This is exactly what Zhou Jiao expected. On the next day when she went to work, she said the difficulty again under the eager eyes of the other party, and then suggested that the relationship between those units and their departments was relatively harmonious.

After that, she stayed out of it. One thing the other side said that day was right. It was all because their parents didn't do anything. But if you find the reason, still can't solve, that is life!

Zhou Jiao is not interested more than concerned about the struggle between outsiders and fate. Before long, it was something that interested her

As the saying goes, "small heat and big heat, steaming up and cooking down". The solar term "big heat" on July 23 is the hottest day of the year in Beijing and the season with the most mosquitoes. Especially after several heavy rains, the weather was humid and hot, and mosquitoes were more rampant.

At this time, her father Zhao Chuanguang came to Beijing for business. He is here, busy with his brothers, busy meeting, busy going back

Similarly, he was busy taking the three brothers of Ping'an back to their hometown.

So, after a long discussion, she finally followed Zhang Guoqing's itinerary and embarked on a journey to the north between her sons' leaving home and her parents' business trip.

This time, the couple didn't plan to go all the way to their hometown. They had money and leisure, and there was a car that had been idle for a long time. They were happily trying to walk around the road. At the same time, they just came back to meet their sons who had a good time in their hometown.

Only a few hours after the train had run, they were left in a city stop. Strange? They haven't been to this place, but that's their goal. Before

set out, Zhang Guoqing and Zhou Jiao first agreed on three principles. First, they did not play robbery all the time. They were not safe to spend time without saying well. Second, they had to meddling in their own affairs and refuse to collect rubbish by tourism. Secondly, all actions has the final say of him.

Zhou Jiao listened to a smile but not a word to nod, this is what she worried about, but the object is different. Of course, for the next welfare, she will be very clever not to refute.

They walked around and heard a lot of rumors. It is said that due to the fighting in the previous two years, the factory was shut down and the traffic was interrupted. The supply of many daily industrial products was in serious shortage, especially tobacco, wine, matches and soap.

Last year, with the establishment of the Revolutionary Committee, great changes have taken place in the supply of all kinds of food. Tobacco and wine are back in supply, but they are all purchased with tickets or certificates, and the quantity is also small. According to the household, 10 packs of cigarettes (10 packs of mixed grades) and 1 jin of yam wine are supplied every month, and 1 jin of sorghum wine is supplied during the new year.

Now, in the countryside, the tail is cut off, and the cities and towns are not allowed to open up wasteland for farming and raise chickens and ducks. People's daily necessities can only be purchased with various tickets.

As a result, the phenomenon of "long lines, crowding and fighting" appeared on the street in front of them. In the eyes of local people, they are used to it and despise the couple.

In the words of an old woman, you are lucky to be soldiers. You're wandering around and asking questions. Otherwise, you have to go to the Revolutionary Committee to check the details.

Look at this. It's not easy to mix in big cities!

Seeing this, the couple didn't stay in the local area much. They even had to queue up for half a day to buy things. They could only regret to go down to the small county.

But the problem is, do you think it's easy to get along in a small county? Once a stranger appeared, there would have been enthusiastic people searching for and following him. If it hadn't been for an officer's certificate and a letter of introduction, Zhou Xiaozheng would have come to collect the person himself.

This time, compared with the neighboring big cities, the phenomenon of queuing up for shopping is better. Finally, we can buy some local local products. In the process, a uniform is also very popular.

Just walking and stopping, the couple had a good time. They also went all the way to the countryside to see the educated youth and the prisoners in the cowshed.

The excuse is all Zhang Guoqing's nonsense. It's also a pity that for the sake of safety, they can't be short of outsiders all the time. They want to offer love completely.

Along the way, I saw that there were civil air defense people all over the place. The couple didn't want to be disillusioned and set foot on the journey again. Especially, Zhang Guoqing's purpose was to make his little girl happily stroll back to her hometown, but he didn't come to be regarded as a 250!

In the second stop, they chose Liu Sanyuan's hometown. Besides being close to their hometown, there are also grasslands nearby, which have more advantages for local households.

It's really convenient to have acquaintances.

Over the years, Liu Sanyuan has written with Zhou Xiaozheng and Zhang Guoqing Weng. In 1965, this guy went to the capital for his unit to hold meetings, and gathered with them to have a good drink.

As for the arrival of their husband and wife, the eater was not at all soft hearted and willing to spend money. When they met happily, he did not even go to work. He immediately took them to a restaurant to have a meal.

This guy is as hospitable as ever, and he doesn't forget to pat his chest to ensure that they can eat delicious food every day these days. That is to say, his temperament has always made Zhou Xiaozheng willing to associate.

Zhang Guoqing repeatedly promised that he would not be polite to him, so he gave up the hospitality of going to his home.

How to say that? To Zhou Jiao, strangers are too warm, she is not used to, there is a kind of can't wait to leave the valley.

When she visited Liu Sanyuan's parents and wife the next day, she took the lead to say goodbye. She finally realized what it was like to be in love with others.When she left the city, the enthusiasm of the Liu Sanyuan family made Zhang Guoqing's exclamation and moved her mind. This time, the couple decided to go to the northernmost corps to see their brothers and sisters.

In this world, there are friends who have been together for a long time, and even those who had been crazy together when they were young.

Maybe one day, at a certain time, they will disappear. When they are young, when they have the opportunity, when their hearts move, they want to leave more memories.

The train is speeding North! northward! All the way north! Countless trees and poles slide through the window, and strange station names come to you one by one

The train stopped at a small station near the border line. The first to greet them was the mosquito. The mosquito is big and black. It stings people like a needle. Even the clothes of khaki cloth can bite through.

Their husband and wife came here just in time for the wheat harvest. There are two kinds of people busy in the vast wheat field. One is the masters of kaikangbein.

The other is ordinary farm workers and educated youth, who cooperate with the masters who can open semi-automatic combaine to open the harvesting channel.

When they arrived, the friends on the ground had no time to meet again and have a hug for a moment. In order to rush to harvest in the fine weather, they put into the farm work in a hurry.

It is said that she has to go to work at 3:30 a.m. these days, but she can't see the end of work in the evening. She has to work for 15 or 16 hours in the scorching sun. Zhou Jiao suddenly regrets coming here.

How can she tell her family what she saw and heard when she goes back? How many mothers are waiting at home like Jin Lijuan? , the fastest update of the webnovel!