Chapter 13

Just at this time, the little gangster who was ready to leave suddenly turned back and took a brick and patted him on the head.

"Dad shed a lot of blood, I can't cover it with my hands." Gu Zheng's voice was broken. She trembled and raised her hands. She murmured, "my hands are dyed red, but the blood is still flowing..."

Later, the ambulance took dad to the hospital, but the doctor said it was too late to save him.

"If I go home with my classmates earlier, I won't meet those hooligans and my father won't die." Gu Zheng choked, "if I can send my father to the hospital earlier, maybe it will be too late..."

Although it's been so many years, it's like a huge cross on her body, which makes her feel guilty.

At midnight, guilt and chagrin often torment her heart.

Qin Ziyu hugged the woman in his arms and said in a hoarse voice, "so that night, you kept pestering me to go to the hospital?"

He remembers a year ago, when he saw that he was injured, she rushed to him and cried heartbroken, which made him feel that he was going to die.

At that time, he only thought that she looked at him strangely, and now he finally understood the reason.

"Yes." Gu Zheng wiped a tear, honest nod, "I was scared."

At that moment, she thought of her father. She was scared.

"Idiot!" Qin Ziyu was so angry that he turned over and pressed Gu Zheng in his arms. He lowered his head and kissed her wet eyes. "I won't die."

Gu Zheng body trembles, can't help hugging him, clumsy response to her kiss.

Qin Ziyu's kisses are like spring breeze and drizzle, falling gently and gently on her face, full of pity every time.

Gu Zheng can't help but shed tears. Even she doesn't know why. She just wants to cry, but it has nothing to do with sadness.

Qin Ziyu drags her body and gently kisses her tears.

"Hold me tight." She murmured.

Qin Ziyu body a shock, with greater strength will she carefully knead into his body, incomparably cherish pity.

At six o'clock the next morning, Gu Zheng got up on time, looked in the mirror, pressed her swollen eyes, pulled the corners of her mouth, and turned to go downstairs to make breakfast.

Yesterday, I turned the page.

"It's time to eat." Gu Zheng prepares breakfast and says to Qin Ziyu who goes downstairs.

Today, he didn't go out for a run. He got up early in the morning to deal with the affairs of the company in his study. Smelling the delicious food, he went downstairs and was smiling at Gu Zheng. It was no different from yesterday morning and many mornings before.

Qin Ziyu came into the restaurant, opened a chair and sat down. His eyes fell on Gu Zheng's eyes. His eyes flashed, "are you at home today?"

She's just not fit to go out and meet people.

Gu Zheng gave a "hum" and kept eating. They looked the same as usual, but there was something different between them.

The breakfast was very quiet. It was only when Qin Ziyu started the car and left outside the window that she felt relieved and leaned on the back of her chair, pressing her forehead with a headache.

Yesterday, she was very embarrassed, holding Qin Ziyu said a lot and did a lot

Just think about it, guzheng can't help but face hot, regret.

"Ding Dong Ding Dong --"

the mobile phone suddenly rings, interrupting Gu Zheng's meditation. When she sees that Chen Mo's phone is calling, she suddenly remembers that she was brought back by Qin Ziyu last night and forgot to say hello to him and Shen Ruoyu. They must be in a hurry.

"Gu Zheng, are you ok?" As soon as the phone was connected, Chen Mo's anxious voice came from there, and Shen Ruoyu's urgent voice was beside him.

Gu Zheng felt warm in her heart. She rubbed her nose and said with a smile, "I'm fine. I'm really sorry yesterday."

"It's just fine." Chen Murong took a breath and said half jokingly, "I thought you lost it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!