Chapter 6: Bathing by the river...

Lei Jin thought that if there were people around here, they should be able to find them along the river. Little Baimao seemed to know the way. Although Lei Jin didn't have much confidence in this little guy's intelligence, he watched him lead the way with his tail up in front. Rubbing against his leg twice, Lei Jin laughed and scolded, "Little thing!" He followed suit.

Mingya jumped and wanted to fly, the river, of course he knew, every orc must remember where the river is before going out to hunt, where there is clean water, and can return to the tribe along the river.

The further we walked, the denser the grass grew. The grass on the edge of the forest only reached Lei Jin's ankles. It was estimated that after walking for more than an hour, the grass had already reached Lei Jin's chest. The grass was getting hotter and hotter, and when he stepped on it, it was muddy, like stepping on a loach. Lei Jin, who was barefoot, almost fell a few times.

Although the leaves of the grass were soft, they kept hitting the exposed skin, drawing out red marks, which still made Lei Jin feel pain.

"Xiao Baimao, why haven't you arrived yet? You won't get lost, right?" Lei Jin shouted from behind. It wasn't his suspicion, it was just grass so tall that he couldn't see clearly. If the little guy hadn't been with him It's too tight, it's long been annihilated by the grass and can't see the shadow.

"Mingya's female, Mingya didn't get lost, you are walking too slowly, Mingya is waiting for you." Mingya turned around and blinked and said.

Of course, Lei Jin still couldn't understand what he was talking about. He frowned and had no choice. Seeing the way it looked, he decided to believe it again, so he said, "Okay, let's go, it's getting hot in here."

It's just that the grass grows higher and the ground becomes more muddy. When I step down, most of my feet sink into the mud. I pull out the muddy water from my feet and splash half of my body. Lei Jin, who always hates stickiness, looks at him. The muddy water all over his body, his brows furrowed, could trap two flies. If he hadn't heard the sound of running water in front of him, he would have thought that the little guy had brought him into the swamp.

After walking like this for another ten minutes, the sound of the water flow became more and more obvious. Lei Jin followed the little guy a few steps, and pushed aside the dense grass that was already as tall as a person in front of him. But a river with abundant water appeared in front of them. Under the sunlight, the river shimmered with shimmering waves. The two sides of the river were densely covered with large and small pebbles. The exhibition, the wind blows, and the dark fragrance blows. Refreshing.

Lei Jin and Mingya cheered and jumped into the river. The slightly warm water also contained a hint of cool water, which made Lei Jin groan comfortably. He untied the bath towel around his waist and rubbed it in waist-deep water. This is the only thing he brought out of his house. If he knew that he was going to such a ghost place, let him be armed and bring some more things out. At least he has a gun, at least in this unknown world. Guess it's not like it is now.

Lei Jin rubbed his eyes to stop his sudden melancholy. Forget it, he was an orphan since he was a child, and he didn't come here step by step. At most, he started from scratch. In that world, he didn't have any close friends. Lover, brothers in the gang, even if they leave him, they will find a new lover. As for the boss's seat, there will be no vacancy. Now I don't know what the trouble will be when he disappears in the gang. Now, all of these don't care about his business. Although he can't be sure, Lei Jin feels that there is an 80% chance that he is really not in the original world.

Lei Jin was thinking about something, and the bath towel in his hand was washed away by the water at some point.

"Mingya's female clothes, without the clothes, Mingya's females will be seen by others. Although this clothes can't block much." Mingya looked at the direction of the bath towel, and her four paws paddled the water hard.

Stupid is a bit stupid, but male orcs are quite self-conscious, and instinctively feel that their females can only see for themselves.

"Xiao Baimao, come back." Lei Jin came back to his senses, seeing the little guy chasing the bath towel and rushing out all the way along the water, he panicked, shouting and chasing after him.

Before the first turn of the river, Mingya grabbed the corner of the bath towel, put it in her mouth, and drew it back, rubbing Lei Jin's waist twice.

With a gloomy face, Lei Jin grabbed his ears and carried him ashore. Mingya grinned and wanted to cry out in pain, but she still cared about the bath towel in her mouth and didn't dare to speak. Wang Wang looked at Lei Jin.

Seeing that he was still wearing a bath towel at this time, Lei Jin couldn't help being angry and laughing. He went ashore, picked up a field with lush grass, threw it down, and said, "Don't you understand what I said? Didn't I tell you not to? Are you going to pick it up? Don't you look like you can understand everything on weekdays? Why can't you understand everything now?"

Mingya lay on the ground and didn't dare to move, and said with a flat mouth: "But Mingya's female clothes..." The bath towel was still in her mouth, and she couldn't hear anything.

Lei Jin squatted down, pulled out the bath towel and threw it aside. He pointed and said, "If you lose this thing, you will lose it. You are not allowed to pick it up in the future, you know?" see you. Even if there are people, he is not afraid of being seen as a man.

But this little guy is a companion even though he has just met him for a while. Which is more important, he clearly distinguishes.

No matter how unwilling Mingya was, she had no choice but to nod her head obediently under the cold gaze of her female.

Only then did Lei Jin smile with satisfaction, watching this little guy just splashing in the water for a long time, the mud on his body didn't wash away much, the black mud was particularly conspicuous on the snow-white fur, making it a spot Like a dog, he hugged him under its two front paws, patted his **** and said, "Little guy, I'll take a bath for you."

Lei Jin picked it up, brought a towel over by the way, picked up a warm pebble by the river and sat down, spread his legs, and pressed the little guy between his legs with his head turned inward. One hand splashed water, and the other rubbed Mingya's fur.

Although the water on her body was cold, Mingya still felt that she was about to catch fire. It's so close, it's like a small flower bud, very tender. Mingya's female has just taken a bath, and there are still water droplets there. Carefully, the saliva dripped down, slicing across the lower body of Mingya's female, and the gap slowly flowed there. Mingya felt that her face was suddenly hot.

Lei Jin felt that the little guy under his hand was getting hotter and hotter, and thought to himself, "It's not like the water was cold just now, did you catch a cold?"