Vol 3 Chapter 452: Find

The mountain is gone, and then she will refine the golden souls of the soul to break through the border until it becomes a soul. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a

And purple, will always be an ordinary person, have been living.

Until you get old.

During this time, he naturally relies on himself to survive here, rather than relying on the distribution of the tribe.

The first thought of Zi Yan is to sell tea and earn the soul.

Of course, this is not something that can be done in a short time. After all, people in this world have become accustomed to everything that requires life.

Drinking water and drinking tea is a waste of things.

Therefore, the early purple sables sent some to the strong people, let them curious and slowly tea.

Purple is still going out every day, and Dalte is like a guard, guarding the purple.

The sable walks in the mountains and looks for something strange.

Walk by the river and look for possible life.

Two months passed in a blink of an eye.

Kata has become more and more lively, and many new lives have been born. No one still chooses to leave.

The hunting team was divided into several teams and took turns to go hunting.

The sable and the Dalte have already moved around the safe zone, and then they have to go deeper.

Another month passed, the two teams became three, and Xiao Liangbao joined in.

Because the tea began to be officially sold, the initial effect is good. Ziyan needs a person to fight, Xiaoliangbao is a good candidate.

The little guy has already become a hunt, naturally, don't have to worry about the problem of the foot, and he is also very happy to follow the purple, because the purple has always been the leader of his worship.

It is even the object of worship of all peers.

On this day, the bag behind the little guy is full and the harvest is not small.

These are the future teas.

Along the way, Zi Yan met a river, and he took a handful of water and drank it.

The entrance is very sweet and the water is very pure.

Suddenly, the look of Zi Yan changed slightly.

"What's wrong?" Dalte walked up.

“What is the difference?” Zi Yan said.

Xiao Liangbao put down the bag and quickly drank it up and drank it. Then he said, "It's no different, it is the smell of water."

Zi Yan did not pay attention to Xiao Liangbao, but looked at Dalte.

Dalte took a sip and carefully perceived it. After a moment, he said, "It seems to be water, no different from the others."

Zi Yan shook his head and said, "Not the same, I have perceived the fluctuation of the soul. Although it is very weak, my perception will not go wrong."

"Soul force, how is this possible?" Dalte couldn't believe it. In this world, there are no other soul-bearing things besides the Soul Eater and the Soul.

Zi Yan’s gaze, going up the water, “Maybe, we should go deeper and see.”

Dalte sighed slightly. "If this is the case, then we will not be able to go back and forth that day."

Staying outside at night is naturally very dangerous.

The former Ziyan heart can not be afraid, but now it can't.

"Go back and talk."

In the evening, after the sable returned, she began to fry tea. I wonder if everyone really likes to drink tea, or simply to take care of the sable business and maintain his dignity, so that the sales are very good, and it is completely in short supply.

Of course, the price of sable is not high, after all, he is not professional.

After the tea was fried, Zizi gave himself a cup and felt the fruits of his labor. If he didn't think about it, his daily life was very fulfilling.

The tea is overflowing and the purple scorpion gently sips.

He closed his eyes and fell into self-indulgence.

But soon, he opened his eyes again, because he once again felt the soul, just in the tea.

This is a violation of this world rule, it is beyond common sense, but the perception of Zi Yan has not gone wrong, he is sure that he really feels the soul of tea.

"This world is special, and the soul of the soul can replace everything, but why is there still everything here? Is there a secret that the world does not know?"

Zi Yan gave himself a second cup, and after affirming his own judgment, he had an idea in his heart.

Early the next morning, Xiao Liangbao came, and he looked very positive.

Zi Yan said, "Go and call Clark together with Fern. I have some things I hope they can help today."

Xiao Liangbao nodded and ran away.

Soon, the two are coming.

This made the later Dalte, surprised.

Because they are the earliest group of hunters of Kata, they are constantly growing up with the purple scorpion, and now they are the cultivation of eight realms.

"The leader, what?" Clark asked.

"Don't call me the leader, just call me purple. I need both of you to follow me and go to the strange land."

The strange land represents a place where there is no soul-eating beast, occupying a large area, even no less than the area that can be hunt.

"Go to the soil?"

Clark gave a slight glimpse, and he thought that there were other arrangements for the sable.

Zi Yan nodded and said, "Yes, it’s going to be a strange land. It may take a few days to come back."

When I heard the purple scorpion said, the two understood it. Although there was no soul-eating beast during the day, no one could guarantee that there would be no evening.

There are two people to protect, naturally there is no danger.

"it is good!"

Of course, the two would not have any opinions and immediately nodded.

When leaving, in addition to bringing the soul of the soul, the sable also brought a lot of bags.

A group of five people will be on the road.

Xiao Liangbao is the most exciting, it is like the treasure hunt in the story, it is full of expectations.

Because there was no plan to go back, the pedestrians went deeper and reached the unmanned area.

"Are you sure there is something good here?"

Because he had guessed the idea of ​​Zi Yan, Dalte still had doubts, because there was no one here to go, those ordinary people could not get there, and the soul-hunters did not come at all because there was no benefit.

Such as the purple pipa, such a big shackle, directly bringing the two strong eight, the absolute is unprecedented, and is destined to be no one.

"Walking around, there may be unexpected gains."

Along the way, I saw some small trees that could be used as tea leaves.

All the way to the depths of ~www.novelhall.com~ The sky is gradually darkening, and the purple eyes indicate that everyone rests first.

After eating the fruit of the soul, the sky was completely dark, there was no star and moon in the sky, and the piece was dark.

Clark had a fire and a group of people was around.

"First... Purple, is there really something you want in this depth?" Clark asked curiously.

Zi Yan said, "Not sure, but from the point of view, I think it is very likely. Perhaps, we can really find something remarkable."

As night fell, the four hunters were meditating, and the sable was lying there resting.

At night, the cold wind bursts with a strange breath, but there is no danger.

Nothing in the night, the next five people continued on their way.

After a long time, I went deep into the dozens of miles, and the purple scorpion finally found out.
