As time went by, there was no calm in the chaotic star region, but there was no large-scale battle.

Zerg scouts are constantly engaged in small-scale encounters with the scouting ships of the interstellar Federation and the scouting sky Knights of the divine world, covering the entire chaotic star territory.

The Zerg seem to be ready to build up combat power, so they don't launch an attack immediately.

This also gave more preparation time for the god world and the interstellar Federation. Many Knights of all levels entered Tula, and a large number of deities were transferred to Tula from all over the world. Tura has become the key defense line of God's great world temple.

In particular, the five huge shrines have deities organizing prayers every day, so that the five newly built huge shrines can accommodate more divine power more quickly, so that the gods can make a move through the five huge shrines.

As long as these five great temples exist, God belongs to the big world, and there is no need to worry about the loss of Tula. The great power of the five gods is enough to clear away all evil in the world.

The key is the defense of the guarding star. Because of the belief, the temple is not good at intervening in the defense work of the guarding star.

Of course, the most important one is the temple. If the power of the temple is dispersed and arranged to guard the star line, it will affect the defense work of Tula star.

Therefore, the main defense of the garrison star is the interstellar Federation. In a short period of ten days, five space fortresses have been built, and more than ten more are still under construction.

Once the Battlestar defense line is established, the entire guard star defense line can extend to nearly 1000 meters, and the long-range and short-range attack power of the federal army will be greatly improved.

All these have nothing to do with David. As a recognized "invincible Knight", no one will disturb him when there is no major war.

In particular, speaker Gould had direct communication with general Francis, and David was really free to participate in the cooperation between the two worlds.

It was the twelfth day after the last wave was killed. David got up in the morning and checked the latest information.

His status is here, whether it is the God of the great world or the interstellar Federation, will send him a copy of the latest war report.

David finds that the Zerg are still building strength, but the daily battle has grown from small to medium-sized, and another large-scale war is likely to come again.

In recent days, his strength has improved rapidly, which is mainly due to the fact that the Zerg constantly send troops to the divine world, but they do not start a war.

A large number of Zerg live near the space gate. They pray all the time, and the power of belief is accepted by David's "imperial inheritance pattern".

In this short 12 days, David's strength from the beginning to the legendary level, to the intermediate legendary level.

It is estimated that anyone will be extremely surprised to see this speed of ascension, because it is not easy to upgrade the legendary level. As the final stage of becoming a God, every point of ascension will cost huge costs and resources.

However, David is only thinking about his new abilities every day, and he also practises them from time to time. All the cultivation is completed by his soul body and "imperial inheritance pattern".

The weird "imperial inheritance pattern" can not only enhance David's physical fitness, but also make his body feel the divine power ahead of time, so as to prepare for his later belief in becoming a God.

"Alexis, is this normal for me?" David sensed the condition of his body and frowned to Alexis the black dragon.

Even David felt uneasy about the speed of promotion. Although strength is important, his future is more important.

He doesn't have to worry about his life span. Maybe it should be said that as long as he doesn't die, he will become a god level existence one day.

The "imperial inheritance pattern" gave David a faster training speed, but he was worried about what hidden dangers might be left in the future.

"Lord Arthur, I can't help but sigh for the Zerg's genius. You don't have to worry about the speed of cultivation. The legendary level has the power of belief of billions of believers to transform the divine power and use the divine power to help you cultivate. Your cultivation speed should be considered as slow. In the end, your body is based on the black dragon, which is much higher than the body level of the Zerg!" Alexis the black dragon explained with a smile.

Alexis, the black dragon, was in a very good mood. After absorbing the energy of his soul last time, he restored part of his soul. Although it is still a long way from full recovery, it is not a problem for him to use part of his soul power.

This makes the black dragon Alexis's fighting power soar. He is confident to fight with death. Of course, it is impossible to win, but he can do it by retreating.

"How do you recover your strength? If you encounter Zerg God level, can you have the power to fight?" David asked with concern.

"There's no problem in fighting. I can defeat the Zerg God level in space gate at full power, but now I'll fight with him for a period of time at most!" Alexis the black dragon thought about it.

David's heart is happy, recently, the black dragon Alexis is using the soul energy to recover. Today, he saw that the black dragon Alexis did not take the initiative to recover, which disturbed the black dragon Alexis.

He has been waiting for the black dragon Alexis to recover, because his later plans need the strength of the black dragon Alexis as a guarantee.David didn't want Alexis the black dragon to be able to defeat Zerg gods, as long as he could hold on for a period of time so that he would not be killed by seconds.

He gets up, Alexis the black dragon jumps back on his shoulder, and he opens the door and walks out of the room.

David does not have his own tent, which is not to say that the Supreme Council has not prepared for him, but that he has been staying in the accommodation arranged for him by the interstellar Federation, and no one bothers him.

Instead, it was his thirteen fifth level Templars, each with 13 tents.

David walked through the passageway of the underground headquarters, his identity Bracelet flickered from time to time. He had the special right of passage of the federal command, and he came to the command room without any obstacles.

"Lord Arthur is coming!" General Francis said with a smile.

Speaker Gould went up to David with a smile and nodded. After the war, the relationship between them has become more and more intense. There is no need to pay attention to some etiquette if they are not on important occasions.

"Speaker Gould, Admiral Francis, I have come to say goodbye to you!" David said with a smile.

David's words stunned general Francis, and the interstellar Federal Military and the divine world formed a strategic cooperative relationship, which was David's matchmaking.

The reason why guarding the star line of defense can be safe is also the guarantee made by David with his strong fighting power.

"Lord Arthur, if you leave, our defense will be reduced by half. Do you have anything important to do?" I can hear that admiral Francis doesn't want David to leave the guardian star at all.

"I have a little experience in the cultivation. I need to go back to Jiami star for a period of time!" David said helplessly.

The stronger David's strength is, the less he wants to expose more. The next Zerg attack will definitely target him. If he wants to save his life, he must show more strength.

That situation was not what he wanted. He believed that with the cooperation between the god world and the interstellar Federation, it was not a problem to guard the guard star.

We should know that the interstellar Federation not only rearranged the scouts in front of the battle line, but also arranged several space minefields. Once the Zerg attack, they will be consumed a lot on the way to form a real threat.

And the longer the time, the greater the scope of the space minefield.

Not to mention the present guard stars, there are as many as 100 level-5 Templars and 1000 level-4 sky knights.

With the conscription of the god world for many times, aristocrats at all levels sent a large number of knights, and the long-standing accumulation of God belongs to the big world is also slowly showing.

"Lord Arthur, the Supreme Council has no reason to let you stay, but if you need you, please return as soon as possible!" Said speaker Gould with a wry smile.

Speaker Gould did not worry that the God belongs to the big world, who would have any objection to Lord Arthur's departure. We should know that among the top nobles in the god world, Lord Arthur sent the most five level Templars.

In addition to being the four Templars requested by Chancellor Gould for the top noble families left by four close friends, Lord Arthur sent nine Templars to participate in the war.

Before that, Lord Arthur made outstanding contributions in the war, which were not required by the Supreme Council and the temple, but spontaneously by Lord Arthur.

Now Lord Arthur needs to be shut down, and no one can ask him to stay.

As a good friend of Lord Arthur, speaker Gould understood how important it was for a legendary strongman to realize how important it was to shut up. He would not do anything to stop Lord Arthur's growth.

In fact, with the relationship between Lord Arthur and the mein family, they had been tied together for a long time.

Now, speaker Gould only hoped that Lord Arthur's strength would be stronger enough for the temple to worry about. With the help of the Supreme Council, the aristocracy would be able to compete with the temple.

Of course, these are the wild hopes of speaker Gould. After he mastered the power of the Supreme Council, he met with war. He deeply felt the power constraints from the temple.

"At any time you call for it!" David bowed down and saluted councilor Gould.

"Lord Arthur, don't make your departure public. Only a few of us know about it. I'm afraid that the news of your departure will make the hearts of the guard star float." It was inevitable for general Francis to see Lord Arthur leave, and finally asked.

"At your command!" David smiles and bows to Admiral Francis.

The guardian star successfully defended against the insect tide, which made the temple release the transmission restrictions on the guardian star, and installed a medium-sized portal in the guardian star.

This medium-sized portal is connected to the transmission network of God's great world, which is convenient for personnel mobilization and logistics work.

The original small directional portal can only transport one person at a time, and the interval is very long. With this medium-sized portal, you can transmit one knight team at a time.

David came to the medium-sized portal in the underground. The two level-4 sky knights in charge of it quickly stood up and saluted him.The two level 4 sky Knights have no combat mission. Their only mission is to destroy the medium portal if necessary.

David saluted, did not need the help of two sky knights, he used the Lord's authority to connect garmi's star level portal.

He walked into the medium-sized portal and disappeared.

David appeared on garmi and looked at everything familiar. The construction of the planet controlled by intelligent systems did not stop because of the owner's departure.

Robots are busy everywhere, and all kinds of precious crops of the interstellar Federation and the god world are cultivated and produced here.

David doesn't care about consumption, he doesn't care about the cost. Everything is based on his needs.

He activated his new ability to sneak underground. His body went underground and kept going down.

This time, because of the improvement of his talent ability of "underground sneak", he made a full sneak of 500 meters, and then stopped.

Then he used the ability of "underground sneak" to control the earth and stone, and opened up an underground space 500 meters underground.

In order to make the underground space stable, David used 142 soul parts to control 142 feather pens, dipped in alchemy ink, and drew reinforcement patterns and ancient isolation patterns around the underground space.

The reason why this underground space is placed 500 meters underground is to avoid being discovered. Even the security here is more important than the super server of garmi star intelligent system.

In order to hide more of this underground space, David took out the previous booty, which was arranged on the alchemy array where the evil god believers hid their breath.

Although the believers of evil gods shout and fight in the god world, they are absolutely not weak in the means of hiding breath, especially the scanning of temples.

After all, David released the assassin Mantis king. It's 500 meters underground, and there are many layers of breath isolation. There's no need to worry about being discovered.

In addition to legendary steps like David, it is the limit for ordinary level 5 Templars or level 5 priests to be able to explore tens of meters underground.

The earth has a great influence on the exploration of spirit. The underground is also the place where important things are normally hidden in God's big world. Almost every castle has a basement.

However, it is very difficult for someone to dig a basement 500 meters underground. On the one hand, such a project is too large, on the other hand, the technical conditions are too high.

David's mind entered the small world of soul space and connected to the "space coordinate pattern". He first added the coordinates of this position to the second space of the "space coordinates".

In the future, no matter where he is, he can directly return here, which will also become a safe house for him in the great world of God.

This is the reason why David attaches great importance to this underground space. If it is not for his mastery of divine patterns and his ability to draw them by himself, he would like to use them to strengthen this safe house. , the fastest update of the webnovel!