At six o'clock in the afternoon, the light of Saint's star still shines in the city of Chia, and the private high school of renka is finally closed.

Senior three is also the last grade of renka private middle school. The rest of the grades finish teaching at 4:00 p.m. when they go home, they join the interest groups. At this time, even the interest groups are scattered.

Because of the test in the afternoon, the students in class 1 of senior three seem to be a little weak. Even the student Moore, who can speak very well at ordinary times, is also listlessly packing up his things.

David didn't have much to pack up. The books he sent out didn't need to be taken away. They were put in the desk.

The lock of the desk must be opened by the owner's identity bracelet, so there is no need to worry about safety. Besides, this is a private middle school. Students who can afford such expensive tuition will not steal.

David left the classroom with another school uniform and his own change of clothes.

"It's him, the new comer. When he gets out of school, you'll get on together. If you hurt me, it's mine." Under a tree near the school gate, a student, also dressed in a private high school in renka, pointed to David, who was walking towards the gate, and said to seven or eight tall people beside him.

"Listen to the young master Several strong men can see that they are adults, and the leading one said with a smile.

Hosley's family runs a hotel. This time, he was kicked out of class 1 of senior 3 and sent to class 6 of senior 3, which made him lose face in school.

He couldn't be provoked by renka private middle school, and he didn't dare to hate him. But the new students were the main culprit who pushed him away. He didn't do anything about it, and how could he get a foothold in the school.

The management of lunca private middle school is strict. Let alone him, even the powerful students in his family dare not bring others into the school to do things.

So Hosley found several security guards in his hotel and stopped David here. He didn't want to be cruel. He just took it out of his mind. In addition, he let the other students know that he was not easy to provoke.

I was worried that David would come out with other students, and whether the intervention of other students would affect the plan.

But David was the first to arrive at the school gate, but it gave him the best chance.

"Go on Holly cried excitedly.

When seven or eight security guards were ready to rush up, a floating car fell from the air and landed directly at the school gate.

"Stop!" When the security guard at the head saw the floating car, his eyes became extremely frightened, he waved and said.

David saw Janice jumping out of the driver's seat and said hello with a smile.

"David, this suit fits you so well!" Janice quipped.

To see a tough beetle in school uniform, jenlis thought of this has a burst of laughter impulse.

"Janice, I'm a high school student. This is what I should wear!" David glared at Janice fiercely and said without good breath.

"Let's go. I need your help!" After hearing David's words, James turned to think of David as a high school student, but he became "invincible" and defeated him. He immediately lost his smile and waved his hand to invite David to say.

"What can I do for you?" With all that said, David got into the suspension car.

In the suspension car, he turned his head to see a group of big men surrounded a student not far away. The poor student was covered by one of the big men, and the student was constantly struggling against it.

"There's bullying everywhere!" David, sitting in the suspended car, shook his head and sighed.

He didn't mean to intervene. It was impossible for the student to be in danger of life. He did not feel that there was killing intention in the group of big men in his sensitive perception, even there was little malice.

"At last, we are almost in trouble." The security guard of the head let go of the hand that covers huosley classmate, the head breaks cold sweat to say.

"Why don't you do it and let the boy go!" Holly yelled.

"Young master, that's Mr. jenlis. He comes to pick up your classmates from school. We can't afford such people!" The chief security officer explained helplessly.

As the security of the city's hotels, they need to know which people in the city can't be provoked. This is the most basic way to survive.

Among them, jenlis is in the forefront of the existence of people with more power than janlis, but they can not meet those people.

James is one of the top young people in Chia. If he offends him, he will be directly attacked by him and the forces behind him.

Not to mention the hotel of Hosley's, even if its identity was twice as high, it could not bear the pressure of the forces behind him.

"Where is this?" David got off the suspended car and saw the distinctive style of architecture in Chia, which was like a crystal palace. He asked jenlis curiously.

"This is Jiashi private club. It was built by a friend of mine for my friends who like to fight with Jiashi. It's not external!" James answered as he led the way.

"Is it possible to fight in the first place?" David looked around with disbelief at the surrounding environment, which was as fragile as glass. It was estimated that the walls could be smashed with a single blow from any of the warriors.You don't even have to wear exoskeleton armor, you can do it with a weapon.

"Ha ha, of course, it's not a direct battle, but a battle in a virtual environment!" Janice explained with a smile.

He knew that David was from the rock star, and his ignorance of this was understandable.

"In the virtual environment, how can we really show our own strength?" David has built a virtual world himself, and he knows very well that the body simulated by virtual environment cannot be compared with the real body in many ways.

"You'll see how it's done in a moment!" Jenlis didn't explain much either, smiling and continuing to lead the way.

"Welcome, Mr. jenlis!" Standing at the front desk, the beautiful lady said to him with a smile. Then she saw David behind him and again bowed to David and said, "welcome to us!"

"Get us two Oracle virtual cabins!" Janice nodded back to the front desk, then ordered.

Mr. James, you can use virtual cabin No. 8 The front desk lady in front of the light screen on a number of operations, said with a smile.

Janice gave David a hand and took him inside.

Walking through the partition behind the front desk, it looks like a leisure place. In front of the half circle of exquisite sofa is a crystal round tea table. Five or six young people aged 20 to 30 are talking.

"Jenlis, you haven't formed a team for the renka cup? Or you'll join our team A young man with a moustache sat down and asked with a smile.

"Coe, didn't you see that I brought people here?" Janice waved his hand and pointed to David behind him.

"No, you're going to take a middle school student to the competition?" The young man, Coe, looked at David in surprise and said to Janice.

David looked at his own body. Because he was blocked by the school gate after school, he had other clothes on his hand, but he had not changed them. At the moment, he still had the same school uniform.

It's no wonder COE is surprised. David's uniform clearly tells COE that he is a student of renka private middle school. At most, he is only a senior three student. No matter how strong he is, he will be limited.

"I'll talk to you later. I'll familiarize myself with my friends first." Jenlis didn't want to talk any more, he apologized.

Walking further inside, David saw a series of transparent or opaque glass rooms. Those transparent rooms could see the virtual cabin.

"Transparent rooms are not used, opaque means someone is using it!" Jenlis explained as he walked to room seven.

Room 7 and room 8 are connected together. After taking David into room 7, jenlis operates on the wall. The transparent glass wall between room 7 and room 8 is separated from each other to merge the two rooms into one.

The two rooms are not big. They are only eight square meters together.

There was only one virtual cabin in the room, but it was more complicated than all the virtual cabins David had ever seen before.

"Jenlis, can you tell me what it's about bringing me here?" At this time, David can't help asking.

"In fact, it's nothing. Even this year's renka cup competition is about to start. I made a little bet with others to win the top three places in the renka cup. I'm not sure about the single first prize. But if you take me in the double team competition, let alone the first three, there should be no problem!" Jenlis explained with a little embarrassed smile.

"What are you gambling about? Give me half! " David didn't mention it. He said the terms directly.

He didn't mean to refuse the fight, but he liked to accept the challenge.

"As long as you win the bet, I only care about the result!" Jenlis said with a smile in his eyes when he heard David.

As an extraordinary disciple, where does he care about gambling, what he cares about is fame.

David didn't want to ask who James was gambling with. He was lazy. Anyway, it didn't look like a real fight. Fighting in the virtual world was just a game.

"Is this the Oracle virtual cabin? Can this really fully simulate the real combat power of the Oracle himself? " David looked at the virtual capsule in front of him and asked in disbelief.

"The Oracle virtual cabin is just a terminal. It actually scans the Oracle's body for simulation. However, the abilities such as the special talents of the Oracle are automatically synchronized to the virtual world after the Oracle starts!" James explained to David.

"It's amazing!" David looked at the Oracle virtual cabin in surprise.

"The first time you enter the virtual cabin, you will scan your body. This will take a little time. Then you will be allowed to choose your name. You can choose your own name or automatically generate a nickname for you. After entering, it will automatically appear next to me. I will guide you how to use it in the virtual world." As he prepares to enter the Oracle virtual cabin, he finally says to David.

David nodded. He also wanted to see how magical the Oracle virtual cabin was.

David opens the virtual capsule 8 and stands in it. Soon he feels like he's wearing exoskeleton armor.In other words, the virtual capsule of Oracle basically simulates the characteristics of exoskeleton armor, and even reflects the pressure on the body.

No wonder it's called the Oracle virtual cabin. If ordinary people stand in it, they will be crushed by this kind of pressure. Only the Oracle can bear it.

The power of scanning scans David from all sides of the virtual capsule of Oracle. After two minutes of scanning, David waits for a moment, and his choice appears in front of him.

Just like using exoskeleton armor, David can operate with concentration.

There are two buttons, one is to use the real name 'David Kerr', the other is to automatically generate a nickname according to the user's characteristics.

David naturally chose the second one. In the virtual world, he didn't want to reveal his real name, especially since he is very famous now.

To avoid unnecessary trouble, the best choice is to use a nickname.

After choosing the second button and waiting for about five seconds, a lounge appeared in front of David, where James was waiting.

"Your nickname is really special Janice said, looking at David with a strange look in his eyes.

Now David also saw the name "speedwind 12" on his head. David knew the origin of the nickname. He had a talent for speed, and it was quite appropriate for him to add 12 to the back of his head, which would make him lose his momentum.

But I think David's nickname is a little strange.

David was thinking about his nickname when he saw his nickname, and his expression was also very helpless.

On David's head, the word "invincible" is hanging on his head, but the white name has a kind of incomparable arrogance.

"Can you change the name?" David looked at his nickname invincible and asked jenlis.

"It can't be changed. The nickname is judged by Skynet according to personal information, and then it can choose the most appropriate word. At the same time, it can't be repeated with other people. This is your code name in the virtual world. Of course, you can choose to display your real name!" Janice shook his head and explained.

David hesitated for a moment. He didn't choose his real name. Although the name "invincible" is too conspicuous, I believe that his name of "David Kerr" is also and even more prominent.

"Skynet really did not choose the wrong name, it is estimated that only this name will not be used by anyone!" James looked at David's "invincible" nickname with envious eyes. He also wanted to have this kind of name without suffix numbers, but it was too rare.

When Skynet chooses the most appropriate nickname, if more than one word has the same name, it will add a number after the name to show the difference.

In terms of the hundreds of billions of people in the airidia region, the Oracle entering the virtual world is an astronomical number, and the related name has been used many times.

For example, the "wind speed 12" of jenlis is still good. It is normal for some people to have more than five or six digits in the back of their names.

On the contrary, there are very few names without suffix numbers like David, which can show its special features. , the fastest update of the webnovel!