Yun qiongjun is very interested in the weapons of Fancheng. Although she doesn't like war, it is very valuable to have such advanced inventions in this era. Her beautiful eyes looked there and sighed at the wisdom of the world.

Chariots and carriages passed by one by one, which dazzled everyone. Yun qiongjun hopes that all countries will coexist peacefully, especially in Fancheng. When the time comes, people will suffer.

Just as she was pondering, a carriage passed by her. There were some big wooden boxes on it with dark things in them. She wondered why it wasn't a weapon. She was surprised to find that it was gunpowder.

Yun qiongjun's eyes were wide and her red lips were soft. Her delicate jade finger Buddha's pink cheeks turned white slightly, and her tiny fingertips moved twice. She looked around the kings of the small countries, and they all looked worried. The imperial wine in her hand almost overflowed the cup, but they all forgot to taste it.

Yun qiongjun is well aware of the power of gunpowder. If Fancheng uses it to attack various countries, it will cause incalculable casualties, and the consequences will be tragic. Thinking of this, her tall nose will exude a trace of sweat. However, the food and wine on the table are not willing to enjoy.

In front of her eyes, there was a scene of blazing fire. Thousands of dead and wounded soldiers were lying in the fields, and people who were short of arms and legs cried everywhere. The blood stained the boundless grass, but the powerful gunpowder was still abusing. Yun qiongjun's eyes were full of fire, and her pretty face became even whiter. Her white hands covered the red lips she was about to call out.

Gu Sen comes back with a glass of wine and finds a strange cloud qiongjun. Looking along her line of sight, she also finds the black gunpowder and understands everything.

He quickly went to the lady's side, close to her delicate jade white left ear, the corner of his mouth raised a trace of proud smile, "qiongjun, don't be so nervous, it's not like a queen!" First of all, he was joking to relieve the pressure of his beloved. The heat from his mouth blew into Yun qiongjun's pretty face.

"At this time, you can be relaxed and laugh, don't you see those terrible things?" Yun qiongjun reproaches softly, puts her hands back to the table, puts on a queen's appearance again, and gives Gu Sen a fierce look, which makes him angry.

"Don't worry. Just now I went to explore the river. He didn't want to invade other countries. He just tried to protect himself." Gu Sen is still proud to say, but only the two of them can hear.

"Is that true?" Yun qiongjun gently turned away from her head. The spring breeze was on her pretty face, and the corners of her mouth were also sweetly hooked up. Her eyes were staring at the clear lake, and the words were also pleasant to hear.

Gu Sen nodded with a smile, patted her on the back to comfort her, and then sat back to his seat.

Knowing that Gu Sen is also worried about the amazing war that the river will launch, Yun qiongjun can't help but feel that she has never mistaken the man she loves. She can't help but glance at Gu Sen and find that he is also looking at herself affectionately. She can't help but smile and look at the parade site.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I invite you here today not only to see the military parade, but also to tell you something good." After all the chariots of the parade left the field, another group of horses came. The river stood up and announced to the public with a high voice. The people on the scene heard it very real, and their big body was enviable.

People looked at each other, but they didn't know what the good thing he was going to say. They all wanted to hear it quickly.

Gu Sen and Yun qiongjun also cast their eyes on him and are very curious about what he said.

"What good thing?" Annah's people cried, their faces brimming with joy.

"I am going to get married soon. Please come to our Fancheng and have a cup of wedding wine." Jiang He raised his voice even more. He was afraid that anyone would not hear what he said, but he could not close his mouth with joy.

"That's a good thing. Of course we're going to come and have a drink!" There was another shout.

"Can we first see the face of the future queen?" There was a loud plea.

The eyes of the river have narrowed into a slit, and the mouth is always smiling. When the audience asks, they are even more proud. "If you don't say it, we won't be in vain today. Please have a look!" With a big wave of his hand, he swung his broad palm toward an entrance.

See far away there are more than a dozen maid surrounded by a beautiful woman to come here.

Far away, but can not see clearly the face. Many people cast their eyes in the past, and they all want to have a look at her face. This time, it's even more useless. Some people's necks are stretched out like giraffes, and their eyes are straight.

"She was my sister who had been wandering with me. She had been leading the army for me in the past. Because of her outstanding performance, she was made a general by me, and she made great contributions to our country. After marriage, she will be the queen of our city and the glory of our city." Jianghe is proud to introduce his future queen.

Everyone was surprised. Yun qiongjun and Gu Sen were equally surprised. They marveled that there was such a powerful woman in the world, and the river was really blessed. Countless eyes and eyes are staring at all the time, but also want to see this heroine.When Gu Sen is surprised, he turns his head to Yun qiongjun, wondering when he will be able to get married with Yun qiongjun. Then they will build their own cabin together and live a comfortable life far away from these countries and wars.

Zhu Qing is also very curious, early neck extension of the old long, eyes like autumn water with a bit of envy to look at the approaching people.

The maids gathered around the heroine, and all the people began to exclaim. If it had not been for Jiang He's introduction, no one would have believed that this beautiful woman was a military general, brave and good at fighting.

She had a red dress, a pink ribbon fluttering in the wind, two jade hands waving freely on her side, her thin red lips smiling just failed to show her jade teeth, her delicate nose cocked up to highlight the beauty's heroism, and the ornaments on her head sparkled in the sun, and were still following the master's action And slightly disorderly quiver, her waist is still graceful, and ordinary women are different, her posture is more upright, more sharp eyes.

The river stretched out his big hand and stepped forward two steps. He took the heroic beauty and sat beside him. His eyes were all on his beloved beauty. He even forgot that there were people watching around him.

Is this not su Qianqian, MI Qilin's wife? How can she appear here and marry Jianghe? Zhu Qing was shocked to see this beautiful woman. Her eyes were wide open. It seemed that she was alive. "How could this be possible?" She breathed softly.

When Yun qiongjun hears this, she doesn't understand what she means, "what's wrong with you, Zhuqing? Have you met this man? "

"She is Su Qianqian, MI Qilin's wife? How could it be here? It's incredible Bamboo Qing continues to be astonished to say, eyes still can't live to look at this beauty.

The eyes of all the people are about to fall out, and the river is more proud to hold his beauty and drink the wine.

"It should look the same. It's not surprising." Yun qiongjun comforts her and doesn't want her to think too much.

"Well, it's too much like that." Zhu Qing is still skeptical, still thinking in his mind.

At this time, many people had toasted the river and the future queen, and the scene was extremely lively.

However, Gu Sen only looks at Xiang Yun qiongjun. He thinks that she is better than that beautiful woman. He still fantasizes about her marriage.

"Zhuqing toast to the future queen, congratulations on your marriage to the most prestigious River King in Fancheng!" Zhuqing went to propose a toast to the beauty, but her eyes were staring at her familiar face. The glass in her hand was slowly stretched out, and a strange smile hung on the corner of her mouth.

"Thank you, thank you very much! Are you Zhuqing The beautiful woman's voice is clear and pleasant. Her tone seems to have heard of Zhuqing, and she looks at her with strange eyes. The wine cup in her hand is also touched by Zhuqing, and then she puts it on her lips to taste it slowly. Even her drinking posture is so beautiful.

Zhuqing was even more surprised. She forgot to drink the wine after touching it. She opened her mouth and looked at the mysterious woman, "how can you know me?" She was puzzled and asked, and then the wine was sent into the mouth.

"I heard from my sister. She said you are a very good person." Her smile is very sweet, the accessories on her neck are shaking, but also reflect colorful light, which makes the beauty more beautiful.

People's eyes are still focused on here, but they all add a bit of drunkenness.

After listening to this, Zhu Qing understood that she was su Qianqian's sister. No wonder she looked like that. She put down her doubts just now, but she still sighed that there were two sisters who were completely similar in this world, which was incredible.

She filled the wine and looked at Su Qianqian's sister again. She still felt something was wrong, because she saw a small mole in the left ear of the beautiful woman, but there was a same mole in the same position of Su Qianqian's left ear. Could this be exactly the same?

Zhu Qing felt a little strange, and raised his glass with a smile, "don't you know the name of your future queen? I wonder if you can tell me? " Her eyes twinkled, but for another purpose.

The beautiful woman calmly smile, very polite also raised the glass, "why not, this palace boudoir name Su Qianqian, please, miss Zhuqing!" At the moment, her face is red, but the pink face is red.

After listening to Zhuqing, the whole person is confused, do not know how to drink his glass of wine, and how to walk back to his seat.