In the dark, in addition to the street lights, almost no one can be seen.

The city of Saro is only a small city, and there is only one Lord who lives there. Naturally, it can not be as lively as the city of Jianmo.

In fact, God belongs to the big world. Except for the nobility, almost everyone will only stay at home at night, and there is not much entertainment.

So the city of Saro seems to be sleeping. There are only a few soldiers patrolling the walls of the city.

"How cheap are vegetables these days?" A soldier leaned against the wall with a spear and asked the soldiers nearby.

"It is said that the Atkins family was destroyed, and the vegetables that were originally supplied to them could not be supplied any more, so the vegetables were sold to the market at a reduced price!" The soldier nearby replied.

"So there are some advantages to the killing of the Atkins!" Said the soldier with a spear, chuckling.

"Be careful what you say. If you are heard, you and I will be in trouble." Out of a natural fear of the nobility, the soldiers next to him murmured.

"Isn't this nobody?" The soldier, armed with a spear, knew that he had said something wrong, whispered.

The soldier who just said the wrong thing, because of his own vision, did not see that the city of Salo after the loss of the Atkins family would not be as good as before in terms of economy and status.

This is simply not comparable to the price reduction of vegetables. Besides, vegetable farmers can't make money, and vegetables will not continue to grow. Soon, the vegetables in the city will return to normal, and even the city will decline completely because of the loss of the consumption driven by the Atkins family.

Of course, a greater danger came to the city of Saro ahead of time. Just as the two soldiers were talking, the two soldiers were shocked together. They were pierced by a long bone spear.

Then a few bone spears flew out of the darkness, killing the soldiers on the wall.

The fallen soldier's corpse explodes, the skeleton which has lost flesh and blood stands up from the bloodstain. They instinctively take up the weapon beside them and walk towards the wall.

After the scream, black fog will rise, and the next house will be surrounded by black fog. Then the people in the house will be wrapped in black fog, and soon all the flesh and blood on the corpse will gather into the black fog, and the skeleton left is to stand up and walk out of the house.

Lord Hitchcock was the only nobleman in the city of Saro. He had been attached to the Atkins family before, but now that the Atkins family is destroyed, he has gained some benefits.

Lord Hitchcock had kept all the business with the Atkins family, but there was no proof of such a private deal.

When the Atkins family existed, they did not worry about what kind of means Lord hicchcock would do. Because the gap between the two was too big, Lord Hitchcock did not dare to play tricks in the cooperative business.

In recent days, Lord Hitchcock has taken over more than a dozen shops and two restaurants in the city of Saro. Anyway, there is no direct descendant of the Atkins family. When the collateral takes over, he doesn't have to worry about the losing Atkins family.

Lord Hitchcock is an official knight, which is his foundation. All the Knights of the Atkins family are dead, and the collateral inherits the family. At most, there are only trainee knights. These estates do not need to care about each other even if there are cooperation documents.

Lord Hitchcock was turning over his property at this time, proving that he had made up for it again by using his relationship, and completely separated the property he had taken over from the Atkins family.

There was a triumphant smile on his face, but he suddenly stopped.

Then Lord Hitchcock leapt into the air, and when he was in the air, a suit of Knight's armor appeared on his body. He broke open the window, and before landing, a horse appeared on the ground, and he landed right on top of it.

Then Lord Hitchcock had a Epee in his right hand and a round shield in his left.

"Enemy attack!" Exclaimed Lord Hitchcock, mobilizing his blood.

Although his family is only a small family, but after years of training, he has cultivated 20 strong guards. With mutual cooperation, they can block some enemies for him.

But Lord Hitchcock's voice spread far and wide in the dark without any response.

Just as Lord Hitchcock was about to shout, there was a strange click in the dark, like a hard object hitting the ground.

He took out a torch from the space bag. The torch rubbed gently by the saddle. The torch of special material was ignited with friction.

Lord Hitchcock threw the torch into the distance, and in the light of the torch, he saw something making a sound.

"The dead!" Lord Hitchcock saw the thing and spat out a word.

The dead represent the appearance of the believers of evil gods. In the big world of gods, only the believers of evil gods can create the dead.

Of course, believers of evil gods have different abilities because they believe in different evil gods. It is the believers who believe in the God of death to create the dead.The God of death is one of the ancient gods, and also a very strong existence in the ancient gods. However, in the war of God, he was forced to sleep.

Lord Hitchcock did not have the courage he had before. He was about to ride his horse around and leave, but he heard a click behind him, and then there was a click from the left and right, more and more.

From the darkness, skeletons emerge one after another, some with spears, some with sticks, some with kitchen knives, and even some with empty hands, but their goal is the same, that is Lord Hitchcock.

Lord Hitchcock saw skeletons pouring out of the night, and he guessed that the whole city of Saro had turned into skeletons.

These skeletons are not his main opponents yet. His opponents are evil believers hidden in the dark.

Lord Hitchcock thought of the Atkins, who was no longer happy with his unexpected fortune.

Without the protection of the Atkins family, the city of Saro was targeted by the cult believers. He was the only knight who could not protect such a city.

Among the skeletons, he saw twenty skeletons with spears of the same style. He couldn't help but smile. These are the guards he trained.

"Kill!" Lord Hitchcock let out a big drink. His white light flashed and his Epee became a lightsaber.

The horse speeds up and rushes towards the skeletons. When he is about to hit the skeletons, his Epee swings, and the skeleton in front of him is split into pieces.

These skeletons are not so powerful as ordinary people. They move more slowly and have less power. However, they have the fearlessness that ordinary people do not have. As long as they get orders, they dare to challenge whatever is ahead.

Lord Hitchcock's epee was swung continuously, then the horses collided, and at least 40 skeletons fell in front of him.

But in the dark, I don't know how many skeletons are still coming. All he hears in his ears is the click, as if the only sound in the whole city of Saro.

Lord Hitchcock bit his teeth, and in the dark he saw the road ahead, the main road of Saro.

As long as he is on the main road, it is possible to rush out of Saro city with the charge of war horses. As long as he goes out of Saro City, he will be safe.

Thinking of this, Lord Hitchcock forgot his fear. He quickened the swing of the Epee in his hand, and skeletons were constantly chopped by him.

Just as Lord Hitchcock was about to arrive at the main road, a black light came on him. His knight perceived the danger ahead of time and made a evasive action.

I didn't expect that the black light turned to hit him after it missed the shot.

A sense of weakness came to Lord Hitchcock, who almost dropped his epee.

He knew that he was cursed by the cult believers. He quickly mobilized his blood force from the sea of mind to drive away the curse.

However, the skeleton on one side didn't give him the chance. The skeleton, which was slow in movement, rushed at him at the same time.

Although the armor on Lord Hitchcock is not very good armor, it is also class II equipment. Where can such a skeleton be broken.

The teeth and hand bones of the skeleton were not able to leave any trace on the armor after the grinding sound, and even the skeleton with two weapons could not break through Lord Hitchcock's defense.

Lord Hitchcock, weak as he was, waved his epee and split his three skeletons.

In a short period of time, Lord Hitchcock just stopped in place for a few seconds, and the skeletons sped up, one by one.

Soon Lord Hitchcock was wrapped in skeletons, and even if he banished the curse, he did not immediately get rid of more and more skeletons.

Lord Hitchcock mobilized the power of his blood. The white light flashed in the skeletons, and the sound of bone breaking came out. However, the skeletons of the whole city were coming here. In a short time, at least a thousand skeletons fell on Lord Hitchcock.

Each of these skeletons, scattered by Lord Hitchcock, produced a faint light and was absorbed by the skeletons on one side.

The skeleton that absorbs the faint light will become stronger, and the stronger skeleton will increase with the increasing number of broken skeletons.

Lord Hitchcock, who fought in the dark, did not see these things. Perhaps he had no way but to fight constantly.

Lord Hitchcock felt as if the horses could not stand. The ground was full of broken bones, and all his eyes saw were skeletons.

The skeletons could be split by a single sword at first, but then he found that only one could be broken by one sword, and then he needed two swords to break one.

Although these skeletons still could not break through Lord Hitchcock's defenses, he could not escape. He was surrounded by a sea of skeletons.

Lord Hitchcock knew that there were about 30000 people in Saro. He didn't know how many skeletons he had chopped, but he knew that he was far short of 30000.

I don't know when the skeleton next to Lord Hichcock absorbed the faint light, and his eyes began to burn a dark blue flame. It was the fire of the soul, the fire of the soul that only the real dead would appear.Only the spirits with the fire of soul can survive for a long time. The skeletons here are just temporary combat puppets made by death believers with special poisonous fog and summoning ability. Once the summoning time is up, they will all collapse.

Lord Hitchcock also saw the dark blue flame in the eyes of the skeleton, and he understood the idea of the cult believers, who made fighting undead out of his hands.

"Don't come and fight me like a shrinking turtle!" Exclaimed Lord Hitchcock.

No one answered him in the dark, but Lord Hitchcock felt a pair of eyes looking at him. The strength of the other side was obviously not weak. He could not sense the position of the other party.

Lord Hitchcock would like to stop attacking, but now the fighting undead's attack has been attached with undead toxin. With each attack on his armor, a trace of the undead toxin is introduced into his body through the armor.

Maybe a little bit of the undead toxin Lord hichichcock can be discharged from the body through the force of blood, but when the undead toxin constantly enters the body, the paralysis and weakness of the undead toxin will appear, and he can't resist if he wants to resist.

So even if Lord Hitchcock knew the purpose of the cult believers, he could only wave and chop the Epee in his hand and smash the nearby fighting dead.

After the fighting undead is broken, the fire of the soul is immediately inhaled by the skeleton on the side, and the skeleton will become a fighting undead stronger than the fighting undead just now.

Lord Hitchcock felt that he was drinking poison to quench his thirst, and the fighting undead fell down, replaced a skeleton and stood up again. It was like an endless cycle.

After an hour of fighting, Lord Hitchcock also felt tired. What's more terrible is that he wants to chop down the fighting undead in front of him. He has to use the power of blood every time. He just uses the power of the knight, so he can't cut down the fighting dead.

But the power of blood is limited, even if Lord Hitchcock how to use it carefully, with the constant consumption also see the bottom.

"Come out, death is a cowardly coward. Clowns like you are also cowards who dare not face the battle directly!" Exclaimed Lord Hitchcock.

Lord Hitchcock would not have insulted the evil gods if it had not been for the critical moment.

We should know that in the big world, gods are great, even evil gods can not be insulted at will. It is said that if the name of a God is read out, the spirit will get a response.

But Lord Hitchcock was no longer worried about it. He just wanted to force out the cult believers and kill them with his last blood.

In response to Lord Hitchcock was a bone spear that pierced his armor and broke his heart.

Lord Hitchcock knew how strong the cult believers were, at least the knight of the earth.

This was his last thought, as his body fell to the ground, wrapped in a cloud of black fog, and then the corpse exploded, and stood up a skeleton, and there was a skeleton war horse under it.

All the fighting undead nearby were swept away by a spirit and broke down in an instant. All the fire of the soul poured into the skeleton of the knight of the dead. There was a dark blue flame in its eyes, which was more vigorous than all the previous flames.

"It's a pity that so much material has been wasted!" A faint voice sounded in the dark.

At least tens of thousands of skeletons were scattered and covered the whole area. , the fastest update of the webnovel!