Jiang Jiangyu, an unreliable mother, doesn't think she's neglecting her duties as a mother. She'll follow Mr. Lin and point to the shelves in her bedroom.

"Dad, is this a bogujia? It's said that it's putting antiques on it. It seems to be of high grade. It's a pity that we don't have any family background, so the child is wronged. "

Mr. Lin glanced at her. It's too obvious. He refused to answer and then looked from room to room.

Jiang Jiangyu didn't care. She didn't believe it. If she talked too much, the old man would not listen. It was his grandson. She doesn't move to her mother's house. Besides, her parents won't take it.

"Dad, take a look at this wooden bed. It's said that the gilded shelf bed was only available to those noble families. It's a pity that it's not a whole set. It's a wonderful sight if it's a whole set for children. "

He pointed to the four sticks on the wooden bed. "What kind of wood is this?" he said? Don't listen to people's nonsense. Even I can see that people are ordinary beds. "

Jiang Jiangyu nodded, "Dad, if you say you are a big old man, you are not laughing off people's big teeth. If we don't want it, we can see it later and we can't make a joke

Lin Aiguo looked at the old man speechless, and stood there unwilling to move. I just hope that the big nephew with a wink will take this fool away quickly.

As for his brother, he has no hope, do not know what kind of fool. It's no wonder that such a fussy daughter-in-law is spoiled.

Now Lin Aiguo just wants to go back and ask his daughter-in-law, did her daughter change with the children of the second family at that time? How did he feel more and more that his daughter followed his sister-in-law?

"Dad, do you think this is just like my mom's? Unfortunately, this one doesn't work. I can't buy it even if I want to. "

Mr. Lin went back to her and said, "that one can change your whole yard."

Jiang Jiangyu was stunned. After a long time, she ran out of the room and followed the old man closely. "Dad, are the wood with fragrance all valuable?"

Mr. Lin did not return to the head of the walk, "ask the second, he understand."

Jiang Jiangyu still followed him, "OK, I'll go shopping with you first."

Mr. Lin has the heart to say that you are busy with you. I don't need your company. But think of the eldest son, or don't let the second face.

Next, from the east room to the west room, Jiang Jiang Yu was not satisfied with everything and wanted to change everywhere. At the critical moment when master Lin could not bear it any more, he really needed no more tolerance.

Lin Dingsheng came out to save the scene with a smile.

As soon as he came in, he called out, "Sir, I'm tired. Let's go back first, and we'll see later when we're free. Anyway, this is our house. Come here whenever you want. "

Seeing the smiling grandson, Mr. Lin felt much more comfortable. He looked at the sky outside and nodded with a smile. It's really late.

On the way back, Mr. Lin looked at the night outside, and some young people in the street rushed by and finally remembered that he had a grandson.

He turned his head and looked at his eldest son, "is Xiaohui graduating soon? Where are you going to let him go? The child is old too. I don't know when he is going to get married and assign a house. Should you also buy a small courtyard? "

"I will consider it," Lin Aiguo nodded

"Compared with ordinary children, it's too late for our children to get married. Xiao Hui, you should find a good daughter-in-law for him as soon as possible. It's a fast time. "

Lin Aiguo listened to the old man's words and looked out of the window. He was distracted for a moment. Time is merciless, he is also going to be a grandfather.

The father and son fell silent for a moment.

After a long time, Mr. Lin said, "I'll have dinner at home and sit with your mother."

On the other side, Lin's second brother looked at his elder brother, and he looked out of the window. He wanted to talk to the boss that day, but someone came in and interrupted him. Then he couldn't speak.

It's the same at the moment. What's the use of more company?

The security guard driving felt the heavy atmosphere inside the car, which made him speechless. This family likes to look out of the window. I don't know if it's hereditary.

The car finally arrived at the sanatorium in his hands. Looking at the tree lined road and the occasional cool old comrades on both sides, he suddenly did not envy these high-ranking cadres. No matter how tired the parents in the village live, they are healthy and comfortable.

Lin Aiguo looked around, frowned, and looked at the old man walking towards the living room with his hands behind his back. He hesitated and quickened a few steps.

"Dad, if you like to stay in the sanatorium, I'll quit at the courtyard."

Mr. Lin turned his head and asked angrily, "what? Did someone say something in front of you? Can't I stay here to recuperate when I'm not in good health

Lin Aiguo shook his head and said in a deep voice: "who would be stupid to say so. As long as the new compound is built, most of them will be moved there, and retired comrades will definitely settle down in other places. In particular, it's better to take the initiative when people talk. "

Mr. Lin frowned slightly, waved and said, "I know it in my mind."

Lin Aiguo didn't say much about it. He knocked at the door of the old lady's room.

"It's not convenient now. Go in later."Hearing the response of his aunt inside, he knew that he should change the old lady's clothes and go back to the living room to sit down.

On the other side, Lin AI Dang is discussing the return time with the old man. Seeing that the holiday was coming, they also had to leave, but the result was unknown.

"Don't leave until it's due. What are you going to do about what you said last time? Do you want to retire? "

Lin AI Dang shook his head. "I still like to stay in the army. What kind of job can you get back from the army? Or wait. The victory brothers can be transferred back

"Your father-in-law and I have found a lot of people and want to transfer back. At present, there is no play. You can do that if you want to, but don't forget to supervise them to study culture. It would be better if they could get into the military academy. "

Lin AI Dang smiles and shakes his head. "No one in our family can read except Xiaohui. He followed my sister-in-law. "

"Stinky boy."

"There's no way. Children reading that meeting, which I did not use the belt to draw, not they are not serious, is really no talent

"OK, do you think it's a glorious thing?"

With that, she gave him a look. I secretly complained that the child married the daughter of the old Jiang family. It was useless for his wife to object so much at the beginning. Alas Children are debts, which cannot be paid off.

When the door of the old lady's room was opened, the aunt came out with a basin of dirty clothes, and said to the old man, "chief, I'm busy here. I'll set up the meal soon."

The old man nodded and said gently, "OK, take your time, don't worry."

Lin Aiguo watched the sweating aunt in and out to change water. When she came into the room, she suggested to the old man in a low voice: "Dad, add another nanny."

Mr. Lin nodded, stood up and went to the study, "I'll go and lie down for a while, and then call me after dinner."

Seeing him leave, Lin Aiguo also came to the yard, stood there and lit a cigarette and took a few puffs. Glancing at his younger brother, he looked up at the sky.

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