Although cloud shoukai has become the leader of the cloud family, the affairs of the cloud family and the Lu family have not been handled well.

Now Yun shoukai is not the same as he used to be. He has changed and is no longer the same as before. Yun qiongjun is relieved and worried that people who could have lived simply have been forced to look like this by the environment. Who doesn't want to live a happy life without so much resentment.

As it was, he could only accept fate.

During this period of time, there have been too many things, too many changes, and things have changed. Who could have thought that the power of the high-level members of the cloud family was so powerful that it was all over in such a short time?

Although his eyes are full of resentment, he can see all the things in his eyes.

At that time, the sun outside the room was just shining on Lu Song's body, and the dust in the air was so obvious. Lu Song was standing under a beam of sunlight. His body gave out a golden light. Gu Sen could see a virtual corridor through his body, and his body was shocked.

Is that the corridor of time that you are trying to find?

No wonder he looked for so long without news, it was in his body.

Make sure you find the time corridor, and the way to go back through the time corridor is to kill Lu Song, and then you and Yun qiongjun can go back.

Excited and anxious, she finds Yun qiongjun and tells her the news. However, she doesn't tell her the location of the time corridor. She only tells her that she has found the time corridor. Yun qiongjun is excited. After searching for so long, she finally has news. She puts down her things and looks forward to Gu Sen.

"Really? Where is it? "

Gu Sen nods hard, but when he thinks about where the time corridor is, it's a bit difficult. He doesn't know whether to tell her that the time corridor is on Lu Song. He knows that she is kind-hearted. If she knows that Lu Song can go back, will she go back?

When she hesitates to see her look forward to the eyes, can not bear to hide from her, she should know the truth.

"Qiongjun, in fact, the time corridor is right by our side and has been there all the time. It's just hidden. If it's not a coincidence, I'm afraid we don't know where it is. You know, it's actually in Lu Song's body. When I found out this secret, I was surprised. Who could have thought that the important way of time and space tunnel would be in one person In the body. "

Yun qiongjun was also a little surprised when she heard the news. No wonder it was hard to find the time corridor. It turned out that it was so hidden. Fortunately, her Kung Fu paid off, and finally she found it.

Looking at Gu Sen happily, her face is full of smile. She has not been so happy for a long time. Gu Sen seems to see her appearance when she just met her, so pure, innocent and beautiful. If you can, I hope that time can stay and stop at that time forever.

After being happy, Yun qiongjun thinks about it. She still remembers that she didn't want to stay in this time and space any more. She went to look for the time corridor by herself. At that time, she felt that she was very close to the time corridor. Then she met Lu Song and followed her. However, she never thought that the time corridor would be in Lu Song's body.

Moreover, Lu Song has a corridor of time in his body, which shows that he is not an ordinary person. He was the one who destroyed the cloud family at that time. He was a key person, so the person who killed the cloud family might be him.

Yun qiongjun is upset. She didn't think of such an important thing. It's really useless. She patted her head with her hand, and Gu Sen took her hand painfully.

"Qiongjun, don't do this. Nobody is a fairy. You can predict everything. You have done well."

Yun qiongjun looks at Gu Sen and smiles happily, just like a child.

"Gu Sen, since we have found the time corridor, can we go back?"

Finally came to this question, the atmosphere became heavy, Gu Sen looked at her seriously.

"Qiongjun, if you want to go back through the time corridor, it's OK. But the time corridor is on Lu Song. If we want to go back, we have to kill Lu Song."

Yun qiongjun can't stand this answer. She looks at Gu sen in disbelief and shows her hands.


Gu Sen has been looking at Yun qiongjun all the time, and knows that she will react like this. But if she wants to go back, she must let her know the truth, or she will secretly kill Lu Song. She will blame herself when she knows, and she may also blame herself. He does not want her to live with the pressure in her heart all the time.

Yun qiongjun doesn't want to stay in the world any longer. Yun shoukai has become strong enough to defeat him. He has completed his mission. It's time to leave. As for Lu Song, everyone has his own destiny. Since there is a time corridor in his body, he lives to let people find him. One day he will die. This is his envoy Life, it's time for him to fulfill his mission. Even if he doesn't kill him, he may be killed by others. It's better to do it yourself.Thinking about the problem, Yun qiongjun has been silent. Gu Sen doesn't know what she is thinking. She reaches out and shakes her hand in front of her eyes. Yun qiongjun looks up and says firmly, without looking into his eyes.

"We're going back."

Gu Sen is a little surprised. Does she mean to kill Lu Song?

"Qiongjun, do you mean to kill Lu Song and go back?"

Yun qiongjun nods. In fact, she is also entangled in her mind. The time corridor is so slow to find out. If she only wants to hurt a living life for her own benefit, is it worth it? And this man is not a bad man, and he has no heart to hurt him.

"You said, if we really killed Lu Song and we went back, would it be too selfish? Anyway, it's a human life. I can't bear to kill him. "

Gu Sen knew that she would not kill a person so easily. He knew her too well.

"Qiongjun, it's ok if you don't kill him, but we can't go back. In fact, it's very good here. Everything is available. Besides, you must have been used to the life here after staying here for so long? Or we'll stay. If we don't go back, we'll stay here. I'll be with you all the time

Hearing what Gu Sen said, Yun qiongjun immediately shook her head and refused.

"No, I don't want to stay here. I must go back. I am not a person here, so I should not come here. Since I have been wrong, I can't continue to be wrong."

Well, since she has made a decision, Gu Sen will certainly help her. When they get to Lu Song's home, he is grieving about what happened to his family. Even Yun qiongjun doesn't want to receive her. But since Yun qiongjun has come, she has to achieve her goal. She has to go back to his room, open the door and see him lonely In front of the window.

"Lu Song, things have happened. I feel very sad to see you in such pain."

Lu Song doesn't look at or speak to Yun qiongjun. He turns his back to her, but Yun qiongjun can still feel the depression in the air.

Gu Sen asks Yun qiongjun to do it. He says that he has his back to her and is ready to start. Yun qiongjun grabs the dagger he has already prepared in his hand and keeps walking towards Lu Song.

"Your relatives will leave you sooner or later. Don't be sad. They go where they should be..."

At this time, Yun qiongjun has gone behind Lu Song. She slowly raises the dagger in her hand, closes her eyes, and makes up her mind to kill him when she hears a gunshot.

Then he heard Lu song cry. Yun qiongjun didn't know what happened. His knife didn't penetrate his body. The noise just now was shot?

Slowly opened his eyes and looked at Lu Song who fell in front of him. His clothes in front of his chest had been dyed red with blood. He was dead.

Yun shoukai comes from behind with a gun in his hand. Yun qiongjun looks at him.

"Why did you kill him?"

In the face of Yun qiongjun's question, Yun shoukai seems to take everything for granted.

"Didn't you say you couldn't leave any alive? Besides, you have to kill him. You are not suitable for such a thing. Just leave it to me. "

Yun qiongjun looks at the dagger in her hand and recalls when she said it. It takes a long time for her to remember that she said it inadvertently. It was not for Yun shoukai to kill him. She still wanted to thank him. It is undeniable that she could not do it at all. He helped herself.

Looking at Lu Song's body, there is a door. It's time for him to go. Finally, the long-awaited day has finally arrived, and his heart is relieved.

"Keep open, can you see it? Lu Song has a door in his body. "

Yun shoukai looks at Lu Song's body. He feels strange. How can there be a door on Lu Song's body when he is dead. He looks at Lu Song carefully and sees nothing. He shakes his head and looks at Yun qiongjun suspiciously.

Yun qiongjun smiles.

"Keep open. I'm going."

A sudden remark makes Yun shoukai feel a little overwhelmed. He holds on to Yun qiongjun's arm tightly, as if he had let Yun qiongjun disappear.

"Where are you going, qiongjun? Don't go away. I can't do without you. You are the only one who treats me best in the world. Without you, I don't know what I mean by getting these things."

Yun qiongjun asked him to let go of his hand.

"But I don't belong here. I'll leave sooner or later."

Yun shoukai's mood gradually calmed down. Yes, she doesn't belong here. She can't stay here all the time. She doesn't love herself. Why should she be forced to stay? If she really loves a person, she wants to be happy, isn't she?

"Well, qiongjun, you go, but you have to remember that no matter where you go, I will remember you."

Suddenly, Yun qiongjun hugs Yun shoukai and pats her on the shoulder. This is the first time that she actively hugs him.

"I'll always remember you, too. I'll see you later."