Chapter 54: The Ice Queen from Lycée

Name:Tori Transmigrated Author:
Chapter 54: The Ice Queen from Lycée

Antonia knew exactly what Monica wanted and, though she had no real qualms with Monica and Matthieu-Philippe as in-laws, she had sworn to herself that she would never betroth her children. That was why she had no problem throwing all formality away when she wedged herself between Monica and Tori when the attendant found them, and dragged Monica off.

Who was going to stop her? The Imperial Knights and Guards? Monica already told her escorts not to get between them. Antonia had one objective with her friend and that was to protect her daughter from her.

It was common for aristocracy, politicians, and merchants of means to select the children of friends and allies to marry to their own, but it wasnt practiced in her maternal family. They thought it was archaic.

Theyd do various introductions and encourage relationships to form, but they would not agree to a betrothal, especially when their children were young. There were too many things that could go wrong when a well written contract could suffice without the emotional baggage attached.

There were many who didnt agree with this, such as the nobles of the Central Corridor, but it worked for her family and the marquis family she married into. Genevieve was betrothed when she was a baby and so ingrained was the betrothal in her mind, that Antonia felt she knew of no other option and was guilted into it. Guilted into giving that bastard a chance.

Antonia knew he couldnt be trusted. Her gut screamed it and she pleaded with Genevieve to break the engagement. Such a thing wasnt unheard of. It was quite common, actually. Genevieve said she would, but in the end, she married the bastard anyway. Antonia was so angry that they didnt talk for five years; not until Genevieve called and said she wanted Antonias help in arranging her will. Antonia was going to reject her.

Only Monicas interference changed Antonias mind. By then, Genevieve was terminally ill and Antonia could only hold her tongue to keep from admonishing her for not listening.

Antonias own marriage, though backed by contracts agreed upon by both partners before they finalized their engagement, came about because her husband was not only charming and good-looking, but treated her well and was honest to her. She fell for him faster than shed like to admit.

Of course, her father didnt agree at first. Gregorio was once her fathers student and her father thought Gregorio wasnt intelligent enough for her. Monica, back when she was just the daughter of Marquis von Schwert, told her that her father was right; Gregorio was an idiot. Monica was familiar with all the marquis families and Antonia shouldve listened to her.

But shed be lying if she said she wasn't attracted to Gregorio when he came to Horizon for a tournament. She refused to call it love at first sight, but she made sure she tagged along with Monica to a dinner just to meet him. He was the only man shed danced with that night and never looked back. Gregorio worked hard to prove himself to her father, though to this day, her father still thought he was an idiot.

It was a bit unfair considering her family had a reputation of producing brilliant people. Gregorio wasnt an idiot. He just wasnt as exceeding as her in particular fields and skill sets, which was fine. They balanced each other. Also, her Gregorio was aging very well.

Monica had been pursued by the then Prince Matthieu-Philippe, who was two years younger than them, and was so determined, Oliver, Monicas older brother and the best swordsman of their generation, couldnt deter him.

That was the kind of determined devotion Antonia wanted for Tori, but she didnt think it would actually come from Monicas oldest son. She knew about Piers behavioral difficulties as a child, and that he was withdrawn and socially anxious as an adult. Antonia didnt mind that; after all, she and her family supported him as crown prince.

What she minded was Monicas painful enthusiasm at the prospect of her eldest son, whom she was always concerned about, interested in someone. Not only did Piers willingly spend time with Tori, but he went out of his way to help her. Often.

If Antonia let Monica have her way, shed lure Tori into an engagement and try to marry them as soon as legally possible. Her daughter was too kind and accommodating; there was too large of a chance shed agree to Monicas ridiculous idea.

I wasnt doing anything wrong, Monica said as she sat across from her. Antonia calmly placed some cured meat on a piece of bread, but didnt answer. All I did was invite her to my birthday banquet.

And why would you invite my daughter to your birthday banquet? Antonia asked before taking a bite.

Monica shifted in her seat and quietly reached for her coffee.

The setting they were in was strange if one didnt know their history. The two women were seated in a small parlor, eating breakfast with their personal attendants standing on opposite sides of the room. The imperial knights were standing by outside the door, along with Guevera and OTuagh knights.

If a passer-by didnt know any better, one of them was being detained for questioning. And it wasnt Antonia.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Shes my friends daughter! Monica said with a gasp, as if she were offended that her actions would be questioned. Of course, I would invite her!

You didnt invite her to other functions before this.

Monica waved her hand dismissively. This is my personal birthday banquet, Toni. All previous functions were state-related. Theyd be too boring for a young woman. Besides, Tori had just started Lyce and needed to get acclimated.

What if shes too busy to go now? You know how challenging her project is. Antonias eyes narrowed and Monica averted her gaze.

Thats why I wanted to talk to her. Monica frowned and shot an irritated look at Antonia. I didnt want to force her to go, but this whole time, youve purposely kept me busy so I couldnt talk to her!

So, youve noticed.

Of course, Ive noticed. Its rather obvious. I can see why youd keep her away from Gideon, but I havent done anything.

Antonia gave her a deadpan look. You sneaked out of your room this morning to wait for her outside and then chased her into the garden.

I didnt chase her, Antonia Maria. I waited and intercepted her. There is a difference. Monica bit into a piece of toast with smoked salmon and chewed it violently. I just wanted to talk to her.


Why cant I get to know my friends daughter? Monica frowned. Genevieve only had a son. I only have sons. Youre the only one with a daughter!

Monica, do you only have two friends?

For a moment the two women stared at each other. I thought marrying Gregorio would loosen you up, but I see youre still the Ice Queen from Lyce. So cold...even to me. Monica lifted her hand and pretended to wipe a non-existent tear. But its fine. I still love you.

And since you love me, you love my daughter?

Yes. Ive had Sebastian and Kasen over before, Monica said, proudly.

Your brother had to go to war, so you hired my son to replace him as an instructor for Piers.

That was Olivers recommendation and he got Gregorios approval.

And you only invited Kasen over when he was in Universit and assisting Piers with his Lyce project, Antonia said, knowingly.

That is why I want to rectify that and invite Tori over earlier. Monica appeared very confident.

Antonia raised a brow and slowly chewed her food before swallowing. And this has nothing to do with the fact that my daughter has been escorting your son to social events and your son has been aiding my daughter with her project?

Monica sighed. Those are coincidences. A bonus, if you will. Uncle Emil and Auntie Vivian have spoken very highly of her. Doesnt it make sense that Id like to meet her?

Antonia let out a low breath and lifted a serviette to dab at the corners of her mouth. Monica. Be honest with me, she said as she placed the cloth back on to the table and met Monicas eyes. Part of her didnt want to confirm this, but it would be necessary to know what the other party thought in order to counter it. Do you want Tori to look at Piers as a prospective partner?

The Empress eyes crinkled up and she was quiet. She seemed to be thinking of an answer that would appease Antonia. She lowered her head and knit her brows together.

I want to encourage their relationship.

Antonia lifted her head a bit. What do you think their relationship is?

Monica cringed. Friends?

Thats right.

But what if it turns into something more? Monica asked, sitting up straight, and appearing more attentive. What if-

It will be my daughters decision. Antonia narrowed her eyes. You know how I feel about betrothals.

Im not suggesting that we betroth them, Toni. I just want to encourage their relationship because it seems to be helping Piers social anxiety, Monica told her. She grimaced and shook her head. Not to say that Im using your daughter for that purpose. My son just seems quite attached to her and is willing to take steps outside his comfort zone when she is involved.

At this, Antonia frowned. Monica, I understand that you are very protective of Piers and only want whats best for him. However, dont forget that I am protective of Tori. When I got her back, looking as if death would take her any moment, I swore that I would never put her in a position where she would suffer. Her eyes reddened as she remembered the near skeletal infant in her arms fourteen years ago. If she chose to walk away from Piers, nothing will keep her from doing so. Do you understand?

Monica was quiet once more and then nodded. I would not force your daughter to do something she wouldnt want to do. If one day, she chose to pursue a life that didnt involve Piers, then I will stand down.

I just want to make it clear that nothing will trap my daughter, Antonia said in a firm voice. As long as you understand this.

Monica let out a low breath, admonished. I understand.

Good. Antonia reached forward and took her cup of coffee. She looked down at the half empty cup. She poured herself another cup and then lifted her hand for one of the attendants to come. More coffee. And send Tori in.

Monicas head snapped up. Her eyes widened and she looked towards the door eagerly. Antonia rolled her eyes. Youre going to let me talk to her?

You leave tomorrow. I should give you a chance. Antonia took a sip from her cup. Monica smiled widely and rose from her seat, about to round the table to hug Antonia. Dont.

Right, Ice Queen.

At least try to show a regal bearing when Tori is here.

I am always regal.

Monicas expression softened as relief flooded her son. Did you think about being crown prince?

Gideon nodded and tried to even his breath. Only because Piers didnt want it. He never showed an interest and disliked dealing with people. They made him anxious and gave him attacks. I thought that if I became the crown prince, he wouldnt have to be forced to do anything like that. If I took responsibility, I could protect him. Then hed be free and wouldnt have to worry. He shook his head and wiped at his eyes. But Im not as good as Piers. Hes so smart and talented. He understands things so easily. No one deserves to be crown prince more than him.

Monica stood up and moved across the carriage. She sat on the bench next to her youngest son and pulled him against her. I know you studied hard to try to protect your brother, Gideon. Your father knows. Even Piers knows. And Piers also knows that dealing with people is part of the position, so hes been trying his best to be more social. It isnt Tori who is forcing Piers to go to these events. It is Piers who is having Tori escort him because she helps ease his anxiety.

Gideon sat up straight and shook his head. I can do that!

Monica smiled and chuckled a bit at her sons earnestness. Gideons hero-worship of his brother hadnt waned since he was a child, watching Piers from the bushes outside of a library window.

I know you want to help him, but Tori is able to do this. Even Axton cant put your brother at ease as well as Tori, Monica told him. If you want to help him, then use your own social connections to win support for him.

Gideon nodded. All right. I can do that.

Monica sighed. She lifted her hand and stroked Gideons glossy silver hair back. And dont be so rude to Tori or continue to act harshly towards her. I just dont understand why you dislike her so much as to be so harsh to her.

Gideon shook his head and pulled away from her. Mother, Ive told you. She is a different person to us than you know. Shes rude and dislikes a good friend of mine.

Monica could understand disliking someone who was terrible to a friend. It was the reason she and Antonia hated Cillian - Duke Alvere. Never mind that at one point, he and Genevieve were in love; in the end, he betrayed their best friend. She shook the memory from her mind and tried to refocus.

You speak of Baron Harts daughter?

Lady Alessa has only tried to be pleasant to Lady Guevera. Ive told you-

And Ive told you, Tori was not in the wrong to refuse Lady Harts requests and offers. Tori also had no control over the punishment of Lady Harts friend after he was arrested for vandalizing her store. And suggesting that Tori take her exams in front of the class would only punish her and make her appear as if she had cheated when it was already proven that she didnt, Monica said, her voice growing more and more stern. Wouldnt you be angry if such a thing happened to you?

Gideon looked away. His jaw clenched and his lips were in a tight line. Her friend still slapped Lady Alessa.

And your knight pointed a sword at her face. Monica frowned. Gideon froze and she narrowed her eyes. Did you think we wouldnt find out?

He turned towards her with large eyes. Fabian only wanted to regain Lady Alessas honor-

With a duel? Monica raised a brow. Hardly anyone does them now.

I know-

And she is a marquis daughter. What wouldve happened if she was hurt? Monica asked. She leaned forward, her expression dark and serious. Do you think Gregorio - Marquis Guevera, and his family would be lenient? She shook her head. Gideon, you do not understand how protective they are of Tori. The mere fact that Fabian made such a threatening action shouldve had him dismissed at once. We only let him stay because he is your friend, but if such a thing happens again, not only will he be dismissed, but the Gueveras could press charges and have him punished. Or worse. You now know what Tori can do with a sword. Her brothers are much, much better.

Gideon let out a low, shaky breath. It was only supposed to be a duel...he got carried away.

And a knight who is unable to control himself is not fit to be a knight, she said. And tell me, how exactly did Tori dishonor Lady Hart?

She humiliated her when that store of theirs opened and then allowed her friend to slap Lady Alessa.

Monica stared at her son with disbelief. She always thought that Piers was the difficult child, but now the tables had turned. Who said she was humiliated at the store opening?

Mr. Guthry said that she made Lady Alessa cry.

Your Great Uncle was present when that happened and so I called him. He said that Lady Hart arrived after the verdict was made. After that, the crowds dispersed and focused on the store. According to Toris account, Lady Hart asked to speak to her, so they went into the neighboring cafe, where Tori forgave her for giving the vest to the merchant. She said she considered it an accident. Lady Hart kept apologizing and crying even after Tori forgave her.

A confused look appeared across her sons face. But...thats only Lady Gueveras account-

Yes, and when you said Mr. Guthry, its only his account. You werent there. You dont know what was said, only the accusation that Tori made Lady Hart cry. If you really want to find out, it is an easy matter to speak to the staff of that cafe, Monica told him. Furthermore, Mr. Guthry is also a friend of Lady Hart. Wouldnt it be natural for him to side with her and cast her in a favorable light?

Gideon frowned. What are you saying? That this is Lady Alessas fault?

Monica took a deep breath. She wasnt comfortable with how her son was siding with Lady Hart, but perhaps it was her own bias towards Tori. Im saying that until you have conclusive evidence, you should not be quick to throw blame.

Gideon seemed to ground his teeth together. As long as she doesnt harass Lady Alessa further, then there is no reason for any animosity. However, just the other day, in Chetterswickshire, she caused an argument between Baron Hart and his daughter.

Monica rolled her eyes. Gideon didnt think she knew about how he and the Prime Ministers son lied to Baron Hart about their identities. She understood the allure of traveling in secret, but when the host was your friends father, it was disrespectful at best or malicious at worst.

According to Kasen and the Admiral, that was due to Lady Harts disapproval at her fathers romance with the brick maker widow. It had nothing to do with Tori.

Gideon bristled. She brought it up!

How would she know that Lady Hart disapproved of Baron Harts affairs? Monica raised a brow. Tell me, when would she find out? Why would Baron Hart and his daughter tell a stranger about their personal matters?

Gideon opened his mouth, but couldnt seem to find an answer. He looked away. They wouldnt have argued if Lady Guevera didnt mention the brick supplier woman....

Monica sighed. If there is an accusation of harassment, check carefully and think logically. The Gueveras and the OTuaghs are very displeased with you and Fabian, Gideon. You dont know how hard it was these last few days trying to make sure this isnt escalated. Our power is not absolute. They could easily accuse Fabian of threatening their daughter and then what would happen? The only reason they havent requested additional punishment is because Tori told them to leave it alone. She and her family have been lenient considering what Ive heard.

Her son shifted in his seat, appearing uncomfortable. She...probably doesnt want to cause trouble because of Piers.

Im sure thats part of the reason. Piers is always helping her and, in return, shes very good to Piers.

Gideon closed his eyes. I know.

Do you?

I observed them at the charity garden party, he said. He opened his eyes and looked away. She always checked to make sure he was comfortable and then said shed make him steak.

Monicas eyes widened. She moved a bit closer. Does she cook for your brother?

Gideon shook his head. I dont know. I heard that Lady Guevera cooks and has made food for her friends before.

Thats very kind of her. Antonia says Tori likes to experiment with foreign food. Ah, that was probably why Matthieu let your brother take our invitation to Ambassador Das evening party. The Varsha Kingdoms food is delicious! I heard your brother took Tori with him. She turned to her son and saw him staring at her with an injured expression.

Why does he always bring her? Gideons face fell as his voice weakened. I can be of assistance, too.

Then be of assistance in a different way. Your brother is very particular and he has made a new friend. You know how hard it is for Piers to make friends.

I know.

Then you should support them and at least be civil to Tori, Monica said, encouraging. Do you think your brother would be happy with you if you upset her and then she didnt want to be friends with him anymore because of that?

Gideon sucked in a sharp breath. His eyes widened. Hed never forgive me.... he said in a hushed voice.

Monica wouldnt go that far, but perhaps there was a grain of truth in it. Im not asking you to become close friends with Tori. Im only asking you to be civil and to make sure she is actually guilty of what she has been accused of. I understand that Lady Hart is your friend, but dont let that cloud your judgment. After all, if Lady Hart told you that Tori was doing something to hurt Piers, but you had no proof of it, and you already know that she treats your brother well, why would you believe it?

Gideon seemed to tense beside her. What if I did have proof?

Oh? You saw something with your own eyes?

He took a deep breath. Mother, she danced with Mr. Guthry.

Monica always knew Gideon wasnt her most...intelligent son, but she didnt think it was this bad. Despite herself, she gave her son a deadpan expression. She danced with many people. Tori likes to dance.

Yes, but...with Mr. Guthry.... Gideon repeated it, but suddenly looked a bit confused.

Madam Guthry asked Tori to dance with her son. And if Piers were here, I wouldve asked her to dance with him, too. What about that is hurting your brother?

Gideon seemed to grow quiet and sank back in his seat. He didnt say anything else afterwards and Monica resigned herself to the silence of the carriage.

He said he was doing it for her.

She turned her head when she heard him whisper. What?

When I asked if he was going to the social events because of Lady Guevera, he said he was. Isnt it because he wants to be crown prince?

Monicas eyes slowly widened as she straightened up in her seat. One thought came to mind: she was one step closer to a daughter of her own.