In the dead of the night, cicadas and frogs are singing. In the bedroom on the second floor, the window is closed. The light of egg yolk reflects Zhou Jiao like a porcelain doll.

"Really, I don't have to ask for leave to accompany you?"

After the passion, Zhou Jiao, who was gnawed to only one breath, collapsed in his arms, sipped her lips, "hum," and then glanced at him coolly.

"Ha ha ha..." Zhang Guoqing's suppressed laughter, as always, stirred her heartstrings. Let her make complaints about her indifferent words.

The weak little daughter-in-law leans lazily against her arms like a cat, and secretly turns her eyes. This style makes Zhang Guoqing want to move again.

Fondle her back fondly, and gently gnaw teeth with crystal clear earlobe, "baby, you come back early, I will miss you very much."

Zhou Jiao, whose face was flushed by his deliberate aggravating manner and tone, could no longer help twisting his waist, and then patted with regret.

There is no fat at all!

"Honey, your husband is a good figure! You'll always be very happy. Come on, touch, really eight ABS, and your favorite... "

If you don't agree with me, you'll open the color. If you have a chance, you want to play. This stinky man's virtue Zhou Jiao immediately covered his mouth, holding back heart palpitations, tough changed the topic.

"Your favorite hairy crabs are almost gone. Can you find the father and son again this time?"

Concerning the safety of his little daughter-in-law, Zhang Guoqing immediately stopped, "a past contact with each other, to a time difference, no problem in a week."

"Why do I say again and again whether I want to accompany you? I'm afraid you're in a hurry. Even if the farmer's market will be closed immediately, the rural market will not be broken up.

If you think about it, supply exceeds demand, and output is always needed. In order not to waste, in order to sell the surplus materials at home, the wisdom of the people is incomparable, there is no way to think of anything. "

On this point, Zhou Jiao had a good idea, but she still looked at him with admiration in her eyes. Let Zhang Guoqing talk for a while.

Ouch, this period of time is painfully idle, different from the work arrangement of tied hands and feet. When he has free time, he will think wildly.

"It's a pity that we have to go to work, or we can take you around the whole of China. What's fun and what's delicious is everything. "

"You don't know what a pity you didn't take you back to your hometown this time. Now it's near the mountain, but there's everything. In such a good season, it's painful to think of so many wild fruits in the mountains. Daughter in law, you rub it for me

Zhou Jiao slapped him funny. It's not a pity that she prefers to buy things without spending money abroad than at home. In addition to most of the foreign currency she exchanged for high-end luxury goods such as diamonds, gems, jewelry, and the best bird's nest, most of the rest didn't cost much.

This is still because she is worried that there is not enough space. Otherwise, she will not know how many things will be touched by the trucks she met along the way.

Compared with the first time to go abroad shun food Shun coal, this week Jiao learned fine, not expensive still occupied area, she is a glance are lazy to pay attention to.

As the successor of socialism in the new era, we should treat those "enemies" who have invaded the motherland as well as eliminate harm for the people?

In the future, when the assets are clear, the ill gotten gains will be used by more needy compatriots. Zhou Jiao thinks that she is not a good person, but she has a different love for this land.

A son is not afraid of his mother's ugliness. In the same way, the motherland that has raised her for two generations, even though it is now a poor and two white country, it is also a time of internal and external troubles, but it is still the motherland she does not want to leave.

On the way to Haishi, the warm and sincere crew on the train, Mandarin with different accents in all directions, these are the sense of belonging that is not available in foreign countries.

The sea market in summer is still as sultry as ever. A female comrade holding a sign at the entrance of the station stood meticulously among the people who were waiting for the station.

This is her countryman!

There is no white man with haughty eyes because of his yellow skin, black hair and black eyes, and no one who has lost his smile because of no tips.

"Comrade, I am Zhou Jiao."

"Hello, Comrade Zhou Jiao." The other party's eyes flashed a bit of amazement, and then said with a smile, "I am the Miao Xiaoqing sent by this unit to pick up the station."

Zhou Jiao knew that the other party should make up her own image by her brain. She laughed without caring. She reached out and held Miao Xiaoqing's hand. "Comrade Miao, it's hard!"

"Weekly notice, not hard work, all for the people."

Zhou Jiao looked at each other without a trace. With a short sleeve white shirt and four pockets of dark blue trousers, it seems that Haishi is indeed a big city. Compared with the reception staff in other provinces and cities, the conditions here are very good.

In particular, he has short hair, a warm smile on his face, and a spirit of life comfort all over his body. It seems that the treatment is very good.

Compared with myself, a white shirt with some yellowing after washing and some white trousers, it seems that, as if, I am a little too coquettish."The unit has sent a car, and the driver Xiao Wang is waiting outside. It's not yet time for work in the afternoon. Shall we go to the guest house first?"

I didn't expect that Xiao Wang, the driver of the family, went up with the couple. Zhou Jiao chuckled and nodded. She declined to help carry her luggage and left with her.

She always has very little luggage when she goes out on business. She only takes her bedding when she goes to the countryside. At ordinary times, especially in summer to travel to big cities, a briefcase is packed in the diagonal military arm, and another luggage bag to cover up is enough.

If you go on a business trip at public expense, everything can be reimbursed. But Zhou Jiao is not like extravagance and waste generation, of course, she is not willing to aggrieve herself. But this time, the guest house arranged by the subordinate unit for her was good, with a single room on the second floor. It seems that she still has the advantage from the capital.

Zhou Jiao exchanged greetings with each other and arranged to go to the unit at what time in the afternoon. If there are meal tickets, the internal canteen can solve the problem.

But this meeting time is nearly 12:30, she is also too lazy to squeeze the canteen, estimated there are clean up, why bother people.

After washing, she did not rest. She found a nearby restaurant, ordered a bowl of noodles, and put a pad on her stomach. She took a walk and strolled around to inquire about the latest news about the sea market.

In addition to food and clothing, the biggest entertainment of ordinary people is to discuss gossip in groups.

What's more, some so-called "capable people" can mysteriously and mysteriously give some rumors about someone who is far away from home.

But every time someone passes by, there are always some clues left behind. I really want to get a more or less real side of it than in the newspaper. , the fastest update of the webnovel!