Chapter 160: Trouble in Paradise

Name:Tori Transmigrated Author:
Chapter 160: Trouble in Paradise

Fifi, were going to eat! Tori raised her arm and waved at the ice rink she had created parallel to the creek, near the resort tents. Numerous children and a few adults were skating around the large rink as laughing and screaming filled the air.

The little girl bundled up with a yellow chick-shaped knit cap topped with a red pom-pom kept her eyes on her feet and the skates attached to them as she made little pushes to propel herself forward. She almost looked like a ball in her tan puffy jacket. Five more minutes!

Fiona, you said that ten minutes ago, Tori shouted, this time her voice was more serious. Come here and get something warm to eat.

Im not hungry!

Ilyana, bring her in!


The young woman skating backwards and holding on to Fionas small, gloved hands suddenly picked her up and held her in one arm before gliding across the ice.

No! Auntie, let me go! Im not done! Fiona shrieked, but both Ilyana and Tori ignored her protests with amused smiles. Auntie! She looked at Ilyana with pleading eyes. Why have you betrayed me?

On his wheelchair, Robert covered his hand with his face, embarrassed with his little sisters dramatics. Im sorry about this, Auntie Tori.

Its fine, Tori assured him with a pat on his shoulder. The two knights with them held back their smiles. Shes just enjoying herself....Ewan! Tori let out a heavy breath. Ewan, were going to eat!

Just one more round!

Stop racing with the children or we wont save you food! Like magic, Ewan diverted off his path and made a turn, skating to the corner where Tori was with Robert. He let out a sigh of disappointment, but came to a smooth stop and hopped on to the wooden path around the rink. He held on to the side as he removed the skates from his boots.

Kids learn fast. Theyve never iced skated before and theyre already beating me, Ewan wrinkled his nose and Tori rolled her eyes.

Ewan, you said you only ice skated three times in Horizon, Ilyana said as she got off the ice with a pouty Fiona that dramatically laid across her shoulder, as if she were a sack of rice. To be that fast after only skating three times is quite good.

Ewans face filled with a bright smile. I have good body control!

Ilyana, youve bested us all, Tori said as Ilyana put the pouting child in her arms on the ground. Fiona crossed her arms over her chest and puffed out her cheeks. Shes only hung out with you for a day and shes already picking up your mannerisms.

I dont do that! Ilyana puffed out her cheeks and froze upon realizing how she was pouting. Her eyes dropped and her face reddened.

Ewan laughed and slung his skates over his back. Ilyanas the one who suggested a skating rink.

Its a very popular activity in Gorask, Ilyana said. Tori coaxed Fiona into her arms and picked her up as Ewan pushed Roberts wheelchair. Hed been rolled out into the ice and Ewan pushed him around for a bit. I know its not cold enough for a river or lake to freeze over here, so I didnt think Id be able to skate.

Robert perked up, looking proud. Auntie Tori is amazing! She diverted creek water and then froze that entire area!

I didnt do it by myself. I had it prepared by the villagers and some workers to be flooded and frozen for this, Tori said. Itll last for about a month with the ice crystals I planted. I think its nice for the villagers to have something fun to do when its cold out.

The villagers are very active in the water when its warm, Ewan told Robert.

Are you going to open the ice rink to the workers? Ilyana asked.

No, but after we set this up last night, some knights have asked one to be made on the other side of the river for workers. I told them how to set it up and it should be ready to freeze by tonight, Tori said.

Auntie, can I go back and skate after we eat? Fiona asked in a coy voice.

Yes, but you must rest a bit after you eat. Then well come back, Tori said. They crossed over the bridge to get to the promenade. Now, due to the cooler weather, only Henriks restaurant was open.

With the tourist season off for the winter, most of the people who frequented it were workers and knights. Occasionally, some villagers would come. At a large section outdoors, but under an awning and surrounded by heat lamps, were several tables clustered together. Most of her friends had already taken their seats.

When they reached the restaurant, Nanny stood up and smiled. Robert, Fiona, come, I will help you with your meal.

Nanny Rey! Fiona reached for the old woman who had knit her the chick hat and beamed. She clung to Nanny Reys neck like a koala as a knight pushed Roberts wheelchair to their table.

Tori watched them settle in for their meals and smiled, relieved they were having fun. She knew they were in a bit of a limbo being sponsored, but still living at the orphanage. Their living situation wasnt as good as she or her brother would like, but after some talk, Robert wanted to live as normal as possible at the orphanage so as not to upset the other children.

Kasen was right that he was a smart boy. Luckily, with a steady influx of donations and compensation, there were new clothes, new bedding, more food, and school supplies. Two more additional teachers had also been hired and Robert had a private tutor to teach him Old Sulfae. Tori also tried to visit when she had time to spare.

She turned around and went to join her friends once the two children were settled with Nanny Rey.

I didnt expect you to bring out the entire orphanage, Axton said as he tore a piece of bread and dipped it in some chowder.

Its Roberts birthday and he didnt want anyone at the orphanage to be left out, Tori said as she took her seat. Children and nuns were coming and going all over the resort tents. Thankfully, the weather was chilly, but the sky was blue with no signs of bad weather. Kasey gave me money to rent out the resort tents and bring over the children and some nuns. We were going to bring him here with Fiona, but Robert wanted to bring everyone.

He has a big heart, Ilyana said with a nod of approval. As expected of a future Guevera. Tori nodded in agreement.

So, your brother really plans to adopt them? Sonia asked.

Hopefully, in the future. At the very least they will have the backing of our family, Tori said.

Marquis families adopt children more often than other nobility, Axton said. They dont have the right to inherit titles, but depending on their age, they are taught like any other child of a march. The General said it was because the descendants of marches will often raise the child of a fallen comrade if the child is orphaned with no family able to take them in.

Piers nodded. I have distant relatives on my mothers side who are adopted for such a reason.

We do? Gideon perked his head up from the chowder he was eating. Tori looked over at him and wondered why he was there again, but she supposed hanging around with them was better than him mindlessly following Alessa.

Piers stirred his hot drink. Great Aunt Greta.

Great Aunt Greta is adopted? Gideon furrowed his brows.

Axton also looked surprised. She wouldnt happen to be Commander Greta von Schwert, would she?

Piers nodded. She has the same last name.

Commander Greta von Schwert who led the Osten army along the northern border for the Holstein Surrender, which successfully retook two mountain fortresses and forced two Duraga tribes south? Ewan asked with wide eyes filled with awe.

Piers nodded again.

The only person she says can outmaneuver her strategy is Toris uncle, Romulo de Guevera, Axton said. I suppose only a march can compete with another march.

Speaking of marches, Albert said after swallowing a mouth full of battered fried cod. Is Prince Gideon going to join the naval academy again this summer?

Gideon nodded earnestly, looking a bit happy that he was being spoken to. Its already been arranged, but Im only going to the latter half.

Why only half? Ewan asked.

Gideon sat up, proud. Ill be going with my brother to Presidio to attend Lord Sebastians wedding.

If this life had sound effects, Tori wouldve heard a record scratch. She brought a spoonful of the chowder to her lips as her friends all froze and looked towards Gideon seated at one end of the table. She knew that he would be coming because her brother already told her. However, none of her friends knew.

Youre going to Masters wedding? Ewans face sank. I want to go to Masters wedding.... His voice trailed off, disappointed.

What are you talking about, Ewan? Hes your master. Of course, youll be invited to his wedding, Axton told him with confidence. He looked at Tori. Isnt that right?

Tori quietly relished the warmth of the chowder as she swallowed it. She lowered her spoon and looked towards them.

Most people know about the wedding and the high-ranking nobles have already informed my brother and Idunn of when to expect them, but the actual formal invitations wont arrive for another month, Tori told them. Ewan, you are of course getting one.

Lucky, Ilyana said. I want to go to Presidio.

Good, Tori said after eating another spoonful of chowder. Because Ive already reserved spots for all of you as my guests. Sebby and Idunn said I could. The rooms by mine will be prepared. Ilyana and Sonia, youll room with me and Alexander, of course.

We get to go to Presidio? Alberts face lit up.

I didnt want to tell you without the invitation, but since you asked. Its up to you if you want to come or not, and, of course, you should clear it with your families, but after Lyce ends this year, Sur Bronce, one of the military ships, will come to pick us up here. Well stop at Karap, then disembark at Tres Arcos, where carriages will take us inland to Presidio, Tori told them, as if reviewing a set schedule.

Your family is really letting us come? Sonia asked with wide eyes. All of us?

Tori nodded. Sebby and Idunn told me I could bring my friends. Besides, they know who you all are. Well be there for about two weeks; a week and a half before the wedding and a few days after. There will be activities for guests to keep you occupied.

Will the ship be enough to hold us all? Henrik asked. He looked around and seemed to take a mental count.

Sur Bronce is a carrier transport ship and has been used in the past to transport supplies and soldiers, as well as evacuate an island, Tori said. Shed seen it once from a distance. Itll be more than large enough to hold us, Auntie Lucia and her family, Piers, Axton, Prince Gideon, Master Ramos, Nanny Rey, and Robert and Fifi. Ah, but dont tell the kids yet. Kasey wants to tell them closer to the date. He doesnt want to make them too nervous about meeting our parents.

Your parents are really nice, Ewan said as he finished off his bowl of chowder. He beckoned a server to ask for another small bowl. Theyll like the kids.

They like all of you, a mans voice said behind them. Tori turned around and her face lit up.

Kasey! She shot up from her seat to greet him and he smiled. He approached them and held out his arms to hug her. I didnt think youd make it.

How can I miss my kids celebration? Kasen said with a smile. He hugged his sister and looked at the group who had stood up to greet him. The three people that outranked him also stood up. As I was saying, they like all of you. His eyes moved to Piers. With some exception.

Kasey. Tori pulled away and gave him a deadpan look. Her brother smirked and released her.

He hopped over the low wall separating the outdoor dining area from the plaza and made his way further inside. A moment later, Fionas high pitch scream of daddy filled the restaurant and she almost rolled out of her booster chair. Kasen had to rush forward to catch her before she tumbled off.

Tori, lets go. Dinner will start soon, Piers said as the sun began to set. She pulled herself away from her little crystal model train she was automating. She told Instructor Ignatius and Master Ramos that their meal and some cake will be delivered soon before leaving.

On the boat back to the mainland, Tori smiled to herself, satisfied that she could trust her master not to be used as a tool against her, at least not willingly.

My lady, should we have someone watch Master Ignatius when he leaves the island? Sir Granger asked in a quiet voice.

Make sure he is guarded when he leaves. We cant leave anything to chance, Piers answered before Tori could. She thought for a moment and nodded. While Instructor Ignatius didnt want to betray her, she also didnt want him to be put into a position out of his control where he was used against her.

I will let him know, Tori said. I have to explain if knights are going to watch him.

They arrived just in time for dinner and the entire plaza was filled with nuns and children. Kasen was with Robert, who was dressed in a suit, and Fiona in a fluffy princess dress with chicks and a hen embroidered around the hem of the skirt.

Dinner went smoothly and all the children were captivated by the fireworks. Tori smiled as she sat to the side, on a bench surrounded by three silencing circles with Piers. She looked towards her brother, who stood behind Roberts wheelchair with one hand on his shoulder and the other arm holding Fiona.

Kasey looks like a real dad, Tori said with a smile.

Senior Kasen will make a good father, Piers replied. He paused. And they are good children. I like them, as well.

You do? Tori closed her eyes and bit her lips. On Piers other side was Gideon. If Piers didnt send him away, Gideon would stick to him. Gideon looked at his brother with stunned eyes. Have you always liked children? Tori could almost hear his underlying question: did you like me when I was a child?

No. Piers frowned. They are loud. And strange.

Tori muffled her laughter. She raised a brow and gave him a look. Then, when did you like children?

When they are with you. You make them behave.

I dont make them do anything. Sometimes, you just need to listen to what they have to say, Tori said, shaking her head. You should learn from my brothers. Theyre great with kids.

Piers narrowed his eyes a bit and then lowered them. Okay.

The next day, when they left for Horizon, Piers tricked Fiona into riding his carriage by telling her that it was an imperial carriage and riding in it would make her experience what it was like to be a princess, even though Toris carriages were newer and better. Tori had rolled her eyes at Piers sad attempt to learn from her brother, but Fiona had gasped and insisted Robert and Kasen ride with Piers on their way back. Piers plot worked.

They would go directly back to the orphanage to drop off the children while Toris carriages took them back to Lyce.

First, they dropped off Ewan at La Garda. Tori didnt know he had packed an entire sack of snacks until she saw him get off the carriage and slung it behind him.

She crinkled her eyes. Where did he get all that? He didnt have that sack when we picked him up.

I dont know.... Henrik narrowed his eyes. The only restaurant open was mine.

There better not be any potatoes in that bag. Ilyana frowned. Those were reserved for me.

After dropping off Nanny Rey, the two carriages rolled to the front gates of Lyce. In the winter, the sun had long since set and the streets and plazas were lit up by light crystals. As their carriage came to a stop, Sonia reached for the door and froze. Her eyes widened as she quickly locked it, stopping the footman from opening it for them.

Whats wrong? JP asked his sister.

Sonias eyes were fixed outside the window. Its Hart.

What? Tori, Ilyana, JP, and Henrik all crowded the windows closest to Sonia. Just a few steps away from the iron gates were Alessa and Fabian. Alessa was shaking her head and her lips were pulled in a tight frown. Fabian looked both flustered and at a loss.

Open the latch, Tori said as she fumbled with the metal fixture on the corner of the side window. She pulled and pushed, allowing for the side of the window to open. She felt a cool breeze seep into the cabin and as Sonia did the same for the side window next to her, they could hear Alessa and Fabian talking.

They were too far away to make out the words, but the tones were enough to hint at a disagreement.

Oh.... Ilyanas eyes widened. Trouble in paradise?

My lady, shall I open the door? The confused voice of the footman asked through the open window beside Tori.

No, not yet. Stay quiet.... Tori said, lowering her voice. The footman nodded and stood to the side, not questioning Toris order.

The five inside the carriage leaned towards the windows.

Alessa seemed to cry and shake her head, her face red. No! He wouldnt do such a thing! How can you say that about him?

I only heard-

But you didnt see it, did you?, but-

Then how can you believe it?

I need to know what theyre talking about, JP said in a pained voice.

Shhh! Sonia hissed.

Fabian? Alessa? Five sets of eyes turned to the side. The second carriage had parked behind theirs and it had been the one carrying Ewan, Albert, and Gideon. Ewan had been dropped off, so Albert and Gideon had stepped out.

Albert looked a bit confused, and Gideon was frowning.

Gideon! Alessa choked a cry and rushed towards him.

Toris eyes widened as she watched Gideon subtly step to the side. He held out his arm to stop Alessa from running forward, but didnt catch her with his body as expected. He held her at distance.

Whats going on? Gideon asked. Is something wrong?

A small crunch was heard, and Tori turned her head. Ilyana was munching on potato chips and Sonia had her hand in the brown paper bag to take some out. Tori rolled her eyes and continued to watch the drama unfold outside.

Fabian told me that something is wrong with Adrien! He said Adrien tried to do something to a woman.

Toris eyes went wide. Was this about her? Or was that predator back at it? If I have another chance, Ill kick him harder.

Gideon shook his head, looking even more confused. What are you talking about? Did Mr. Rosiek do something wrong? What woman? Fabian. He looked towards his former knight. What is this about?

Fabian opened his mouth, but Alessa cut him off. Adrien was in the hospital for two days after being injured. He says a crazy woman attacked him!

Tori felt her friends slowly turn their heads towards her and she avoided their gazes, instead fixing her eyes on the scene outside.

Who attacked him? Fabian, did you see? Gideon asked.

Fabian shook his head and avoided looking at Gideons face. No, I didnt see anything!

Then why did you say that it was because he harassed a woman? Alessa said, turning her head towards him and glaring. I know Adrien! He wouldnt do that!

Fabian looked exhausted. I only said that perhaps a woman had a reason. Perhaps he provoked her, and she panicked, thinking she was being harassed, and fought back.

What kind of feral woman would jump to such a conclusion and attack a man? Alessa shook her head.

Tori pursed her lips.

Fabian suddenly turned towards their carriage and Tori and the others gasped. They ducked down, trying to avoid the glass.

Wait, Henrik said as he perked up. The windows are tinted. He cant see us.

Oh...right. JP let out a small cough and they lifted their heads to continue watching .

Did Mr. Rosiek give a reason why the woman might have attacked him? Gideon asked, holding Alessa at arms length. He squinted at Alessa. When did it happen?

Last weekend, Alessa said with a sniffle. He was so pitiful, Gideon. He was laying in the hospital bed with ice on his crotch-

Albert let out a laugh and turned his head to the side. Alessa looked to him with a glare. Ahem...sorry. I thought of something funny.

Is he going to be all right? Gideon asked, diverting her attention.

Alessa nodded. I hope so. I heard the nurse say that it couldve been worse. She looked back at Fabian. But he didnt do anything to deserve it! He wouldnt harass a woman!

Fabian lowered his eyes, but didnt say anything. Gideon let out a low breath and released Alessas arm. He patted her shoulder as he took a small step away.

As long as Mr. Rosiek recovers well. Im sure it was an accident.

Alessa nodded, as if fully acknowledging the incident. She turned to Fabian. You should apologize for what you said.

Fabian drew his head back. Apologize?

You said Adrien harassed a woman. He wouldnt!

Fabian froze. He squinted his eyes. But...what if...what if he did? Gideon cocked his head and gave him a curious look.

Alessas face reddened. She stormed forward and stood in front of Fabian with a furious look. He wouldnt! If you think my friend would do such a thing, I wont forgive you!