With a group of people walking around after her, Zhou Jiao knows that if she goes on like this, she still has a layer of tasks that can't be completed.

She said that she also supported the old leader's saying that he must be strict and severely punished for violations of discipline, which sounded the alarm for the world. But I'm worried about the lack of time.

After the rest of the day, Zhou Jiao found an excuse to get out. With the experience of collecting materials in the past, this little thing is really hard for her.

After dressing up in disguise, she did not go to remote places. The key was to be afraid of death. On the other hand, she did not go to any people to talk with each other and understand the people's situation. That was the work of a great leader.

I found a small restaurant at random.

Although the bowl in the South can't be the same as that in the northeast, a big and thick bowl is the most suitable one for her.

With a bowl of shredded meat soup noodles, it cost her two Liang food coupons and fifty cents, which is a little expensive. After listening for a circle, it is not because the owner has overseas relatives who have made a lot of money, or the wife of the western family has stolen someone.

Zhou Jiao ate noodles with relish and listened to the gossip. If it wasn't for all the whispers, she, a stranger, would have to step forward to listen to the gossip.

In fact, it is necessary to seriously find out what kind of corrupt behavior, even if those who have the intention to hide it closely, there will still be clues exposed.

For example, how much salary does a public servant get in a month? But your children ride motorcycles and go out in a smart way. Do you really think it's her family's May Day?

Is your son able to transform the generator, or does he really have a family.

She wrote down several names in secret, and Zhou Jiao went to the grocery store several times, chatting with people in dialect by taking the opportunity to buy things.

She left on her own every other day for such an action, and when she had finished this ostensible investigation task, she had a good idea.

Undoubtedly, the first choice for the special zone is that the traffic is relatively convenient, especially with other countries. With the opening of the country, a large number of smuggling phenomena have appeared.

In fact, it is not surprising that she had not seen similar things under such circumstances. Now it is not more convenient.

The right and wrong involved a lot. What is more serious is that the whole family has been involved in it, and even some local leaders have been involved.

The items involved are not only electrical appliances and daily necessities, such as old clothes that have not been disinfected abroad, but also had several bad conflicts with border soldiers.

A few days after her trip to Kyushu port, she led her team to the famous small fishing village.

Twenty thousand construction engineering soldiers who have just been transferred to work have set up camp on the barren mountains and mountains. In the simple bamboo shed, he endured mosquito bites at night and went to the construction site to work during the day.

These pioneers overcame the difficulties unimaginable by ordinary people, and built high-rise buildings on this land, creating the "special zone speed" of building one floor in three days.

Many buildings have sprung up nearby. There are also highways, factories everywhere in the industrial zone, and freight terminals directly connected to the port city.

Let this fishing village be built into a modern industrial town in a short time. It has been upgraded to a new city of the sub provincial city.

Compared with Kyushu port, it has its own "Shekou mode" in just two years. Its development is more rapid, adjacent to the port city, the degree of prosperity is close to the inland big cities.

Here, she ran into an acquaintance, an investor from Hong Kong City, song Lin.

After more than 20 years, the old classmate ran into a joint.

A baritone says, "Hello, madam. Are you Ms. Zhou Jiao?"

Zhou Jiao was so shocked that she would have been aiming at the wooden warehouse if she hadn't been in the downtown area! Fortunately, she quickly realized that she was shopping rather than on a mission.

"I'm song Lin. do you remember that Song Lin, who sat behind the fifth grade, was at the same table as Shen Shilin, and later dropped out of school?"

But for Song Lin's explanation, Zhou Jiao would not have recognized that the middle-aged man with a big belly was the man who had become a bamboo pole.

She burst out with joy, "old classmate, are you developed?"

"I recognize it." Song Lin burst out a burst of happy laughter, "can't compare with you two son, I mix bowl rice just. I said that I would not recognize the wrong person, you are still the same, decades have not changed. I want to go to the teahouse and have a cup of tea


Zhou Jiaoxin knows that he has already known his identity. If he remembers correctly, this guy still owes her a great favor to her man, but I don't know why he didn't contact him.

Therefore, I didn't talk much nonsense. I followed him into the front teahouse.

Song Lin also did not want a box, specially led her into the corner of the hall seat, accompanied by a young man automatically stopped outside.

Seeing this, Zhou Jiao's eyes flashed and looked at Song Lin with a smile.

"Didn't Xiao Wu come this time? I didn't thank him in person for saving his life

As soon as he opened his mouth, he said his gratitude. Zhou Jiao shook her head with a smile, "I don't know your man's friendship. He is now trapped in 49 cities. If you have any words, you can talk about it at the class meeting. "

Song Lin is surprised to stare big eyes, "we old classmate still have party?""Of course, you're missing one in the class now, all of them." As for the girl classmate who had broken shoes, she was shameless.

"That's great. I've been out for so many years, and I've always dreamed of it. As soon as the situation here relaxed last year, I couldn't care about anything else, so I came back first.

I once went to our school, and it's hard to find someone to inquire about the present situation of the old students. Instead, I heard that the new college students mentioned your deeds. "

Song Lin finished and hissed, "fortunately, I want to go out for a walk today, or even you will miss it."

"Why don't you contact us? Now it's all over. " Zhou Jiao changed the topic, "how many children are there now? Are you living in Hong Kong

"Yes, there are four children, three girls and one son. Now they're all in high school. "

When talking about their children, Zhou Jiaoyuan still wants to ask the other party about the Hong Kong City Zhangjiakou, but she still has a lot to worry about.

After several twists and turns, the news she got was similar to the list of foreign-funded enterprises she got. The port city Zhangjiakou did not exist, or did not want to enter the mainland market at all.

It is said that her family has enjoyed the popularity of lawyer Xue. It is said that she has enjoyed a good time abroad in the past two years. In Song Lin's words, it was the top man.

Now she can only hope that the Song family is still a petty bourgeoisie and can't get in touch with such an aristocratic family as Zhangjia, otherwise her man would be so disappointed.

Old classmates get together, in the end is the difference between men and women do not say, the topic is not much, and he will talk goodbye to leave, Zhou Jiao came to the river, looking at the far opposite bank.

The distance is too close. She really has the chance to meet the "old man" who has become a young man in the future. She doesn't know how to face it.

We can't recognize each other when we meet. Maybe Zhang Guoqing is even more timid in his hometown and dare not ask the visitors. Otherwise, before he leaves, why not mention a word?

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