This summer, there is a popular saying.

Zhang Guoqing never thought of his sentence: in order to let more people live!

After some propaganda by the people of the political department, it soon became a slogan of Tengshan city and quickly spread throughout the country through various media.

Still stationed in the first scene, he does not know, this summer, the world really remember a front-line commander "Zhang Guoqing".

At this moment, the biggest tragedy in the world happened, and the wounded were in sight. The scenes of tragedy had made everyone have no time for selfishness.

The May day square was filled with the wounded and the fleeing crowd, and it became more and more miserable. There were shivering people everywhere and people who could walk around looking for food and clothes.

Not to mention the two directions from the urban area to the airport and may day square, the flow of people converged like a tide, noisy, chaotic, panic It was an unprecedented escape.

The desperate people saw hope at the last moment and heard the sound of the high pitched loudspeaker. They had no doubt that the airport and the May day square were the places to help the wounded and the dead, and the hope of turning from death to life. All the active people were desperate to get close to the two places.

They were on sticks, they were helping each other, they were red, they were barefoot. There are those who are carrying relatives who don't know their life and death, who are staggering along; and those with broken legs, who are stubbornly climbing on the road, holding the stones on the ground with their hands and moving forward inch by inch

Some people are just scratched on their heads and bodies, but they are also carried into the fleeing crowd by panic. This is a chaotic and bloody way to survive.

All the doctors and medical staff, whether they have just been rescued from the first and second hospitals with injuries, can not afford to go home, let alone the grief of losing their loved ones. They are too busy to drink a mouthful of water.

Even the large troops coming from nearby, now all the soldiers are covered with mud and sweat on their faces, and all of them have slight injuries.

Zhang Guoqing said that he was so busy that even some of the surviving citizens took part in the rescue regardless of their wounds.

After several aftershocks, half a person was not beaten back. We all know that time is life. One more second, one more minute can save one more person.

Under the ruins, there are countless surviving lives waiting for their arrival.

This situation is beyond everyone's imagination. A large number of medical equipment and drugs, especially surgical drugs, have been sent to the scene one after another, but it is not enough

Not to mention the most needed large machinery. Before these things came, everyone used ten fingers except Jack and hacksaw

How many times has Zhang Guoqing's eyes become a little blurred. Taking advantage of the moment when he turns around, he stealthily takes the opportunity to wipe off the moist corners of his eyes, and then continues to give orders while letting Comrade Zheng Zhi encourage people and stimulate morale through high pitched horns.

"Comrades, the Party Central Committee just called. Tengshan is the center of the earthquake. The leaders asked all our officers and men to play the revolutionary spirit of fearing neither hardship nor death to help the people of Tengshan city! We should try our best to save more people! "

Applause broke out and many people began to shout slogans.

Zhang Guoqing has never been so grateful for these slogans in this era.

It is such a supreme and supreme worship power that the army and the people can unite as one heart, and only by giving them a little motivation can they display their greatest enthusiasm.

Around the newly established headquarters, the roads leading to May day square in all directions are also filled with smoke and the motors roar. The 100000 relief troops of the people's Liberation Army are working day and night, making rapid progress to the earthquake stricken areas.

From time to time, the radio car swaying the whip antenna sent contact signals to the front-line headquarters; on the health truck flying the Red Cross flag, the medical teams were urgently deploying rescue work.

Numerous liberation trucks loaded with soldiers, one after another, sounded the sound of the rapid whistle, which became a long line on the muddy road.

At this time, we are faced with a war, a war of mountains and mountains, a war of corpses, a war between human beings and nature.

Any soldier who had participated in the earthquake relief at that time has not forgotten the strong feeling of the "July 28" day: a relief team seems to be racing against time, marching towards the destroyed city at the fastest speed. The road ahead was cut off and we went on foot directly. Everything was in such a hurry

They can't forget the black rain after the earthquake. As has been the case after many major earthquakes in history, there will be endless torrential rain.

At 10 a.m., it rained again

After the earthquake, the black rain splashed down on the ruins. I don't know when, the ruins of Tengshan began to exude the Yin red liquid one by one.

The more it seeps, the more it accumulates, the thicker it becomes, like the fine and reddish spring water flowing out of the cracks, and seeps out from the broken soil of the gray wall.

This is blood from the bodies of the victims who have not yet been cleared.The light red blood water flows slowly, converges in the low place into a red river, leaving a trail of life that has passed away on the black brown ruins.

All the rescue soldiers who have experienced the "July 28" earthquake are hard to forget the shocking scenes in the rainstorm, especially the survivors who have been rescued along the red tracks in their lives.

By the afternoon of the 28th, more than 200 medical teams and more than 10000 medical staff from all over the country quickly spread out on the razed ruins.

A Red Cross flag and wooden cards were immediately planted in the open space. The PLA General Hospital is here, the air force general hospital is here, and the Navy General Hospital is here

But it's not enough

Almost one in five Tengshan survivors is seriously wounded!

The wounded have to be transferred out!

A large number of the wounded were sent out through the command line after command.

On this night, surgeons from the PLA General Hospital started the most difficult operation at the three operating tables that had been set up at the airport.

This is the earliest operation for critically ill patients after the earthquake.

-- the wounded who can't move or whose lives are in danger.

They need a lot of debridement and suture, a lot of amputation, even craniotomy

There are also other medical teams who set up a reed mat shed nearby on the earth, almost stepping on the pool of blood to rescue the wounded. A military doctor's release shoes were dyed red with blood, but he did not pay attention to the details.

A pair of red eyes have told the world that he has been standing on the operating table continuously for more than ten hours

So many dying wounded people, knowing that there is no hope of rescue, are also carried to the operating table. Sometimes two hours of operation is only to prolong the life of the wounded by one hour. , the fastest update of the webnovel!