Chapter 108: I’m Suspicious

Name:Tori Transmigrated Author:
Chapter 108: I’m Suspicious

Toris smile slowly fell. You broke off your engagement? Her voice was soft and full of disbelief. Madam Voss worried so much for Alessa and sent her own sons to help find her. Did she break off the engagement because of Piers suggestion? If she couldnt become a baroness, then she didnt want to get married? Tori felt her stomach twist at the thought. Having spoken to her so much during the search, such a thing didnt seem possible.

It is something Ive been considering since Alessa was found. When the Baron left, I stayed behind knowing that my presence would only upset her further. I feared that if I appeared, she would run off again and everyones efforts were for naught. She paused and took a deep breath. My sons and I have discussed this. Alessa ran away from home and went missing...this was all instigated because the Baron and I insisted on getting married. The relationship the Baron has with his daughter is suffering and I have played the largest role in causing it.

Tori narrowed her eyes as she heard the self-blame in her words. Lady Hart should have been more understanding of her fathers relationships.

She is still his child, and I shouldve been more considerate. Children are sensitive. Part of Tori wondered if Madam Voss forgot that Tori was technically Alessas age. I would be hesitant to marry if my sons were against it. I shouldve thought of this before agreeing. If I did, perhaps this couldve all been avoided. If it were not for you this time, I dont know what wouldve happened to Alessa. I dont want to see Michael go through something like this again because of me.

Tori pulled in her lips and bit them. Has the Baron accepted the termination of the engagement?

I finished my call with him before calling you. He refused at first. He even offered to relinquish his title to marry. He loves his barony, hes worked tirelessly for it, and I cant rob his daughter of a future title. I never wanted the title; I was happy just to be with him. I dont think thats possible now. There was a small, bitter, and painful laugh. He may not want to end it, but I do. If I refuse, there is nothing he can do, right? My sons also want me to end it. Previously, my sons had concerns with the way Alessa was speaking of me. After this, they dont want me to marry into such a home at all. The Baron has always been kind to them and at first, my sons were only hesitant. My eldest said that if marrying him made me happy, they would have no qualms. But after this....

I understand. Tori said.

She could only imagine how Madam Voss sons felt hearing that their mother was constantly berated by a teenager, only to have their mother worry endlessly about said teenager because she loved the Baron.

If it were Tori, shed try to talk her mother out of marrying into such a family, too. Even if the relationship between the husband and wife was good, a child from a previous relationship refusing to accept it could sour everyones lives.

It wasnt as if the Voss sons needed a new father, or their family needed a patriarch.

Still, Tori couldnt help but feel sympathetic for Madam Voss.

I dont regret asking for your help. I am certain you saved their lives, Madam Voss told her. Ending the engagement was my choice. There is no reason to force it. The Baron and I are adults.

A forced marriage isnt sweet, Tori said, quietly. I am sorry to hear that, Madam Voss, but I can certainly understand why. Its not worth spending the rest of your life struggling to gain acceptance from someone who hates you.

She said a few more words of comfort to Madam Voss, but changed the topic to how her family business sales were going. The call ended and Tori let out a heavy sigh. Part of her couldnt help but feel that Madam Voss ending the engagement to Baron Hart was a win for Alessa. As if this entire fiasco would be worth it to Alessa because Madam Voss dumped the Baron.

Tori wrinkled her nose and frowned. She knew it was selfish of her to want Alessa to watch her father remarry, but that girl nearly got them all killed, and house arrest and no pitiful allowance until Lyce started didnt exactly feel like it was enough of a punishment. Where was the emotional and mental torment?

Tori closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It wasnt as if there was anything she could do about it. She lifted her hands and gently patted her cheeks.

Sir Beltran! Im ready to go downstairs! Tori called towards the door. It opened at once and one of her fathers personally trained knights walked in. He was a tall, strong man in his early thirties. From previous chats, he was married and had a little girl in Presidio.

Its good to get out of the room and into the sunshine, my lady. He bent down to pick her up and Tori nodded.

I know, Im sick of this cabin, Tori said. I just want to go back to the delta and sleep on the beach with Alexander on my lap.

Sir Beltran furrowed his brows and frowned a bit. Alexander?

My new kitten. His expression lightened and almost seemed relieved. Tori tried not to grin. He was probably thinking about how to explain Alexander to her father.

He must miss you.

Maybe, Tori said. The others give him so much attention and Ilyanas brother, Riri, likes to play with him. He probably doesnt even realize Im gone.

Then, at least you left him in good hands.

Hmm...Im blessed, Tori said as she was carried downstairs. I have such good friends, Sir Beltran. She couldnt help but brag. When we stop at the resorts, please help me pick up some gifts for them.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

The large man carrying her chuckled and nodded. Of course, my lady. I can carry you into any shop you want. All you need to do is stop and point.

Tori beamed as she was carried across the living room. She could smell food coming from the kitchen, as two knights were on rotation to cook for everyone. Her brother and Idunn had already left with two Guevera knights and, despite her protest, they went by horseback.

Sebastian had embraced her tightly, assuring her that they were healthy enough to ride. He showed her his stomach wounds, which were, as he told her, healed over. Surprisingly, there were no more scabs, only off-colored bands across his skin. Idunn also assured her that they were still wearing air crystals and aurora crystals, so even as they rode, they were recovering.

Tori called all of Axtons inns on the way to tell them to expect her brothers party, just in case.

If my brother and the others are riding, how soon will my brother reach Horizon from here?

With minimal stops, four to five days, Sir Beltran replied. Do not worry, my lady. Lord Sebastian is familiar with traveling in such a way.

Tori released a heavy sigh. Everyone in this family is overworked.

Sir Beltran laughed and carried her outside. They stepped out onto the porch and as Sir Beltran began to carry her across the lawn between the cabin and the tree line, Tori stopped him. She narrowed her eyes towards the tree with the swing at the edge of the tree line. Piers had picked a suitable location; from the swing, they could look out towards the lake down the hill.

Piers was standing to one side, his back to her, and Alessa was chatting with a smile on her face while seated on the swing. Tori didnt know she was still outside. Where was Montan? She glanced around, but didnt see the blue-haired love interest anywhere.

Sir Beltran frowned. Shall I ask her to leave, my lady?

No.... Tori said slowly. Can you get me closer, so they dont see us? Sir Beltran looked down at her with surprise and she grinned. I want to listen in.

The mans surprise turned to disapproval. My lady, you cannot make a habit of eavesdropping.

Just this one time, Tori said. Sir Beltran did not look convinced, and Tori came up with another excuse. Uncle Rom says that valuable information is very important and that knowledge of what is happening around us can mean the difference between a win and a loss.

She could see the uncertainty in Sir Beltrans face, but Tori couldnt contain her excited grin. In the game wiki, the only thing Piers and Alessa had in common was Gideon. Piers was much more of a background character in the game. Gideon mentioned him often, but she didnt know if Piers had any scenes.

In fact, his character bio was just a summary on a page dedicated to Gideons family. Tori didnt even remember seeing his character art. In this life, Alessa and Piers interactions were also limited, and they were passing at balls.

Tori couldn't help but wonder: why was Alessa chatting up Piers when the two love interests on this trip werent around? Did they know Alessa was out here?

Sir Beltran furrowed his brow, but quietly stepped back and then walked around the side to approach the swing from the surrounding forest rather than from the front lawn. Tori drew her head closer to her body as they walked between the trees and made their way closer to the swing.

As a Guevera knight, Sir Beltrans footsteps were silent even while carrying another person. If it werent for the fact that she was being carried like a princess while peering around trees, it wouldve been a fun spy adventure.

Ooh...I should do a spy game. Start off by secretly assigning everyone as either a spy or an agent trying to get to secret info. Okay, okay, mental note made. Ill work on it on the way back.

They came up from the hill below the tree and then hid behind a large tree and some rocks. Tori could hear their voices clearly.

I dont want my father to relinquish his title, Your Highness. I am his daughter, and he is my only parent left. I only want to save him from heartbreak and ruin, Alessa said. Surely, you can understand that.

Lady Hart, whether or not Baron Hart will marry Madam Voss is not something I can dictate, Piers replied in a bland voice. Please discuss this matter with your father.

But he wont listen to me! You must help me come up with a solution, Your Highness. I dont know who else I can go to.

Tori narrowed her eyes. Who else you can go to? Since when could you go to Piers? And Madam Voss already dumped your father.

This is not my place, Lady Hart. Please go back-

Your Highness, Gideon is always saying that you, his elder brother, are intelligent and will defend what is right. There was a tone of determination in Alessas voice. I know you will not turn your back on me.

Tori raised a brow and looked at Sir Beltran, silently asking if he could believe what Alessa was saying. Sir Beltran only looked unimpressed. She could guess he was bored with the gossip of teenagers.

Lady Hart, I cannot intercede on your behalf. Piers voice was firm.

There must be something you can do. Something you can think of, Alessa said, almost pleading. You are the esteemed first prince of Soleil! They say that your talents with policy and negotiations are unparalleled.

This is not a matter of Soleil policy or international negotiations. Piers was starting to sound annoyed. Lady Hart, please return to the cabin. I need to inspect this swing and make sure the ropes are secure.

They are very secure, Your Highness! You did a fantastic job. I feel very safe.

Tori made an incredulous face.

Alessa blinked. But I can breathe fine, my lady.

Youre also not exerting too much energy right now. We dont know if there are sequelae that could appear if youre running or doing any fast-paced actions, Tori told her. This was a legitimate concern. It was why the recovering knights still lingered in bed and would take carriages back, so crystals could be used to continue healing them. Does Baron Hart have a crystal master or are there any crystal masters in Chetterswickshire?

Alessa paused for a moment. No....

Then you should take advantage of them while they are here and have them work on your lungs and breathing with crystals while you can, Tori told her in a firm voice.

Alessa nodded her head. I understand. I will go back, Lady Guevera. She prepared to turn around, but paused. She looked back at Tori with a hesitant expression. Lady Guevera, I hope that after this, we will have no more animosity between us.

Tori wasnt sure how she felt about Alessas words. She also hoped there would be no more conflicts; she really didnt need the additional trouble in her life, but she didnt want to be friends with Alessa either. She didnt answer and instead gave a small smile.

Alessas pretty face lit up and she gave Tori a brilliant smile. Im relieved! Despite the unfortunate circumstances, I am glad that we talked, Lady Guevera.

Why do you make it sound as if we had a heart to heart? Whatever, as long as you stop talking about me. Tori kept a smile on her face and gave her another curt nod.

Then, I will return to the cabin and ask for a crystal master. With a cheerful look on her face, Alessa turned around and seemed to walk with a bounce in her step.

She made it two paces in the direction of the cabin before Piers voice called out to her.

Lady Hart.

She whipped around faster than Alexander when he was playing with his cat toys. Her face lit up even more as she looked at him expectantly. Yes, Your Highness?

Earlier, you approached me to thank me for saving you, Piers told her. He narrowed his eyes. You have not yet thanked Tori. Had it not been for her, you, Mr. Guthry, and Mr. Alvere would not have been found and we wouldve all been massacred with the poison gas.

The excited look on Alessas face turned into one of surprise and then some disappointment. It was fleeting and quickly replaced by an earnest expression. Thats right! I havent thanked her yet! She turned to Tori and took a step back, pinching the sides of her skirt before giving Tori a curtsy. Lady Guevera, thank you for your efforts in saving our lives. We are eternally grateful for your kindness and sacrifice.

Tori tried not to cringe.

I wanted to help your parents, Tori said as her hair flew around her as she swung . It was the right thing to do. Alessa stood up straight, still smiling with some color in her cheeks, before turning around and walking unsteadily back to the cabin. They waited until she had walked inside. Tori looked back towards the horizon. I didnt expect her to be so nice.

My brother insists Lady Hart is very kind, Piers said, sounding unimpressed. Though her actions are reckless.

Im not used to her saying pleasant things without crying and apologizing in a way that puts the blame on me. Tori frowned.

You are unconvinced of her sincerity?

Im suspicious.

Hmm...How is the swing? Piers asked. Do you want me to give you a stronger push? Tell me if you want it harder.

Tori closed her eyes and pursed her lips. Please dont say it like that. And its fine. Since I cant control it, dont push me too high.

Under normal circumstances, Tori loved the feeling of going higher and higher, but it was strange to not be able to swing her legs. Though the wind through her hair and the feeling of flying was refreshing after being stuck indoors, she hated that her legs were not cooperating. There was a bit of an emptiness and swinging wasn't as fulfilling.

She wasnt used to this.

All right, Piers said. He pushed every other time she swung back.

What made you want to put up a swing?

You are bored upstairs, so I brought it out for you.

It is much appreciated. Thank you! Tori smiled and closed her eyes, relishing the warm summer air and the fleeting sun against her face. Did Lady Hart follow you outside?

Yes. She appeared when I was putting the swing on the tree, Piers said in a firm voice. I did not approach her.

Tori almost snorted. I can tell that much. I dont understand what she expects you to do to stop her father from remarrying.

In ancient times, the imperial family may have been able to prevent individual marriages for arbitrary reasons, but that has not been the case in some time. It would be a breach of power for me to intervene.

Would you want to?

No. As you said before, Madam Voss is a good woman who exhausted her resources to find the missing daughter of her fianc, knowing full well that his daughter hates her, Piers said. For her to go that far, it is clear her intentions are pure. I see no reason Madam Voss and Baron Hart should not be wed.

Do you think its necessary for Baron Hart to give up the barony?

Piers was quiet for a moment. No.

Tori opened her eyes and looked over her shoulder. Then why did you suggest it?

To upset Lady Hart.

Toris jaw dropped. You have become vindictive!

I hold grudges, Piers said without remorse. She caused trouble for many people and yet, she was thankless and still demanded her father to retreat from his engagement. Three months of house arrest and no meager allowance isnt enough.

Tori shook her head, but agreed with him. It doesnt matter, anyway. Madam Voss told me she terminated the engagement. Her sons dont want her to marry into such a hostile environment.

I see.

What do you think about Mr. Guthrys punishment?

Considering that the money he must receive monthly is substantial and he is a social person, it is fitting for him. He has a presence amongst the young, elite circles in Horizon. They will talk, Piers said. There are those who know that the Prime Minister left the city to search for his son.

Tori frowned. I thought they tried to hide it or kept it internal?

He is the Prime Minister. His personal business is news.

Tori shook her head. If the emotional and mental stress of the Guthrys wasnt enough already, Horizons elite would soon know what happened to their son. She wondered how that would affect the Prime Ministers re-election.

Then, what about Mr. Alvere. I dont know if anyone contacted Duke Alvere.... She trailed off. Obviously, she didnt contact him, and she doubted anyone on her familys side would. Since both the Tetri and Sinan Duchies were involved, it is likely that Montans involvement had reached Duke Alveres ears. He didnt come.

I have no doubt he already knows. However, Axtons lawyers are in the process of retaking Sun Garden. Between property and his son, property is more important.

Wait, stop...stop pushing me for a moment, Tori said as she looked over her shoulder. Piers lowered his arms and her swinging slowed. Doesnt Duke Alvere value his second son? Isnt Mr. Alvere his precious son with his mistress?

Piers looked down at the ground. When we were children, Axton once told me his father would often yell and curse at the child, but the child was too small to understand. Axton was also very young at the time when this happened, but I remember. It was before Axton learned that Montan was the result of his fathers betrayal of his mother.

Tori swallowed hard. That clarified some of her suspicions. They were never close?

Piers knit his brows. When the mistress came to Sun Garden with the infant, my mother said that she couldnt understand how Duchess Alvere could accept her husbands bastard. The Duchess I remember was truly kind and gentle. She was firm, but always very rational and pragmatic. I dont think she wouldve blamed an infant for her husbands infidelity, but she must have had a reason.

Then, when did she stab the mistress?

A few months after she arrived in Sun Garden.

The Duke let her stay? Tori wasnt sure if she was shaking out of anger or disgust. He let his mistress stay in his wifes ancestral estate? And the Duchess allowed it?

I dont know the reason, Tori. I was only a child at the time and adults would not tell us, Piers said with some regret. After the Duchess stabbed the mistress, her body was greatly weakened and could not fight off an illness, even with the best medical attention in the empire. He stood still and was quiet for a moment before looking back at her. You must never overexert yourself when using crystals.

She cracked a small, wry smile and nodded. Yes, I know. Everyone has told me so many times already. I only pushed myself because the situation was dire. I know I cant-

Tori, the Duchess weakened body was the result of crystal shock.