At the bottom of Tang Dynasty, there was a sudden impulse to kick one of Mr. Wang or Gu Qingcheng out of the banquet.

So he asked Mr. Wang to drink again.

This time, when Wang and he were drinking, he became more and more fierce, and his sight directly stopped at Gu Qingcheng.

In Tang Dynasty, when a layer of fire was burning in his heart, suddenly a man stood beside Gu Qingcheng, just blocking the sight from him to Gu Qingcheng.

The man who blocked Gu Qingcheng was known as Cheng freehand brushwork.

At the bottom of her heart, she secretly gave Cheng freehand a favorable comment. She thought that at the end of the month, she would give Cheng freehand a raise in salary.

However, Tang Shi was so comfortable that it lasted only half a minute. Cheng and Gu Qingcheng walked into the dance floor together.

Gu Qingcheng wore a tight blue skirt today, revealing her figure completely.

She stood on the dancing floor with flashing lights, dancing face to face with Cheng freehand.

In Tang Dynasty, his face was calm and he leaned against the back of his chair with his fingers holding the wine glass. Looking at Gu Qingcheng, who was light and moving, he sat by his side and looked at Gu Qingcheng on the dance floor. He seemed to be in a daze.

Suddenly, Tang Shi had a headache.

He had some regrets. He went to see Qingcheng at home yesterday. Some regretted that Gu Qingcheng would come to work in Shengtang today, and some even regretted that Gu Qingcheng would attend the company banquet tonight.

Mr. Wang has no idea what kind of mood is surging in Tang Shi's heart, which looks light and light. While appreciating Gu Qingcheng, he asks Tang Shi: "Mr. Tang, the woman who just sat in this corner and toasted you is an employee of your company?"

Tang Shi didn't speak, but he had more headaches.

Because the women on the dance floor in the distance are graceful and exciting.

Mr. Wang didn't care about Tang Shi's neglect of himself, staring at Gu Qingcheng's figure, and without covering up her appreciation of Gu Qingcheng, she began to praise Gu Qingcheng with both voice and emotion: "it's really unexpected that there are such immortal people in your company of Mr. Tang. You really don't know that I have lived so many years and I have seen so many beautiful things Female, I feel numb now, but when I see her, I really feel that I have a kind of, suddenly bright, dark flowers and a village, there is the East, she is the sun feeling! "

Mr. Wang's every word is extremely sincere.

However, these words, fell in the ears of the Tang Dynasty, out of the ear, but still more harsh.

What is suddenly bright, what is another village, what is the East, she is the sun

It's so profound about literature and art.

Tang Shi felt his head hurt a little uncontrollable.

PS: finish today, continue tomorrow ~ ~ yesterday's award-winning readers are:

half life , the fastest update of the webnovel!