Chapter 216: Do You Find Joy In Irritating Me?

Name:Tori Transmigrated Author:
Chapter 216: Do You Find Joy In Irritating Me?

Her fingers touched his wrist, and she gently pushed his hand that held the tiara down. Thats fine, but how is Axton?

Axton is well.

Tori let out a relieved breath and looked at Montan, who looked just as relieved. He seemed to whisper a silent thanks as his body relaxed. She looked back at Piers in front of her.

When is he coming back?

I dont know.

Tori frowned. What do you mean you dont know? Didnt you say he is well?

Piers blinked and seemed to draw himself out of a daze. He looked around and lowered his eyes. He completed his errand, but needs to write a formal report. Since he is in Osten, Uncle wants him to see his new sister.

At the mention of errand, Tori remembered that not even Ewan and Montan, who were there when they saw Axton off, knew the exact details of Axtons mission. They thought he was running an important errand near the border; thus, Tori wrote a protective charm on him as a precaution.

She nodded and relaxed her stance. Oh, since hes there, he should just take his time.... She trailed off as she turned her head and saw Montans pale face. His eyes were crinkled up and he seemed a bit of a loss.

Brother has...has a sister? His voice was quiet and laced with confusion and disbelief.

Marquis von Schwerts daughter. He told us about her, remember? Ewan said. He was neither too excited nor sad and seemed to be trying to answer Montan sincerely. Marquis von Schwert sees Master as his son, so he would want his daughter to see him as her brother.

The others nodded, hoping this made sense. Everyone knew that Montan had almost as bad an older brother complex as Gideon.

Montans eyes dropped. Yes...I remember. Hed also met Marquis von Schwert and Tori had seen how impressed he looked when he met the Marquis General. He mustve felt that his brother was lucky to have such a man who cared for him like his own son when their birth father was such a disappointment.

However, Montan was Axtons brother. Half-brother. And their relationship wasnt good for years. He finally had a family member who loved him. For that family member to have another sibling, Montan likely felt a sense of panic and fear that hed be abandoned.

Tori tried to find the words to comfort him and give him reassurance of his place in Axtons heart, but wasnt sure where to start. In addition, Madam Midstrom was waiting for her in the bedchamber to finish her fitting.

My lady, Madam Midstroms voice came from the other room, and she appeared as the flap opened. Your comcry. She held out the round compact in her hand, and as the room fell into awkward silence, Tori went to take it.

Thank you, Madam. She opened the comcry and her brows shot up. It really is speaking of the devil. She swiped her finger across and answered with some sarcasm. Dont you have a report to fill out?

I dont have an obsession with paperwork like Piers, Axtons voice replied. Montans head snapped up and he looked towards Tori and her comcry with uncertainty in his eyes. Do you know where Montan is? Hes not answering his comcry and Manager Somerset said hes not at Duel. The only other place I can think hed be is with you.

A sharp gasp was heard and Montan patted his body. He paled and seemed to realize he didnt have his comcry on his person. I left it in the tent!

Is he there with you? Axtons voice sounded a bit eager. Montan, I told you to keep your comcry on yourself. What if there was an emergency?

Tori smiled. He would not scold Montan if he did not care about him. Were in my tent and preparing to go to dinner. I have to finish my dress fitting, so Ill give my comcry to him. She handed Montan her comcry and looked at the others. Clean up. When I change, well go to the restaurant for dinner.

Her friends nodded and she went back into her room. She could hear Montan speaking to Axton in the other room. Twice, Axton assured him he was fine. He only had a quick errand to deliver some paperwork. Axton asked about what Montan had been doing the last few weeks, if he was eating well, and why he was in Viclya.

Madam Midstrom helped Tori out of her gown and carefully packed it away as Tori changed into her regular delta attire. She lazily tied up her mass of curly hair. Madam Midstrom lifted the bundle to bring with her.

Ill head to my lodgings for the night and return tomorrow, my lady. Your gown will be ready well before the event, she told Tori with a warm smile.

Tori held the flap open for her as she walked her out. Thank you, Madam. I appreciate it.

I will have your gown and His Highness suit brought to the Lunar Pavilion.

We have private apartments ready for changing in the upper floors in preparation for this party, Madam, Ilyana said as she joined Tori at the tent exit. I will meet you there and bring you to the apartments.

Very good, very good! Madam Midstrom was escorted to her tent and Tori looked back inside.

Everyone seemed ready to leave, except Montan, who hadnt moved from his spot and was still talking to Axton. Tori gave Ilyana a small, silent nod and she returned it. She motioned for the others to follow her out and at her cue, the usual group filed out of her tent.

Piers glanced at his brother and then looked towards the exit. Gideon nodded and he and Fabian followed Toris friends outside.

Tori didnt rush Montan and instead turned towards Peers and whispered. How was your suit? Did it fit all right?

Yes, my measurements didnt change, he told her. We will match.

I know, Tori said. She lifted her hands and straightened the collar of his shirt. Are you nervous about the party?

It isnt my first. I trust your, Henrik, and Lady Ilyanas abilities, Piers replied. He lifted his head a little higher, giving her access to his neck.

Brother, thats not necessary. Montans voice rose a bit and he sounded worried. I will continue to work.

You can work and still go to Universit, Axton told him. You said you like school.

I do! Montans face flushed. But Universit is not necessary.

Senior Kasen said that you have a lot of talent and are progressing quickly. Even if you dont study charms, you can study Old Sulfae. You can study anything you want, Axton said. He paused for a bit and his voice softened. If you want to continue to learn, dont concern yourself with money. Your big brother has plenty and Ill support you. Do what you want, but dont restrict yourself because of financial difficulties. That doesnt exist for us. Im not our father.

Montans eyes reddened. Ill consider it.

The exams are in a few months. Tori and the others are studying. When I get a chance, Ill ask Lady Ilyana if she can tutor you to prepare for the test.

Brother, I cant bother Lady Agafonova about this-

She wont be bothered. She and Tori dont need to take the entrance examination to Universit. Those overachievers already have their places reserved. Tori narrowed her eyes and glared at the comcry. Axton didnt call her a nerd directly, but the tone was there.

Im still in the room, Axton, she said in a low voice.

She heard a faint, sharp inhale from the comcry. Nothing wrong with overachievers, of course. We should strive-

Go and finish your report. Piers low voice cut him off and Axton let out another heavy sigh.

Of course, youd be there, too.... They heard him mutter. Ill call you later with more details. Montan, dont worry about anything. I have a place for you stay near Universit. Itll be convenient.

Montan nodded mindlessly. All right.

Tori took her comcry back. Good-bye, Axton. She slid her finger across and shook her head. She sneered down at it. You wish you were an overachiever.... She shoved her comcry into her pocket and glanced at Montan. Lets go. Dinner time.

Montan nodded and followed behind her and Piers. Your Highness, he said, quietly. Will my brother follow you to the palace once he graduates?

It is not required for a personal knight to live with their liege as adults. He will live outside the palace if he continues to be in my service, Piers replied at Toris side.

Tori furrowed her brows. Axton is the Duke of Alvere. If he continues to work for you, is it possible to do so why running the duchy? Does he have to return there?The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

It is possible, and many nobles run their territories by proxy from a different location, Piers said. Axton will live at the Lunar Pavilion.

It was close to the imperial palace, but still gave Axton a sense of independence.

Then, he will take occasional leave to take tours of his duchy, Tori said. She saw Piers give her a single nod. Good. Hell be close by if Montan needs anything.

They didnt go to Henriks restaurant by the sea, but inland, towards the large inn beside the ice-skating rink. On the ground floor was a restaurant that served hearty meals typically enjoyed in the winter. The restaurant also had its own bakery and many winter guests brought baked treats back as a souvenir.

When they arrived, the others were just seated.

Were early and have more than we reserved, but they can accommodate us, Sonia told her. Dont worry, theyre not displacing any other parties.

Tori nodded with approval. Their seat was near a massive hearth that was more for ambience than heat. The entire inn was regulated by crystals. Walking in from the chill, damp coastal weather, one was immediately bathed in a comfortable warmth. They shed their coats and checked them in at the coat room by the entrance so they could eat more comfortably.

There were plenty of other guests seated in massive dining area featuring a vaulted ceiling and large windows that looked out towards the skating rink, the steam beyond it, and from one corner, the lights from the encampment. The light crystals were a warm yellow and not too bright, making the entire area open, but intimate in setting.

They sat at a long table and began to chat amongst themselves. At one end of the table, Piers was the head with Tori on his right and his brother on his left. On the other were Ilyana and the others, who seemed to naturally steer clear of Gideon. Tori didnt blame them.

They gave their orders and Tori took a sip of wine. Across from her, Gideon took the opportunity to speak to his brother.

Are you going to sell the mansion in the Academic Quarter? Gideon asked. Tori raised a brow. That was where Piers currently lived and where she and Ilyana would move for Universit.

She could feel them all those scrutinizing eyes on her.

The Empress looked utterly pleased and was grabbing her husbands arm. From the tension, she was gripping it to contain her excitement and Tori could almost see the slight pain on the Emperors face.

Piers seemed to completely forget about his parents as he turned to face Tori and extended his hand when she was within distance. She took it, as was expected, and was helped the rest of the three steps down.

As it was a formal occasion, Tori made a deep, proper curtsey to the Emperor and Empress. Good evening, Your Majesties.

Countess Guevera, good evening. The Emperor gave her a nod as the Empress burning gaze swept over her and Piers a few times.

Yes...this is good, the Empress seemed to whisper to herself. She beamed a wide smile. What lovely jewelry, Tori. Is it new?

Yes, Your Majesty, Tori said. She prepared to thank her for her thoughts, but settled on the piece by Master du Monde, but Piers continued for her.

I placed an order with Master du Monde for pieces matching our clothes for the evening, Piers told his parents. If Tori didnt know better, he was bragging. She tried not to show the surprise on her face. She shouldve known that Master du Monde, who was always busy, would not simply toss a set of jewelry at her for nothing.

The corner of the Emperors lips curled up, appearing pleased. And you provided your late Great-Great-Grandmothers Midnight Star Tiara?

Tori knew that the tiara on her head was likely from Piers personal treasury, as it was too intricate to have been done in such short notice, but she didnt know it was a former Empress.

It matched.

The Empress eye twitched. I will leave you to the rest of your guests. Is your brother already here? What about Uncle Emil?

Yes, they are already inside.

The Empress smiled once more with clear maternal gentleness in her eyes. Its good to hear your voice more. In the past, Piers wouldve only nodded, and that was if he bothered to answer at all.

The Emperor had a slight sneer. If you heard him in the study, youd be sick of it.

The imperial couple were escorted to the courtyard. They were clearly the guests of honor and seeing them at an event was as good as announcing to the city that Piers had their political support. If they didnt plan to name Piers Crown Prince that night, there would be little question about it in the morning.

Tori stood beside Piers and continued to welcome guests as they were introduced and then ushered in. During a small break, she heard Piers voice.

You look very beautiful. More tonight than usual. He was quiet, almost whispering the words so only they could hear. Tori held back a toothy, happy smile.

Thank you, she said. You picked very well.

I have a good eye. She almost laughed as he praised himself. do I look?

Was he fishing for compliments? Same as always. She watched his expression from the corner of her eyes. It didnt change much, but there was disappointment. She almost laughed once more. Gorgeous.

His lips pulled up into a smile that could barely be contained. I look good?

I am sure if Fifi saw you today, you could threaten Kaseys number one spot on her list as most good-looking people, Tori said with a slight smile. Fiona had assured her that she was in the top five.

Tori, the last of the guests have been settled in the courtyard. You and His Highness can go inside now, Ilyana said as she walked over from where she was coordinating. Like we practiced, you go back up the stairs, go to the courtyard balcony and His Highness can make his welcome speech, then you will come down the side stairs.

Ilyana reminded Tori of a stage manager as she ushered them upstairs and contacted Henrik in the audio room to prepare for their entrance.

Ilyana, is this really necessary? Tori asked as she followed.

Yes. Its part of my vision! Tonight, has to be perfect!

Tori conceded and followed her friend to the walkways overlooking the center courtyard. The lights were dimmed and a series of light crystals over the stairs illuminated, drawing guests attention. It wasnt as bright as a spotlight, but it was subtle and did its job.

Piers held hand in the crook of his arm, as hed done so many times. Tori glanced at Ilyana and almost expected her to yell action.

Instead, the music reached its crest and Piers led her down to the midway landing. He gave a nod to his parents and brother, who after being instructed by Ilyana, walked up the stairs on either side of the landing to reach Piers and Tori.

The music faded and Piers stood in place, looking at the guests in the courtyard. Tori thought the decorations looked even better at night. Ilyana and Henrik outdid themselves, and she made a mental note to remind Piers to give them a bonus. The elegant decorations and amazing lighting work made her forget that when she stood beside Piers and his family like this, she appeared as a member of the imperial family, as well.

Good evening and welcome. Piers began to talk, and Tori kept a light smile on her face as she listened. The new work year was going to start, so Piers made well wishes for a fruitful year and good cooperation. He stated his plans for the agencies and ministries in government he was part of, omitting anything related to the Duraga Federation and war.

He thanked everyone for coming, told them to be at ease for the night, and wished them a wonderful evening.

The guests clapped and Piers stepped back, allowing his father to take his place.

Welcome and thank you for attending my eldest sons new year ball, the Emperor said. Tori tried not to laugh, thinking about the difference between the Emperors private voice and tone he used at home versus the majestic rulers voice he used when addressing the people. Shed heard this man cry out in pain and surprise multiple times.

She lifted her hand and placed it on Piers. Youre going to be amazing, she said just loud enough so he heard her.

Will you support me? he asked.

Her response was instinctive, and she whispered before she could stop herself. Until the day I die.

His hand closed over hers and squeezed it. I am the same.

For several years now, my eldest son has taken on responsibilities for the empire, learning the intricate details of governing a land and its people, and guiding his place of birth to not only a glorious future, but a peaceful and stable one, where all citizens have access to a good life and advancements that increases its quality. He has proven to our family that of my children, he will be most suitable to lead Soleil into the future.

The Emperor took a deep breath and took a step to the side, signaling Piers to step forward.

Go, Your Imperial Highness, Tori whispered in an encouraging and teasing voice. She withdrew her arm from his, allowing him to stand beside the Emperor.

We, Mathieu-Philippe du Soleil, Emperor of the Soleil Empire, names our eldest son, Piers Emil Geran du Soleil, the First Prince of Soleil, as our heir to the throne, titles, and responsibilities and duties required of them. Effective immediately, the First Prince is named Crown Prince Piers Emil Geran du Soleil.

The Emperor placed a gentle hand on the back of Piers' shoulder, guiding him in front of him. As the crowd applauded and yelled, Chamberlain Thropson carried a gold bordered, violet sash on a white pillow.

The coronet and sword will be placed at the formal ceremony, but it is customary to give him the heirs sash at the time of announcement, the Empress told Tori as the two stood behind.

The Emperor took the sash and carefully placed it around Piers with pride in his eyes.

We expect only the best from you, my son, he said in a tight voice. His eyes reddened for a moment and Tori wondered if the Emperor had really thought this day would never come. For a long time, Piers was not considered as heir at all, but he was clearly the most capable son.

Piers reached forward in an unexpected motion. The Emperors eyes went wide as Piers embraced him. At once, the Emperors eyes almost filled with tears. His hands shook as they rose and touched Piers back.

I will not disappoint you or the empire, Father.

Yes...yes, I know. For a second, the middle-aged man appeared as just a young mans father who was filled with pride and joy at his sons promotion, and not the ruling monarch of a sprawling empire.


Yes, my son?

Release me.

Tori bit her lip as the Emperors emotional look hardened at his sons heartless words. Piers stepped away from his father to embrace his mother. The Empress wiped at her eyes before taking her son into her arms.

Piers then turned to Gideon and, nearly making the second prince become a puddle, gave him a hug. It was a light hug with just one pat on the back, but such moments of physical affection from Piers were so few, they were priceless to him.


You must continue to serve the empire well regardless of my title, Piers told Gideon as he pulled away with some effort. Gideons head bobbed up and down.


Piers turned to Tori. Her eyes were moist, moved by the show of family love. She stepped back and curtsied to him. Congratulations, Your Imperial Highness Crown Prince Piers Emil Geran du Soleil.

Piers gave her a small nod of his head, then held out his hand for her to take. She put her hand in his and stood up, returning to her position at his side.

Tori, he said, quiet and almost drowned out by the voices below and the music that picked up. His parents began to make their way down the stairs in front of them. Are you proud of me?

A sharp pressure filled her sinuses and her eyes reddened. Her hand on his arm squeezed him and she subconsciously moved closer.

You dont need to be Crown Prince for me to be proud of you, she said as she looked ahead. But if you must know, you are Piers, and I have always been proud of you.