When David appeared invisible in Busha, he was in a daze. Did the cauldron move?

At this time, Buxia star is extremely chaotic, there is no rule that a super financial group should have, everywhere is flying disorderly, just like escape ship.

David didn't see any defense, let alone defense. Even Skynet was closed.

He had been flying in the sky before, and had no contact with erto foundation and intelligence organizations. He originally contacted Buxia when he came to Bucha, but even Skynet stopped.

David enters the atmosphere and goes down to the ground.

The star Busha, which belongs to the stoke consortium, was robbed everywhere at this time. It was a paradise of crime.

Anything of value was moved and crammed into a spaceship.

"Let's go, it's time!" Within David's spirit, he heard many people warning at the same time.

This is like an order, people who rob no longer have no intention of goods, jump into the spaceship and fly to space.

"If you don't go, General David will come!" After being warned by their companions, a few people who still want to move things also speed up their speed, but they all leave Buxia a little later.

David saw a rare spectacle. There were spaceships flying to space all over the star Busha, and none of them came to Busha.

If he had not sensed the danger, he would have thought that the Busha was ready to self destruct.

But David also understood from the conversation he had just heard that these people were worried about his arrival.

He helplessly looked at Buxia star, and saw that it was the original location of the headquarters of the SCU consortium. There was already a mess there. Under his spirit, there was no one in the headquarters of the SCU consortium.

All kinds of information that can be regarded as confidential in the past are thrown on the ground at will.

David took a space communications device out of the space pendant and connected it to President Craig.

"My Lord, I am about to report to you!" President Crabbe also obviously wanted to contact David, saying immediately after connecting.

"Talk about the situation of the SCU consortium!" David is not as excited as president Crabbe. If it wasn't for the three consortia to challenge him, he would be lazy.

When his strength reaches David's level, the secular world has become very weak in his eyes. No matter how many credit points he has, he has no effect. Only because the increased influence can protect the people close to him, he will boldly attack after being provoked.

"I have received the news that the SCU consortium completely collapsed five hours ago, most of its property was swallowed up by dozens of large consortia, and a small part of its property was taken away by the government in the form of tax penalty. All shareholders of the SCU consortium also wanted to get rid of themselves and sell their shares in a short time. However, these shareholders died one by one. I will report on this I'll send it to you.

Soon after leaving Bucharest, President Mitford of the scull consortium, the ship was destroyed President Craig reports.

"Do you know who did it?" David asked curiously.

"The news came from several super consortia. They should have killed President Mitford!" President Crabbe replied.

David nodded. It's because some super consortia are courting, or because they have gained too many benefits, they also need to show.

"Now that the SCU consortium has solved the problem, it's OK. You should take good care of the previous harvest!" David arranged with a smile.

"My Lord, in fact, we have gained a lot from the Shipu consortium. The property right of bushashing was purchased by us at 12:00, and the price is still a credit point!" Crabbe said excitedly.

Controlling a planet is the standard configuration of a super large consortium. In the past, erto fund only controlled erto satellite. Relying on the ownership of erto satellite, it can be regarded as a quasi super consortium.

Now, in a few days, it has the property rights of pohua, Erfa and busa, which makes erto fund a real top-level consortium.

As long as you give the erto fund a period of time to digest the income, the erto fund will be many times stronger than it is now.

David also knew why those who robbed Busha's belongings left on time at 12 o'clock. It turned out that after 12 o'clock, the star belonged to erto fund and belonged to David's private property.

If those who rob Bucharest do it after 12 o'clock, they are robbing erto fund's goods. They will fight against the powerful top tycoon and David who has powerful force. The consequences can be known without thinking.

"President Crabbe, in my name, you send thank-you letters to the consortia who have shown their kindness!" David thought about it and said.

David does not need to ask to know, a point of credit to sell busa star to erto fund, must be to fight against the stoke consortium of those consortia.

It is estimated that those consortia don't want him to go for nothing. Who knows if he will get angry after letting him go for nothing.

These consortia have seen David's anger and don't want to see it again.

"Yes, my Lord, I am going to hold a business reception, which will be sent out with the invitation letter." President Crabbe was glad to hear what David said.With David's letter of thanks, President Crabbe is confident of building a solid relationship with the rest of the consortium.

"Let me know in advance when the business reception will be held. If I have time, I will attend it!" David also made the decision to support President Craig's work.

Of course, this premise is that David will arrange the "star Federation security point" and the "space coordinates" well.

With the space coordinates of the interstellar Federation security point, David can quickly return to the interstellar Federation as long as there are no major events.

"Are you coming to the party?" President Crabbe's surprises are endless today.

The original specification of this business reception is already very high. This is a business reception at the level of a super consortium. All the important personnel of the super consortium and some other personnel with high status can be eligible to attend.

However, the significance of David's participation in this reception is completely different. David is the most powerful existence of the interstellar Federation, is a general of the Federal Military, has a close relationship with Grand Marshal Andre, and is the master of erto fund.

These identities are enough to raise the level of the reception to a higher level, and it will make those who are hesitant to participate in the reception to treat it again.

The most important thing is that this reception is the first appearance of erto fund after it has entered the top consortia with a new look. The promotion of the level of the reception will also greatly enhance the status of erto fund.

"Order to close all research institutes and take all important resources back to the headquarters!" Inside the Institute for immortality, hunch's director ordered in a deep voice.

Although the three consortia are supporters of the Institute for immortality, the research results now possessed by the Institute for immortality can receive sufficient funding as long as they contact any consortium.

There is an irresistible temptation in the research results of the Institute for immortality. Even if there is a threat from David, director Hench believes that the owners of wealth will still accept funding.

The reason for the closure of the five sub institutes is that the sub institutes are actually no secret. The external contact of the "Immortality Institute" is conducted through the five sub institutes.

The headquarters of the Institute for immortality has always been the biggest secret. It is not only the donors who do not know it, but also the low-level personnel in the Institute.

The closure of the five research institutes will not only make David lose his goal, but also give the Institute of eternal life the opportunity to take action against David again.

Director hunch did not give up his plan to deal with David, but he was more cautious about David.

After gorsmey was seriously injured, he became a fool again, and the disappearance of Hobbes sky Knight made him pay more attention to David's strength.

In the past, director Hench judged David's strength to be as extraordinary as Goldsmith's, and it would be an extraordinary genius to possess this ability at David's age. In addition, he may have one or more spiritual talents.

But the disappearance of Hobbes sky knight, the powerful fourth level knight, really let director hunch re judge David's strength.

However, director hunch did not worry too much. The secrets of the Institute of immortality are more than others think, and its strength is beyond imagination.

"Director, will Hobbes sky Knight disclose the headquarters?" Inquired the assistant to director hunch.

"Hobbes sky knight, even if he is dead, will not violate the agreement, he is a knight!" Hench said confidently.

The Hobbes sky Knight known by Hench is a traditional knight. Although he lost his dream, he still takes knight as his code of conduct.

However, Hench is not a knight. He can't understand how a knight feels when he sees Lord Arthur, the knight of the title. For knights, Lord Arthur is the God of knights.

Even if he is in the interstellar Federation, Hobbes sky knight has accepted the title of "invincible Knight" recognized by both the divine world and the interstellar Federation.

In the face of the irresistible power, Hobbes sky Knight lost his adherence to his agreement, leaving only the awe and obedience to the strongest.

Director hunch thought that Hobbes sky knight could not reveal the intelligence of the headquarters of the Institute for immortality. This is his firm idea because of his years of grasping the hearts of the people.

Marshal Andre, the federal command, was also listening to the latest report, which was still carried out by Colonel Morrison.

"Grand Marshal, the investigation of pohua, erfah and bushea did not find any clues about General David, and there was no evidence that General David had been to the above-mentioned areas!" Colonel Morrison reported.

"How can he leave a flaw in his conduct?" Said Grand Marshal Andrey, shaking his head.

Colonel Morrison did not answer this sentence, because it was not easy to answer. Marshal Andre believed that General David had done all these things. Of course, Colonel Morrison also believed so.

However, there is no evidence. The title of "federal God of war" alone makes it impossible for people to investigate it directly, but only through indirect means.Col. Morrison did not believe that the military's investigations were inconclusive and that the rest of the intelligence services would gain.

So even if the senior members of the interstellar Federation knew it was General David, they couldn't do anything to General David.

"Erfa launched a super scale energy gun into space. According to the energy fluctuation and power judgment at that time, it was reached by the Super Star Destroyer gun!" Colonel Morrison went on to report.

"Super Star Destroyer gun, the Asian Braun consortium is really a good means. If it was not for the accident of erfah, the Asian Braun consortium would have kept the Super Star Destroyer gun all the time. Has this super star fighter gun been recovered?" Said Grand Marshal Andrey, suppressing his anger.

How many interests are involved when Super Star Destroyer guns of this scale can fall into the hands of the Asia Africa finance group.

The sharp weapon of the Federation fell into the civil society. It was simply in the face of the military.

"That..." Colonel Morrison's face was embarrassed. After a breath, he said, "we've looked for erfar, but we haven't found the Super Star Destroyer gun."

"No, it's a super star fighter gun. Not to mention the gun barrel of the super star fighter gun, even the gun base also needs a standardized base to support. Besides, there is not a firing track. Can't we find the location of the super star fighter gun?" Marshal Andre asked in surprise.

Marshal Andre of course knows how big the Super Star Destroyer gun is. It's a military base, and it's bigger than ordinary military bases.

In addition, it is necessary to transmit the reaction force to Erfa, and the depth inside Erfa will be very deep. This weapon is a fixed weapon in design. It is impossible to transfer such Super Star Destroyer guns in a few days with the military professional engineers.

"We didn't find it. According to the shooting track, we found the place below the sea level, but there was only a huge hole left. We suspect that..." Colonel Morrison stopped here.

In the army, intelligence must be accurate, so-called doubts can only be used as a reference, not as a conclusion.

"What do you suspect?" Marshal Andre waved, and Colonel Morrison continued.

"We suspect that General David took the Super Star Destroyer gun!" Colonel Morrison continued.

"I'll take care of it, so you don't have to worry about it!" Marshal Andre patted himself on the head and then said with a wave.

Colonel Morrison bowed down, leaving only Marshal Andre and adjutant Jekyll in the office.

"Do you think David's ability is too strong?" Marshal Andre asked lightly.

Adjutant Jekyll's face changed. He heard the helplessness and doubt from Marshal Andre's words.

"General David has great respect for you. He is a member of the military and will not be against you." Adjutant Jekyll thought about it and said solemnly.

"When I'm old, I'm worried because I'm too strong!" Marshal Andre just wanted an answer in his heart, and said with a smile on his face after adjutant giquille gave the answer.

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