Chapter 381

On the afternoon of January 9, after another day's rest, senxia and his family packed and prepared to go back.

Originally, senxia suggested that Qianjia Xuejie should stay here for self-cultivation, but Qianjia didn't agree. At this time, her father was busy with the Party of tomorrow's party, which was a gathering of big people. Therefore, Qianjia insisted on coming back with senxia, and no one could stop it.

"- so you say you're all right?"

When the car stopped in front of the Tianhai family's house, the three people came down together. Qianjia was supported by xuenai. Her feet were flimsy and her eyes were weak. It was obvious that she was at the limit. She had cultivated all day and had recovered a lot. Now, she has been beaten back to its original shape.

"Don't worry, I'm just a little uncomfortable, but my fever has gone..." Qianjia's words are not convincing, her whole voice seems to be a feeble feeling.

Senxia looked at Qianjia worried, and then quickly walked into the room, turned on the floor heating and air conditioning together.

what if lost to all sense of shame, she will make complaints about her family. But now, he can only watch snow and help him to bed, and then lie down.

"Well, you lay down and prepare dinner After putting Qianjia to bed, xuenai went downstairs to prepare dinner, because all the ingredients were brought from the residence, so there was no need for extra preparation.

"Would you like to go to the hospital?" After xuenai left, Sen Xia got to Qianjia's side.

"Nothing. I'm just a little dizzy. " Qian Jia waved her hand.

"Well, it's close to the start of school. It's good for you to take good care of yourself in the past two days. If you're still like this tomorrow. I suggest we go to the hospital. " Senxia admonished.

"Hi, hi." Qian Jia responded with a smile, "senxia Jun, you care so much about me, even if I've been sick, it doesn't matter!"

"Please get better soon." This is moriha's response.

"Well, it's not fair. Senxia Jun has been with me for a few days. Why did you recover your vitality so quickly, but I still have to lie in the hospital bed now. " Qian Jia sighed.

"If you didn't want to come back so soon, you would be better tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Senxia shook her head, because Qianjia wanted to leave there by herself.

"If I stay there again, there will be problems. Dad, they're preparing a party. It's all business. I'm not going to affect them. " Qian Jia is very serious at this time.

"I see." Senxia nodded.

In fact, Qianjia is a very careful person, but the problem is that she always uses her "intelligence" in some strange places, which is not so pleasant.

However, after being sick, Qianjia Xuejie was very rare. She became quiet and felt more quiet in her ears.

"Well. I haven't been online for more than a week. Now I'll go online and have a look. "

Because there is no network relationship in the mansion, so Mori so far, do not know what happened on the network, their website is also let Ono Daisuke and Laoxu in their management.

"Let me see, too." Qian Jia spoke quickly.

"Hi, hi." Senxia nodded, and then took out his notebook from his backpack, then opened the computer and connected the network cable.

When Sonia opened the forum. He was so close that he didn't get a fright. There were hundreds of more posts at this time!

"What a great popularity!" Qianjia obviously, the popularity of this network was shocked.

"It's not bad." After the initial shock, Sen Xia has calmed down. Although so many posts are really amazing, it is only because the number of posts on this forum exceeds his expectation.

For a person in the information age, this network post, in fact, is nothing.

"It seems to be very popular. I have heard that the Internet seems to be very powerful in the United States before. There was no real feeling at that time. I really didn't expect that I can experience it personally now." Qian Jia exclaimed.

"no, in fact, many of these are just economic bubbles. The Internet is good, but the degree of development of computers is actually not compatible with the heat of the Internet. The bubble will break at most in three years."

Sen Xia shook his head. Anyway, he was an economist who was not familiar with the Internet bubble.

"Well, but it's true that the Internet itself is a great thing." If it wasn't for being unable to move in bed, Qianjia might have rushed to the computer at this time, and then began to grab the computer and look at the contents on it.

"There are so many people talking about retake." After entering the forum, senxia found that there were Yishui's posts, all about retake, and a small number of posts about "the witch's house" and other news. In addition, there is a post asking who is Ling Bo and tomorrow Xiang of Dong cm"It's really good. It's very popular, senxia. It seems that your Miss Ling Boli is really popular." Qian Jia said with a smile.

"Obviously like more of the great Europeans." Sanger also found that although many posts have Tucao, Optima's size and size are not correct, but everyone seems to make complaints about the thousand good tomorrow's fragrance.

"Nah, senxia Jun, look here. There are still some people who say that we should use" combat uniform "in retake to carry out cos

jubilant discovered some interesting places. She was in high spirits. If it hadn't been for the sound, it would have been too much for me to make complaints about it.

Although retake is a derivative work of his colleagues, the combat uniform in it has been smuggled in by senxia No, strictly speaking, it's not private goods. It's the translucent combat uniform that only exists in EVA's new theater version.

Well, it's the kind of translucent combat uniform that can see half of Europe at the top and cracks in the bottom.

Of course, this novel and gentlemanly combat uniform has aroused the cheers of a lot of gentlemen and homesteaders. In fact, some people just went into the pit because of the wonderful setting of the combat uniform.

of course, there are fundamentalists and defenders, some of them are set up in Tucao, and some make complaints about 18x.

But how to say that, because there are more disputes and more people to discuss, the topic will become hot.

This is Sen Xia's experience all the time. Otherwise, what would stars do with so much gossip?

Er, of course, Meiji's scandal may also be negative news. For example, in Japan, fans in this country seem to be particularly concerned about whether stars get married. Many female singers and stars will lose their popularity after they get married.

"Why, there is still a note post here?" Senxia noticed that there was someone else doing a textual research nearby.

"I borrowed the New Testament and the Old Testament in the library, and now I'm starting to do textual research and reasoning on parts of EVA retake."

This post is really interesting. There are not many people surfing the Internet these days. They are happy with what format they should have on the Internet. However, because of this, the Internet is more diversified at this time.

This man made a very rigorous and serious textual research on EVA retake.

"First of all, let's start with the interaction between Shinji and two tomorrow incense after Shinji's crossing."

In the story, there are two tomotaka, one is with Shinji to this world, the other is in the world itself.

"Although it is different from the script in the original book, I believe that animic society will not mess around. The setting of" the house of the enchantress "they once published is very strict, so my reasoning is based on their deep understanding of the original setting (laughter)."

"We divide tomorrow incense into tomorrow incense of the world and tomorrow incense of the EOE world. Tomorrow incense of the EOE comes to this world with Shinji, but unlike Shinji, this tomorrow incense does not interfere with the world like Shinji. In the original plot, the human in EVA is Lilith's child, that is, "Liling". In the Bible, after Adam and Lilith are separated, there is Eve, and human is the descendant of Adam and Eve. In the original plot, the separation of Adam and Lilith can be regarded as the end of eoe. At this time, God created Eve The performance is shinsi and tomorrow incense. "

"There is no over description in this article, but there is a love movement between Shinji and shika. In the original book, Shinji once masturbated against the future incense. This part of the plot can be seen as the combination of Adam and Eve. Because Eve is a part of Adam, tomotaka in EOE can only interfere with Shinji himself. But since the tomorrow incense of EOE can't appear in this world and become Eve, the tomorrow incense of this world will inherit the identity of Eve. We have reason to doubt that the author might make this incense pregnant, and then give birth to Cain and Abel, or directly apply it to the part of the New Testament, so that Jesus Christ can appear here... "

Senxia and Qianjia were stunned by the textual research of this man.

To tell you the truth, although Sen Xia referred to the Bible, he didn't think so deeply. The textual research of this brother was more detailed than that of senxia. In the end, he guessed that tomorrow incense would be pregnant.


Senxia sighed. How can we say that the textual research party is really v587


Second, get, happy brain opening, what I like best ~

these days, I try to find a way to complete the old book's notes on survival in different worlds, for the sake of integrity! (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!