In the morning of the next morning, when every family in Zhangjia village raised smoke, Xiao Ping'an, who had a good night's dream, bounced up from the Kang, rubbed his eyes and looked at the sleeping couple in surprise.

Zhang Guoqing woke up early, suddenly opened his eyes and laughed at his son, "why do you get up so early? Go to sleep again. "

Ping An looked out of the window in bewilderment? There's no bugle, I'm not used to it. "

Zhang Guoqing just wanted to reply. He felt his wife move uneasily. He patted her gently. Seeing her go to sleep again, he went down to the Kang with his son in his arms.

Standing in the living room, the father and son exhaled at the same time and patted their chest.

Zhang Guoqing looked at the son of xiaodouding on the ground. He was very happy!

"Dad, are you going up the mountain today?"

Zhang Guoqing picked his eyebrows. "In the morning, I have to pick the lettuce and cucumbers in the backyard. If we don't pick the fruits, we will waste them."

Ping An frowned at him, pinched his finger and told him, "a kilo of wild boar can sell for one yuan, how much is the dish? Ten catties of meat can buy 100 Jin of vegetables. Can you ask brother hiko to help before dinner

Zhang Guoqing shook his short hair and said, "hurry up. Let's go early and return early. "


"Hush," Zhang Guoqing pointed to the inner room. "Your mother doesn't like us to go up the mountain. Keep your voice down. Dad is punished by your mother. You have to help him to stand up. "

Xiao Ping'an nodded happily.

The father and son rushed to the yard to wash up in a hurry. After listening to the meeting, they clapped their hands happily.

Zhang Guoqing picked up a basket from the west chamber, closed the door with his son and left. The meeting had just dawned, and their father and son did not go far. They could still come back at noon after a slip.

When he got out of the house, Ping'an didn't worry about being stopped by his mother. On the way up the mountain, he looked at the members, small people, who were working on the fields in the distance, and shook their heads.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Guoqing touched his head, followed his eyes to look at the past, some clear. He ran on and on and patted the child comfortingly.

Zhang Guoqing didn't want to fight wild animals this time. Without Zhou Jiao, on the one hand, it is inconvenient to take those things down the mountain; on the other hand, he aims to make his son more familiar with the environment.

There are dewdrops in the woods in the early morning, and there are white fog in some places. He is like a kangaroo, with his son tied to his chest and a basket behind him. He runs around in different places. When he meets something special, he begins to explain to the child how to deal with it.

The "kangaroo Doll" in front of her is serious, with her lips tightly pursed and a small stone in her hand. She narrows her eyes and listens carefully to his father's guidance.

Zhang Guoqing this time without Zhou Jiao distracted, action is very fast. The father and son did not even move their eyelids when they met the hare fleeing in the grass.

Ping An understands his father's idea that big green hill is his own backyard. With his father's ability, even if they live in the village, they don't worry about not eating meat and living a bad life.

The father and son spoke patiently and listened attentively. Time passed unconsciously, and it was two hours after Zhang Guoqing touched the periphery of the mountain.

He faced the front and whispered, "if you go in again, you will find the mountain. I don't have the ability to step into that place. I can't go back. When dad was eight years old, your great grandfather would take me in. There are all kinds of wild things in it. The most dangerous thing is not the big wild animals, but the mirin.

After walking here for about an hour or two, you will meet mirin. Dad has only been out for two times behind this maze, and we dare not go any further. The two times, once with your great grandfather and his group, or the other time with your great grandfather Wang and his team a few years ago. "

Ping An turned his eyes on the beads and looked at the distance with bright eyes. "Dad, why don't you dare to go? Is it more dangerous than mirin? Has anyone been there? "

Zhang Guoqing patted him, "I heard your grandfather say that a long time ago, someone went in, but unfortunately no one came back alive. In the past, the Taoist Masters in the middle of the mountain road hall all had martial arts skills, and they did not dare to rescue people easily.

One year, several men went into the mountain together and disappeared. Their family asked to go to the Taoist temple on the middle of the mountain. At that time, the Taoist priest sent ten disciples in. After several days, half of them came back alive. Since then, we have been handed down from our ancestors, and we can't go any further after passing through Milin. "

"Dad, I'll remember."

Zhang Guoqing smiles and pats him. Just now he deliberately exaggerated the facts, but also worried about the future growth of children, a person with curiosity to go inside.

Last time he followed Mr. Wang inside, he could hear the movements of many large animals not far away in the night. Walking in, the risk was not so obvious. Even if there was no ancestral agreement, the risk coefficient was very high.

"How about going back here? It's time for your mother to wake up and prepare lunch

Ping'an hears speech and hugs his father's neck again, "OK, next time you take me in."

"Good son!" Zhang Guoqing kisses the child in his arms and wants to run. Suddenly, he hears the roar coming from the direction of the mountain depression in front of him. His face suddenly changes and he immediately runs up a big straight tree behind him.In the blink of an eye, Zhang Guoqing has already stood on the branch of the tree to observe the movement in front of him. Unfortunately, he only hears the sound and does not know the situation. He cast a sad glance at the child in his arms.


Ping An also noticed the change just now. He shook his head excitedly and asked in a low voice, "Dad, there is a boar voice. What else? We can't see it here. "

Zhang Guoqing can't laugh or cry. It's a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers! That's the blind and the boar. While preparing weapons and overpowering drugs, he paid attention to the roar in front of him and the roar of the fallen trees.

"Pay attention to the sound. Dad will take you to the front to see what's going on. And then there's no sound. "

As he spoke, he took a look at his son, who covered his mouth in his arms, immediately went down the tree, took a detour through the old forest and climbed up a large area of bluestone mountain.

Looking at the wild animal that is fighting for life and death under the rock, Zhang Guoqing has been fighting a lot of prey over the years, and he can't help but take a breath of cold air.

One pig, two bears and three tigers!

Two bullies in the woods are killing with envy.

Fortunately, he heard an abnormal noise and stood in the upper air outlet. If a man was careless and didn't go up the rock mountain and was hit by these red eyed guys, he would have to peel off the skin.

Ping An tugged at him and pointed to a pile of old yams arched in the distance.

Zhang Guoqing nodded with appreciation.

There is only one black blind man in the small valley. The wild boar group should be a family. A big sow with more than 300 Jin and several pig sons of 200 Jin are fighting each other inside.

The cause of the matter should be this pile of old yams.

It is estimated that this group of wild boars are munching on the nutritious and delicious yam. At this time, the black blind man happened to meet him. Seeing the yams all over the place, he wanted to pick up a bargain because he was fat and full of bear gall juice.

Maybe it's not easy for other people's boars. A large family is in short of food. One is not willing to. Both sides have a decisive battle for these broken yams.

At this time, the murder case caused by yam was in full swing in the valley, and the war situation was very tragic. The black blind and wild boars were thick skinned and rough, and their strength was boundless. Now both sides had their own colors, and it was obvious that the fight was going on. , the fastest update of the webnovel!