"Jiaojiao, I'll bring my pen here. We'll sum up what we should prepare for the children. What style of clothes do you want? This time, we have to do more... "

Zhou Jiao happily chuckled, "Mom, except for May Day, the remaining two can only wear military uniforms."

"You can wear them at ordinary times." "Yes, shoes! This can't be less. I have to buy more pairs. This time I must go to the friendship store. "

Zhou Jiao saw that she was staring at herself, and nodded happily.

"We may day small, back to determine in which university, first buy a small yard on the edge, so as not to be bullied by students in the dormitory. You see, some people who go to the exam can be their grandfathers... "

Zhou Jiao looked at her with tears and laughter, could she use such exaggeration? Registration conditions for age but there are restrictions, where can be a grandparent candidates.

Besides, the children still have to take the postgraduate examination, so there is no need to buy a courtyard. There are many yards in my family. The two courtyard houses lent to the women's Federation have been empty for a month.

Thinking of this, Zhou Jiao quickly changed a topic, diverting her attention, "Mom, do you think my yard is rented out, or just put it like this?"

Miao Lishan blinked, and then quickly responded, "is it the second entrance yard lent to the women's Federation? Which is not your yard. You aunt Yi didn't look for you? "

"What the hell is Dayi? No

"That's fine. I refused at that time."

"Mom, the point!"

Miao Lisan sneered and continued: "a while ago, I went to a party with her. At that time, an old sister of the housing management office said that several foreigners working in the embassy wanted to rent a house.

You aunt Yi let me rent it through the housing management office. It's said that in terms of area, it's almost 200 dollars a month. But I didn't promise to refuse. "

Zhou Jiao nodded with approval. The rent is really high, but how to get through the housing management office, once those people have something wrong, they can't help but be involved.

“…… Rent or not to private, who knows how many homes will be crowded into, there is no need to make the yard messy. I want to sell it for you. "

Zhou Jiao was surprised to hear speech and looked at her with her mouth wide open.

Miao Lishan looked at her in a funny way, "what makes a fuss?"

On the day the family went to Wujin yard, she wanted to sell Erjin yard and add some money to change it into a big yard nearby.

It's better to have three grandchildren each. When the children get married and have children, they can live together or not.

Zhou Jiao was stunned when she heard the speech, then she gave her a thumbs up, "Mom, you are worthy of being a local tyrant!"

Miao Lishan raised her chin triumphantly, "what local tyrant, don't you mean that our family's wages have been saved a lot in recent years? Why is the money in your hand?

When we buy a house and register it in the children's name, we pay taxes reasonably. What should we worry about? Your father said it was a good idea

Zhou Jiao glanced at her eyes speechless and immediately picked up the tea cup - or tea.

She means that she had her father as a consultant behind her back. Who knows she is a real estate buyer!

How many yards are there now?

"Your aunt and grandmother have taken a fancy to a yard these two days. Said it was originally Baylor house. Five into the house later changed into three, with a small garden.

Location is also good, close to the waters of Shichahai, beautiful scenery, traffic developed, neighbors are rich or expensive. Because it was the residence of a great man, it was well preserved. "

Zhou Jiao some understand that this may have been unfortunate, just rehabilitated the family to take back the rental house, she did not ask which big man occupied originally.

In any case can be forcibly occupied and asked to check out, it is estimated that the so-called big man should stop cooking.

"Why did you think it was sold?"

Miao Lishan sighed, "it is said that the family is only left with two grandsons and grandsons. They are worried that they will not be in the limelight one day and want to sell them to Hong Kong City."

"The old lady also asked someone for a long time. She said that it was really not expensive and wanted to buy it for your second cousin. She said that there are more children and grandchildren below, so we should split up as soon as possible. "

Zhou Jiao thought of Cheng's big yard in the capital. It should be the eldest son's inheritance. She nodded clearly, "how much do you want?"

"Fifty thousand."

Zhou Jiao sniffed at the speech and took a cold breath, "how much? Fifty thousand isn't that expensive? Since the other side wants to go to the port city, it is natural to trade in gold. Mom, have you calculated how much gold you need? "

Miao Lishan suddenly burst out with joy, "how much do you think, five thousand? Otherwise, why do I want to sell the second hospital subsidy? It's not better to keep it. "

Zhou Jiao frowned and frowned, "no, brother told me some time ago that a yard is 5000 yuan, which can buy ten yards. Is it necessary for aunt and grandmother to waste so much?"

Miao Lishan looked at her contemptuously, "the yard bought for 5000 yuan is only a broken yard with seven or eight rooms at most. The location is unknown.

Is that comparable?

It's very cheap to spend 50000 yuan to buy a big courtyard. Or the old lady will be moved? It's well preserved. Even the furniture is good wood. "Zhou Jiao weighed up her purse and lamented, "I just found out how poor I was!"

Miao Lishan was made to laugh by her daughter.


Her family is charming but not poor at all, just like a rural rich man, clinging to the money and reluctant to spend it.

Zhou Jiao then also smile, she is just to make her mother happy. If she wants to buy it, she can build a golden house.

What's more, if gold goes up again, it can still rise above the house?

Unfortunately, not everyone can have such a good fortune as the old lady. According to her observation, many alleyways in the city have been built so that people can't go to the ground, but many people still can't live there.

Especially after the college entrance examination, even if there will be a large number of educated youth returning to the city, the housing will be more crowded, where there is no extra yard waiting for their own purchase.

But it was the old lady. The next day, Zhou Jiao went to visit her specially and said to her quietly that if the gold in her hand was nervous, she could help to make up for it.

What about Zhou Jiao?

In her heart, she is extremely indifferent, but she is very protective to her own people. It's like "if someone treats me well, I'll give it back; if someone treats me badly, I'll give it back ten times."

And Mrs. Cheng is no longer a little bit of affection for her. She really treats herself as her granddaughter, or even better.

Since she knew that Mrs. Cheng was going to buy a yard, Zhou Jiao could not really stand by. It's not that she has so much money that she has no place to spend. She actually thinks about the Cheng family.

But the old lady privately not only forced her dowry yard back to the Zhou family, but also preserved the remaining assets for the family for so many years.

Although the old man was hiding these things from her husband's family, she did not let her own son suffer.

After so many years of getting along with each other, she has some points for the Cheng family.

After so many grandchildren, the Cheng family began to get married and have children. In addition to some of the Heirloom's unsold goods, the family's wealth is really poor.

If she is right, this time the old lady wants to buy a house, maybe she will use some of her own gold to repair the old house of Cheng family.

The poor old lady is old, and she is still planning for her children.

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