Chapter 85: Piers - The Enabler

Name:Tori Transmigrated Author:
Chapter 85: Piers - The Enabler

When she got to her room, two maids were waiting to attend to her, as well as a large tub with hot, but not scalding water. Tori removed her layers of padded training clothes at once and as soon as she took off a piece, a maid took it from her. She was then ushered into the bath and she sank into the water, letting herself relax for a moment.

She couldnt stay long. Lunch was going to start soon, but she took a moment to rub her arms and legs and had a maid beat her upper back and shoulders a bit. When she came out, she was wrapped in a warm towel and presented with a salve for her bruises. Luckily, they were in places that were covered.

If she could, Tori wouldve lingered in the bath a bit longer. The dorms didnt have such facilities and soaking tubs were only in the homes of the wealthy.

Her hair was dried to the best of the maids abilities and Tori took out a brush she had been working on. The pad was made of carnelian and would heat up when she brushed it through her hair. It did a decent job of straightening her curly mess, but didnt dry it as fast as she liked.

I still have to work on that.... Tori muttered as she examined her hair in the mirror. She put her brush, which had caught the attention of the maids, back into her bag, along with the clothes she had arrived in. She had a different set to wear to lunch.

She was still a marquis daughter who would be eating lunch at the imperial palace. Her mother would at least want her to look the part.

Tori straightened a simple ice blue dress that shed worn before and asked the maids to pull her hair back into a high ponytail. She wrapped a matching headband around her head and then walked out, her low heels clicking against the tiled floor.

Axton was patiently waiting outside and when she came out, he smiled fondly and offered his arm. Sometimes, I forget that you wear dresses.

My uniform is a dress, she said in a dull voice.

Uniforms dont count, Axton said as he led her towards the dining hall where lunch was being served. His voice lowered as his face became serious. Im going to send someone to check on Fabians master.

Tori glanced up at him. He seems like a violent man, but I acknowledge that he has ability.

Dont worry, our men know what theyre doing, he told her. We were told that he was recommended by a friend of one of his friends. He was very earnest about hiring him and was willing to pay out of his own pocket.

I dont think that man wouldve settled for what von Dorn would have offered him alone.

He didnt. Thats why the second prince stepped in. He isnt paying the man directly; hes giving money to Fabian to pay since Fabian sees him.

Tori frowned. Its strange that the second prince hasnt met him.

If he is like what youve told me, Fabian may have felt it was inappropriate for such a man to meet Gideon, Axton said.

Tori pursed her lips. When I challenged him the other day, I tried to goad him into inviting his master. I thought he would.

Even if he did, his master may not want to come, Axton replied. Hes likely just in it for the money. Thats not necessarily a terrible thing, but a master should be there to support his pupil.

Tori nodded to herself. Its also strange that von Dorn wont tell me his name. He called him Master Pete, but I dont think anyone knows who his master really is.

The more I hear about him, the more alarming it becomes. Axton frowned and then regretfully shook his head. We shouldve tried to find a master for him. The Emperor and Godmother thought it was enough to have him train with the cadets. If he wanted to find a master, he couldve brought it up with us. I dont know why he didnt.

Tori narrowed her eyes. The night of the Empress Banquet, Sebby and I heard him talking with Hart. Hart told him that shed help him find a master. Von Dorn didnt sound confident that they could find him one.

It would be difficult to find one for him, but not impossible. They reached the dining hall and could see the open doors leading inside. Several people were standing around in little groups, talking as she and Axton arrived and were announced.

Sir Axton du Nassaun and Lady Victoria de Guevera!

They walked inside and walked directly to the Emperor and Empress to greet them again, though Tori had scanned the room for her friends the moment she stepped into the room.

You did very well today, Lady Guevera, the Emperor told her with an approving nod. I shouldve expected as such from a Guevera.

She reminded me of my younger days, the Empress said with a slight puff of her chest. So lithe and exact! I couldnt have done better myself.

Beloved, you did not use a dagger, the Emperor told her with crinkled eyes.

I had basic training with it, the Empress said.

Thank you, Your Majesties. I will continue to try to live up to the expectations placed upon me as a Guevera, Tori said as she released Axtons arm, stepped back, and gave them a polite curtsy. Please excuse me. I should see my friends who came to support me today.

Yes, yes! the Empress said. Friends are very important! Her lip trembled a bit. Please remind your mother if that.

Tori chuckled a bit and smiled. Your Majesty, Mama doesnt need to be reminded. She values your friendship very much. She couldnt stop herself from giving the Empress a little reassuring wink. The older woman smiled softly and Tori stepped back.

She turned around and went straight to where Ilyana and the others were.

Tori! You did a great job! Albert looked excited as her friends surrounded her. Nanny Rey said you were proficient with a dagger, but you were so fast!

Speed and accuracy are important, Tori said. If I had to give up one weapon over the other, Id drop the sword.

Hows your leg? Henrik asked, a bit more serious. It looked like a strong hit.

It was. Its going to bruise no matter what, Tori said. But the salve helps a bit.

Im surprised you let him get you, JP told her.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Tori shook her head. I didnt let him. He was able to get a legitimate cut. I will give credit where credit is due. Even if I dont want to.

I personally liked it when you stabbed him in the face, Sonia said. It makes me want to learn the dagger, as well.

I am always happy to take you as my pupil, as well, Nanny Rey said over her shoulder. The group chuckled.

Maybe when Im not working on my archery. Sonia grinned.

Tori. Ewan reached into the pocket of his coat and took out two invitations to his birthday party at the delta that Tori and the others had prepared for him. Do you think I should give this to Master now?

Tori nodded. Of course! Hell be happy to get it, Ewan.

She didnt know why he was so nervous. Axton was his master and would be present at the delta during his birthday. It would be more awkward if he didnt invite Axton.

Ewan looked at the small card in his hand and approached Axton. Master, he said as he stopped beside him. Axton looked over, wine glass in hand as he spoke to Piers just to the side of the Emperor and Empress. The older couple looked over.

Tori watched from the side, smiling thoughtfully. When she arrived with Ewan, she hadnt expected to be invited to have breakfast with the imperial couple. Axton had taken the opportunity to formally introduce his first pupil to his godmother. Ewan had looked terrified.

However, his nervousness didnt stop him from identifying the Emperor and Empress as the couple from the pinecone challenge. The Empress had smiled and told him that she hoped to try again this year and improve her score. Surprising all of them, the Emperor had agreed.

Piers then quietly told her that his father had practiced with pinecones over the summer, while his mother was in Anlar. Tori thought that was adorable, but she wouldnt say it out loud.

What is it, Ewan? Axton asked.

Ewan offered the invitation to him, albeit hesitantly. After midterm exams, we will have my birthday party at the delta that weekend. My family will be there. I know you will, too, as you always go with us, but I wanted to formally invite you. Henriks restaurant will be open for us and they will be serving us various dishes-

Axton had almost snatched the invitation out of Ewans hands in his excitement. He let out a laugh as he opened it and grinned. You dont need to convince me. Ill be there. He flipped open the card and seemed to read it. He furrowed his brows. Henriks restaurant has this much on the menu?

Ewan nodded. Yes, theyve been practicing for some time and he wanted to have a large party there to do a practice run before the Spring Festival event.

Thats a good idea, Axton said. They can get used to the traffic and get a better idea of where they can improve, if needed. He glanced above the card and reached out, patting Ewans shoulder. Im more than happy to attend.

Ewans face filled with a smile. Thank you, Master!

Ewan then turned around and looked towards Tori. He still had one invitation in his hand and hed been most hesitant to offer it. Not because he didnt want to invite that person, but because that persons birthday was just before his. Ewan thought it was awkward to ask.

But Tori could see that he wanted to and gave him a reassuring nod.

Her friend took a deep breath and turned to the man standing next to Axton.

Your Highness, Ewan said. He lifted up another invitation to Piers. By any chance, would you be available after midterm exams to join us at the delta? Tori could see the thin sheen of sweat over Ewans bald head and began to walk towards him to offer her support. I know that your birthday is before mine and it is likely that you may be celebrating, as well, and that though the crowd isnt large, you may feel some discomfort-

I will attend. Piers voice was rather calm and Ewans eyes shot up.

His mouth dropped and he seemed to gape at Piers. Re...really?

Piers reached forward and held out his hand. Ewan quickly put the invitation in it. I missed your birthday celebration last year. I would be happy to attend this year. He gave Ewan a small nod of his head as his lips curled up in a slight smile. Thank you for the invitation, Ewan.

It made Tori feel a little better, but not as much as them not coming would make her feel.

Auntie Lucia was notified, and while she was originally attending for leisure as she was familiar with all her friends, after all, she had shifted into the mode of a security operations specialist of sorts. Three dozen Guevera knights were already in the city to escort them and another dozen were in Viclya.

Naval activity had also increased outside the lagoon and Cousin Deidre had personally taken a specialized crew to visit the delta on Ocean Queen. They had picked up the dozen Guevera knights from Tres Arcos to bring them to Viclya. Tori had received her call the night before. They were short on tents, so Tori had them stay in hers.

All of this was because Tori alerted her family, who went into a frenzy because not only were the Empress and Emperor going, but so were the two heirs. The Emperor only had one other sibling, and Princess Celine didnt have any children. Tori was also told that Princess Celine had no interest in ruling or politics. The next person in line would be Prince Emil, who was also attending.

Tori heard her mother let out a heavy sigh. I dont know. I understand that they also wish for a level of freedom, but this feels like such an arbitrary reason to go.

I know it is likely safer for them to go for Ewans birthday than during the Spring Festival event next month, Tori said. But they couldve given this more thought. Ewan couldnt very well tell them no.

Antonia let out a small snort. I wouldve.

Mama, youre different, Tori said. I have no problem with Prince Emil and his wife and Piers. I can manage them, but those two....

I know. Thats why we sent our best men to assist. Your Auntie will make sure security goes well, her mother said. Another sigh was released. I wish I was there to help you.

Mama, I wish you were here, too, Tori said.

Do you wish Papa was there, too? a mans voice asked, tentatively

Tori smiled a bit. I wish everyone was here. Then maybe we could keep that family under control.

Her father let out a heavy sigh. My daughter, that has been part of our job since we were warriors.

Everyone seemed exhausted, if not from the midterm exams, then from preparing for the imperial visit to Viclya. Tori could count the number of days she had to prepare on her fingers, and some days, she was so irritated, she hadnt spoken to Piers - the enabler, even though she was going out of her way to plan something to celebrate his birthday, as well.

After the exams were over, she and her friends dragged themselves to Cafe Fortuna for food and drink. Her friends slumped on whatever chair they could find, mercifully leaving the chaise for Tori to drag her worn body on to.

My rank is going to drop, Tori said as she laid across the chaise and stared up at the ceiling. Why are they doing this to me? she asked no one in particular as Ilyana sat next to her, patting her head. Im so tired....

Even if you drop, you have plenty of time to raise it. I dont think youll drop that far, either, Sonia said. Im sure youll still be in the top ten.

If I drop too drastically, its suspicious, Tori said.

Youve been very busy. People will understand, Ilyana replied. You work so hard. A few ranks is understandable.

Tori continued to stare at the ceiling. I should run away.

Its too late for that, Henrik said as he brought back a small tray of desserts for them to munch on. Tori looked over, but didnt reach for any. She didnt even have the strength for cake. Cake.

Ilyana continued to pat Toris hair back, trying to comfort her stressed friend. Tori closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She could only take solace in the fact that after this weekend, it would be all over. Things would go back to normal and, at the very least, she would not have to deal with them during the Spring Festival event, when there were more people she had to prepare for.

As she tried to relax before the carriage would pick them up and she would begin her anxiety-filled weekend, she heard the familiar bell to the cafe door ring. She didnt bother to open her eyes. It was likely Piers or Axton coming to check on them.

Ilyanas hand stopped patting her head and she gasped. Tori opened her eyes and looked up at Ilyana, who was staring past her. No, not staring. Glaring. The rest of her friends were looking with some expression of irritation or exasperation. Tori followed their gazes and lifted her head. Her mood plummeted further.

Gideon was standing there alone, a slight smile on his face and appearing more energetic than anyone should after exams. Foreboding filled her. This couldnt be good.

What do you want? Formality be damned. His familys existence was driving her crazy.

Gideon looked at her, as if it were natural for him to be there. I dont have your comcry registered, so I cant call you. She narrowed her eyes. Why would this jerk want to call her? You left class earlier than me, so I couldnt ask. What time are we leaving for the delta?

Tori sat up straight. Her shoulders trembled as she gave him a withering glare. Excuse me for a moment. She swallowed hard and turned around. She walked calmly up the stairs and into the small room.

A few moments later, she returned, a bit calmer, though everyone else looked concerned after hearing her muffled scream coming from upstairs.

Tori took a deep breath. What do you mean? she asked, almost pleasantly. You are not scheduled to go to the delta.

Gideons face drained of color. But...everyone is going...its my brothers birthday....

It almost sounded as if shed given him devastating news. Tori narrowed her eyes. Its Ewans birthday, and you and your friends arent invited.

She said it and her friends shifted awkwardly. Ewan looked away. It was true that he didnt invite Gideon or anyone from his circle, but he never banned him. Although he wasnt in a position to.

Tori, however, was one of the major organizers and of high noble rank, and she threw her weight. She did not want Gideon, and especially not Alessa and Fabian, present for Ewans birthday. Her eyes were narrowed and she stood in a posture that looked almost ready to fight.

Gideon shook his head. I didnt tell them! I didnt tell anyone! he said. Mother has given me strict instructions. I am not to tell anyone. I am not to bring anyone. The look of worry and fear that he was not going to be able to attend hadnt left him. Its just me!

Lady Guevera.... Constantine said from his seat. He looked at her with a look of pity. It is his brothers birthday.

And everyone will be there.... Albert added. They all knew who everyone was.

Tori tried to calm herself and think rationally. She looked around the room and glanced out the windows. She pulled up her jacket sleeve and turned the bracelet she always wore around her wrist. She carefully removed the light blue crystal with the lace pattern that shed replaced another crystal with.

Without a word, she drew a circle around their seating area, completely enclosing them in it. She then put the crystal in the center. It began to pulse energy, signaling the barrier was working, and she looked at Gideon with an almost threatening glare.

Did you tell anyone else about this? she asked in a low voice. He shook his head.

No. I didnt even pack my things to remain inconspicuous. The valets are bringing my things to Viclya, he answered without a hint of his former arrogance.

Does Fabian von Dorn know?

No. He will be on a weekend-long training mission with the imperial cadets.

Do Alessa Hart or Dimitri Guthry know?

Once more, Gideon shook his head. No. They are also busy with their projects this weekend. Everyone believes that I will go home for the weekend, as it is one of our family dinners.

Toris eyes bore into him, as if searching for any sign that he could be lying. Her friends seemed to wait for her to reply, but no one looked more nervous than Gideon.

In front of the Lyce gates in five hours. We will arrive well before dawn and upon arrival, you will be escorted to your tent by imperial and Guevera knights already stationed there.

Gideons face lit up and he nodded. Thank you, Lady Guevera! I will be there on time!

Remember, you are not to tell anyone else!

I wont! Gideon assured her as he raced out the door. Tori followed him with her eyes and caught sight of the two plain clothes knights who were following Gideon.

I thought he was already coming. JP said, looking over at her.

It was never confirmed, Tori said in a low voice. Luckily, they had spare tents. Shed need to call ahead and make an adjustment. I had hoped theyd leave him at home.

Henrik rolled his eyes. They werent all going to go and leave him behind.

Ilyana grumbled and crossed her arms over her chest. I would.

Tori looked at the rest of them. Piers is coming with Axton to pick us up with two of the six-seater carriages and one of the four seaters. She didnt say any more, but everyone seemed to understand what she was saying.

Counting Nanny Rey, who was going to go with them, Axton, Piers, and now Gideon, there were twelve of them. There was plenty of room.

Nanny Rey should stay with you, Ilyana, Sonia, and JP in one carriage, so as not to overcrowd it, Henrik said quickly. Ewan, Albert, Zisos, and I will stay with the other.

Master can stay with us, too! Ewan added. Itll be an even split: five and five.

Tori gave them a small nod of her head, agreeing with their arrangements without question. At this point, she didnt care about any more additional risks.

Then those two brothers can sit together.