeared.

After this incident, erto's ammunition exhibition hall resumed its liveliness. After visiting the first and second floors, many people went directly to the third floor.

Soon, visitors to the alchemy pattern weapons found that one by one the alchemy pattern weapons were taken away, one by one empty space appeared.

This makes the rest of the powerful customers more urgent, and speeds up the purchase process.One hour after the opening of erto's ammunition exhibition hall, all the displays on the first floor were cleared, and ten pieces of fourth grade alchemy pattern weapons on the second floor were sold.

It's not that no one has bought the fourth level alchemy pattern weapons, but that they need not only astronomical credit points, but also identity authentication and non transferable contracts.

These points make it impossible for the transaction to be completed quickly, so that the fourth grade alchemy pattern weapon on the second floor will have a balance.

Six bodies were taken over by Colonel Eugene, who was very angry because it was a dereliction of duty.

A robbery against General David's estate was planned, but the intelligence team of Colonel Eugene did not find out in advance.

Although the erto army fire does not belong to the military, the intelligence team led by Col. Eugene is for General David's private service. They should pay attention to all matters related to General David.

In fact, it can't be blamed for Colonel Eugene's intelligence team. All six of them are extraordinary. In many cases, extraordinary people have special privileges. In addition, erto's arms movement has not communicated with colonel Eugene from the beginning, and the process of opening up is too fast, which makes it impossible for colonel Eugene to intervene in intelligence in advance.

The identities of the six extraordinary people were quickly identified. After that, the six extraordinary safe houses and all the people on the line supporting their illegal immigration were found out. The military sent out a special operation team to kill all the people involved.

These supporters, perhaps wronged, did not know that the six extraordinary wanted to rob General David's estate.

If they had known the six extraordinary minds, they would not have the courage to serve them.

Colonel Eugene wanted to make a big effort to find out the people behind the scenes and show the intelligence team's strength in front of General David.

But the fact is that Colonel Eugene is helpless. The six extraordinary men did not point out the messengers. These are the six lone wolf robbers. Only when they heard that there were alchemy weapons here, they would come here.

A report was delivered to David. David looked at it and looked at Colonel Eugene in tears and laughter.

In the whole report, it lists how the six supernatural enter the origin star and who provides services for it. Even the forces that create false identities for the six supernatural are listed in the report.

David also made a false identity. He knew that the one who made the false identity was definitely wronged. However, he did not attack the enthusiasm of Colonel Eugene.

"If you send this case to the military law office, it involves the alchemy pattern weapon, which is related to the security of the Federation. Let the military law office try it!" David signed his e-signature on the report, he said to Col. Eugene.

Colonel Eugene's heart is awe inspiring, he finally saw General David's fierce decision.

We should know that such a case is a criminal case. At most, the military side said hello and asked the court to increase the judgment.

But when they were sent to the military justice department and sentenced for federal security crimes, there was little possibility that all those involved would leave their cells.

"Yes, Admiral David!" Colonel Eugene saluted.

"If you need to, you can mobilize the security personnel from erto's ammunition side to provide combat power for the intelligence team temporarily!" David thought about it and said.

However, Colonel Eugene knew how terrible the security personnel of erto's arms were. According to the monitoring on the scene, when the two security personnel were confronted with six extraordinary people, only one security personnel shot to solve the battle with one sword.

If it was not for the fluctuation of the security personnel without the slightest blood force, Col. Eugene would have thought that admiral David had found a knight of God's great world.

The intelligence team really needs strong combat power to assist, especially when the other party is extraordinary, it is difficult to capture the other party if more extraordinary personnel are mobilized temporarily. However, the security personnel with erto's arms are not the same.

"Thanks to Admiral David for his support to the intelligence team!" Said Colonel Eugene excitedly.

Colonel Eugene was seen off, and Cyril's deputy stepped into the office.

"Admiral, fifteen consortia have sent news that they wish to sell you battleships!" Cyril's adjutant sent a message to the light curtain in front of David.

David looked at the list. Although he didn't do much research on the federal consortia, he also saw several consortia that had nothing to do with the warship industry.

The price of the battleship can be seen at a glance that the cost is not enough, which is almost the same as the previous quotation of duopu arms.

We should know that battleships can not be purchased by any consortia. Even the arms companies with the qualification to produce battleships can not equip them.

Like those consortia that don't have a battleship industry, needless to say, they buy battleships themselves and resell them to David at a low price.

In fact, David wants to buy 200 battleships, so it's easy to buy his own assets. However, this is a convoy provided by the military. He can't buy it by himself. He can only buy it through the equipment department.

The budget of the equipment department is fixed. Even if Grand Marshal Andre speaks, he can only increase a part of the budget at most. It is impossible to provide him with the whole money to buy battleships.

"How could so many consortia come to give gifts all of a sudden?" David asked curiously.In David's opinion, this is gift giving. Although it is nominally different, the flow of funds has nothing to do with David. It is only related to the military equipment department, but it is he who benefits indirectly.

"The several customers that President Crabbe met in the morning are all interested in selling the battleship to you!" Cyril's adjutant, knowing the situation, replied.

"That's the case. Accept it all and ask minister Dalton to help buy it!" David waved, then asked, "how's the sale of erto's arms?"

Cyril's adjutant is David's deputy. He is not only responsible for military affairs, but also for family affairs like other generals.

This is already a military tradition, and David has no plans to make an exception. It happens that he needs to practice sometimes and doesn't want to be disturbed frequently, so the Cyril deputy will contact erto's ammunition.

"I just want to tell you that all 500 Arto weapons of Grade 1-3 have been sold out, and all 40 weapons of grade 4 have been sold out. The detailed financial statements will be sent to your ID Bracelet later." Cyril's deputy replied.

David nodded. It was the first and last time that the public sale was made.

After becoming famous, for a long time, erto's ammunition exhibition hall would accept orders. It was impossible for a large number of alchemy pattern weapons to be displayed.

Just because there are no orders in the market, the orders of the military equipment department, deputy commanders and generals can meet the production capacity of the production base for a long time.

David didn't plan to earn credit points from this business. He had enough credit points. The business was to enhance his status in the interstellar Federation.

David's former position was gradually accumulated with his weapons, countless blood, and a large amount of combat achievements. Now he wants to raise his status to another level and use his great influence to make any force dare not move him and his relatives.

Like the army's internal alchemy pattern weapon order, let David have a lot of friends in the military.

His position as deputy commander of the military was unexpected, but it was not the embodiment of his own interests. His name was filled in because of his interests.

In the offices of the generals of the federal army, the generals are looking at intelligence, which is about what just happened in erto's ammunition exhibition hall.

In the situation, they only pay attention to two points, one is the number of alchemy pattern weapons, and the other is the strength of two security personnel.

After General David's girlfriend Emma was attacked, a combat group of 20 people appeared beside Emma. According to intelligence, the fighting power of those 20 people was extremely terrible, and each of them had at least extraordinary fighting power to kill.

Today's two security personnel are more powerful, and the six extraordinary people can't even fight back in front of them.

All the information is telling one thing. There is strong support behind General David.

General David's background is very simple, from small to large records are clear, the use of means to obtain the erto fund, these are also recorded.

It is impossible for such general David to call on a large number of powerful and powerful people at any time. Only some forces with a long history can have such ability.

The military generals' evaluation of David has been improved. The more background there is, the more we need to make friends with each other. This is inevitable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!