When they came out of Wanyi, they drove to Midu without stopping. Because Zhu Qing is worried about migang's accident, his expression is dignified all the way, and he is not serious. Gu Sen and Yun qiongjun know that she is concerned about migang, and they dare not say much. They have to bow their heads and make their way.

Since Zhu Qing knew that MI gang had an accident, he was in a state of mind and could not concentrate on anything. Now she just wants to fly to migang and save him from the fire.

"Migang, wait for me. You must wait for me."

"Why do you talk so much today? Don't you understand that I want to be king of the United States, and you should abdicate. "

Mi Qilin says to migang impatiently.

"Well, I'll ask you one last question."

Migang just wants to delay as long as possible, waiting for Zhuqing and their rescue. He didn't have a word to look for. He wanted Mi Qilin to stop attacking temporarily. Although he knows that this is not a good way, and Mi Qilin may not listen to him all the time, but there is no other better way.

"Ask, don't waste my time."

Mi Qilin's tolerance has reached the limit. Now he is only one step away from the throne, but migang has been nagging, which is very annoying.

"Migang, my father is so kind to you. Why do you want to rebel?"

"That's funny. Like you, I am the son of my father's emperor. The throne is supposed to be on the top of the throne. I am more capable than you. The throne should be mine. How can I say that I am rebellious? "

Mi Qilin quibbles and refuses to admit that he is rebelling.

"You say my father is good to me. Are you kidding me? Which eye do you see that my father is good to me? He has been partial to you since he was a child, and everything good is left for you. As for me, he has been suppressing me all the time. Even the house is the most remote one on the edge of the city. You even said that he loved me

The more he spoke, the more angry he became. He was not loved by his father since he was a child. He even announced that he would never succeed to his throne. Sometimes he doubts whether he is his son or not, and why his treatment is so different from that of migang. At that time, he hated and vowed to avenge himself one day.

Don't you say that I can't inherit the throne? I will prove to you with my strength who is more qualified to inherit the throne. As long as it's what I want, there's nothing I can't get.

"My father has his reason to do so. He hopes you can spend your life carefree. You see, you have no worries about food and clothing, rich and colorful life, do not have to deal with all kinds of government affairs, but also can freely travel mountains and rivers. Besides, do you really think it's so good to be an emperor? Every day, I have to deal with the country's big and small things. I don't have my own private time. I devote my time and effort to this country. I'm really tired. On the contrary, I envy you. You live a rich life without any burden and the hope of the country and the people. You can live for yourself vigorously. "

Migang sighs that MI Qilin misunderstands his father's good intentions. Think about yourself. For the sake of this country, you can't travel around the world with your beloved women, and you can't freely allocate your time like other people. He has always admired Mi Qilin. He can inherit the throne naturally and enjoy endless glory and wealth without having to work for the state affairs. It is perfect. He didn't know how to cherish his present life, but he was trying to win the throne. It was ridiculous.

"Mi Qilin, I really feel sorry for you. You don't know your happiness in your happiness! If I can, I'd like to exchange with you from the beginning, so that I can enjoy my brilliant life

Migang shakes his head. He doesn't understand why Mi Qilin is so stupid. His own position and wealth are beyond the reach of many people in his life. He gave up. He didn't know how many people envied him and wanted to be him in their dreams. He was not grateful, but his inner desire became more and more terrible, so he walked towards the cliff step by step.

However, MI Qilin is infuriated by migang's words. He thinks that migang is mocking himself. With a wave of his hand, his puppets began to attack.

Migang knows that he can't stop his attack. Mi Qilin is obsessed with the throne and can't hear anything else.

"Quick, protect the emperor."

The guards in front of the emperor one after another, confronted the puppets who might rush up at any time.

Migang takes a sad look at you. Mi Qilin turns and runs to the palace behind him.

Mi Qilin knows that migang wants to run, so he pursues him. He had to kill this guy because he had never enjoyed his father's love for a day.

"Attack me! If you kill migang, I will reward you

Mi Qilin instructs the puppets to attack, and he enjoys himself.

Mi gang was escorted to the palace by the bodyguards, hidden.

"Emperor, you must hide well. You must not come out before our people rescue us. You are the king of the United States, the people of the United States need you, so we must protect the dragon

The bodyguards who escorted him settled the emperor and rushed out to fight the puppets. Migang loves these loyal and patriotic soldiers and hates Mi Qilin's cruelty.

Zhu Qing, come on quickly. If Mi Qilin is allowed to behave like this again, the United States will die.Migang sat on the ground. He was a little sad. If he had been on guard at the beginning, he would not be so passive now. It is because of their own negligence that they have made a big mistake today. How many soldiers have killed his men.

At first, it was said that he wanted to protect the country, but now he died at the hands of his compatriots. It's really chilling. Mi Qilin, why are you so evil.

Puppets are constantly attacking. They have no human nature and conscience. They only know how to fight. The guards who protect migang are all good. They are fearless in the face of danger and pledge to protect the emperor.

Not believing that they were not afraid of death, MI Qilin concentrated his forces on the palace. Relying on the large number of people, the puppet rushed to the guards without fear. The loyal guards were outnumbered and fell into a pool of blood.

The sound of hoarse, scream, cry for help, cry, all kinds of voices are heard. You don't have to look. You know how terrible the war is outside.

There is a smell of blood in the air. The red eyed Mi Qilin can't wait to end the fight. He has been waiting too long for this day. Now, the palace is in front of him, and the throne beckons to him in the middle of the palace. He wants to run away immediately and enjoy the supreme dignity between heaven and earth.

Mi Gang hides in the mechanism, the sound of fighting outside can be heard clearly. He knew that his soldiers had been caught off guard, and he was afraid that he was in danger now. He couldn't help weeping at the thought of the old bodyguards who had lived together day and night for themselves.

I'm sorry, I can't protect you. Don't worry, I will avenge you.

"Migang, I'll kill your soldiers before you come out. I think when you can hide, you worthless king, it's a shame for the United States. "

Mi Qilin shouts outside the door. He is proud and arrogant. He is sure to win the throne. For migang, he is bound to kill.

Migang knows that MI Qilin is flaunting himself, but he must not go out, let alone compromise, with the overall situation in front of him. Otherwise, what about the American people and the loyal officials?

Mi Qilin is insidious and vicious. He does everything he can to achieve his goal. If you admit defeat today, how much will the American people pay. Migang dare not think that the war has made many innocent people lose their loved ones, and he can no longer let them lose their country.

"How long will it be?"

Yun qiongjun asked Zhu Qing.

"It's coming. Listen, they're fighting."

Yun qiongjun is a little distressed. Those sad voices are telling the tragedy of the war. If one day, Wanyi also suffered such a disaster, she would certainly be worse than dead.

Along the way, they witnessed many people with broken homes weeping on the roadside. The war left them separated from their loved ones. Now they are displaced and do not know how to find a safe shelter.

Gu Sen and Zhu Qing are also very sad. It is heartbreaking for the American people to suffer such misfortune. If there was no war, they could have lived and worked happily.

"Look, cloud."

Gu Sen points to an attacking puppet and says to Yun qiongjun. He was a little surprised, as if he thought of something.

"Who are these people? Why are body movements so strange? How does it feel like a puppet being manipulated? "

Zhu Qing also found that MI Qilin's soldiers were different from ordinary people.

"It's a puppet!"

Yun qiongjun said calmly. She had been staring at the puppets, observing their every move.

"What about that? Sister Yun, there are so many of them. Are our soldiers enough to fight? "

Zhu Qing looks at the calm Yun qiongjun and asks. If one-on-one, they don't have enough staff to win.

"Zhuqing, how many weapons have we brought?"

Yun qiongjun begins to direct the battle. Just now she had a general understanding of the terrain, and knew how to deploy her own defense, so as to catch Mi Qilin off guard.

"You take the soldiers to attack from the left side. Each soldier is equipped with a weapon. Remember, attack with loud voice. The more exaggeration, the better."

"Gu Sen, you take these people around from behind. While attacking behind him, he cooperated with Zhu Qing, bluffing and bluffing. We must make the enemy believe that all our rescue personnel are in place and are ferocious. "


at his command, Zhu Qing and Gu Sen led two pairs of men and horses to attack Mi Qilin's army from two directions.

"Kill, help is coming. You can't run."

These soldiers, while pursuing the puppets, yelled, in order to make more people believe that they are numerous, and attack their combat ability from the heart.

"Gu Sen, we have dealt with these puppets. Their weakness is obvious. You command all the soldiers to attack two inches under their armpits and kill them with one knife."