After Xi Sanren left, Zhou Xiaozheng, who was slightly drunk, walked out of the living room. The smile on Zhou Jiao's face became more and more brilliant, and she could not hold back the laughter any longer.

- her father said that his little cotton padded jacket finally survived five years without leaving a mark on his hand. He was very, very happy when he was Laozi.

Zhang Guoqing followed, "daughter-in-law, I am very happy, very, very happy."

Standing in the yard, smell speech, Zhou Jiao again issued bursts of happy laughter. Not to have a good job, but to understand that her father and the man next to her were happy that she was out of farm work.

"Jiao" -- from this name, she once again realized the love of her father. Her father's greatest expectation for her is that she can live a life of "Jiao".

"Brother, I'm such a charming girl! Don't change your name

Under the night, Zhang Guoqing touched her head painfully and looked at her big, shining eyes There were too many meanings in her words, but he understood them.

Before that, it was not without ignorance that the younger generation pointed to his daughter-in-law's name and showed his self righteous face. When she met him face to face, he finally had a quiet ear.

Next, there may be more storms, but he is confident. As long as he can hold her hand, he will break out a bright road even in hell.

Zhou Jiao looked down at her right hand, stretched out her left hand and tightly covered it. The strength of both hands is very warm, with him in, she has no fear!

After standing for a while, after feeling calm, Zhou Jiao took him to see his sons and went back to the bedroom and handed him the satchel. There will be many letters to be answered tonight.

"When the report is finished tomorrow, we will report the good news to my parents first."

"Well, Xiaomi, the girl, is going to come to visit her in the past two days. This time, you can save money by asking her to take the letter. Auntie sun has been worried that milk powder is not enough to eat. "

After joking, Zhang Guoqing read his father's letter first.

The second sister-in-law Lin chrysanthemum and second Sister Zhang Meihao both gave birth to girls in May.

According to Zhang's father, Chen's family is so happy that they show off when they meet an acquaintance. Compared with the Chen family, his second brother and second sister-in-law's attitude towards the little girl is too different.

Finally ask them if their work has been confirmed? Do you want to take three children back home in summer vacation?

After reading Zhang's letter, Zhang Guoqing winked at Zhou Jiao, "what do you think?"

"No wonder Mr. Zhang didn't send a telegram. Why do you think he still thinks highly of boys and girls? Two sons and two girls! Two good, old feudalism

"He was ill After scolding his second brother, he still tore the other party's envelope first, intending to see what he said. After watching it, Zhang Guoqing was really angry.

"How could he have the face to say that he had a daughter and worried about my envy, so he didn't send a telegram to stimulate me? Can I use it infrequently? Can his girl film match my son

Zhou Jiao shook her head in silence. Come on, this one is supposed to value men over women. What a big brother! Don't say second brother!

"Forget it, don't take him for granted! Jiaojiao, please look at the letter of the second elder brother. He mentioned Zhou xuena's son. Is that child the same age as us? "

Zhou Jiao nodded.

Speaking of Zhou Xue, he was sentenced to ten years at the beginning. If there was no accident, he would never get out in this life. Last year, the Liang family contacted Jiang Jiangyu, and she checked Zhou Xue, who was almost forgotten.

It is said that now the other party is still in labor reform, and no family member went to see her. Her Wang husband married an infertile daughter-in-law, but now the child does not know what to do with it?

Zhou Jiao took the letter, skimmed over the contents, and sighed after reading it. Besides being corrupt, the Wangs are really nice people. Huang Zhaodi is merciless and cruel to her, but he is still a kind-hearted mother to her daughter, which is hard work.

"They are all suffering for themselves. Don't feel sorry for the old Zhou family. Don't you think the child has a good life. A stepmother who can't have children will not abuse him in order to provide for the aged. It's better for the three of them to go to the northern wilderness. If they leave their hometown, the history will not be mentioned. It's good for the child. "

"I don't sympathize with them. I just think of Huang Zhaodi. That woman really put a lot of thought into her children. No matter how bad he is, he still has a good side. "

"No matter whether she is good or not, as long as she hands on you, she will die a hundred times."

After reading several letters, Zhang Guoqing asked them where they were assigned? It was all unimportant, and he was impatient to go over it again.

"Are you finished? What do they say? "

"Godmother sent us a package. Linzi and Taozi are planning to get married on the 11th, the latest new year's day. Let's find a way to be there. The other people are asking if we've allocated it? "

"It seems that Lin Zi and Xiao Hui have become. In these two days, he should also receive the distribution notice. I don't know where he is assigned? Last time, Xiao Hui came in a hurry and sent a big bag of things. She ran away without saying a word. The dead girl didn't show up for half a year, and I don't know where she went again? "

Zhang Guoqing thought that Hu Xiaohui saw his father-in-law come back. He was so scared that he ran away immediately. Who is the gentle and generous girl that his friends say?

What a daze!

"Last time, my mother said that Linzi would like to work in Beijing. That should be it. He couldn't come to the capital without the help of Bai family. The boy wrote so many letters that he didn't give me any information. It's not interesting! ""If Yuanyuan and her husband had been together, they would have called you back. It's just different personalities. "

Zhang Guoqing nodded and took out his pen and paper to reply. There is no need for the two brothers to reply this time. It is estimated that they will also go to work units when the letters arrive.

"You said that I have become a real soldier after I report for duty tomorrow. Should I put up military signs in the two yards of my hometown?"

Zhou Jiao was frightened by his words and staggered. Can you have a dark motive? You can calculate it before you report for duty.

"And you, check in to see whether the unit gives you 22 or 23? With the previous first-class merit, no accident, you have become a full-time, that is, level 22, with 56 yuan. If you are given level 23, only 49 yuan is more. "

"With the subsidy of 7788, it seems that we have a lot of wages. There's no money for hospitalization, no money for three sons to go to nursery, and every holiday benefit. It's really worth it. I have to fight for a free car one day

"When I got 32 yuan for the first time, I enjoyed it all day. It's really fruitless to think about it! Such good news must be told to parents that his old son's family is really on the iron rice bowl. "

"No wonder he said in the letter that he woke up laughing. Well, they don't have a burden. They don't even have a child. They don't have to eat out every day. "

Looking at Zhang Guoqing, while reciting and answering, Zhou Jiao couldn't help laughing. The fool was not so happy to move home sacks of cash from the black market.

Sure enough, the right way is still different!

After that, Zhou Jiao thought more and more that she felt that the day was really good. It's no wonder that Fang Fei said that they didn't become full-time college students as soon as they survived this year. , the fastest update of the webnovel!