Ye Wang finds himself once again in an inferior negotiating position——Everyone knows he did it, but there is no proof, no trace, nothing they can use to accuse him.

Past raging waters in barefoot, yet he is wet nowhere.

It is naked mockery. In fact, even if he left evidence and traces, there was nothing they could do against him either, yet he leaves nothing. It is as if he is actually clean and unrelated to everything.

Ye Wang feels like the white tag on his chest is the biggest insult he has ever seen.

“As you have betrayed our deal, we will no longer uphold our end of it.” Ye Wang knows he is being reckless when saying that——Understandable, after being mocked to his face like this. If he were entirely able to rationally process everything despite the… everything, he would not have been made merely the Coordinator of the fourth floor.

In addition, he is also curious how Jiang Yiyi would react to sudden changes in his plans.

What will Doctor do, when all his precalculated moves are suddenly thrown off by another’s uncontrolled impulse?

Threaten him? Inaction? Or… does he already have this accounted for?

Ye Wang holds his breath while waiting for Jiang Yiyi’s answer.

Jiang Yiyi takes a moment to recall the details of their ‘deal.’

“What happened to Lin Yi?”

Yes, yes, keep pretending; the corner of Ye Wang’s mouth twitches, “not far from death.”

“Should I take this, as you threatening me?” Jiang Yiyi concludes.

“Doctor, you should be ready for what is to happen now that you have broken your promise.”

Jiang Yiyi really had nothing to do with this, but he knows better than explaining in futility to someone repeatedly——Especially after they have shown they are no longer willing to reason.

Jiang Yiyi’s response is simple——He glances at Lunatic.

Lunatic, who was quietly standing behind Jiang Yiyi, raises his head at the prison officers ahead. Their hair stands on end and they instinctively grab their batons; however, Lunatic’s gaze moves past them into the distance without stopping.

Lunatic walks forward. Slowly at first, but soon accelerates.

Ye Wang finds his eyelid twitching. His eyes sweep past the bodies piled up nearby, and immediately makes the right choice, “wait.”

Lunatic is not stopping. He has quickly made his way to the prison officers surrounding him. He puts forth an arm——

“Magician. Bring Lin Yi.” Ye Wang quickly says into his radio.

“Yessir~” A familiar, dramatised tone comes.

“Lunatic.” Jiang Yiyi says, calm as always, “return.”

Lunatic’s hand has stopped next to the neck of an officer. An officer whose baton is in the air, stopped by the man’s other hand. The baton has curved a rather ridiculous angle in his hand. When released, it hangs quite farcically on the officer’s hand.

Lunatic slowly trudges back to Jiang Yiyi once more.

Jiang Yiyi asks, truly curious, “you clearly have much more at stake than I do. What gave you the courage?” To threatening him?

Ye Wang is glaring at Jiang Yiyi, but also observing carefully.

“That is true, but I can also do far more than you think.” Ye Wang tells Jiang Yiyi coldly, “Lin Yi has failed his mission and had his entire cover blown. Do you think whoever is behind him will let him walk away scot-free being closely connected to Black Glove’s demise?”

“Without my help, he will only be facing attempts on his life over and over again.”

Ye Wang is smiling, but he does not appear jovial at all, “naturally, Doctor, you may not find this concerning, and yet…”

“Is he even part of your clique?” Lin Yi taking off alone to meet with his Contact means, not only does he not work for Doctor, he probably did not even plan on following Doctor’s orders.

Ye Wang does not know why this is, but that is unnecessary. He merely needs to know what this information can lead him to.

“You ought to know, that one word from his superior is enough for him to commit suicide.” Ye Wang knows how the brains of these spies work all too well. Their very first quality of many that qualifies them to be sent to the field, is to be loyal to a foolish degree.

Jiang Yiyi, however, is terribly uninterested in what he is saying. Instead, he finds himself more intrigued by something else.

“I can hear a hint of hostility.” Jiang Yiyi watches Ye Wang closely, “am I hearing things, or do you truly find yourself inclined to act antagonistically towards me?”

Ye Wang’s smile widens, “of course it…”

“Hey, are you having a party without me?” Magician, with Lin Yi in hand, slinks into the prison officers’ ranks and interrupts Ye Wang’s answer.

Ye Wang glances at his form, then at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi has given up on maintaining any respectable appearance already——A prudent choice for anyone being picked up by one hand and dropped off elsewhere.