Lin Yi is still gripping tightly to his dagger, while identifying what was genuine from that speech.

“Are you sympathetic to me?”

“I merely pity you.”

Another few steps. Only a few metres away from him now.

Lin Yi looks up slightly, and just like before, the person is wrapped in all black, wearing a nondescript mask, too clean for any worthwhile information to be gleaned.

“Hand it over.” The emotional outburst over, now the tone is calm, “and I’ll make it quick.”

Lin Yi smiles, and slowly moves his hand, but his breathing immediately hastens at the jabbing pain.

He stops and looks up, pleading, “my rib is too broken for me to move.”

After two seconds, the person says with a regretful tone, “I see. Then it is time you said goodbye to this world.”

Even while in a clear advantageous position and with Lin Yi disabled, the person is still as wary as when facing a strong opponent. It is rather impressive.

While antagonists often die from overlong monologues, the protagonist here feels quite handicapped when the enemy remains so vigilant.

Lin Yi smiles, “and what makes you so certain I have it on me?”

“You’re headed to a rendezvous.” Comes the calm reply, “and by the way, no need to bide time. No help is coming.”

“Your Contact and his men are all gone.”

So that’s what that faint smell of blood was.

The fact that this person dispatched his Contact and the entourage speaks volumes of their fighting capability. At least, Lin Yi wouldn’t be able to get away with it unscathed.

This means, in turn, it would not be too difficult for the person to overpower Lin Yi even in a proper fight.

The person is still extremely careful though.

Truly, a tough enemy.

Lin Yi has a feeling. Perhaps, this time, it really is over for him.

He has no chance of victory, after all——He is left with no possible openings to take advantage of.

Knowing that the release of death is coming, what pops up in his mind in response, oddly, is not a product of fear, or even of the person in front of him, but is a product related to another immensely fearsome entity.

【“If you did just up and died like that, it’d be a real shame.”】

The Doctor… really is correct. Always correct.

Lin Yi has taken all the precautions he could, accounting for all the possible scenarios and outcomes beforehand, and yet, the current situation of looming death can only mean, that he… really wasn’t capable enough.

He has done his best, but this best effort was just that, in the grand scheme of the fourth floor, in terms of his mission. He had not enough strength to tip the balance of the situation. He had not enough strength to complete his mission.

Lin Yi sighs in resignation of reality.

Failure is a result of a lack of strength.

If this failure is doomed to occur, then naturally, accepting the outcome of this failure must be to follow.

“Giving up?” The person appears intrigued, eyeing Lin Yi suspiciously, “still not begging for your life, though?”

“Would begging work?”

“Hmm…” After a few seconds of pretending to think, the answer comes bluntly, “of course not.”

Then the person straightens up. All signs of emotional fluctuations are gone, leaving nought but the knell of death to come.

“You must die no matter what.”

“Then what are you waiting for?” Lin Yi is still holding the dagger in hand——It is useless, but, the moment a warrior drops his weapon, he will have truly lost.

“Observing a moment of respect.” Even now, the person is not closing in. Instead, they continue to hold the aerotator with stable hands and explain, “it is not every day you can end the life of a lege——Who’s there?!”

Following a reflective flash through the air, the person clad in black takes a few steps back, having turned to the side to avoid the attack. Now, the sharp eyes are looking for the source of the attack.

Lin Yi raises his head with slight difficulty to quickly check his surroundings, also surprised by the sudden intervention.

“You’ve got help?” With no more hesitation given the circumstances, the person fires the aerotator several times towards Lin Yi while speaking.

The blue light shines brightly.

A shadow rushes through the dim corridor.

Multitudes of compressed air is firing towards Lin Yi right now.