April is about to call back to the past, the mobile phone screen lights up, one after another calls over, April finger slightly moved, answer.

April has not had time to speak, there will be a succession of voices, is no longer the usual gentle, but with a trace of urgency: "Xiaoyue, where have you been?"

Through a phone call, April can feel the tension and worry in succession. She held her mobile phone for a while and then apologized and said, "I'm not feeling well, so I left first."

After a pause, April said, "sorry, one after another, I forgot to tell you."

Anyone can know that April is lying. After a long silence at the other end of the phone, they pretended to believe it and asked, "where are you now? Are you feeling better? Do you need to go to the hospital? "

"I'm fine. I'll just have a rest."

"Where are you now?"

April looked at the traffic outside the window and finally lied and said, "I'm at home."

At the moment when the voice of April was settled, the taxi driver in front of her just pressed the whistle, and it was clearly transmitted to the other end of her ear through her mobile phone.

The lie is so straightforward to be exposed, April seems a little embarrassed, although at this time can not see her expression, she is still some embarrassed drooping eyes.

The telephone section of the silence for a long time, finally said: "then you have a good rest, goodbye."

"Well, goodbye."

April finished, waiting for a while, there was no sound from the other end of the phone, she paused for a moment, then hung up the phone, slightly powerless leaning against the rear seat, looking out of the window of the initiative to stay in a daze.

The taxi driver has been pulling her so aimlessly for a long time, and the fare on the meter has been adjusted to 200 yuan. Although this is to make money for himself, the taxi master still can't help asking: "Miss, where are you going?"

April's sight still stays outside the car window. After a long time, he reported the address of his apartment.


after paying the fare in April, when she got out of the taxi and was about to close the door, she heard someone calling her name. She turned her head and saw the cars she had lent to open one after another, parked on the side of the road with double flashing lights, just getting out of the car one after another, holding on to the open door.

April Leng for a while, just closed the door of the taxi, step by step, toward the past one after another: "how did you come over?"

One after another did not say a word, just bent the upper body into the car, and then carried two bags out: "from noon to now have no food, carry home to eat something, in the rest."

April stares at landing to continue to hand over the take away bag, lips subconsciously pursed up.

One after another, the expression is still gentle, he will continue to hand things to April, and then said: "Xiaoyue, do not care about how hard it is, do not let yourself with yourself."

In April, an emotion similar to moving appeared in the bottom of her heart. What a smart person one after another did not know that she was absent-minded and perfunctory on this day. He came back from France to celebrate her birthday. She was supposed to accompany her to Beijing with all her heart. As a result, she not only forgot his existence, but also left alone, even repeatedly Lied to him.

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