Chapter 479

Domineering and sincere, he is very stingy, for his own has always been very generous, no matter what he can tolerate, but the only intolerance is Gu Zheng heart and mind thinking of other men.

Gu Zheng is silent and doesn't know what to say.

"Good night."

She couldn't say anything else, especially when she was still hesitating. With that, Gu Zheng turned to another room and slammed it shut.

Only Qin Ziyu stood outside the master bedroom, and the hand pointing to Gu Zheng's left atrium was still hanging in the air.

He didn't know what to say.

I always feel that the mode of getting along with Gu Zheng is not what he wants. I still remember that he would rather make Gu Zheng angry than let her dare not ignore him. That's what he was afraid of.

Today, when Gu Zheng proposed to sleep separately and let each other calm down, he agreed.

See Gu Zheng with tired tone say that words, when he pause, finally or choose to agree.

He doesn't want to force Gu Zheng.

What Bai Ning said is also reasonable. Gu Zheng will definitely choose to escape if he is forced too hard.

As long as Gu Zheng is still around him, he won't do much, except for Fu Yuchen.

He must get rid of Fu Yuchen!

If this person stays in T City, it's a hidden danger for him. It's better to eliminate it as soon as possible.

So this is the only thing he can't promise Gu Zheng. It's inevitable for Fu Yuchen to do it!

Otherwise, when Fu Yuchen is really stable, he will be the one to worry about.

It's the best choice to shovel away before his wings are full.

Qin Ziyu's eyes were narrow and cold.

Then he went back to his room. After searching, he took out a key from somewhere and laughed.

There is a plan for him.

If he had a backup of all the rooms in Qin's house, Qin Ziyu picked one and stuffed it into his pocket.

In the middle of the night, it was so dark that there was no light at all.

A shadow card opened the door of the room, crept to the bed, put his arms around Gu Zheng's waist, looked at Gu Zheng's sleeping face with his eyes, and bent over his side face to kiss him goodnight.

He whispered, "good night."

Then he put his face on her back and didn't say a word. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Just smelling guzheng's body fragrance, he felt at ease. Holding guzheng, he felt that these were not dreams, but real.

Gu Zheng didn't know what he was dreaming of. He raised a smile and fell asleep.

The next day, when Gu Zheng woke up, she found that there was one more person beside her, and that person was sleeping more than she died.

Even the sound of breathing brushed her face, gently with a trace of cool.

Qin Ziyu didn't wake up until Gu Zheng got up from the bed. In fact, he woke up for a while, just watching Gu Zheng in his arms and reluctant to get up.

As soon as Gu Zheng saw other people lying beside him, she jumped out of bed.

Pointing at Qin Ziyu, he even spoke with surprise.

"What are you doing here?"

She can remember that she locked the door yesterday. Why can Qin Ziyu come in?

Qin Ziyu lazily got up from the bed, rubbed his eyes, pretended to be just waking up, even his hair was curled up, like a dog house.

"Maybe I was sleepwalking yesterday."

Finish saying, Qin Ziyu also tears open a smile, smile very bright, also take a trace of bad.

Gu Zheng blinked, but there was still some unknown situation. She always had a shallow sleep. Why didn't she find out when Qin Ziyu came in!

"Sit down for a while, Xiao Zheng, and I'll make breakfast for you."

Seeing Gu Zheng's surprise, Qin Ziyu wanted to kiss him, but he couldn't do it now.

When Gu Zheng saw Qin Ziyu walking towards her, she could not help but step back, and these small movements fell into Qin Ziyu's eyes.

But he didn't say anything, just walked by Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng scratched her head. She suspected that she was still dreaming. How could a sleepwalker open the door with that key!

So, Qin Ziyu is playing with her!

Today's Qin Ziyu also makes Gu Zheng feel a little different. If he would have come to kiss her before, he would not.

Gu Zheng stayed for a long time before Qin Ziyu's voice came from downstairs.

"Xiao Zheng comes down to have breakfast."

The gentle voice gives Gu Zheng goose bumps and brings her back to reality from her memories.

Just now she thought of the time when she was with Qin Ziyu.

Gu Zheng changed her clothes and went out. The table was full of breakfast.

There are not only Chinese style but also western style. Qin Ziyu is wearing a blue apron, which looks like a home cooked man.He stood behind the chair and opened it for Gu Zheng.

"I don't know what flavor you like, so I made both."

This gentle appearance really makes Gu Zheng think that Qin Ziyu has been attacked by someone. Gu Zheng still stands in the same place and doesn't know what to do.

Seeing that Qin Ziyu was still waiting for her behind the chair, she walked over and sat down on the chair slowly.

She picked up the chopsticks and ate them. She preferred Qin Ziyu's food to those outside, but Gu Zheng didn't say that.

Seeing Gu Zheng eating quietly, Qin Ziyu just watched her eat without doing anything.

In this way, Gu Zheng was still a little flustered. After a few bites, she finally couldn't help looking up at Qin Ziyu's smiling face.

It seems that he is waiting for Gu Zheng's praise. He dare not say anything else, but one thing is certain that his skill is definitely better than that of the cooks outside.

Gu Zheng ate it in two or three mouthfuls, and it was the one that swept away.

Qin Ziyu carefully observed what Gu Zheng ate, but he did not like to be picky as before. He would eat whatever he fed her.

Qin Ziyu would never tell Gu Zheng that he had already fed her as a pig. If Gu Zheng knew about it, he didn't know how to feel, thinking that the corner of his mouth suddenly rose a little.

Gu Zheng doesn't know what Qin Ziyu is laughing at. He only knows that the corners of his mouth are up and he seems to be in a good mood.

"I'm full."

Guzheng got up and saw that Qin Ziyu didn't move at all. When Qin Ziyu saw that guzheng had finished eating, he picked up the dishes and chopsticks.

"Well, if you want to do anything, go."

Qin Ziyu nodded.

She thought Qin Ziyu would pester for a while, but she didn't expect that he was so decisive that she had to go ahead.

This contrast just let Gu Zheng really can't accept, also let her feel a little strange.

Gu Zheng didn't say much. She just had breakfast made by others and asked them to wash the dishes. She always thought it was not good.

She suspected that she was eating so many empty pigs when she put them in front of her eyes.

She didn't eat as much in a week when she was in America!

"I'll do it myself."

Gu Zheng reaches out his hand and touches Qin Ziyu's hand. Gu Zheng takes it back in an instant, but Qin Ziyu pushes it away.

"I'll do it. Your hands are for writing, not for doing such rough work."

Qin Ziyu went to the kitchen with a plate. Gu Zheng still couldn't accept Qin Ziyu. , the fastest update of the webnovel!