The energy in special alloy engine is introduced into extremely complex energy conversion device, and the largest main gun in the aircraft carrier is rising.

The action of the interstellar Federation fleet did not attract the attention of both sides in space, and the battle between Titan king and the paladin of Annabella caused a huge loss of insect tide.

The battle between the two sides is not equal. The paladin of Annabella is constantly harassing the "Titan king" with his flexibility.

The reason for harassment is that the paladin of Annabella can not break the defense of the Titan king.

The God of war knows that if the body is here or there is a formal temple here, the God of war can try to break the defense of the Titan king.

Now, only by God, with the strength of the paladin of Annabella, can only consume the energy of the Titan king.

The Titan king and the Annabella paladins are constantly meeting in space, and they can't hurt each other.

"Titan king of gold" is impatient. It is preparing to stimulate its talent. At this time, four virtual shadows rise in the garrison star.

The four gods used the gods simultaneously, and took their respective artifact from the hands of bishop Bolin, bishop Evans, bishop Dominica and bishop boriva.

If it is one-on-one, even one to two, the Titan king of gold armor is confident to fight with the God of the lower level gods with his own defense.

But five gods appeared to drop gods, and the Titan king would not stay if he had a little sense.

"Titan king" looked at David, and found that the cunning David had moved to the direction near the town star through the battle he had just fought.

Between David and the Titan king, there are the paladins of Annabella in the "Titan king" who will pursue David, it is more likely to fall into the siege of five gods.

A moment of chagrin rose in the heart of the Titan king, who had not put David in his eyes from the beginning.

Think about it. If there is no "mantis emperor" in the sword, it will be paid attention to by the emperor of Titan.

Especially the Titan king is a clap when he meets. In his opinion, it is enough to make David lose his ability to act.

To know that a God can attack the weak with extreme accuracy, and to what extent the damage is, it can be almost 100%.

Combined with the damage of the gods, there are extremely special attributes of damage, which is not the general healing agent can be treated.

"Titan king of gold" gave David a fierce look, although he was unwilling, but he could not help.

The four descenders first broke space from the satellite, appeared in near space, and then opened the space several times in succession and continued to approach.

The Titan king, who was preparing to talk to the Annabella Templar Knight, responded to eight aircraft carriers in space as it stopped looking at the opportunity.

The main gun, which occupies half the size of the aircraft carrier, is the main gun with the least utilization rate. The crew on the aircraft carrier have not seen the main gun launch officially in their life.

But the training of the main gun firing has never stopped in the ordinary day. A series of operations must be completed within the specified time, which is more strict than the other weapons operation requirements.

Today, the crew of the aircraft carrier and many soldiers, all the soldiers in the God owned world, will see the most powerful doomsday weapon launch in the interstellar Federation.

The reason why doomsday weapon is called doomsday is related to the history of interstellar Federation.

Long ago, the gods invaded the interstellar Federation, and the terrible gods could destroy almost everything visible, and all weapons could not threaten the gods.

For the interstellar Federation to continue, researchers must work out a final weapon in just a few months.

Because only the power of weapons and everything else was considered, researchers worked out the ultimate space weapon under infinite pressure.

And this ultimate space weapon successfully killed the first spirit invading the interstellar Federation. In order to let the Federalists remember history and warn everyone, once the ultimate space weapons are used, it represents the end of the day, and the ultimate space weapon is named the end.

Researchers saved the interstellar Federation, which has greatly promoted the status of researchers, and the federal researchers will have many extraordinary privileges.

The energy in the main gun tube of the huge aircraft carrier shows a collapse state, which is extremely unstable.

With the technology of interstellar Federation, the power of controlling such a powerful power is still not captured. If it is not controlled by complex force field in the main gun tube, the doomsday energy in the main gun is not attacking the enemy, but directly destroying the aircraft carrier.

"Attack!" General Francis' eyes were shining cold, and he said he pressed on the screen of command.

The main guns on the eight aircraft carriers were shining, and the entire airspace of the federal fleet was covered by light, and then eight thick energy beams flew out.After the energy beam flies away from the main gun, there are a lot of damage marks in the main gun of the aircraft carrier, which can't be further excited without a major overhaul.

This is only one place. The damage is more thorough in the engine compartment, where the engine can no longer support after the energy excitation leaves, and the whole engine compartment collapses.

This is another meaning of doomsday weapons. Once used, the weapon system will be scrapped.

The Armageddon weapon system, which costs astronomical amounts, is actually a one-time consumption of weapons.

Eight beams of energy gather in the air and become a colorless energy.

It's not really colorless, it's just that the energy is too strong, the light is affected, and it can't form effective color feedback.

When the colourless energy beam shoots at the "Titan golden emperor", space loses its meaning in front of the colorless energy. As soon as the "Titan golden emperor" feels danger, the colorless energy beam hits its divine body.


The 300 meter long Titan turned around at the last moment, allowing the blow to hit the side of his body.

The defense effect of the gold armor on the body surface of the Titan golden armor emperor has been reduced by half. What's more, the colorless energy has caused great damage to the inner part of the body of the Titan golden emperor.

The most terrifying part of this colorless energy is that after hitting the target, it will form a small range of full coverage attack effect.

No matter how strong the shell defense of Titan's golden emperor is, it will not prevent the colourless energy beam from destroying the inner part of its divine body.

"Squeak!" The Titan's golden emperor uttered a voice of agony, and then its body suddenly fled toward the chaotic star region.

"Don't run away!" Anabella Templar wanted to stop the escape of the Titan, but she had just wielded her golden axe, only to find that Titan's golden armor had inspired some kind of escape energy faster than her golden Tomahawk.

The Knights of the temple of Annabella looked at the "golden Titan" who was far away and soon disappeared. It was a pity that they did not go after them.

The God of war is the God of war. The duration of God's descent is not too long. With the escape speed shown by the "Titan's golden armour", the Knights of Annabella Temple catch up, and the time of divine descent is almost over.

"What are you doing so early? I almost solved the bug!" The Anabella Templar complained to the four descendents.

"If we don't, you will lose face in front of the interstellar Federation and many Knights!" The God of knowledge said with a smile.

The God of knowledge is telling the truth. If the God of war was not likely to suffer, how could the four gods come down immediately.

We should know that the envoys of the four gods were not as good as those of the God of war, and the power they could bear was limited. The fighting power of the gods was far less than that of the gods of war.

The main purpose of the four gods was to frighten away the "Titan, the golden emperor.".

Their purpose has also been achieved, and the "Titans and the golden ones" are not ready to fight because of their presence.

But the intervention of the interstellar Federation surprised the five gods. The legendary weapons of terror and massacre really exist.

We should know that the reason why legends are legends is that there are few or even no people they have seen.

Just like the successful massacre of the interstellar Federation, it was publicized by the interstellar Federation, supplemented by evidence that the gods who entered the interstellar Federation completely disappeared.

The union weapon of the butcher God became a legend, and the gods did not dare to use it lightly.

But the force of this threat is not strong. If the repulsive force of the interstellar Federation is not too strong, the gods may have entered the interstellar Federation again.

The reason why general Francis was willing to pay a huge price for an opportunity to use the weapons of doomsday was to show the gods the strength of the union.

It can be seen that this display of strength was very successful. The gods of war did not have any "Titans" who could be defeated. They were seriously wounded and fled by the doomsday weapons of the Federation.

This is to show the five gods face-to-face the strength of the union, but also let the five gods owe a favor.

Although the five gods have little connection with the secular world, their influence will be long-term.

"The doomsday weapons of the interstellar Federation are so powerful that if my body is attacked here, I will be injured, not to mention in the federal world, under the suppression of world rules, being hit by the doomsday weapon is almost a situation of death without life!" Said the knight of the temple, Annabella, in a deep voice.

Anabella Templars have the most say. She knows more about the "Titan's golden armor" defense.

The golden Tomahawk, which used a lot of magic power, didn't even hurt the Titan's golden emperor.

The stronger the golden armor of Titan, the more terrifying the doomsday weapons of the interstellar Federation.

After this time, God's big world needs to adjust its attitude towards the interstellar Federation and strengthen the cooperation between the two worlds."The little guy here is the body of the black dragon!" The God of knowledge looked at David and said to the other gods with a smile.

If David is not a member of the interstellar Federation, the God of knowledge will directly kill David when he discovers the body of David's black dragon.

But David is the interstellar Federalist, which makes the God of knowledge who has just received the benefits of the Federation unable to do anything to harm David.

We should know that the federal army and David in front of us all came from the interstellar Federation to support God's great world against Zerg. The God killed David and completely destroyed the relationship between the two worlds.

This is what the God of knowledge does not want to happen, and the rest of the gods will not allow it to happen.

"It's a lucky boy. I don't know which black dragon is crazy. He even consumes himself to improve this boy!" The God of Justice said with a smile.

David's breath is very obvious. It's not God's man of the big world. It's something that no one else can detect.

During the ruling period, the dragon clan made a lot of crazy actions, and even created a race, that is, the pseudo dragon clan.

So if there is a black dragon, take out its core blood source to help David, it is not impossible.

For David's body of black dragon, the five gods showed great tolerance.

"Come back!" The Anabella Templar looked at the other four envoys and said.

Just as soon as he finished, Annabella Temple Knight body a soft, David figure flash came to Annabella Temple Knight's side, hold her.

Although soft in space, you can't get hurt, but it's hard for Anabella Templars to show that weakness in front of others.

David, who is familiar with the Knights of the temple of Annabella, also knows this. He will not let the Knights of the temple who saved him lose face.

The envoys of the other four gods did not have such good luck, especially their bodies were not as good as the Knights of the temple of Annabella, who were Knights of the temple. This time, all the four gods deliberately strengthened the power of God's descent, making them seriously injured.

Naturally, knights came to send the four envoys back to the temple. For a long time afterwards, the four envoys needed to be healed. If the four envoys can completely cure the injuries, the experience of God descending will play an important role in improving their strength.

The powerful constitution of Anabella Templars had a good effect. She only took a little time to get up again.

The Knights of the temple of Annabella are very surprised. After this fall, she seems to feel the edge of legend. After decades of time, she is sure to break through the realm and become the first legend of God in the big world.

"Thank you, General David, for your help The Anabella Templars did not forget David, smiling and bowing in thanks.

"Anabella Templar, thank you. If you didn't show up in time, I might have been killed by Zerg gods now!" David quickly returned a military salute and then replied. , the fastest update of the webnovel!