"Ha ha ha..." Yi Shumin sees the child still crying all the time, raises the clothes to feed directly, "gentleness can't get up, you don't know this girl doesn't sleep in the middle of the night, which makes me uneasy every day."

Zhou Jiao saw the child eager to eat, frowned: "after these words don't say, don't look at the child is small, in fact, she can feel the adult mood."

Yi Shumin looks at her in surprise.

Zhou Jiao nodded: "really. And have you ever thought about it? If you don't speak well to children, outsiders should not misunderstand that you don't like children. You don't care about them. Can others care? "

Yi Shumin nodded thoughtfully.

"We spoil our children, and others dare not despise them." Seeing that she heard it, Zhou Jiao didn't mind spending more time saying, "when you have a month, you have to go to work again, and then you will be sent to the nursery for a week before you go home. How much time can you spend with your children other than now? "

"It's true that you have such a calculation."

Zhou Jiao's smile didn't go on. Some words point to the point, said too much seems to be too broad. Everyone is an individual and has his own standard of dealing with the world, so he can't be forced to do so.

But Yi Shumin didn't think that Zhou Jiao made a lot of sense: "did your son bring up by himself? Will it be at night? "

Can Zhou Jiao praise her son? She's not mentally handicapped: "it's not always the same before kids learn to talk. She likes to make noise at night. She either sleeps long during the day or is hungry. "

After a look at her, she nodded seriously. Zhou Jiao laughed and said, "do you want to try to set a time for baby feeding? Take your time to correct your child's routine. "

"It's no use. Xiao Fei asks me to feed her as soon as she cries. You said that this is not tap water. How can there be water when it is turned on? Every day at home, he carried his children back and forth, so that they did not like to lie on the Kang. My mother said the baby couldn't be held, and he just didn't listen

Zhou Jiao chuckled happily.

"You think it's funny, don't you?"

"It's good that Feige likes children so much. The new dad can understand

Yi Shumin thought of one thing and laughed: "you don't know Xiaofei said he must learn from Uncle Zhou."

Zhou Jiao couldn't help laughing any more. That's a good idea!

"Has the child been named?"

Yi Shumin shook his head: "the child's grandmother said to wait for one year old to name again, now a Tong's nickname is disorderly, any appellation has. During the day, Xiao Fei also let everyone call crescent moon. He was worried that the child would be confused and insane

"Crescent moon..." Zhou Jiao nodded with a smile, "this nickname is good. I didn't expect that the rough guys were very particular. "

"It can't be separated from the essence. He has now planned to let her learn martial arts when she is old. "

Zhou Jiao looked at her, beaming with happiness. She was really happy for her. This shows how important it is for women to find men.

After sitting for a while, Zhou Jiao saw that it was not early and left.

On the way home, the couple took another path and saw the light in the original Lin family courtyard. It was really different.

The next day she sent her son to kindergarten, and Zhou Jiao followed Zhang Guoqing to the city hospital. From the hospital, Zhang Guoqing has been silly, really pregnant.

Even if he knew it in his mind, he was still overjoyed to hear the expert doctor say his congratulations. In particular, the highly respected female doctor also said that Zhou Jiao was in good health and did not need to be too nervous.

"Brother, you must promise me if you want to disclose the information in the next year. Your doctor also said that it's more important for me to be happy than anything

Zhang Guoqing agreed. It's late to announce it later! It's better to be safe after three months, and now his father-in-law is busy.

Zhang Guoqing, who thinks he has found an excuse, is not guilty at all. Nothing is more important than his daughter-in-law. At the most, he will tell everyone that they will know.

At the beginning of the holiday, with Zhang Guoqing taking good care of her, Zhou Jiao left her chores. Finally, she was able to live a free life with a cup of tea and a book.

Maybe God couldn't look down. One afternoon after a week, a harsh phone ring rang, waking up Zhou Jiao who was trapped in books.

"Hello, who is it?"

"I'm Shi Dashin. I'll come here now."

Zhou Jiao opened her mouth in surprise: "Uncle Shi, I'm Zhou Jiao." By implication, are you looking for the wrong person?

"I know it's you. Come here quickly. Your father is here. "

"Yes, I'll be there in half an hour."

Hang up the phone, Zhou Jiao immediately ran back to her room, put on her overcoat and left a note for Zhang Guoqing. Otherwise, he would be in a hurry to search the capital.

After looking at the time before going out, Zhou Jiao went to see Aunt Chen again: "Ping An, I want to trouble you to pick it up today. I have something to do now."

"Leave a note for little five."

Zhou jiaochao waved after: "stay, don't wait for me for dinner."

Channeling alley, less than 30 minutes to the door of the unit, Zhou Jiao registered into the inside, looking around, just want to go to her father's office to ask about the situation.

At this time, the little colleague came to her last time, saluted her and motioned her to follow.Zhou Jiao couldn't feel her head and could only follow her closely.

The yard is still busy, and the familiar passers-by also nod their heads to say hello. Entering the last yard, Zhou Jiao's eyes flashed when she saw the meeting room inside.

"Chief, Comrade Zhou Jiao is here."

"See you!"

Zhou Jiao heard Shi Dashin's voice and pushed open the door to see that her father was looking up at herself, and there were several familiar faces sandwiched among about ten people.

What's going on here?

Shi Dashin pointed to the vacant seat and motioned for her to sit down. He looked at the crowd and cleared his throat: "OK, now that all the staff are here, open the documents on your desk."

Zhou Jiao cast a glance at her father without expression. Seeing his natural expression, she knew that there was nothing important. Then glancing at the audience, it is strange that some of them are very excited, even hiding excitement.

Yes, it's exciting! One guy took a deep breath before opening the envelope.

"And here's your mission. In order to complete the task effectively and excellently, please read the above instructions

Zhou Jiao opened it up to receive foreign guests.

"You won't be able to have a holiday in this week until all the guests have left. Now, who has a question, raise your hand first. " When Shi Dashin finished speaking, everyone shook their heads.

He nodded happily and looked at Zhou Xiaozheng: "do you think there are any problems?"

Zhou Xiaozheng is more cool than a straight face. He won't lose to the other party and gently shakes his head.

"That's it. At that time, you can listen to orders. During this period, you should pay special attention to the way of talking with people and protect the safety of the leaders. "


Zhou Jiao saw that everyone stepped down, deliberately slow down a step. She still some do not understand, they these irregular non staff personnel work in the end belongs to translation or security?

You have to know that you don't have any skills!

Seeing that everyone went out, she did not hesitate any more. With doubts, she still went out with her legs raised.

Shi Dashin looked at Zhou Xiaozheng with a smile: "how about it? I guess right. The child knows the general situation and observes his words and looks. Don't worry. It's only good for her to be exposed to the outside world. "

Zhou Xiaozheng beat his shoulder: "thank you."

"Why do we have to say these polite things between us? Just don't blame me. To tell you the truth, I think the child is steady. Smart people have everything, but... "

Zhou Xiaozheng did not say yes, but raised his lips and shook his head. In his heart, he was very pleased with the arrangement, but he could not let the other party notice.

Here Zhou Jiao came out and followed everyone into a conference room in front of her. One of the middle-aged people was the leader of the meeting, and he organized the meeting.

At this time, he took out a folder and handed it to the first place: "my name is Miao, and I am your team leader this time. This is about the information about the guests. You should write down the information first. You are not allowed to use pen and paper. "

After half an hour, ten people read the document, and the file came back to the other party.

Miao team looked at the watch: "gather here at six tomorrow morning. No problem, it will be over. I hope you will remember the confidentiality rules and arrive on time tomorrow. "

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