In the communication room of the fourth front-line base headquarters, David issued several orders to the distant Lunka and Kaian satellites by enhancing the signal communication equipment, asking master Healy, who is managing Kerr intelligence organization, to come to warstar.

And master Healy has also been appointed as the vice president of erto fund, cooperating with the current president Craig to manage the affairs of erto fund.

The order was very sudden, and President Craig, who was far away from Kaian star, was a little upset.

The reason why President Craig can have today's power comes from the support of 70% of the major shareholders, which makes him have little scruple when making many decisions.

As for the mysterious large shareholder's involvement in the affairs of erto fund, President Craib has long suspected that he has been calm for so many days, which makes him forget this matter.

President Craig also knows that David is the mysterious major shareholder. He has never met David, but the relevant legend has been heard all the time.

We can destroy the whole erto satellite by personal power, and let the forces dare not to touch the erto fund with the terror deterrent power, and successfully take the erto fund into the hands.

Therefore, President Crabbe respected and feared David, and did not dare to violate David's orders, even if he was deprived of his rights.

President Craig, sitting in his huge office, opened the curtain of light in front of him. He needed to meet with the new vice president of Healy through interstellar communication.

Although it is separated by a star field, we can still find the information of vice president Healy with the ability of President Kleb.

The materials of vice president hilley are very wonderful. As a "master of heavy axe" in the shadow mercenary group, after the shadow mercenary group was destroyed by David, he and another alvar Weapon Master jointly managed a large amount of assets for David.

During this period, vice president Healy became a white washing merchant.

President Craig is thinking about the information of vice president Healy and how to establish a good relationship with the vice president, who is obviously close to David, the mysterious large shareholder.

In the flicker of the light curtain, the figure of vice president Healy appears in the light screen.

"Hello, President Craig. This is Healy!" Master Healy said with a smile.

Master Healy is no longer what he was when he was in the shadow mercenary regiment. He manages hundreds of billions of assets and intelligence organizations, which has greatly changed his temperament.

"Hello, vice president Healy." President Craig responded with a smile.

"My Lord asked me to tell you that you are running a very good business. As long as you don't make mistakes, he will always support you!" Master Healy said very directly.

President Craig knows who the adult is in master Healy's mouth. He is also considering how to address David. Now he is following master Healy.

"Thank you for your trust. I will try my best." President Crabbe showed his gratitude and then asked, "how did you arrange your work in erto fund?"

After President Crabbe asked about this sentence, he was still very nervous. It is difficult for ordinary people to understand how to give up the suffering after tasting power.

He is ready to give up some of his power.

Because what David told us was that master Healy, as David's representative, became the vice president of erto fund. President Craig thought that master hilly's power would be very great. Even because of David, a major shareholder, he could affect the power of the president at any time.

"President Craig, I won't go to erto Fund headquarters. I'm just the second person in charge of erto fund in law. I will take over erto fund only after you have an accident!" Said master Healy with a smile.

President Craig's head was dripping with sweat. He understood the meaning of master Healy's words, and at the same time gave a long sigh of relief. Master Healy did not come to the headquarters of erto fund, that is, master Healy would not compete with him for power.

As for the threat that master Healy spoke of, as long as he did not betray David himself, he did not need to worry.

As a matter of fact, President Craig never thought about betrayal. The legal affairs of erto fund are controlled by Macaulay barrister. As long as he dares to be a little different, his position as president will be over.

"I wonder if you've heard of the god world fair?" Master Healy then asked.

"I've heard of this legend. It's the only fair that can be traded with God through regular channels." President Craig didn't know what master Healy asked about this, but he replied.

"I will be the representative of adults. I will participate in the trade fair in Zhanxing. Erto fund needs to prepare trading items. Adults allow erto fund to develop itself by taking advantage of the trade fair. Relevant details need to be discussed by us." Master Healy announced in a deep voice.

President Craig's eyes widened. He couldn't believe his ears.

The God of warstar belongs to the great world trade fair, which is a very special trade fair. Every power that can participate is a super power that spans multiple star domains.

"Vice President Healy, do you mean that adults are qualified to participate in trade fairs?" President Crabbe confirmed with disbelief."Yes, my Lord is the 11th trade fair qualified person in the Federation!" Master Healy replied positively.

A kind of extreme excitement rises from the heart of Crabbe president. Since taking over the erto fund, although the development of erto fund is good, there are also many worries.

The biggest worry is from the military force. The lack of extraordinary worship of erto fund makes erto fund always rely on David's deterrence.

However, this deterrent force is not the force that erto fund can use at will. In peacetime, there are often some small conflicts and explorations. In this case, President Craig can not ask David for help.

Some time ago, there were even slight frictions between some forces and erto fund. They suppressed erto fund on some projects. The other side had extraordinary existence, which made president Craig tied his hands.

If we can make use of the great world trade fair, erto fund will have a great development opportunity.

Next, the conversation between President Craig and master Healy turned to the exchange of details of the fair. Erto fund sent a group of negotiators to negotiate with the forces behind the other ten qualified people together with master Healy.

David arranged things and did not think about it any more. He trusted master Healy. He had the idea of letting master Healy or master alvar manage his industry separately for a long time.

Master Healy and master Alva both signed a pledge with David, and they could not betray him.

Today, master Healy and master alvar are both involved in his important industry. With the legal help of Macquarie, his industry will be more stable.

God is the business of the great world trade fair. Unless David needs something to trade, or if he needs to use a temporary number of followers, he is ready to leave the rest to master Healy.

Otherwise, David himself will waste the number of qualified persons in the fair, and only the ten qualified persons will get the benefits.

Three days after the trade fair ended, the front-line base defense area has recovered the swarm of insects. However, due to David's regular cleaning up, there has never been more than one level three Zerg in the swarm, which makes the front-line base defense lines can solve the battle at the minimum cost without David's intervention.

Today's weather is very good, the wind is very small, so there is less dust outside.

David didn't go to the front-line base defense in the morning. He was in the barracks, wearing custom-made exoskeleton armor. He carried the "sharp axe" and "growler sniper gun" behind him.

On his back, he also carried a third class shield.

With David's current strength and being in the army, there is no need to worry about exposing a third class shield.

The "shining spear" and "sharp heavy axe" actually possessed by him are worth far more than the third level shield.

Of course, it's not all these reasons that made David decide to use the third level shield.

From the beginning of training in the morning, David felt a little upset. He thought that there was something wrong with his practice, but after careful examination of his whole body, he did not find any problems.

And after the training, he also went to the medical room specially, and did a general examination with the most professional instruments, and found no abnormality in his body.

After ruling out the physical problems, David couldn't help thinking whether it was a sign of danger.

In the past, he also had a warning of danger, which was the warning he got in advance before the danger was coming, but that kind of warning was very obvious, far from the special situation like today.

David didn't tell anyone that there might be danger because he couldn't be sure whether it was dangerous or whether it was a mental reaction.

He walked in the new barracks, followed by lieutenant Morson and six men in law enforcement exoskeleton armor.

When David inspected, he felt a palpitation in his heart, almost without any hesitation. As soon as he put the mask on, his body rose into the air, and at the same time, he activated the alarm system of the base headquarters through his own authority.

With the sound of the alarm system, the energy shield, which was only at the weakest level, was instantly fully activated. The base headquarters including the boot camp was wrapped with a transparent energy shield.

As David soars, he senses an abnormal activity of space energy ahead.

The area of abnormal space energy activity is just 500 meters away from the base headquarters. At the same time, the scanning device in the base headquarters is one step slower than David's response, but it also gives a warning of abnormal space energy.

"Please note that the space energy is abnormal. There is a 90% chance that a space wormhole will be generated!"

After hearing the warning from the base headquarters, the soldiers, who were aroused by the alarm activated by David, immediately began to prepare for battle.

Civilian soldiers moved to the underground defense bunker, all the fighters were armored, and the defense system of the base headquarters was opened.

Fifteen thousand recruits were in a mess, and though they had been trained for several days, the sudden continuous alarm made them panic.

The instructor who trains new recruits gives out a roar, so that the recruits who don't have a armour, then gather.Barbington and Augustine also rose from the sky, just in time to see David in the air.

"David, what's the situation?" Babenton flew up to David and asked in a deep voice.

"We're afraid we're in trouble. The wormhole will appear soon." David said, pointing to an unusual location in space.

David has seen space wormholes, and he's no stranger to it.

"Scanning unit, scan the space energy level immediately!" Barbington's face changed, and he used the channel to command the scanning department.

For the emergence of space wormholes, they do not have the ability to prevent them. The energy weapons that can affect the space wormholes cannot be used on Battlestar.

The reason why the scanning unit is required to give the space energy level immediately is that the space wormhole also has a level.

The Federation also divides space wormholes into five levels according to the level of Zerg. Each level of space wormhole corresponds to the highest level of Zerg that can pass through.

"General, the scan results are three levels of space energy!" Just as the wormhole in the space was revealed, a response came from the scanning department.

Level 3 space energy, that is to say, the space Zerg that will appear will be level 3, which means that the highest level of Zerg coming out of the space wormhole will not exceed level 3.

Hearing this news, barbington's extraordinary face did not have any happy meaning, the third level space wormhole in the space wormhole has been a very troublesome one.

You should know that the space wormhole is only 500 meters away from the base headquarters. The level 3 Zerg can come to the base headquarters' energy shield almost instantly.

The defense effect of this energy shield against the third level Zerg claw sting is not strong, which is related to the suppression of energy by warstar. Even if the energy shield produced by kryptonite is used, its power is far less than that of other planets.

"David, the three of us are working together. We can't let the third level Zerg enter the base headquarters!" Babington looked at David and said in a deep voice.

Babington knows that this is a bit of a dilemma for David. Although David claims to be able to kill the third level Zerg, everyone knows that it is a means of assassination.

Through the combination of "sniper master"'s hidden breath means and "heavy axe master"'s powerful combat skills, the terrorist assassination ability is generated.

In the face-to-face combat, David, the top beetle, suffers from direct melee with the third level Zerg.

Even with David's defense power, if you are hit by a third level Zerg, you may be fatal.

But babenton knows better that if the third level Zerg invades the base headquarters, there will be no one in the base headquarters to resist the massacre of the third level Zerg.

In the base headquarters, in addition to 1000 base headquarters staff, there are 15000 recruits. Even if these recruits are armed with spears that can damage the third level Zerg, they can not produce much combat effectiveness.

If it's a hundred war veterans here, you don't need 15000 warriors. If you only need 5000 spear warriors, you'll be able to fight the third level Zerg.

In fact, once these recruits create chaos, they will collapse first without the slaughter of the third level Zerg. , the fastest update of the webnovel!