Hearing iris' inquiry, Heng Yanlin's handsome face showed a bright smile, and then looking at the confused color revealed on Iris' charming and sexy face, he gently said, "in other words, young people are acting with themselves."

"Acting with yourself?"

Hearing this, iris was also slightly stunned, and seemed to become more confused.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with looking at iris' face like this, but in fact, iris is thinking quickly in his heart.

Iris is not a woman with big breasts and no brain. Although she is also very material and has long hair, it does not mean that iris is an idiot.

Just think, if it's just a vase, how can you be the personal secretary of the Green family owner? That's obviously impossible, isn't it?

Therefore, iris thought quickly in her mind, and soon she had some ideas. Immediately, she raised her head slightly, looked at Heng Yanlin's handsome face with a gentle smile as warm as the sun, and then opened her mouth, "You mean that the young family hired the assassin alliance to assassinate me, and then took the initiative to let these assassins of the assassin alliance reveal that they are the young family's people, in order to confuse us and make us really feel that it is not the young family's hands..."

"... but it's actually the hands of the Green family. It's just because the people of the Green family are suspicious, so they will be cleared of their suspicion, Mr. Lin... is that what you mean? Am I right?"

With these words, iris was like a pupil waiting for the teacher to approve his homework. He looked at Heng Yanlin very cleverly, as if waiting for Heng Yanlin to define himself.

When Heng Yanlin heard these words analyzed by iris, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and an unexpected color appeared on his handsome face, because he really didn't expect iris to say such words.

Because Heng Yanlin thinks that such a good-looking woman should not be so smart, but it is out of his medical treatment that iris is still smart, and can actually guess these things.

At that moment, Heng Yanlin looked at iris with a smile of appreciation. A smile of appreciation appeared on his handsome face, nodded gently at iris, and then opened his mouth and said aloud, "well, you can actually think of this in such a short time. It seems that your reaction is still very fast!"

Hearing Heng Yanlin's praise, I don't know why, iris felt very happy, just like a child got the candy she wanted, which made her whole mood very relaxed and happy, and the corners of her mouth were involuntarily cocked up, showing a pretty smile.

However, iris wanted to show off, but reason was telling her not to do so, especially in front of Heng Yanlin, so she showed a very modest look, gently shook her head at Heng Yanlin, opened her mouth, and said aloud, "Mr. Lin, you flatter me. It's because you reminded me well that I can think of this."

Hearing what iris said, Heng Yanlin's handsome face showed a look of surprise. Even if he shook his head and laughed, he opened his mouth and replied, "you don't have to say that. Even if I didn't remind you just now, I believe you can think of it with your intelligence, but it's just a matter of time."

Iris was praised by hengyanlin like this, and also smiled with embarrassment.

I don't know why, in front of hengyanlin, iris completely lost the domineering appearance of an independent woman and became such a little girl posture, which made iris feel that she shouldn't do this, but she couldn't understand it at all. In front of hengyanlin, she seemed to have completely lost her binding force, and wanted to completely release her nature suppressed in her body.

This really makes iris feel very incredible, but such a feeling

To be honest, iris thought he enjoyed it very much.

"Woo woo..."

Just when iris wanted to say something more to Hengyan Lin, he heard a whistle sound behind him.

Iris turned and looked over, only to find that it was a very luxurious car with armored vehicles at the same time.

On these chariots, there is a very obvious green logo.

That's the logo of green house.

Seeing these vehicles with Green family logo appear in his line of sight, iris, who was originally smiling, converged at this time. Especially when he saw that among the many green family chariots, there was a very top-notch luxury vehicle with distinctive shape, iris' eyes showed a look of shock, and he couldn't help whispering, "isn't this the owner's car?"

Standing next to iris, Heng Yanlin heard iris' self-talk, which made Heng Yanlin climb up with an unexpected look on his handsome face, and thought to himself, "master of the house? Did the owner of the green house actually come in person?"

Yes, as iris said, and as hengyanlin thought, it was Lvyang, the current owner of Lvjia, who stepped down from the limousine.

This is the first time that Heng Yanlin met the owner of one of the four families outside the steel core city.

This is a middle-aged man with an eight pointed beard. His face shows a very dignified expression, and he takes every step with a strong aura.

Of course, mainly on him, hengyanlin felt a rather strong breath, just like a storm that was about to erupt.

This is a very good master.

This is hengyanlin's first idea when he saw the green sun.

If we can learn from him, it should be more interesting.

At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin's eyes looking at Lvyang became aggressive.

As for Lvyang, at this time, he also felt a chill, as if he was stared at by something. His body trembled involuntarily, which made him feel a burst of cold, which made him subconsciously frown.