All this happened so suddenly that it completely exceeded Yun qiongjun's expectation. All this was not what she thought. She didn't believe what happened.

When Yun qiongjun understands all this, her heart aches. Before, Yun qiongjun has never been in love. Raohan is the first person yunqiongjun falls in love with. She can do anything even for him. If Rao Han really needs Yun qiongjun's spiritual power, as long as Rao Han makes it clear to himself, he can give up the spiritual power for him, But I don't want raohan to treat himself like this.

In order to find out the truth of everything that happened, yunqiongjun wants to know raohan's real thoughts and whether raohan is really with her because of her spiritual power. So she decides to go back to chijing. When

returned to Chi Jing, Yun Jun Jun knew that after returning to Chi Jing, Yun Jun Jun avoided all eyes and went straight to the palace. But in the palace, Burma did not see Rao Han, but found that he and Yu had discussed what was in the palace garden.

Although Yun qiongjun had trapped Chi Yu and raohan together, she had already known that Chi Yu and raohan had run away. However, she did not expect that they were not together. Yun qiongjun did not expect that Chi Yu and raohan were together now.

Wan Qing and Chi Yu are whispering something, which may not be heard by others, but Yun qiongjun now has powerful spiritual power, and can hear it clearly.

Wan Qingqi said to Chi Yu, "raohan is so stupid. Can't you tell whether Yun qiongjun is dead or not?"

Chi Yu also had some doubts, "this is really wrong. After all, raohan is not so careless. How can we not tell whether people are dead or not? Is it Rao Han who is really in love with Yun qiongjun and is reluctant to do so? "

After listening to Chi Yu's words, Wan Qing laughed contemptuously: "can't you give up? Are you sure you mean raohan? He did the last time Yun qiongjun was poisoned, and this time, do you think he would be reluctant to do something about her? " Chi Yu did not object, but nodded as if thinking.

Wan Qing took a look at Chi Yu's silent look, and his anger was even stronger. "So are you. You and raohan are both trapped by Yun qiongjun. They just solved their predicament just now. How bad are your abilities? Can I believe you?"

After listening to Wan Qing's words, Yun qiongjun realized that her previous poisoning was also planned and implemented by Rao Han, whom she trusted very much. Now, Yun qiongjun believes that Rao Han's first contact, later his trust, and later his kindness to her are all for the sake of her spiritual power.

This recognition makes Yun qiongjun no longer have the conversation between Wan Qing and Chi Yu. She leaves raohan's home angrily. However, Yun qiongjun doesn't see her. When she goes out of her hiding place and disappears in front of Wanqing and Chiyu, they stop all the conversation and smile triumphantly at the direction of her disappearance.

Yun qiongjun leaves in a rage and walks aimlessly. Although Yun qiongjun is very angry and wants to find raohan, she doesn't know where to go now. Her anger and sadness make her lose her direction.

"Qiongjun, why are you here?" A familiar voice rings in Yun qiongjun's ear.

This is Rao Han's voice. He knows that he has done something wrong to Yun qiongjun. However, Rao Han never thought that Yun qiongjun would come to chijing. This place is especially dangerous for Yun qiongjun.

Hearing Rao Han's voice, qiongjun raised her head and saw that it was the one who poisoned herself, but she trusted him very much.

Rao Han just looks at Yun qiongjun but doesn't speak. He doesn't mean to avoid it. He goes up and pulls Yun qiongjun to find a safe place to talk.

Yun qiongjun didn't want to have anything to do with him at all. She just got rid of him and said, "raohan, you really don't feel guilty at all. You've done so many things that I'm sorry for. You don't mean to talk to me like this."

Rao Han knew after hearing what Yun qiongjun said. Yun qiongjun already knew all the things she had done, including every poisoning before.

"Raohan, you treat me like this. I trusted you so much! What a blind man Yun qiongjun rushes towards raohan. Looking at the posture, she doesn't intend to die well at all. She just intends to fight with raohan.

Rao Han said to Yun qiongjun as he dealt with it: "if this can make you calm down, I can let you fight. If my life can let you put down all your resentment against me, then I can let you take it."

Listening to Rao Han's words, Yun qiongjun's anger was even more intense, and her movements were even more fierce!

Although Rao Han said that he could let Yun qiongjun take his life, he was defusing Yun qiongjun's moves one by one, and retreated to his own house. In his rage, Yun qiongjun didn't find out at all.

"Qiongjun, calm down and listen to me." Rao Han is still thinking about explaining to Yun qiongjun. Although raohan has done a lot of unforgivable things to Yun qiongjun, raohan likes Yun qiongjun very much, so I hope Yun qiongjun can listen to his explanation and understand his hardship."Raohan, you don't have to say anything. I don't want to hear anything. I know everything. I still believe you and like you more. I'm blind!" Yun qiongjun's actions become more and more fierce. They all want Rao Han's life. But at the moment of success, they always show more or less flaws.

"Qiongjun, I can't help it. I have to do this. I don't want you to forgive me, but I hope you can understand me. Don't hate me like this. I don't want you to hate me." Rao Han said sadly to qiongjun.

Yun qiongjun can't believe his words any more. He is afraid that raohan is still lying to her, just to regain her trust. Finally, his own life will be completely lost in raohan's hands.

With a cold smile, Yun qiongjun said to raohan, "raohan, do you think I will still believe you? I believed you very much before, but you, you poisoned me many times, did not care about my body, only wanted to ask for my spiritual power. If I believe you again, my life will be lost in your hands one day! "

After listening to Yun qiongjun's words, Rao Han was very ashamed. "No, qiongjun, I really like you. If it wasn't for some reason, I would not treat you like this."

"I won't believe you any more. I won't believe what you said in the future. It's better not to have any relationship between you and me from now on. I don't want to see you again." After saying this, Yun qiongjun withdrew her attack.

Rao Han stopped and looked at Yun qiongjun and said, "I'm sorry, qiongjun."

After listening to Rao Han's words, Yun qiongjun thinks that he is apologizing for what he has done before. "I'm not sorry. I just blame me for believing in the wrong person, treating you as a lover and trusting you with my heart."

After that, Yun qiongjun is about to leave, but before leaving, she suddenly feels powerless.

"What's going on?" Yun qiongjun asked in a puzzled way.

Raohan was ashamed and said to Yun qiongjun, "I'm sorry not only for the previous incident, but also for the present one."

After listening to Rao Han's words, Yun qiongjun suddenly felt powerless, and then noticed that she had already arrived at raohan's house. During the fight between Yun qiongjun and raohan, Wan Qing and Chi Yu had released colorless and tasteless enchanting smoke, which made Yun qiongjun inhale.

"Raohan, I don't know what important effect my spiritual power has on you. However, if you calculate me like this, don't you really feel guilty and never love me?" Yun qiongjun yelled at raohan.

Raohan lowered his head.

When Wan Qing saw Rao Han's appearance, he looked at him scornfully and said to Yun qiongjun, "yunqiongjun, you'd better accept your life!"

Yun qiongjun chuckled, "Wan Qing, you want me to have this spiritual power, right? I tell you, even if I die, I can't let you take my spiritual power!" Looking at Wan Qing, who had already changed her face, Yun qiongjun said, "whose idea is this matter today?"

Wan Qing's face is not very good-looking, but after thinking about it, Yun qiongjun is now trapped. After two days, she can't be so arrogant. She says to Yun qiongjun, "now that you've reached this point, I'll let you understand that everything is raohan's idea. Chi Yu and I follow his advice. When we contacted you, Chi Yu and I said yes Send someone. He insists on going by himself, because he says he wants to kill you and take away your spiritual power. Ha ha... "

Chi Yu is beside listening to Wan Qing's words and is always smiling with pride. Rao Han is unexpectedly silent. There is no objection. He just looks at Yun qiongjun in silence.

Yun qiongjun looks at Wan Qing's complacent look. Chi Yu looks at her sarcastically. Raohan just looks at her. His eyes are focused on her, but there is no emotion. Yun qiongjun suddenly feels disgusted when she thinks of the deep love between her and raohan.

Yunqiongjun knew that they would not kill her in a short time, so she stopped holding on and fainted.

Rao Han looks at Yun qiongjun and faints. He runs in front of her, picks up Yun qiongjun and prepares to take her to the guest room, but is stopped by Wan Qing and Chi Yu.

Rao Han said to Wan Qing and Chi Yu, "get out of the way. She has fainted. What else do you want?"

Wan Qing shook his head and said to raohan, "no, although she can't run now, she won't be able to wake up. I'll take her away and take care of her."

Rao Han suddenly laughed, "Wanqing, I tell you, although you are the queen of Wanyi country, but now you are in chijing country. I don't want you to take away the people. Do you think you can take it away?"

Wan Qing was very angry at raohan's words, but he had to admit that it was a fact. He had no choice but to step back and say to raohan, "I won't take Yun qiongjun away, but you have to lock her up in a place we all know. It's for our great cause and we don't want to be emotional."

Rao Han saw Wan Qing's resolute attitude, chuckled and agreed.

However, what raohan had just seen behind the wall was nothing that raohan had done.After the servant tells Gu Sen everything, Gu Sen insists on coming to visit Yun qiongjun, regardless of his injury. He knows that Yun qiongjun is very important to Gu Sen, so he can't stop him. He can only send more troops to Gu Sen to protect Gu Sen and help Yun qiongjun.