Chapter 100: Okay, You Two Have Fun

Name:Tori Transmigrated Author:
Chapter 100: Okay, You Two Have Fun

Even as an adult, there was something about stationery and organizational items that excited her. In her original world, she was the only one of her crafting friends who actually had their supplies and tools organized. She chalked it up to habit, as being organized and able to track where things were was a skill needed for her job.

That carried over into this world, and so the morning after she got her crystal carrying case, she went to Anahata Island after brunch to show her masters. She understood she was like a child showing off a new toy, but she didnt care. She was sure Master Ramos and Instructor Ignatius would understand.

And they did.

I shouldve thought of this when I was commuting to and from Lyce, Instructor Ignatius said. I can put several of these on my back or in the saddle bags when riding and keep everything organized.

I liked it so much, Im going to order a few more and see if there is a way to resize the compartments to fit different sized crystals, Tori said as she sat across from her now former Lyce instructor. Making them stackable and perhaps able to latch together in sets for more convenient transport is also something I want to try.

Have you considered doing a lining of thin selenite at the base of each compartment to charge them when not in use?

I thought about that, but I was worried that the shaking of the crystals against it during transport could damage the selenite, since its a softer crystal, Tori replied.

The two lapsed into silence to think about other improvements that could be made. Master Ramos approached them with a wooden box piled with random crystal pieces.

Lady Tori, these are all charged pieces from which you can pick. They will fit well into your carrying case, Master Ramos said. He placed the box on the table and reached into the front pocket of his leather apron to take out a velvet bag. And these are the crystals that can fit into your bracelet.

Toris eyes lit up and she moved her case to the side so she could look at the crystals offered. What do you recommend for my journey?

For comfort, as the weather is growing warmer, I suggest these air crystals, some ice calcite, and of course clear quartz to amplify the others, Master Ramos said, picking a few crystals out of the wooden box. Your bracelet should have crystals that will be useful in dire situations. You are a Marquis daughter; you should always be prepared.

Tori nodded and inspected each crystal he showed her. A few paces away, Piers was seated on a tree stump. On an actual chair next to him, Benedict the cat was sleeping on a cushion. When he tried to move the cat, both Master Ramos and Tori asked what he was doing; Benedict was already sleeping there.

He frowned and took a seat next to the cat, on the stump. Master Ramos, are you not going to the Tetri Duchy, as well? he asked.

The old man continued to help Tori and Instructor Ignatius sort through crystals. No, I still have work to do here. And Benedict is still small. Who will feed him?

Tori glanced up and saw the corner of Instructor Ignatius eye twitch. She held back a chuckle and organized the crystals laid out in front of her. Master, what about these seven?

Master Ramos looked over. He narrowed his eyes and pushed a few forward. Heliotrope is extremely useful in case there is an accident. It is also a rare crystal and difficult to find in most shops. Do you want to keep carnelian when its no longer cold?

Tori thought for a moment. I do. She was bringing some aquamarine with her, black tourmaline, and a few rectangular pieces of obsidian she was carving Old Sulfae into to give to her brothers for safety. She moved her hands over her bracelet to replace some of the crystals and was stopped when she prepared to slip out the black crystal.

No, you should keep that. That has the same effect as soot ink on charms, Master Ramos said. You may be able to use it.

Tori looked down at the black crystal with the slight silvery sheen and gold flecks. She had a compact set of brushes and soot ink for charms and didnt think shed need the black crystal, but agreed. What is it?

Velar, from the Old Sulfae velare, Master Ramos said. Bring white howlite in your box. Lapis lazuli is also good.

Tori examined the black crystal. Velare was the root for write. Could she write with this? It didnt seem like ink...unless she crushed it into a powder?

It took about an hour for her to finalize her array of crystals, and she realized that if she werent careful, the case would get quite heavy. It had a strap to go across her body, but it could easily become bulky.

Seeing the frown on her face, Piers tilted his head. Problem?

The wooden cases are probably best for stationary use, but they can get too heavy if I put too many things in them, Tori said. Piers reached out and lifted the carrying case at her side.

I can carry it.

No, its not heavy right now. Im just thinking about future use, Tori said, more to herself.

The rest of the day went quickly, and Tori tried to get as much work for Viclya done as possible before packing her things for the trip. She mainly packed pants and shirts, as she knew she would be going out into the fields and touring a mine while there. It was more practical.

She threw in two simple dresses suitable for the slightly cooler temperate weather of the Tetri Duchy, and corresponding shoes. She had made it clear to Duchess Tetri that there would be no formal balls, though casual dinner gatherings were acceptable. Tori didnt want to have to haul a garment bag with a gown and all the accessories needed to go with it.

Do you have everything you need? Sebastian was seeing them off in the pre-dawn hours. Three carriages were prepared to take them to River View, along with both imperial knights and the two Guevera knights her mother sent.

Yes, Instructor Ignatius has the papers regarding the crystals, Lady Idunn has information on our irrigation needs, and I have some standard contracts we can use should we decide to purchase aquamarines from the Tetri Duchy, Tori said, patting the satchel on her. I also have my crystals and snacks.

Sebastian looked satisfied. All right. Im going to go with Ewan back to Horizon and then see him off for his exam. Then I will leave Horizon directly to catch up.

Dont rush, Tori told him with a firm look. Well be there for a few days. Her brother nodded.

Seb, we need to leave, Lady Idunn said from her carriage. Its still early, you can go back to sleep.

Tori nodded in agreement. The sun hadnt risen yet. Tori had said her good-byes to her friends the night before and spent the night in her tent in the encampment, which was closer to the road.

She watched her brothers face soften as he turned and walked towards the middle of the three carriages lined up. Honey, dont overwork yourself....

Tori rolled her eyes and ignored him. She walked past them to get to the last carriage. The footman opened the door for her, and Tori looked inside. A light crystal had been dimmed, but still provided enough light to illuminate the interior cabin. A pair of hands reached out to take her bags and Tori quickly handed them over before grabbing the handle on the side of the carriage and climbing in.

She sat down on the large, cushioned seat bench layered with quilts and soft, velvety pillows. Tori slipped off her shoes to get comfortable and just as she was curling up to lay on her side, her brother appeared at the door and instantly frowned.

Why is he here? Sebastian asked.

Tori puffed up a pillow and didnt look at the man reclined across from her. Piers was sitting across from her on his side of the carriage, with his legs up and his back propped up by pillows. He quietly adjusted a thin quilt over his legs and his eye mask was pulled up, against his forehead.

Piers has been assigned to inspect a village on the Tetri-Nordur border, so hes dropping me off since River View is on the way, Tori said. She rolled onto her side and tried to get comfortable.

Tori, I got you an eye mask, Piers said. It will help you sleep. He pointed to a light blue piece of fabric on the small fold out table between them. Tori reached over and picked it up. It was soft and smooth, with a shine to it. Silver thread was used to embroider her initials.

Thanks, Piers! Tori beamed. She ran her fingertips along the material. Is this silk?

Yes, imported.

Youre the best-

Why cant you stay in Idunns carriage? Sebastian nearly choked from the doorway.

Lady Idunn is tall and stretches her legs across to be comfortable, Tori said as she adjusted the eye mask ties. That carriage was smaller. If Lady Idunn stretched out, it would be difficult for her to do so, as well.

And youre short. You dont take up that much room, her brother frowned. Tori sent him a small glare.

This carriage is more comfortable!

The latest suspension has been applied and the seats were given new upholstery last month. The under-seat compartment now has a chilling and heating box for food storage, Piers said, matter of fact. I have been keeping small cream cakes for Tori here.

You got me cakes? Toris eyes widened. She hadnt had breakfast yet and sat up immediately to begin searching the compartments beneath her seat. She quickly found her mini-cake and looked excited. You really are the best, Piers.

Her brother did not stop frowning. Tori-

Sebby, we have to go, Tori said, reaching for one of the utensils in the table drawer. I will call you tonight to check in, when we arrive at the inn.

Her brothers face reddened. You said you wouldnt! he said, pointing to Piers. Piers furrowed his brows, looking a bit confused.

Tori chewed and swallowed a forkful of strawberry cake. Sebby, the situation hasnt changed.

Her brother looked at her suspiciously. Youre certain?

Yes! Tori frowned. I know what Im about.

Sebastian studied her face carefully, but eventually released the doorframe of the carriage. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Piers. Dont think I dont see what youre doing.

Master, Ive done nothing wrong.

When the carriage came to a stop in front of the main doors, one of the Duchess valets was waiting for them. The footman opened the door and Tori jumped out.

My lady, your brother, Lord Sebastian de Guevera, has arrived and is waiting for your party in the garden, the valet said as he bowed.

Tori mentally counted the days since they left. It took them approximately a week to arrive and Sebastian wouldve left five days after them. He caught up faster than she thought he would. She frowned.

Mr. Vaude, please have the groomers check my brothers horse to make sure he is well rested after the ride here, Tori said. The valet gave her a nod of his head and signaled for another servant to come and carry out the orders before leading the small party inside.

Lady Tori, Im going to go back to my room and rest before dinner, Instructor Ignatius said.

Please send him some coffee and snacks, Tori said to the valet before giving Instructor Ignatius an acknowledging nod.

Yes, my lady. And would you like a bath prepared for you?

Tori tried not to cringe. Out of everyone who went to the mine, she was the one who looked as if she had rolled in the dirt. Yes, please.

They followed the valet through the corridors of the castle to reach the inner garden.

Sebby? Tori squinted as she saw her brother seated in the gazebo of River Views garden. He was reading some papers and on the table next to him was a pot of coffee and some cups, as well as a two-tiered tea cake tray that was already empty.

Her brother looked up and put the papers back on the table before standing up. Welcome back.... He trailed off as he approached them and narrowed his eyes. Why is there so much dust on you?

It was so visible because the dust was light, and her hair was black. Toris lips tightened into a line. The mine had a lot of debris. She didnt move to hug him, knowing that her dusty clothes would dirty him. You arrived faster than expected. Is Victory all right?

Dont underestimate my horse, her brother said. Hes the fastest in Presidio.

She narrowed her eyes back at him. Thats a bold claim.

Well, its true.

Seb, how long have you been out here? Idunn wasnt covered in dust as she was, and dared to raise her arms and lazily rest them around Sebastians shoulders. He closed the gap between them and lowered his head to kiss her lips as his arms circled her waist.

I arrived shortly after you left. Id been riding all night, so I went to rest instead of coming after you.

Good. Idunn leaned forward and nipped the tip of Sebastians nose. I would be upset if you didn't.

His hands ran up and down the sides of her body. Hmm...I dont want to upset you.

Tori couldnt help the disgusted look on her face as she watched her brother and Idunn openly flirt in front of her. While she was happy that her brother was in love and enjoying his relationship, this wasnt a romance movie where she could cheer on the leads after shenanigans. This was her brother and his future wife. Tori didnt want to witness any more of this.

Yeah, okay, you two have fun. She turned around and marched back into the castle. Im going to clean up. Ill see you at dinner!

All right! Sebastian sounded distracted and Tori shook her head. Before he fixed his relationship with Idunn, he had been much more overbearing. Idunn had proven an excellent distraction.

Sir Aguilar and Sir Iturralde were waiting for her in the hall and escorted her back to her room. Do you know if my brother has his own room or is with Idunn?

My lady, we were informed that the young lord has a separate room, Sir Aguilar replied with a knowing smirk.

Tori snorted. Technically.

They reached her room in the guest wings second floor. My lady, do you need assistance?

No, but let the servants in when they have my bath ready.

Yes, my lady.

Tori entered her room and immediately began taking off her satchel. She hung it on the back of the desk chair, but fished out her comcry and put it on the desk. She then went to the changing screen in the corner of the room to get out of dirty clothes and put on a robe. It didnt take long for a large wooden tub to be rolled in and then placed in a spot by the narrow window, where the sun could shine down.

Jugs of hot and cold water were poured in and then a thin layer of scented oil was drizzled on top. Some towels were placed on a small table beside it and Tori was left alone to sink into her hot, scented bath.

We really need to get working on that bathhouse. With all this work Im doing, I need it. I also want a massage. Tori sank into the water. I should treat myself on my birthday.

She let herself relax until the water turned luke warm. Then she climbed out of the tub and hunched over to rinse her hair thoroughly.

Once she was satisfied, she began to rub her hair with a towel and walked to the door. She opened it a bit. My lady, are you finished? Sir Iturralde asked.

Yes, please send someone to retrieve the tub.

At once, my lady.

Tori slipped back inside and headed to the wardrobe. With a towel around her neck, she pulled open the double doors and looked at the dresses she had been provided. Duchess Tetri heard her interest in local goods and selected clothing that was made in the duchy and was a more typical style of the region.

They were all relatively casual. Semi-formal dresses that would be fitting for their dinners. As she stood in front of the wardrobe and rummaged through, servants came to retrieve the tub. They worked quickly and by the time Tori picked out a jade green dress with pistachio cuffs, collar, and embroidered detailing, it was as if the tub had never been there.

She glanced out the window. There was still light out, but the sun was halfway below the horizon. She had plenty of time before dinner.

Tori first tried to dry as much of her hair as possible before hanging her towel on the back of a chair and going to change. She grabbed one of her slips from a drawer and wiggled into the dress.

How did the Duchess get my measurements? Tori tugged the dress into place and furrowed her brows. Sir Iturralde! Sir Aguilar! Can you come and tighten my dress?

The door opened and the two women walked in. One stood by the door to guard it while the other walked to the changing screen to help Tori tighten the laces in the back and tie them. They were tucked in neatly and the second layer was put on.

My lady, do you need assistance with your hair?

No, Im just going to use a scarf, Tori said. Were not expecting a lot of people tonight. Sebbys the only newcomer.

The knight nodded and stepped back before she and the other knight slipped back outside. Tori liked her privacy for the most part.

With her dress on, she crossed the room to the vanity table in soft bedroom slippers. From the mirror on the vanity, she could see her desk. She started combing her hair when the flash of light from the comcry caught her eye.

It can wait.... She continued to try to detangle her hair as gently as she could. It was times like this when she missed her straight hair. Sure, it couldnt hold curls to save its life, but after a shower, shed run her comb through a few times, and it was untangled and air-dried well. God, I miss low-maintenance hair....

Her first few weeks trying to deal with her hair by herself had been frustrating and her arms started to ache. She was faster at it now, but nowhere near as fast as in her original world. As she focused on parts of her hair, she could see the crystal around the comcry flashing.

She frowned. It hadnt stopped for more than a few seconds before it continued. Who was calling her so relentlessly? She felt her chest tighten. What if it was an emergency?

Tori put her comb down before getting up and walking to the desk. She picked up the device and flipped the top open. Her brows furrowed as she saw the name.

Angela Voss.

While Tori did have Madam Voss comcry registered on hers, Madam Voss normally contacted Architect Ebbadottir, as it would usually be about quantities and technicalities with the orders. Her having Madam Voss comcry was more a formality as they did business.

Was she unable to reach Architect Ebbadottir? Architect Ebbadottir had a few months to go before she was on a Tori-imposed parental leave.

Tori slid her finger across the glowing crystal. Hello, Madam Voss?

My lady?

Toris curious expression hardened at once. She frowned and stood up straight as she heard the womans shaking voice. Is something wrong?

She could hear Madam Voss uneven, shallow breathing. My lady, please help. I dont know who else to ask.

Toris brows knit together. I will try, madam, but first you must tell me what's wrong.

Its Alessa, Madam Voss choked out. She ran away from home two days ago and hasnt come back.