Chapter 71: In the Face

Name:Tori Transmigrated Author:
Chapter 71: In the Face

It mustve been the muffled sound of the horses pulling the large carriage or perhaps the slight creak of the wood, but Tori tilted her head and rubbed her ear. She was sure she heard incorrectly.

What? She furrowed her brows and squinted at Axton, who was seated on the bench across from her, Ilyana, and Nanny Rey.

I mustve heard wrong as well, Ilyana let out a small, nervous laugh. She looked almost pained. What did you say, Sir Nassaun?

Axtons lips were in a tight line as he looked at them under the dim light of the crystals in the carriage.

The Empress wants to send His Highness Prince Gideon to the delta. It is his punishment for abusing his status to get a policy enacted targeting you.

Toris mouth was agape as for a moment, her thoughts blanked. Seated next to Axton, Henrik had a similar look, only with a bit more horror. Beside him, Constantine looked confused.

Why. A low voice, dripping with irritation filled the carriage and Tori looked towards Ilyana on her right. Her friends beautiful face was twisted with anger as her jaw clenched and her small hands clenched over her lap.

Axton inhaled deeply. She wants him to look at the people whose lives he almost ruined.

Tori let out a low breath and tilted her head back. She leaned against the back of the bench as she closed her eyes. Her entire body suddenly felt tired and heavy. Ilyana scooted closer and gave her a hug.

I dont want him to come to the delta, Tori said. He has no business there.

I know. Axton closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead.

Constantine leaned forward and looked towards Axton. Is this an imperial order?

Tori, Ilyana, and Henrik also looked at Axton. Tori silently prayed that he had heard wrong; that perhaps the Empress was simply contemplating sending her idiot second son to the delta.

Axton looked almost pained and he nodded.

A collective groan came from the trio. Even Constantine shut his eyes tight and shook his head.

All right, but when? Henrik asked. She certainly cant be planning on sending him alone, does she?

She plans to have him come along during one of your bi-weekly trips," Axton replied. Considering the construction, its probably the safest option.

The safest option is if he didnt come at all.... Ilyana muttered under her breath. Tori put an arm around her and nodded.

Well, were not going next week. Its Lions Gates anniversary. Well be busy all weekend, Henrik said.

The week after that is midterm exams..., Constantine looked at the group. We are planning to go after midterm exams.

Oh, just what I need during an already stressful period, Tori said, scowling. We have pressing business, exams, and now this.

Axton held his hands up. The date isnt confirmed yet. She is going to wait until after midterm exams are over, but we dont know when.

Do we at least get a warning? Tori asked with a frown.

Yes. We will tell you and youll also receive a formal letter from her about this, Axton said.

Is he going to stay the whole weekend? Iyana asked. Axton nodded. She looked at Tori. Well need to have a tent prepared.

And additional knights will need to be stationed since hes an imperial family member, Henrik said.

If knights are involved, will he bring Sir von Dorn? Ilyana scrunched her face, as if disgusted at the very idea.

Toris eyes widened. It wasnt Fabian she was worried about, so much as Alessa appearing and sticking her nose God-only-knew where.

Hes not going to bring Fabian, Axton said. He leaned back against the bench and crossed his arms over his chest.

Youre sure about this? Tori narrowed her eyes.

Fabian is training with the imperial knight cadets on the weekends. He has to if he wants to improve, Axton told them. Therefore, Gideon will be accompanied by additional knights. You dont have to worry about arranging that.

What are the chances that hes going to bring Miss Hart? Toris demanding look never faded. At the name of the other student, Ilyana stiffened next to her and her face darkened once more.

He is not allowed to bring anyone. Itll be only him, Axton said.

What reassurance do we have that it will be only him? Tori asked. How do we know that he wont tell her or Sir von Dorn, or even Mr. Guthry, that hell be going to the delta and that they wont follow him on their own?

I doubt the village guards at the entrance to the road leading into the village will be able to stop them, Henrik said.

Theyd likely come into the village to check to see if theyre allowed and if His Highness the second prince is there, then hes going to let them in, Ilyana added, as if assured that it would happen exactly as she said.

Axton looked at them with a bit of confusion. What do you all think of the second prince?

We havent exactly had very pleasant experiences with Prince Gideon since we started Lyce, Tori said in a dry voice. Ilyana nodded vehemently in agreement. To be honest, I just dont trust him to come and be a casual observer. Nor do I trust him to come alone.

Axton reached up and scratched his head. I didnt know you had such a concern.

Axton, she was at the Empress birthday banquet. None of us knew she was going to be there, Tori said. If shes that close to the second prince, whats to assure us that she wont come, as well?

It was Miss Hart who was the cause of the vest debacle last year and it was her merchant friend who bought the bricks, Constantine said quietly. He furrowed his brows and looked up at Tori. Didnt you say that the First Prince said his brother had requested the budget limitation policy in order to aid his friend? Could it be Miss Hart?

I told you it was obvious, Ilyana said, pouting.

We decided to purposely seek labor and staff from outside of Horizon so as to avoid a floating labor shortage for the foreseeable future, Tori said. Piers suggested that. It also let us be more selective in who we hire.

Its worked out well. Henrik agreed. He looked at Constantine. The delta is being built at an astonishing rate.

To be fair, a lot of money is being poured into it and we dont have a lot of people to answer to that may hinder us, Tori told them. She shook her head. I still dont feel comfortable with the second prince coming. Im sure my mother has something to do with this. Ill call her when we get to the delta.

Axton nodded. All right. When we stop for our next break, Ill switch with Ewan and let him sleep the rest of the way there. They looked at the window and saw Ewan on Axtons horse, Blue River, seemingly talking to the horse.

Well...lets hope my conversation with Mama goes as well as Ewans with Blue River.

No, I dont want him here! Tori nearly threw her arms in the air as she paced in front of her desk. Her comcry was open and her mother sighed.

I know you dont want him there, Tori, but this may be a good idea, Antonia told her.

Tori almost balked. She whirled around and glared at the comcry. What do you mean its a good idea?

He needs to experience the delta.

Tori let out a low breath and closed her eyes. This is the punishment the Empress gave him? She opened her eyes and scowled. Is he being punished or am I being punished?

My dear, I know this appears bad. As your mother, I dont want that boy anywhere near you, Antonia said. However, he has to learn that his actions have consequences. He needs to see the place and the people he wouldve inflicted damage upon. If he doesnt, he will continue to bother you like this.

Tori took a deep breath. What her mother said did have merit. But what if he brings some unwanted company?

Her mother picked up on her meaning immediately. If he takes that Hart girl with him, I told Monica that I will stop talking to her, Antonia said in a cold voice. Rest assured that Hart wont be there.

Mama, she was at the Empress birthday banquet, Tori said. I dont believe he wont try to bring Miss Hart.

Antonia scoffed. He wont. Monica will see to that.

Are you sure? Tori gave the comcry a doubtful look. You didnt seem to have much faith in the Empress before....

Now, shes dealing with me, Antonia told her. Monica may be an idiot, but shes not an idiot.

Tori took a deep breath. All right. Im going to announce this to the village and have everyone prepare for his visit.

They looked towards Albert on the chaise with an iced towel. Piers frowned more so. What happened to Mr. Martin?

Henrik rubbed his head. A fight broke out in the dorm study room between students trying to get a seat for Ilyanas review session. Albert tried to stop them and got hit in the eye.

Axton let out a low hiss.

Weve contacted Alberts family after we got him out of there. Theyre coming to get him in a few minutes, Henrik said. We also talked to the instructor who came.

Axton knelt down by the chaise and looked over Alberts eye. He grimaced and shook his head. That's going to be at least two weeks. Did you take him to the infirmary?

We did, but the Martins are going to take him to their family doctor to make sure, Henrik told him.

Axton looked around. Do you know who hit him? The group shook their heads.

Tori frowned. It got very chaotic, very quickly.

Constantine nodded. There were at least three people who we know of that were injured. Mr. Martin was one of the first.

I dont know what wouldve happened if Tori didnt walk me to the study room this time, Ilyana said, still visibly upset.

We were lucky. Even if I came downstairs with you, if I didnt have the ice calcite to give to Instructor Ignatius, I wouldnt have been able to do much to stop them. Tori leaned back against the overstuffed chair, still trying to soothe Ilyana.

What did you do with the ice calcite? Axton asked.

It was for testing our air cooler. I was bringing down a bag of scrap crystals and I threw several handfuls into the crowd, then triggered them to start freezing, Tori said. If she were being honest, she hadnt been thinking. It didnt cross her mind that it couldnt work; it was just scrap crystal, and while they were charged at the delta, they werent on the energy vein when she used them. It was likely the adrenaline rush of seeing the students descend to chaos that gave her a boost of focus to be able to trigger the crystals.

The room got cold almost immediately, Henrik said. Everyone thought they were going to freeze.

Ewan nodded. Tori was so mad.

Of course, I was mad! Tori sat up straight and glared. Mr. Zisos was dragging Albert to a corner; I thought he was unconscious! No one was listening to Henrik trying to calm everyone down. I was worried JP and Sonia were going to get trampled trying to get to you guys and Ewan.... She looked at Ewan and he smiled weakly.

Axton raised a brow. What did Ewan do?

Several pairs of eyes avoided him. The less people who know the better.... The cafe was quiet except for the sound of coffee being made in the back.

Piers frowned more so and then turned to Ewan, who shifted nervously and had some sweat across his bald head. He kept his eyes diverted as Piers walked towards him.

What happened.

Ewan dropped his head and caved immediately. I punched Sir von Dorn!

In the face! Sonia couldnt seem to stop herself from exclaiming that as a wide smile filled her face. I dont even think von Dorn knows who hit him!

And he wont find out, Tori said in a low voice, looking at JP. His eyes widened and he raised his hands.

I know when to shut up.

Axton drew his lips in and tried to hold back a laugh. How did that happen?

Sonia stepped forward, appearing eager to tell them.

When they saw Ilyana coming, the crowd started pushing from the back. Someone elbowed Hart, who was at the front of the room. That upset von Dorn, who turned around and yelled, Sonia told them. Normally, no one would argue or start a fight with him since hes Prince Gideons knight, but most of the people inside had been waiting for hours to get a seat. The whole room was tense and on edge. A few people yelled back at von Dorn and he shoved one of them back. Hart tried to stop him and Mr. Guthry ran into the room to help. I guess everyone thought he was trying to get a seat without waiting, and suddenly, everyone is pushing and shoving and von Dorn is pushed forward, right at Ewan, who punches him.

He surprised me! Ewan stood up straight and defended himself. I thought he was going to fall on me!

So, you punched him in the face? JP laughed.

Tori sighed once more. Piers, she said as she looked towards him. Your brother wasnt there and so he wasnt involved, but it was still his knight....

If he was pushing someone, he started it. He is a knight and they are his fellow students. He should be able to control himself better, Piers said in a low voice. This incident will be reported to my parents. He looked towards Ewan. Does your hand hurt?

Ewan looked down at his right hand. He stretched out his fingers and clenched his hands a few times. Nothing seemed broken, but it was red and a bit puffy. He frowned. A bit...

Mama J! Can we get a bowl of ice water? Tori called out as she stood up and pulled up a chair. Ewan, sit.

Let me see your hand, Axton told him as Ewan sat down. He lifted his hand and Axton narrowed his eyes as he examined the back of it. He shook his head but he couldnt seem to stop from laughing.

You shouldnt be so reckless.

You should say that when youre not snickering, Tori said, rolling her eyes.

Sorry, Master.... Ewan said, lowering his head.

To be honest, from the punch, Sir von Dorn may have it worse, Constantine said. He stumbled back into the crowd.

JP winced. And his nose was bleeding....

Sonias eyes widened and she looked at Ewan, impressed. Did you break his nose?

No, he did not, Tori said in a firm voice. This. Never. Happened.

Itll be fine, Axton said as he stood up. Mama J came out, holding a white bowl half filled with ice water and a towel wrapped around the base of it. She handed it to Axton who put it on Ewans lap and told him to put his hand in. Axton looked at the others once more. Are you sure no one else noticed that it was Ewan who hit Fabian?

Everyone was quiet. Henrik winced. Were not sure. We dont think so, but everything happened so fast.

Ilyana and I were outside the door when it happened, Tori said. Who was closest to them other than you six?

Henrik furrowed his brows and thought for a moment. Mr. Guthry, Miss Hart, and a few people from my home room. Their backs were turned when the riot began, as the pushing came from the back.

Tori felt dread in the pit of her stomach. If they were other, random students, she wouldnt be worried, but if Alessa and her love interests were involved, there was a good chance at least one of them saw Ewan punch Fabian.

Am I going to be in trouble if they find out I hit Sir von Dorn? Ewan asked. His usually loud, cheerful voice was quiet and filled with worry. Tori didnt like it at all. She put her hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

You might, but in the chaos that was happening, you acted in self-defense. He was rushing towards you and you reacted as your instinct instructed, Tori told him. Remember that.

Ewan, Piers said, making Ewan look up at him. I will speak to my parents about this. You will not be punished severely.

Tori looked over at Piers. Shed made a mental note of how she thought Piers ranked in closeness to her friends and Ilyana and Ewan were near the top, but Ewan was the first of them whom he called by his given name.

Ewans eyes grew large. Is that all right, Your Highness? Piers gave him a subtle nod and Ewans eyes grew wet. Thank you! When I become a knight, I will gladly put my life on the line for you! I swear it!

Piers gave him another nod. Thank you, Ewan. But do not concern yourself with that now. Continue your efforts and take care of your body. You have yet to enter La Garda and everyone expects much of you.

Ewan looked at Piers as if hed heard divine words spoken and he nodded vigorously. Yes, Your Highness!

Beside Piers, Axton frowned and shot him a dissatisfied look. Its annoying that you sound more like his wise master than I do.

I am smarter than you.

Lady Guevera. Constantine, who was closest to the window, suddenly sat up. His eyes were fixed outside the glass, looking up the street. By any chance, does anyone else from Lyce know we tend to gather here?

Tori furrowed her brows. Im sure by now that a few people have seen us come here to eat. Why?

His Highness Prince Gideon is coming down the street.

Tori sucked in a sharp breath. Ewan seemed to pale and Ilyana looked towards her, as if asking what they should do. Alone? Tori asked.

Hes with Miss Hart, Mr. Guthry, and...I think Sir von Dorn. There is a bandage across his nose.

Tori looked around the cafe and settled her eyes on Piers. Time to deploy the anti-Gideon forcefield.