Chapter 12: Back to the Horde...

"It's a human, it's a human, I finally see someone." Lei Jin's eyes flashed with excitement, and he could not wait to pounce on it. Although it was only two days, it seemed that a century had passed. He felt that the last time he saw a human was A past life thing.

There were five or six men in a row, all with dark brown skin and dark faces. With a high nose bridge, deep eye sockets, and tall and mighty stature, according to Lei Jin's visual observation, each of them was more than two meters long, because Lei Jin's 1.8-meter tall stood beside them, and even their shoulders could not reach them.

The one who seems to be the leader of these people is particularly good-looking, with blond hair and green eyes. Quite eye-catching, she is really a beauty, Lei Jin thought, in modern times, this appearance is also of international standard.

They have simple bows and arrows in their hands, and some are simply made of stones and sticks. Some were naked, wearing only leather shorts on the lower half, while others wore a vest-like sleeveless top with a leather rope tied around the waist, leather pants on the lower body, and straw sandals on their feet.

Lei Jin initially judged that this was a fairly backward place. These people should be hunters around here. They don't even have serious clothes or decent hunting weapons.

And there is... Lei Jin squinted his eyes and carefully looked at their exposed shoulders. He didn't have money to learn how to get tattoos. How expensive is a good pair of tattoos now, don't think that having tattoos is a rogue, just Can scare people. Who is really at the level of the gang boss like him, who would not be okay with doing those things on himself, unless his brain is pumped. Looking at his body, except for the medal obtained from fighting, there is nothing else at all. It is very smooth and clean. Speaking of the scar, Lei Jin raised his wrist. There used to be a deep scar under his right wrist. In a fierce fight, he personally took the lead, fighting against three, but when he felt a knife suddenly coming from behind, he subconsciously raised his hand to block, the knife was chopped on his right wrist, and the hand could not be moved for half a year. . But since he was in a coma that day, he didn't pay attention at first. Just this morning, when he came up from the river and wiped his body with a bath towel, he found that all the scars on his body were gone, and his skin seemed to be much smoother than before. Could it be that this little guy's saliva still has this effect, and the scar is gone after being licked by him?

Naturally, Lei Jin didn't know that this was actually the medicine that six hands gave him together after he was touched from head to toe, inside and out by his three husbands that day.

We have been expressing for a long time here, but in fact, these thoughts are just a momentary thing in Lei Jin's mind.

Lei Jin looked back and forth at the tattoos on the shoulders of the men, and nodded secretly, don't say anything. This place is poor and poor, this tattoo master's craftsmanship is quite good, and it is the same as what really grows on the skin.

When Lei Jin was looking at the person, several people were looking at him up and down, and their eyes were quite presumptuous.

After all, females in various tribes are very scarce now, and some male orcs have not even touched a female's little finger, but now they have a very beautiful female in front of them. The unusually smooth and fair skin made them think that even a touch was enough in the past. After all, such beautiful females are rarely seen, and they didn't expect to encounter them here when they came out hunting.

Lei Jin is not slow at all, on the contrary he is very sharp. If he was slow, he would have been killed many times. He had already rushed forward, and he took a few steps back calmly.

A few people also saw it, lowered his head and whispered a few words, but Lei Jin found that he didn't understand a word. I don't know how good his language learning ability is. If it's very poor, he won't have to speak in this life.

The blonde beauty at the head took two steps forward, stopped in front of Lei Jin, moved gracefully and naturally, and smiled, "Beautiful female, which tribe are you from? I'm Jingyue from the Tiger Clan, it's too dangerous in this jungle. Now, are you willing to go back to our tribe with us?"

Naturally, Lei Jin didn't understand what he was talking about. Seeing that the person was poor, he was polite and smiled back, because he couldn't communicate, so he didn't speak.

Suddenly, he felt a pain in his chest, and the little guy in his arms didn't know what was wrong.

In fact, Lei Jin didn't pay attention. Since these men appeared just now, Mingya was furious and stared at the person who came, but no one paid him any attention.

"Little white hair. Let go." Lei Jin patted his head and persuaded him in a good voice, although this thing was for a man. It is an ornament, but it does not mean that he is willing to see half of his ornaments bitten off.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000 000 000 000 000 0000" 000000000000000000000s" Let go, Mingya's female is about to run away with others, and she will no longer have Mingya.

Lei Jin couldn't understand what he was saying at first, but now he was biting Lei Jin's cherry red, and he couldn't speak clearly. Of course, Lei Jin still couldn't understand what he was saying.

If there are those who don't understand, there are those who understand, and all the people of the Tiger Clan understand.

At first they didn't notice what animal the female was holding in her arms, thinking that it was a little thing like a kitten and a dog that females liked on weekdays. It wasn't until now that I heard him speak that I knew that this was... a male orc. It was so shocking to them that they had never seen a male orc walking in the arms of a female, and it was quite common for a male orc to hold a female.

The following men pointed at Mingya. Although Lei Jin didn't know what they were talking about, he knew that they were talking about the little guy's bad. It's not their turn to dislike them, Lei Jin is notorious for protecting his shortcomings.

The language barrier, Lei Jin didn't bother to talk to them, he turned around and left, since he could meet them, it means that there are people nearby, Lei Jin thinks that he doesn't have to be with these people, and the eyes of these people can't wait to be directly Like stripping him naked, he didn't like it.

It's a pity that the blonde beauty, if you are with them, maybe you will be able to catch a hand one day, thinking of such a strong beauty tossing and moaning under his body, Lei Jin's lower body is unconsciously a little hot.

"Hey, where are you going? It's very dangerous for females to run around here." Seeing that he was leaving, Jing Yue put his hand on Lei Jinguang's naked shoulder. The smooth and delicate touch made him not want to raise his hand.

But sometimes, if you don't want to lift it, you have to lift it, and the little guy slaps it with one paw. Five red bloodstains appeared on the back of Jing Yue's hand in an instant.

"You..." Jing Yue just wanted to say something.

"He is Mingya's female, you are not allowed to **** it." Mingya's eyes widened, and she was ready to fight with others.

"Why do you say he's your female? Don't think it's yours if you met earlier, and it's also ours if we grab it back." Jing Yue was not to be outdone, and he couldn't let the beautiful female in front of him go.

"He smells like my brothers and I. If you don't believe me, smell it."

Lei Jin frowned suspiciously, it seemed that this little guy could easily communicate with these people. How is this going? Could it be that the pets in this world have evolved to this level, or is it the problem of this little guy himself. It seems necessary to have a good communication with this little guy.

Mingya shivered a little under Lei Jin's flickering eyes, but when she thought that there was still a strong enemy here, she instantly gathered up her courage and glared at the Tiger Clan.

Jing Yue took a few steps forward in disbelief, sniffed beside Lei Jin, and sure enough, it was contaminated with the smell of other male orcs, and not only one, it seemed that this female was also the common wife of others.

There are unwritten rules between tribes. Once a female has her own male orc, unless the male orc dies, it is generally not forcible to grab it, otherwise it will cause a fight between tribes. Of course, there are exceptions to his own willingness, but the beautiful female in front of him obviously has no such willingness.

"This is for you." Jing Yue looked at his bare feet, white and slender, wishing someone could hold it in his hand. , took off a pair of straw sandals from his waist and handed it to him. He took off his shirt again and gave it to him.

Lei Jin needed this, and he was no longer polite to him. Besides, the beauty's request is always difficult to refuse, Lei Jin thought to himself.

I tried the straw sandals on my feet, and they were too big. Fortunately, there were a lot of ropes on the straw sandals. Once they were tied, it was fine. It was better than bare feet.

The top is on the blonde beauty, and the hem is below the waist. When it reaches Lei Jin, it reaches the middle of the thigh, which can be worn directly as a skirt. It's a bit nondescript, but now Lei Jin can't take care of this anymore. After being naked for two days, you should be lucky if you have clothes on. It was fine when there was no one in the jungle, but now that he has met people, he is very concerned about his body Although I am very proud, but I haven't been ostentatious to show people's habit, that is, the place below is empty, I am not used to it.

Lei Jin glanced at the lower bodies of a few men, and the male orcs of the tiger clan who were swept away couldn't help but tremble, wishing that he had to take all the people and leave.

In fact, Lei Jin was thinking, if someone can take off his pants and give it to him, the answer is naturally impossible. It is not an outing when they go out to hunt, so who still brings a change of clothes? Take it off to him, and the family will be gone.

So he had no choice but to do it. Lei Jin put on his clothes, put on his straw sandals, waved his hands to thank several people, picked up the little guy and left.

Seeing this, even 10,000 people from the Tiger Clan could only helplessly watch the weak male Leopard Clan orcs smiling in the arms of the beautiful female, unable to see the eyes. The figure gradually moved away.

Lei Jin walked and walked with the little guy in his arms. For food on weekdays, Lei Jin went into the water to catch fish, the forest looked for some wild fruits, the little guy hunted wild rabbits and pheasants, and he went up to the trees to pick up bird eggs, but he was not hungry.

Lei Jin counted the days, and finally on the day the sun rose for the fourteenth time, Lei Jin came to a village on the grassland with the little guy in his arms.

It took God seven days to create the world, and Lei Jin took twice as long to find the world.