The meaning of this saying is understood by all, but after two years of gratitude, we can see that.

Zhou Jiao heard the speech, her eyes slightly coagulated, calmed down, and said in a soft voice, "I don't need any more. Two trigrams for the old lady."

Old lady Liu looked at her with admiration in her eyes. "I also heard people refuse in front of me for the first time. Do you know that my divination is worth a thousand gold?"

Zhou Jiao nodded solemnly.

She can still see a little eyebrow whether the other party has real ability. Although she has always believed that it is up to her, it is not a big deal to be promoted.

The old lady pushed her and said with a smile, "children don't know how to make you laugh. It's still one person and one divination."

Mrs. Liu shook her head with a smile and no words. It was their business. After two trigrams, she didn't owe human feelings. It's just like that hexagram in those years offsets an account.

Mrs. Cheng took out a piece of red paper from her pocket, put it on the table of eight immortals, pushed it to her, and then motioned with her eyes that Zhou Jiao would not refuse.

Zhou Jiao nodded knowingly.

This time, we need eight characters. It's different from the last time. I guess it's a big trick.

Zhou Jiao then smiles apologetically at old lady Liu, stands up and leaves to go to the yard to look for her nephew. Although I don't know what the old lady is, it's all about the Cheng family. She just avoids suspicion.

When she left and went back to the hospital, a middle-aged woman in a textile factory uniform pushed a bicycle through the door, and the middle-aged man came forward to take the food.

Seeing Zhou Jiao, the middle-aged man didn't know what he said to his wife in a whisper, and saw the middle-aged woman smile at her.

Seeing this, Zhou Jiao said hello, sat down on a cold stone stool, took out her pen from her satchel at any time, thought about it and drew out a piece of red paper under the cover of the satchel.

Fortunately, all the red envelopes are wrapped with red paper, otherwise she would not be able to get one.

Look at the seriousness of the old lady just now. I think she will be criticized if she writes it directly on the white paper. She has to believe something or not.

When she carried the pen, for a while, she couldn't think of the birthday of the writer. Her father, good; her man, also good, her mother, nothing more.

Her three sons are all her treasures, and we can't choose one of them.

Moreover, she was not willing to disclose the birth date of her family to these warlocks. It's hard to predict. Who knows whether it will be used in heresy.

Finally, Zhou Jiao wrote her birthday.

It's not that she doesn't worry about herself.

She has been extraordinarily lucky to live two lives.

Now, if you really want to do divination, it's just for her.

From point to surface, layer by layer, only by calculating her life's fate, can we know her parents, including her children and grandchildren.

After finishing writing, Zhou Jiao could feel the cold air coming from her little butt. She packed up her pen and paper and stood up.

Alas It's a great disappointment.

Think of the past, she did not eat. I hope the so-called old man didn't disappoint her, otherwise it would be a joke when she went home.

The cotton curtain in front of the front door of the main room was covered. Zhou Jiao didn't know how to talk about it for a while. The middle-aged couple had already rushed back to the small kitchen in the corner of the yard.

She was bored to walk around the yard, relying on a few photo books she had read, peeping at the geomantic omen in the yard. Maybe she could make a comparison and learn something.

The old lady's divination lasted almost an hour. According to Zhou Jiao, it took so long to finish even the fifth generation of the Cheng family.

However, compared with the hasty divination of 20 years ago, it seems that the size of gratitude is quite proportional to the time. I don't know what kind of debt did old lady Liu owe her?

When Mrs. Cheng opened the curtain, Zhou Jiao did not wait for her to put it down. She trotted forward and pushed her into it. Joke, I want to avoid suspicion, but I don't want to treat my old people to avoid suspicion.

What's more, don't say that one divination is worth a thousand gold, and that's ten thousand gold?

My life is up to me, not to heaven!

Zhou Jiao pushed the old lady to let her still sit in her place. She moved the stool close to her side. She also took out the red paper from her pocket and put it on the table. She pushed her hands respectfully to Mrs. Liu.

As expected, she got the admiration of the old lady.

Well, she didn't pay attention just now. Good fellow, old lady Liu has a good family background. The eight immortals table is a genuine Ming Huang Hua Li, and even the old lady is sitting in an official hat chair with bright yellow flower pear.

Old lady Liu took the red paper, a pair of old eyes slightly congealed, and then glanced at Zhou Jiao, who was sitting in a critical position. After a moment, she began to say, "this is like your eight characters?"

Zhou Jiao nodded at the smell.

The old lady interposed: "the time was wrong last time. I have to ask the master to make a divination this time."

Zhou Jiao listen to her even master on the honorific, imperceptibly hold her breath to look at old lady Liu.

Mrs. Liu was silent for a moment and reached for a small rectangular wooden box from the side corner of the table.

Zhou Jiao is very sensitive to feel that the old lady around her suddenly relaxed.After Mrs. Liu opened the box, it was full of a large number of black chopsticks. Zhou Jiao looked at Mrs. Liu thoughtfully, but she couldn't take it lightly.

If you are not mistaken, this is the best alternative to yarrow divination - Ebony strategy.

And Zhou Jiao at this moment to see Mrs. Liu not only take out the plan, but also see her with a brush, stroke by stroke on the red paper on their birthday on the four pillars.

She knew she had misunderstood.

The old lady had been in it for an hour, but she didn't have much time.

This is not only criticizing fate, but also divination, and holding the Bagua dish

It's a good job. I haven't started yet. I can't finish the opening half an hour. It's true that there is a school heritage. It's estimated that she has a fight with her master's old friend, Taoist ma. Unfortunately, the other side really washes his hands. In the past 20 years, even her great grandson has gone to the countryside to jump in the queue.

According to her master, Lao Dao was really afraid of five disadvantages and three deficiencies.

It is said that no one can escape the fate of "five evils and three deficiencies" for such people as geomantic omen.

Only because they leak too many natural secrets, God punishes them, so that they can not enjoy the complete fate as normal people.

Some are poor, some are poor, some die young, some even live alone.

So from the moment of understanding, many practitioners carefully began to understand and compare their own destiny, for fear of committing one of them.

The so-called five disadvantages are no more than widows, widows, orphans, orphans and disabled. "Three deficiencies, to put it bluntly, are" money, life and power ".

Therefore, Ma Laoyi returned to the secular world and made a divination for himself. After getting married and having children, he never made a divination again.

And he was undoubtedly lucky. After he had only one seedling, he also committed the power of "three missing Li". Therefore, he knew that his descendants could not produce any officials for generations, so he would go to the countryside.

Similarly, Zhou Jiaogang just heard a middle-aged man say that old lady Liu is his aunt. It is estimated that she is the orphan of five evils. , the fastest update of the webnovel!