Since ya ya got pregnant, her treatment has improved. Every day is big fish and meat, delicacies, is to give ya ya to increase nutrition. However, Yaya doesn't grow meat any more. The high-level of the cloud family is afraid of Yaya's lack of nutrition.

This morning, the cloud family ate at the table. Yaya's position is arranged on Yun shoukai's right hand side, while Yun qiongjun's position is on Yaya's right hand side.

"Qiongjun," Yaya was a little embarrassed, "can we change places?" Yun qiongjun hasn't had time to speak. Sitting on one side, hearing Ya Ya's words, Yun shoukai showed a sarcastic smile on her face, "why, after I got to bed with me, I didn't dare to sit with me?"

Hurt by the cold words of cloud shoukai, Ya Ya lowers her head, sits in her position, and never says a word. Yun qiongjun stares at Yun shoukai fiercely, but in exchange for a smile of indifference. Suddenly, Yun qiongjun felt powerless. She looks back and sits next to ya ya.

Cloud family high-level for this scene as did not see, for them, as long as Ya Ya can give birth to the descendants of the cloud family, the rest is not important.

With the passage of time, the senior members of the cloud family attended the table one after another. In the middle of the meal, a servant came up with a pot of soup. Yun Yinbai motioned the servant to put it in front of Ya Ya and said, "this is very nutritious."

Yun qiongjun just saw that it was a pot of chicken soup. She suddenly got up and rushed into the bathroom. Yun qiongjun knows that Ya Ya is upset. She wants to follow her when she gets up. When she passes by Yun shoukai, she is caught by his wrist and says, "what are you going to do. Just eat your food

Let's open your eyes, qiongjun Finish saying, don't give cloud Shou a look again, follow go to the bathroom. Behind him, cloud shoukai's eyes are dark, and I don't know what I'm thinking.

"Ouch -" as soon as she got to the bathroom door, Yun qiongjun heard such a sound. With a shiver in her heart and a touch of worry in her eyes, Yun qiongjun quickly walked into the bathroom and saw her hands on the washing table, her face pale and vomiting. This is the morning, has not eaten anything, now such a vomit, unexpectedly only left stomach acid.

I don't know how to pat her on the back. At this time, it was supposed to be the father of the child. But Yun shoukai, Yun qiongjun looks a little ugly.

However, Yaya didn't notice that Yun qiongjun was wrong. She vomited and became retch. After a long time, he came back slowly. After Yaya vomited, she picked up a handful of water to gargle her mouth. When she felt that she was almost done, she took out a handkerchief to wipe off the filth on the corners of her lips. She raised her head and showed a gentle smile to Yun qiongjun, "qiongjun, I'm ok. Don't worry

Hearing this, Yun qiongjun's nose was so sour that she almost burst into tears. She looked at this experienced these, but still smile gentle naive girl, a burst of heartache.

She held out her hand and held it. Yaya is startled by Yun qiongjun's sudden move. She stands in the same place and doesn't know how to put her hands and feet. Finally, she hesitated and fell on Yun qiongjun's back. "I'm fine, qiongjun." The voice is soft and waxy, just like before.

They return to their seats together. Yaya continues to eat quietly, as if the person who vomited quickly before was not her. Yun qiongjun knows that YaYa doesn't want to worry Yun shoukai and his family.

But how does this silly girl know that what the cloud family cares about is just the child in her stomach. While Yun shoukai, Yun qiongjun glances at Yun shoukai, who cares for her own food. She is in pain again. She doesn't even care about her children.

When they came back, Yun Yinbai glanced at Yun qiongjun with some warning in his eyes. Yun qiongjun smiles bitterly. Is she afraid of what she and ya ya say? How could she tear it up and make ya ya sad?

But Yun Yinbai didn't care about Yun qiongjun's idea. He took back his sight, got up and put the chicken in Ya Ya's bowl without expression. The voice didn't fluctuate and there was no wave. "This is nutritious. It's good for children. " Although the voice is flat, but it is this insipid, carrying the command of the superior.

There was a fire in Yun qiongjun's eyes. Just now ya ya just smelled the smell of chicken! Is yunyinbai blind now that she's carrying chicken to ya ya? Yun qiongjun doesn't want to endure any more. She puts down her chopsticks and is about to get up. However, the girl on her side stealthily pinches the palm of her hand.

Yun qiongjun turns her head to look. Ya Ya gently purses her lips and shakes her head. Yun qiongjun maintains the action of getting up and looks at ya ya for a long time. In the end, Yun qiongjun sighs, picks up chopsticks and continues to eat. It's just tasteless.

For the two people's movements, the cloud family did not see, just in their eyes, just two little girls. Even if Yun qiongjun is no more powerful, she is just skilled. In any case, it can't compete with the cloud family.

But Yun shoukai is angry that Yun qiongjun pushed him to ya ya. In addition, she suspects that ya ya and the top management of the Yun family are in a group. At this time, it is natural to ignore. As if I didn't see anything.

In the afternoon, Yun qiongjun was planning something later in her room when she heard a scream. Yun qiongjun's face changed and she rushed out of the room. There is a circle of people in the lobby. It's annoying.

Among the crowd, you could hear the faint breath of Ya Ya. As soon as Yun qiongjun gets nervous, she pushes aside the crowd and sees Ya Ya sitting on the ground, covering her stomach and looking miserable. As soon as she was worried, Yun qiongjun quickly stepped forward to help the man up."What's going on?" Yun qiongjun looks angry and stares at the maid who is sent to serve Ya Ya Ya. The maid was frightened by her eyes and said in a trembling voice, "the little grandmother is going to find you just now. As a result, there were some traces of water on the ground, which slipped by accident. "

After hearing the speech, Yun qiongjun looked at the ground carefully and found that there were water traces. The cloud family has the habit of sweeping in the afternoon. It's not surprising that there are traces of water on the ground.

"But the doctor is here?" Yun qiongjun takes a worried look at ya ya's painful expression. Yun qiongjun asks the maid. The maid was about to answer, and yunyinbai had already brought the family doctor. Yun Yinbai pushes Yun qiongjun away and asks the family doctor to examine Ya Ya.

Being pushed aside, Yun qiongjun frowns, but looking at ya ya's pale face, she suppresses the fire in her heart and looks at ya ya anxiously.

After a careful examination, the family doctor finally put the end pulse down Ya Ya Ya's hand, and was about to open his mouth. Yun Yinbai had already asked, "is there anything wrong with the child?"

The family doctor said with a smile, "little grandma has a good foundation. This time it's OK. But I'll have to pay attention later. " Yun Yinbai was relieved, turned his head, his face was still not good-looking, "can't you be more careful with your baby? Our descendants of the cloud family are very valuable! "

The words of severe accusation let ya ya red eyes, she bit her lower lip and said nothing. Yun qiongjun glared angrily, "yunyinbai, you can only see children? Don't you see ya ya's hand hurt? " As soon as she came, she saw that her delicate elbows were skinned and bleeding.

She thought that, now that Ya Ya is pregnant, they will treat ya better. But I didn't expect that these cloud family members don't care about anything except their children.

Yun Yinbai glanced at ya ya's elbow lightly, let the family doctor see it, and he left. Yun qiongjun is very angry, but she is held by Ya Ya. Yun qiongjun is sad and takes ya ya to her room.

"Qiongjun." Yaya called her in a low voice.

"Well?" Yun qiongjun is busy and answers casually. After a while, she doesn't hear ya ya's voice. Yun qiongjun turns her head and sees Ya Ya sitting on the bed. Her eyes are sad.

"What's the matter?" Yun qiongjun put down what she was doing, sat down beside Ya Ya and asked.

Yaya stirred her fingers and hesitated to ask, "qiongjun, do you hate me?"

Yun qiongjun was confused, "Ya Ya, how could you think so?"

Ya Ya lowered her head, and her voice was so small that she could hardly hear her voice, "clearly you and shoukai brother are a pair. But I got in midway and was pregnant with shoukai's brother's child. I'm really bad at it. "

"No Yun qiongjun suppressed her heartache and bared her teeth. "I'm not a couple with Yun shoukai. Yunshoukai is just my employer. When the mission is over, I'll leave. "

"Are you leaving?" Yaya looks at Yun qiongjun in surprise. She always thinks Yun qiongjun will stay at the cloud house.

"Yes," said Yun qiongjun with a smile. "Ya Ya, do you like Yun shoukai?"

Asked by Yun qiongjun's question, Ya Ya was silent for a long time, and then whispered, "it's very nice of you to keep your brother open. But I just like him a little bit. "

"A little bit?" Yun qiongjun muttered, "then how could my grandparents be together at the beginning?"

Gu Sen, floating beside Yun qiongjun, quipped, "don't forget, if it wasn't for you. They are bound to be together. " Hearing this, Yun qiongjun was angry. She did not expect that Yun shoukai would fall in love with her. Whatever the reason, it's a fact.

It's just, "if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be in the wrong space." Yun qiongjun's face crossed and she was discontented: "if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have met Yun shoukai in this era. How could this situation have happened?"

Gu Sen sighed, "yes, yes, my fault."

"Qiongjun, who are you talking to?" Yaya looks at Yun qiongjun strangely. I don't understand why suddenly Yun qiongjun turns to talk. There was no one around her.

Yun qiongjun remembers that Ya Ya is still sitting around. The expression is a little stiff. When I think about it, I'm going to leave. It doesn't matter if I tell the truth.

Thinking of this, Yun qiongjun's lips rose and laughed ominously, "I'm talking to a ghost." Yun qiongjun points to Gu Sen's position. "My boyfriend is a ghost. I was just talking to him."

Ya Ya's eyes flashed with excitement, "really?" Yun qiongjun nods and affirms.

Ya Ya hesitated for a moment, lifted her hand up and waved to the position that Yun qiongjun just pointed to. "Hello, Mr. ghost. My name is Ya Ya."

Yun qiongjun and Gu Sen look at each other and find that they are both crying and laughing like themselves.