It was cloudy and rainy on Monday, June 2, 1997.

At 3:20 p.m., Mori pushed open the door of the current research department and walked in.

He looked around the room, and if he could build a world, it would be a very interesting thing. However, it is a pity that human beings in the real world are not omnipotent. They are humble and insignificant. However, human beings can create an imaginary world in the lines of words. For Mori, the charm of words lies in this.

Is it not a very interesting thing that human imagination can soar by itself and show the perfect world in imagination through words?

In words, you don't have to worry about the constraints of reality, and you don't need to care about that kind of restriction. You just need to liberate the taboos and constraints in your heart. Words can show you your complete self.

The time is 4:30, the school sister closed the cartoon and began to tidy up her schoolbag.

"The Student Union asked me to hand in some materials, and I'll leave the rest to you."


She went to the door of the Department, opened the door, then looked back at Mori and went out: "see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

The Department was quiet, and senxia was still writing her manuscript.

When the clock reached five o'clock, the phone in the corner of the room suddenly rang. Mori walked over and picked up the phone.


"Hello, it's senxia. I'm wang Qiwen." On the other side of the phone is Wang Qiwen's voice.

"Well, how are you?" Senxia said hello.

"Well, we are going to have a party for overseas students here. Would you like to come and play? At the end of the month. " Wang Qiwen said.

"No, I'm a stranger and I have a final exam." After all, now that she is in high school, Mori doesn't want to screw up her first high school final exam.

"Oh, what a pity." Wang Qiwen said, "that roar has a chance."

After a few words of greetings, senxia hung up the phone, and then returned to the computer.

After he saved the manuscript, he turned it off and turned on ICQ.

Pony: I saw you coming just now. Coincidentally.

Shawn: Well, but it's going to be off later, just for an hour.

Pony: you're really busy. What do you do in Japan?

Shawson: do a little bit of this one and a little bit of that. Now, I'm mainly engaged in novels and games. I want to write something.

Pony: it turns out to be a great writer. It's disrespectful.

Shawson: it's different from what you think. I'm mainly working on ACG. You probably don't know what ACG is

The two chatted and the time passed.


Dark clouds are pressing the city, thunder is booming.

At last it began to rain.


There are 24 hours to go before Sanjiang goes down the list. If I can make it to the first place, I will guarantee that there will be at least 6000 words per day in the future! , the fastest update of the webnovel!