After the big nephew's wedding banquet, Zhou Jiao did not pay more attention to Zhang Meili's family. But look at Zhang Meili's expression, we should listen to her brother's advice.

At this moment, Zhou Jiao is not in the mood to pay attention to other people's miscellaneous things, looking at the empty room, without her husband and son's company, it is really a lonely room!

Remembering that her son told her not to sneak out alone, Zhou Jiao couldn't help laughing. Her son knows his mother!

When Zhang Guoqing and his son were walking behind Wang's three grandchildren, Zhou Jiao disguised herself and drove a car on the journey.

It is absolutely impossible to say that Zhou Jiao is not worried about the father and son who will enter the mountain. It's worry that makes her want to leave and relax. Without a destination, she drove along the main road to avoid the military area, as if to let those worries drift away.

Stop and go all the way. Before dark, I went into a big city and found a hostel. She has lost interest in the black market, and the items in the mall have not caught her interest. What's more, she seems to be out of the province. Without bills, you just take out a sack of cash and shoot it on the counter, and no one pays attention to you.

No! It's very likely to enter the police station.

In the dark, Zhou Jiao closed her eyes and tried to make herself fall asleep, but the smiling faces of her husband and son always flashed in her mind.

She went to sleep until dawn. When she woke up again, she couldn't help but feel eager to return home. She left her house and immediately set out to return to the village.

If there is no purpose at all, then this moment holding the steering wheel and looking at Zhou Jiao in front can be regarded as returning home like an arrow. Go to his ghost to go out to walk can relax mood!

Many times throughout the night, the hypothesis appears in my mind. It's better for people to scare people, especially for themselves. It's better to get closer to their father and son.

It was evening when I got home. According to the agreement, Zhang Guoqing would take her son home before dark, but Zhou Jiao understood that they didn't come back so soon with the amount of dry food and weapons powder Zhang Guoqing brought. If you can come back tomorrow afternoon, it will be Amitabha.

Zhou Jiao closes the gate when she comes back.

Zhang's father and mother stayed directly in the county after having a banquet the night before yesterday. Later, Zhang Guoqing said that he might go out for a trip, but he would never go back to the village. Therefore, this meeting should still be in the small courtyard of the county.

Standing alone in the yard looking at big green hill, she shook her head fiercely. Her son can only be superior to others so that he can have self-protection ability in case of accident.

In order to stabilize her mind, Zhou Jiao began to take out the embroidery thread and split the silk. When she woke up in the dark, she did not come back today.

She rubbed her eyes, lit the oil lamp, and took it to the kitchen to keep herself busy. This man is busy and tired, so he has no mind to think.

In the first half of the night, worried about the smell of stew, she began to put on her gloves and toss the pheasants and rabbits in the space. Hair, skin, cut small pieces, cleaning, as she more and more convenient, the speed is also gradually accelerated.

Until the foreign oil lamp was dying out, Zhou Jiao suddenly woke up. Calm down - this is a good way! Take out the flashlight, pour the oil again and light the wick.

Seeing that it was not early, she could not take care of her body's fatigue. Taking advantage of the hot pot and hot stove, she began to stew meat and stew in two large pots, and unconsciously all her hands came according to her son's taste.

After a while, the heat was rising, and it was fragrant. Zhou Jiao came out of the kitchen, stood in the yard, smelled it, looked at the neighboring yard of Zhang Laoer, and then looked at those yards in the distance that were in the dark

After such a long distance, no one should smell the fragrance. After her mind relaxed, Zhou Jiao looked at the big green hill in the distance again. I wonder if the child is asleep now?

Busy until dawn, Zhou Jiao yawned and cleaned the blood on the ground. Excited by the cold water, I went to a little sleepy, and put the last pot of shrimp cake into a bamboo basket for income.

She also fried a bowl of red pepper oil with chopped red pepper. The pungent smell covered the smell of food in the kitchen. Zhou Jiao opened the kitchen door, washed in a hurry and fell asleep on the Kang.

Zhou Jiao didn't sleep soundly. She was woken up by the sound of trumpets and the sound of killing pigs. Who killed pigs before the new year? The most important thing seems to be that the howling of pigs is too miserable, and what is the curse in the loudspeaker?

Zhou Jiao immediately bounced up from the Kang. Could it not be the boar down the mountain caused by her fragrance last night? She took out a wet towel from the space and quickly wiped her face. She immediately ran out.

Qingshan's daughter-in-law stood at the door of her house and saw Zhou Jiao coming in the distance. She was surprised and said, "did you stay in the village last night? Why not? I thought you all went to the county. "

Looking at the crowd in the distance, Zhou Jiao ignored the question, "what's going on here?"

Qingshan's daughter-in-law was overjoyed and said in a low voice, "Uncle Tiezhu's old son will marry his daughter-in-law tomorrow. You also know his aunt's temperament. This is not mean and unwilling to make money for the pig butcher. Uncle Tiezhu and his sons will kill themselves. I don't know how. The pig escaped and ran all the way from the village to our side. Auntie Tiezhu is crying and crying. It's a pity that the blood is there

Zhou Jiao tried to bear the smile, and the two people looked at each other with a smile.

As early as a few days ago, there was gossip in the village that the stingy aunt iron pillar would calculate. Who is not the end of the year cat winter idle married daughter-in-law?It must be that the new daughter-in-law can earn a busy farming job. Moreover, compared with the cold winter, there is no shortage of vegetables in the vegetable garden. This can be used as meat dishes of pig blood, can not be heartache to death.

The old captain held up his horn: "OK, let's go. Have lunch early and have a lot of work in the afternoon. Don't make a fool of yourself around here. Tiezhu's, go back and boil water. "

With the old team leader's words, everyone also scattered, and Zhang Tiezhu and his three sons tied up the dying pig and carried it back.

There are also villagers joking: "do you want to help? It's going to run again, maybe not even meat. "

A person around him patted him, "say less."

Sure! I didn't see the mother-in-law of Tiezhu's family, and her face was blue. You can't see?

Qingshan's daughter-in-law patted her legs and was anxious to go home. She just lifted her feet and suddenly thought of Zhou Jiao beside her. She said in a low voice: "go and get the money."

Zhou Jiao looked at her and ran away. Then she saw several big ladies running home happily. She had no choice but to smile. With aunt tie Zhu's temperament, I wonder if I can make enough meat dishes for this pig.

Usually, there are people in the village who have a wedding ceremony. After applying to the team, at least half of the pigs will be kept. In addition to catering, they will have to marinate for the Spring Festival. Even some people are not willing to sell meat because they want to buy meat tickets. They are salted into cured meat and can eat it for a whole year.

Qingshan's daughter-in-law ran out in the blink of an eye and pulled Zhou Jiao out. "After a period of time, I just need to be busy farming. I'll buy more. Come on, you can't buy it later. "

Zhou Jiaogang just looked at the pig with a maximum of 100 catties. Let alone the number of people in the village, Zhang Guoqing's cousins alone are not enough. How can he buy more? , the fastest update of the webnovel!